package main import ( "regexp" "" ) func main() { app := iris.New() // At the previous example "routing/basic", // we've seen static routes, group of routes, subdomains, wildcard subdomains, a small example of parameterized path // with a single known paramete and custom http errors, now it's time to see wildcard parameters and macros. // Iris, like net/http std package registers route's handlers // by a Handler, the iris' type of handler is just a func(ctx iris.Context) // where context comes from // // Iris has the easiest and the most powerful routing process you have ever meet. // // At the same time, // Iris has its own interpeter(yes like a programming language) // for route's path syntax and their dynamic path parameters parsing and evaluation, // We call them "macros" for shortcut. // How? It calculates its needs and if not any special regexp needed then it just // registers the route with the low-level underline path syntax, // otherwise it pre-compiles the regexp and adds the necessary middleware(s). // // Standard macro types for parameters: // +------------------------+ // | {param:string} | // +------------------------+ // string type // anything (single path segmnent) // // +-------------------------------+ // | {param:int} | // +-------------------------------+ // int type // -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 (x64) or -2147483648 to 2147483647 (x32), depends on the host arch // // +------------------------+ // | {param:int8} | // +------------------------+ // int8 type // -128 to 127 // // +------------------------+ // | {param:int16} | // +------------------------+ // int16 type // -32768 to 32767 // // +------------------------+ // | {param:int32} | // +------------------------+ // int32 type // -2147483648 to 2147483647 // // +------------------------+ // | {param:int64} | // +------------------------+ // int64 type // -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 // // +------------------------+ // | {param:uint} | // +------------------------+ // uint type // 0 to 18446744073709551615 (x64) or 0 to 4294967295 (x32) // // +------------------------+ // | {param:uint8} | // +------------------------+ // uint8 type // 0 to 255 // // +------------------------+ // | {param:uint16} | // +------------------------+ // uint16 type // 0 to 65535 // // +------------------------+ // | {param:uint32} | // +------------------------+ // uint32 type // 0 to 4294967295 // // +------------------------+ // | {param:uint64} | // +------------------------+ // uint64 type // 0 to 18446744073709551615 // // +---------------------------------+ // | {param:bool} or {param:boolean} | // +---------------------------------+ // bool type // only "1" or "t" or "T" or "TRUE" or "true" or "True" // or "0" or "f" or "F" or "FALSE" or "false" or "False" // // +------------------------+ // | {param:alphabetical} | // +------------------------+ // alphabetical/letter type // letters only (upper or lowercase) // // +------------------------+ // | {param:file} | // +------------------------+ // file type // letters (upper or lowercase) // numbers (0-9) // underscore (_) // dash (-) // point (.) // no spaces ! or other character // // +------------------------+ // | {param:path} | // +------------------------+ // path type // anything, should be the last part, can be more than one path segment, // i.e: "/test/{param:path}" and request: "/test/path1/path2/path3" , ctx.Params().Get("param") == "path1/path2/path3" // // +------------------------+ // | {param:uuid} | // +------------------------+ // UUIDv4 (and v1) path parameter validation. // // +------------------------+ // | {param:mail} | // +------------------------+ // Email without domain validation. // // +------------------------+ // | {param:email} | // +------------------------+ // Email with domain validation. // // // +------------------------+ // | {param:date} | // +------------------------+ // yyyy/mm/dd format e.g. /blog/{param:date} matches /blog/2022/04/21. // // // If type is missing then parameter's type is defaulted to string, so // {param} is identical to {param:string}. // // If a function not found on that type then the `string` macro type's functions are being used. // // // Besides the fact that iris provides the basic types and some default "macro funcs" // you are able to register your own too!. // // Register a named path parameter function: // app.Macros().Number.RegisterFunc("min", func(argument int) func(paramValue string) bool { // [...] // return true/false -> true means valid. // }) // // at the func(argument ...) you can have any standard type, it will be validated before the server starts // so don't care about performance here, the only thing it runs at serve time is the returning func(paramValue string) bool. // // {param:string equal(iris)} , "iris" will be the argument here: // app.Macros().String.RegisterFunc("equal", func(argument string) func(paramValue string) bool { // return func(paramValue string) bool { return argument == paramValue } // }) // Optionally, set custom handler on path parameter type error: app.Macros().Get("uuid").HandleError(func(ctx iris.Context, paramIndex int, err error) { ctx.StatusCode(iris.StatusBadRequest) param := ctx.Params().GetEntryAt(paramIndex) ctx.JSON(iris.Map{ "error": err.Error(), "message": "invalid path parameter", "parameter": param.Key, "value": param.ValueRaw, }) }) // http://localhost:8080/user/bb4f33e4-dc08-40d8-9f2b-e8b2bb615c0e -> OK // http://localhost:8080/user/dsadsa-invalid-uuid -> NOT FOUND app.Get("/user/{id:uuid}", func(ctx iris.Context) { id := ctx.Params().Get("id") ctx.WriteString(id) }) // +------------------------+ // | {param:email} | // +------------------------+ // Email + mx look uppath parameter validation. // Note that, you can also use the simpler ":mail" to accept any domain email. // http://localhost:8080/user/email/ -> OK // http://localhost:8080/user/email/b-c@ -> NOT FOUND app.Get("/user/email/{user_email:email}", func(ctx iris.Context) { email := ctx.Params().Get("user_email") ctx.WriteString(email) }) // http://localhost:8080/blog/2022/04/21 app.Get("/blog/{date:date}", func(ctx iris.Context) { // rawTimeValue := ctx.Params().GetEntry("d").ValueRaw.