package test
// Contains tests for render/rest
import (
type renderTestInformationType struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"info"`
FirstAttr string `xml:"first,attr"`
SecondAttr string `xml:"second,attr"`
Name string `xml:"name",json:"name"`
Birth string `xml:"birth",json:"birth"`
Stars int `xml:"stars",json:"stars"`
func TestREST(t *testing.T) {
api := iris.New()
dataContents := []byte("Some binary data here.")
textContents := "Plain text here"
JSONPContents := map[string]string{"hello": "jsonp"}
JSONPCallback := "callbackName"
JSONXMLContents := renderTestInformationType{
XMLName: xml.Name{Local: "info", Space: "info"}, // only need to verify that later
FirstAttr: "this is the first attr",
SecondAttr: "this is the second attr",
Name: "Iris web framework",
Birth: "13 March 2016",
Stars: 4064,
markdownContents := "# Hello dynamic markdown from Iris"
api.Get("/data", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Data(iris.StatusOK, dataContents)
api.Get("/text", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Text(iris.StatusOK, textContents)
api.Get("/jsonp", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.JSONP(iris.StatusOK, JSONPCallback, JSONPContents)
api.Get("/json", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, JSONXMLContents)
api.Get("/xml", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.XML(iris.StatusOK, JSONXMLContents)
api.Get("/markdown", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
ctx.Markdown(iris.StatusOK, markdownContents)
e := tester(api, t)
dataT := e.GET("/data").Expect()
textT := e.GET("/text").Expect()
textT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("text/plain; charset=UTF-8")
/* JSONPT := e.GET("/jsonp").Expect()
dataT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("application/javascript; charset=UTF-8")
JSONT := e.GET("/json").Expect()
JSONT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
XMLT := e.GET("/xml").Expect()
XMLT.Header("Content-Type").Equal("text/xml; charset=UTF-8")
XMLT.Body().Equal(`<` + JSONXMLContents.XMLName.Local + ` first="` + JSONXMLContents.FirstAttr + `" second="` + JSONXMLContents.SecondAttr + `">