// Package main shows how to use jet template parser with ease using the Iris built-in Jet view engine.
// This example is customized fork of https://github.com/CloudyKit/jet/tree/master/examples/todos, so you can
// notice the differences side by side.
package main

import (


type tTODO struct {
	Text string
	Done bool

type doneTODOs struct {
	list map[string]*tTODO
	keys []string
	len  int
	i    int

func (dt *doneTODOs) New(todos map[string]*tTODO) *doneTODOs {
	dt.len = len(todos)
	for k := range todos {
		dt.keys = append(dt.keys, k)
	dt.list = todos
	return dt

// Range satisfies the jet.Ranger interface and only returns TODOs that are done,
// even when the list contains TODOs that are not done.
func (dt *doneTODOs) Range() (reflect.Value, reflect.Value, bool) {
	for dt.i < dt.len {
		key := dt.keys[dt.i]
		if dt.list[key].Done {
			return reflect.ValueOf(key), reflect.ValueOf(dt.list[key]), false
	return reflect.Value{}, reflect.Value{}, true

func (dt *doneTODOs) Render(r *view.JetRuntime) {
	r.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("custom renderer")))

// Render implements jet.Renderer interface
func (t *tTODO) Render(r *view.JetRuntime) {
	done := "yes"
	if !t.Done {
		done = "no"
	r.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("TODO: %s (done: %s)", t.Text, done)))

func main() {
	// Type aliases:
	// view.JetRuntimeVars = jet.VarMap
	// view.JetRuntime = jet.Runtime
	// view.JetArguments = jet.Arguments
	// Iris also gives you the ability to put runtime variables
	// from middlewares as well, by:
	// view.AddJetRuntimeVars(ctx, vars)
	// or tmpl.AddRuntimeVars(ctx, vars)
	// The Iris Jet fixes the issue when custom jet.Ranger and custom jet.Renderer are not actually work at all,
	// hope that this is a temp issue on the jet parser itself and authors will fix it soon
	// so we can remove the "hacks" we've putted for those to work as expected.

	app := iris.New()
	tmpl := iris.Jet("./views", ".jet") // <--
	tmpl.Reload(true)                   // remove in production.
	tmpl.AddFunc("base64", func(a view.JetArguments) reflect.Value {
		a.RequireNumOfArguments("base64", 1, 1)

		buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
		fmt.Fprint(buffer, a.Get(0))

		return reflect.ValueOf(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(buffer.Bytes()))
	app.RegisterView(tmpl) // <--

	var todos = map[string]*tTODO{
		"example-todo-1": {Text: "Add an show todo page to the example project", Done: true},
		"example-todo-2": {Text: "Add an add todo page to the example project"},
		"example-todo-3": {Text: "Add an update todo page to the example project"},
		"example-todo-4": {Text: "Add an delete todo page to the example project", Done: true},

	app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {
		ctx.View("todos/index.jet", todos) // <--
		// Note that the `ctx.View` already logs the error if logger level is allowing it and returns the error.

	app.Get("/todo", func(ctx iris.Context) {
		id := ctx.URLParam("id")
		todo, ok := todos[id]
		if !ok {

		ctx.View("todos/show.jet", todo)
	app.Get("/all-done", func(ctx iris.Context) {
		// vars := make(view.JetRuntimeVars)
		// vars.Set("showingAllDone", true)
		// vars.Set("title", "Todos - All Done")
		// view.AddJetRuntimeVars(ctx, vars)
		// ctx.View("todos/index.jet", (&doneTODOs{}).New(todos))
		// OR

		ctx.ViewData("showingAllDone", true)
		ctx.ViewData("title", "Todos - All Done")

		// Key does not actual matter at all here.
		// However, you can enable it for better performance.
		// In order to enable key mapping for
		// jet specific renderer and ranger types
		// you have to initialize the View Engine
		// with `tmpl.DisableViewDataTypeCheck("_jet")`.
		// Defaults to type checks, empty key.
		ctx.ViewData("_jet", (&doneTODOs{}).New(todos))

	port := os.Getenv("PORT")
	if len(port) == 0 {
		port = ":8080"
	} else if !strings.HasPrefix(":", port) {
		port = ":" + port
