package main import ( "crypto/md5" "fmt" "io" "mime/multipart" "os" "path" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" ) func init() { os.Mkdir("./uploads", 0700) } const ( maxSize = 1 * iris.GB uploadDir = "./uploads" ) func main() { app := iris.New() view := iris.HTML("./views", ".html") view.AddFunc("formatBytes", func(b int64) string { const unit = 1000 if b < unit { return fmt.Sprintf("%d B", b) } div, exp := int64(unit), 0 for n := b / unit; n >= unit; n /= unit { div *= unit exp++ } return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f %cB", float64(b)/float64(div), "kMGTPE"[exp]) }) app.RegisterView(view) // Serve assets (e.g. javascript, css). // app.HandleDir("/public", iris.Dir("./public")) app.Get("/", index) app.Get("/upload", uploadView) app.Post("/upload", upload) filesRouter := app.Party("/files") { filesRouter.HandleDir("/", iris.Dir(uploadDir), iris.DirOptions{ Compress: true, ShowList: true, // Optionally, force-send files to the client inside of showing to the browser. Attachments: iris.Attachments{ Enable: true, // Optionally, control data sent per second: Limit: 50.0 * iris.KB, Burst: 100 * iris.KB, // Change the destination name through: // NameFunc: func(systemName string) string {...} }, DirList: iris.DirListRich(iris.DirListRichOptions{ // Optionally, use a custom template for listing: // Tmpl: dirListRichTemplate, TmplName: "dirlist.html", }), }) auth := basicauth.New(basicauth.Config{ Users: map[string]string{ "myusername": "mypassword", }, }) filesRouter.Delete("/{file:path}", auth, deleteFile) } app.Listen(":8080") } func index(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Redirect("/upload") } func uploadView(ctx iris.Context) { now := time.Now().Unix() h := md5.New() io.WriteString(h, strconv.FormatInt(now, 10)) token := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil)) ctx.View("upload.html", token) } func upload(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.SetMaxRequestBodySize(maxSize) _, err := ctx.UploadFormFiles(uploadDir, beforeSave) if err != nil { ctx.StopWithError(iris.StatusPayloadTooRage, err) return } ctx.Redirect("/files") } func beforeSave(ctx iris.Context, file *multipart.FileHeader) { ip := ctx.RemoteAddr() ip = strings.ReplaceAll(ip, ".", "_") ip = strings.ReplaceAll(ip, ":", "_") file.Filename = ip + "-" + file.Filename } func deleteFile(ctx iris.Context) { // It does not contain the system path, // as we are not exposing it to the user. fileName := ctx.Params().Get("file") filePath := path.Join(uploadDir, fileName) if err := os.RemoveAll(filePath); err != nil { ctx.StopWithError(iris.StatusInternalServerError, err) return } ctx.Redirect("/files") }