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package hero
import (
stdContext "context"
// Default is the default container value which can be used for dependencies share.
var Default = New().WithLogger(golog.Default)
// Container contains and delivers the Dependencies that will be binded
// to the controller(s) or handler(s) that can be created
// using the Container's `Handler` and `Struct` methods.
// This is not exported for being used by everyone, use it only when you want
// to share containers between multi mvc.go#Application
// or make custom hero handlers that can be used on the standard
// iris' APIBuilder.
// For a more high-level structure please take a look at the "mvc.go#Application".
type Container struct {
// Optional Logger to report dependencies and matched bindings
// per struct, function and method.
// By default it is set by the Party creator of this Container.
Logger *golog.Logger
// Sorter specifies how the inputs should be sorted before binded.
// Defaults to sort by "thinnest" target empty interface.
Sorter Sorter
// The dependencies entries.
Dependencies []*Dependency
// MarkExportedFieldsAsRequired reports whether all struct's fields
// MUST be binded to a dependency from the `Dependencies` list field.
// In-short, if it is set to true and if at least one exported field
// of a struct is not binded to a dependency then
// the entire application will exit with a panic message before server startup.
MarkExportedFieldsAsRequired bool
// DisablePayloadAutoBinding reports whether
// a function's parameter or struct's field of struct type
// should not be binded automatically to the request body (e.g. JSON)
// if a dependency for that type is missing.
// By default the binder will bind structs to request body,
// set to true to disable that kind of behavior.
DisablePayloadAutoBinding bool
// DisableStructDynamicBindings if true panics on struct handler (controller)
// if at least one input binding depends on the request and not in a static structure.
DisableStructDynamicBindings bool
// StructDependents if true then the Container will try to resolve
// the fields of a struct value, if any, when it's a dependent struct value
// based on the previous registered dependencies.
// Defaults to false.
EnableStructDependents bool // this can be renamed to IndirectDependencies?.
// DependencyMatcher holds the function that compares equality between
// a dependency with an input. Defaults to DefaultMatchDependencyFunc.
DependencyMatcher DependencyMatcher
// GetErrorHandler should return a valid `ErrorHandler` to handle bindings AND handler dispatch errors.
// Defaults to a functon which returns the `DefaultErrorHandler`.
GetErrorHandler func(*context.Context) ErrorHandler // cannot be nil.
// Reports contains an ordered list of information about bindings for further analysys and testing.
Reports []*Report
// resultHandlers is a list of functions that serve the return struct value of a function handler.
// Defaults to "defaultResultHandler" but it can be overridden.
resultHandlers []func(next ResultHandler) ResultHandler
// A Report holds meta information about dependency sources and target values per package,
// struct, struct's fields, struct's method, package-level function or closure.
// E.g. main -> (*UserController) -> HandleHTTPError.
type Report struct {
// The name is the last part of the name of a struct or its methods or a function.
// Each name is splited by its package.struct.field or package.funcName or package.func.inlineFunc.
Name string
// If it's a struct or package or function
// then it contains children reports of each one of its methods or input parameters
// respectfully.
Reports []*Report
Parent *Report
Entries []ReportEntry
// A ReportEntry holds the information about a binding.
type ReportEntry struct {
InputPosition int // struct field position or parameter position.
InputFieldName string // if it's a struct field, then this is its type name (we can't get param names).
InputFieldType reflect.Type // the input's type.
DependencyValue interface{} // the dependency value binded to that InputPosition of Name.
DependencyFile string // the file
DependencyLine int // and line number of the dependency's value.
