package main

import (


const (
	// templatesDir is the exactly the same path that .NET Core is using for its templates,
	// in order to reduce the size in the repository.
	// Change the "C\\mygopath" to your own GOPATH.
	templatesDir = "C:\\mygopath\\src\\\\kataras\\iris\\_benchmarks\\netcore-mvc-templates\\wwwroot"

func main() {
	app := iris.New()

	app.Controller("/", new(controllers.IndexController))
	app.Controller("/about", new(controllers.AboutController))
	app.Controller("/contact", new(controllers.ContactController))

	// 24 August 2017: Iris has a built'n version updater but we don't need it
	// when benchmarking...
	app.Run(iris.Addr(":5000"), iris.WithoutVersionChecker)

func configure(app *iris.Application) {
	app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./views", ".html").Layout("shared/layout.html"))
	app.StaticWeb("/public", templatesDir)

type err struct {
	Title string
	Code  int

func onError(ctx context.Context) {
	ctx.ViewData("", err{"Error", ctx.GetStatusCode()})