(time.Time) // OR rawTimeValue, _ := ctx.Params().GetTime("date") // yearMonthDay := rawTimeValue.Format("2006/01/02") // OR yearMonthDay := ctx.Params().SimpleDate("date") ctx.Writef("Raw time.Time.String value: %v\nyyyy/mm/dd: %s\n", rawTimeValue, yearMonthDay) }) // you can use the "string" type which is valid for a single path parameter that can be anything. app.Get("/username/{name}", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("Hello %s", ctx.Params().Get("name")) }) // type is missing = {name:string} // Let's register our first macro attached to uint64 macro type. // "min" = the function // "minValue" = the argument of the function // func(uint64) bool = our func's evaluator, this executes in serve time when // a user requests a path which contains the :uint64 macro parameter type with the min(...) macro parameter function. app.Macros().Get("uint64").RegisterFunc("min", func(minValue uint64) func(uint64) bool { // type of "paramValue" should match the type of the internal macro's evaluator function, which in this case is "uint64". return func(paramValue uint64) bool { return paramValue >= minValue } }) // http://localhost:8080/profile/id>=20 // this will throw 404 even if it's found as route on : /profile/0, /profile/blabla, /profile/-1 // macro parameter functions are optional of course. app.Get("/profile/{id:uint64 min(20)}", func(ctx iris.Context) { // second parameter is the error but it will always nil because we use macros, // the validaton already happened. id := ctx.Params().GetUint64Default("id", 0) ctx.Writef("Hello id: %d", id) }) // to change the error code per route's macro evaluator: app.Get("/profile/{id:uint64 min(1)}/friends/{friendid:uint64 min(1) else 504}", func(ctx iris.Context) { id := ctx.Params().GetUint64Default("id", 0) friendid := ctx.Params().GetUint64Default("friendid", 0) ctx.Writef("Hello id: %d looking for friend id: %d", id, friendid) }) // this will throw e 504 error code instead of 404 if all route's macros not passed. // :uint8 0 to 255. app.Get("/ages/{age:uint8 else 400}", func(ctx iris.Context) { age, _ := ctx.Params().GetUint8("age") ctx.Writef("age selected: %d", age) }) // Another example using a custom regexp or any custom logic. // Register your custom argument-less macro function to the :string param type. latLonExpr := "^-?[0-9]{1,3}(?:\\.[0-9]{1,10})?$" latLonRegex, err := regexp.Compile(latLonExpr) if err != nil { panic(err) } // MatchString is a type of func(string) bool, so we use it as it is. app.Macros().Get("string").RegisterFunc("coordinate", latLonRegex.MatchString) app.Get("/coordinates/{lat:string coordinate() else 502}/{lon:string coordinate() else 502}", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("Lat: %s | Lon: %s", ctx.Params().Get("lat"), ctx.Params().Get("lon")) }) // // Another one is by using a custom body. app.Macros().Get("string").RegisterFunc("range", func(minLength, maxLength int) func(string) bool { return func(paramValue string) bool { return len(paramValue) >= minLength && len(paramValue) <= maxLength } }) app.Get("/limitchar/{name:string range(1,200)}", func(ctx iris.Context) { name := ctx.Params().Get("name") ctx.Writef(`Hello %s | the name should be between 1 and 200 characters length otherwise this handler will not be executed`, name) }) // // Register your custom macro function which accepts a slice of strings `[...,...]`. app.Macros().Get("string").RegisterFunc("has", func(validNames []string) func(string) bool { return func(paramValue string) bool { for _, validName := range validNames { if validName == paramValue { return true } } return false } }) app.Get("/static_validation/{name:string has([kataras,gerasimos,maropoulos])}", func(ctx iris.Context) { name := ctx.Params().Get("name") ctx.Writef(`Hello %s | the name should be "kataras" or "gerasimos" or "maropoulos" otherwise this handler will not be executed`, name) }) // // http://localhost:8080/game/a-zA-Z/level/42 // remember, alphabetical is lowercase or uppercase letters only. app.Get("/game/{name:alphabetical}/level/{level:int}", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("name: %s | level: %s", ctx.Params().Get("name"), ctx.Params().Get("level")) }) app.Get("/lowercase/static", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("static and dynamic paths are not conflicted anymore!") }) // let's use a trivial custom regexp that validates a single path parameter // which its value is only lowercase letters. // http://localhost:8080/lowercase/anylowercase app.Get("/lowercase/{name:string regexp(^[a-z]+)}", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("name should be only lowercase, otherwise this handler will never executed: %s", ctx.Params().Get("name")) }) // http://localhost:8080/single_file/app.js app.Get("/single_file/{myfile:file}", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("file type validates if the parameter value has a form of a file name, got: %s", ctx.Params().Get("myfile")) }) // http://localhost:8080/myfiles/any/directory/here/ // this is the only macro type that accepts any number of path segments. app.Get("/myfiles/{directory:path}", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Writef("path type accepts any number of path segments, path after /myfiles/ is: %s", ctx.Params().Get("directory")) }) // for wildcard path (any number of path segments) without validation you can use: // /myfiles/* // "{param}"'s performance is exactly the same of ":param"'s. // alternatives -> ":param" for single path parameter and "*" for wildcard path parameter. // Note these: // if "/mypath/*" then the parameter name is "*". // if "/mypath/{myparam:path}" then the parameter has two names, one is the "*" and the other is the user-defined "myparam". // WARNING: // A path parameter name should contain only alphabetical letters or digits. Symbols like '_' are NOT allowed. // Last, do not confuse `ctx.Params()` with `ctx.Values()`. // Path parameter's values can be retrieved from `ctx.Params()`, // context's local storage that can be used to communicate between handlers and middleware(s) can be stored to `ctx.Values()`. // // When registering different parameter types in the same exact path pattern, the path parameter's name // should differ e.g. // /path/{name:string} // /path/{id:uint} app.Listen(":8080") }