Static bool
func (r *Report) fill(bindings []*binding) {
for _, b := range bindings {
inputFieldName := b.Input.StructFieldName
if inputFieldName == "" {
// it's not a struct field, then type.
inputFieldName = b.Input.Type.String()
// remove only the main one prefix.
inputFieldName = strings.TrimPrefix(inputFieldName, "main.")
fieldName := inputFieldName
switch fieldName {
case "*context.Context":
inputFieldName = strings.Replace(inputFieldName, "*context", "iris", 1)
case "hero.Code", "hero.Result", "hero.View", "hero.Response":
inputFieldName = strings.Replace(inputFieldName, "hero", "mvc", 1)
entry := ReportEntry{
InputPosition: b.Input.Index,
InputFieldName: inputFieldName,
InputFieldType: b.Input.Type,
DependencyValue: b.Dependency.OriginalValue,
DependencyFile: b.Dependency.Source.File,
DependencyLine: b.Dependency.Source.Line,
Static: b.Dependency.Static,
r.Entries = append(r.Entries, entry)
// fillReport adds a report to the Reports field.
func (c *Container) fillReport(fullName string, bindings []*binding) {
// r := c.getReport(fullName)
r := &Report{
Name: fullName,
c.Reports = append(c.Reports, r)
// BuiltinDependencies is a list of builtin dependencies that are added on Container's initilization.
// Contains the iris context, standard context, iris sessions and time dependencies.
var BuiltinDependencies = []*Dependency{
// iris context dependency.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) *context.Context { return ctx }, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// standard context dependency.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) stdContext.Context {
return ctx.Request().Context()
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// iris session dependency.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) *sessions.Session {
session := sessions.Get(ctx)
if session == nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Debugf("binding: session is nil\nMaybe inside HandleHTTPError? Register it with app.UseRouter(sess.Handler()) to fix it")
// let's don't panic here and let the application continue, now we support
// not matched routes inside the controller through HandleHTTPError,
// so each dependency can check if session was not nil or just use `UseRouter` instead of `Use`
// to register the sessions middleware.
return session
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// application's logger.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) *golog.Logger {
return ctx.Application().Logger()
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// time.Time to time.Now dependency.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) time.Time {
return time.Now()
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// standard http Request dependency.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) *http.Request {
return ctx.Request()
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// standard http ResponseWriter dependency.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) http.ResponseWriter {
return ctx.ResponseWriter()
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// http headers dependency.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) http.Header {
return ctx.Request().Header
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// Client IP.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) net.IP {
return net.ParseIP(ctx.RemoteAddr())
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// Status Code (special type for MVC HTTP Error handler to not conflict with path parameters)
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) Code {
return Code(ctx.GetStatusCode())
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// Context Error. May be nil
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) Err {
err := ctx.GetErr()
if err == nil {
return nil
return err
}, true, false, nil).Explicitly(),
// Context User, e.g. from basic authentication.
newDependency(func(ctx *context.Context) context.User {
u := ctx.User()
if u == nil {
return nil
return u
}, true, false, nil),
// payload and param bindings are dynamically allocated and declared at the end of the `binding` source file.
// New returns a new Container, a container for dependencies and a factory
// for handlers and controllers, this is used internally by the `mvc#Application` structure.
// Please take a look at the structure's documentation for more information.
func New(dependencies ...interface{}) *Container {
deps := make([]*Dependency, len(BuiltinDependencies))
copy(deps, BuiltinDependencies)
c := &Container{
Sorter: sortByNumMethods,
Dependencies: deps,
GetErrorHandler: func(*context.Context) ErrorHandler {
return DefaultErrorHandler
DependencyMatcher: DefaultDependencyMatcher,
for _, dependency := range dependencies {
return c
// WithLogger injects a logger to use to debug dependencies and bindings.
func (c *Container) WithLogger(logger *golog.Logger) *Container {
c.Logger = logger
return c
// Clone returns a new cloned container.
// It copies the ErrorHandler, Dependencies and all Options from "c" receiver.
func (c *Container) Clone() *Container {
cloned := New()
cloned.Logger = c.Logger
cloned.GetErrorHandler = c.GetErrorHandler
cloned.Sorter = c.Sorter
cloned.DependencyMatcher = c.DependencyMatcher
clonedDeps := make([]*Dependency, len(c.Dependencies))
copy(clonedDeps, c.Dependencies)
cloned.Dependencies = clonedDeps
cloned.DisablePayloadAutoBinding = c.DisablePayloadAutoBinding
cloned.DisableStructDynamicBindings = c.DisableStructDynamicBindings
cloned.EnableStructDependents = c.EnableStructDependents
cloned.MarkExportedFieldsAsRequired = c.MarkExportedFieldsAsRequired
cloned.resultHandlers = c.resultHandlers
// Reports are not cloned.
return cloned
// Register adds a dependency.
