package recaptcha

import (


func init() {
	context.SetHandlerName("iris/middleware/recaptcha.*", "iris.reCAPTCHA")

const (
	// responseFormValue = "g-recaptcha-response"
	apiURL = ""

// Response is the google's recaptcha response as JSON.
type Response struct {
	ChallengeTS time.Time `json:"challenge_ts"`
	Hostname    string    `json:"hostname"`
	ErrorCodes  []string  `json:"error-codes"`
	Success     bool      `json:"success"`

// Client is the default `net/http#Client` instance which
// is used to send requests to the Google API.
// Change Client only if you know what you're doing.
var Client = netutil.Client(time.Duration(20 * time.Second))

// New accepts the google's recaptcha secret key and returns
// a middleware that verifies the request by sending a response to the google's API(V2-latest).
// Secret key can be obtained by
// Used for communication between your site and Google. Be sure to keep it a secret.
// Use `SiteVerify` to verify a request inside another handler if needed.
func New(secret string) context.Handler {
	return func(ctx context.Context) {
		if SiteVerify(ctx, secret).Success {

// SiteVerify accepts  context and the secret key(
//  and returns the google's recaptcha response, if `response.Success` is true
// then validation passed.
// Use `New` for middleware use instead.
func SiteVerify(ctx context.Context, secret string) (response Response) {
	generatedResponseID := ctx.FormValue("g-recaptcha-response")
	if generatedResponseID == "" {
		response.ErrorCodes = append(response.ErrorCodes,
			"form value[g-recaptcha-response] is empty")

	r, err := Client.PostForm(apiURL,
			"secret":   {secret},
			"response": {generatedResponseID},
			// optional: let's no track our users "remoteip": {ctx.RemoteAddr()},
	if err != nil {
		response.ErrorCodes = append(response.ErrorCodes, err.Error())

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		response.ErrorCodes = append(response.ErrorCodes, err.Error())

	err = json.Unmarshal(body, &response)
	if err != nil {
		response.ErrorCodes = append(response.ErrorCodes, err.Error())

	return response

var recaptchaForm = `<form action="%s" method="POST">
	    <script src=""></script>
		<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="%s"></div>
    	<input type="submit" name="button" value="OK">

// GetFormHTML can be used on pages where empty form
// is enough to verify that the client is not a "robot".
// i.e: GetFormHTML("public_key", "/contact")
// will return form tag which imports the google API script,
// with a simple submit button where redirects to the
// "postActionRelativePath".
// The "postActionRelativePath" MUST use the `SiteVerify` or
// followed by the `New()`'s context.Handler  (with the secret key this time)
// in order to validate if the recaptcha verified.
// The majority of applications will use a custom form,
// this function is here for ridiculous simple use cases.
// Example Code:
// Method: "POST" | Path: "/contact"
// func postContact(ctx context.Context) {
// 	// [...]
// 	response := recaptcha.SiteVerify(ctx, recaptchaSecret)
// 	if response.Success {
// 		// [your action here, i.e sendEmail(...)]
// 	}
// 	ctx.JSON(response)
// }
// Method: "GET" | Path: "/contact"
// func getContact(ctx context.Context) {
// 	// render the recaptcha form
// 	ctx.HTML(recaptcha.GetFormHTML(recaptchaPublic, "/contact"))
// }
func GetFormHTML(dataSiteKey string, postActionRelativePath string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(recaptchaForm, postActionRelativePath, dataSiteKey)