package redis

import (


// Database the redis back-end session database for the sessions.
type Database struct {
	redis *service.Service
	async bool

// New returns a new redis database.
func New(cfg ...service.Config) *Database {
	db := &Database{redis: service.New(cfg...)}
	runtime.SetFinalizer(db, closeDB)
	return db

// Config returns the configuration for the redis server bridge, you can change them.
func (db *Database) Config() *service.Config {
	return db.redis.Config

// Async if true passed then it will use different
// go routines to update the redis storage.
func (db *Database) Async(useGoRoutines bool) *Database {
	db.async = useGoRoutines
	return db

// Load loads the values to the underline.
func (db *Database) Load(sid string) (storeDB sessions.RemoteStore) {
	// values := make(map[string]interface{})

	if !db.redis.Connected { //yes, check every first time's session for valid redis connection
		_, err := db.redis.PingPong()
		if err != nil {
			golog.Errorf("redis database error on connect: %v", err)

	// fetch the values from this session id and copy-> store them
	storeMaybe, err := db.redis.Get(sid)
	if err != nil {
		golog.Errorf("error while trying to load session values(%s) from redis: %v", sid, err)

	storeB, ok := storeMaybe.([]byte)
	if !ok {
		golog.Errorf("something wrong, store should be stored as []byte but stored as %#v", storeMaybe)

	storeDB, err = sessions.DecodeRemoteStore(storeB) // decode the whole value, as a remote store
	if err != nil {
		golog.Errorf(`error while trying to load session values(%s) from redis:
		the retrieved value is not a sessions.RemoteStore type, please report that as bug, that should never occur`,


// Sync syncs the database.
func (db *Database) Sync(p sessions.SyncPayload) {
	if db.async {
		go db.sync(p)
	} else {

func (db *Database) sync(p sessions.SyncPayload) {
	if p.Action == sessions.ActionDestroy {
	storeB, err := p.Store.Serialize()
	if err != nil {
		golog.Error("error while encoding the remote session store")

	// not expire if zero
	seconds := 0

	if lifetime := p.Store.Lifetime; !lifetime.IsZero() {
		seconds = int(lifetime.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())

	db.redis.Set(p.SessionID, storeB, seconds)

// Close shutdowns the redis connection.
func (db *Database) Close() error {
	return closeDB(db)

func closeDB(db *Database) error {
	return db.redis.CloseConnection()