// The value can be a single struct value-instance or a function
// which has one input and one output, that output type
// will be binded to the handler's input argument, if matching.
// Usage:
// - Register(loggerService{prefix: "dev"})
// - Register(func(ctx iris.Context) User {...})
// - Register(func(User) OtherResponse {...})
func Register(dependency interface{}) *Dependency {
return Default.Register(dependency)
// Register adds a dependency.
// The value can be a single struct value or a function.
// Follow the rules:
// * <T>{structValue}
// * func(accepts <T>) returns <D> or (<D>, error)
// * func(accepts iris.Context) returns <D> or (<D>, error)
// * func(accepts1 iris.Context, accepts2 *hero.Input) returns <D> or (<D>, error)
// A Dependency can accept a previous registered dependency and return a new one or the same updated.
// * func(accepts1 <D>, accepts2 <T>) returns <E> or (<E>, error) or error
// * func(acceptsPathParameter1 string, id uint64) returns <T> or (<T>, error)
// Usage:
// - Register(loggerService{prefix: "dev"})
// - Register(func(ctx iris.Context) User {...})
// - Register(func(User) OtherResponse {...})
func (c *Container) Register(dependency interface{}) *Dependency {
d := newDependency(dependency, c.DisablePayloadAutoBinding, c.EnableStructDependents, c.DependencyMatcher, c.Dependencies...)
if d.DestType == nil {
// prepend the dynamic dependency so it will be tried at the end
// (we don't care about performance here, design-time)
c.Dependencies = append([]*Dependency{d}, c.Dependencies...)
} else {
c.Dependencies = append(c.Dependencies, d)
return d
// UseResultHandler adds a result handler to the Container.
// A result handler can be used to inject the returned struct value
// from a request handler or to replace the default renderer.
func (c *Container) UseResultHandler(handler func(next ResultHandler) ResultHandler) *Container {
c.resultHandlers = append(c.resultHandlers, handler)
return c
// Handler accepts a "handler" function which can accept any input arguments that match
// with the Container's `Dependencies` and any output result; like string, int (string,int),
// custom structs, Result(View | Response) and anything you can imagine.
// It returns a standard `iris/context.Handler` which can be used anywhere in an Iris Application,
// as middleware or as simple route handler or subdomain's handler.
func Handler(fn interface{}) context.Handler {
return Default.Handler(fn)
// Handler accepts a handler "fn" function which can accept any input arguments that match
// with the Container's `Dependencies` and any output result; like string, int (string,int),
// custom structs, Result(View | Response) and more.
// It returns a standard `iris/context.Handler` which can be used anywhere in an Iris Application,
// as middleware or as simple route handler or subdomain's handler.
// func(...<T>) iris.Handler
// - if <T> are all static dependencies then
// there is no reflection involved at serve-time.
// func(pathParameter string, ...<T>)
// - one or more path parameters (e.g. :uid, :string, :int, :path, :uint64)
// are automatically binded to the first input Go standard types (string, int, uint64 and e.t.c.)
// func(<T>) error
// - if a function returns an error then this error's text is sent to the client automatically.
// func(<T>) <R>
// - The result of the function is a dependency too.
// If <R> is a request-scope dependency (dynamic) then
// this function will be called at every request.
// func(<T>) <R>
// - If <R> is static dependency (e.g. a database or a service) then its result
// can be used as a static dependency to the next dependencies or to the controller/function itself.
func (c *Container) Handler(fn interface{}) context.Handler {
return c.HandlerWithParams(fn, 0)
// HandlerWithParams same as `Handler` but it can receive a total path parameters counts
// to resolve coblex path parameters input dependencies.
func (c *Container) HandlerWithParams(fn interface{}, paramsCount int) context.Handler {
return makeHandler(fn, c, paramsCount)
// Struct accepts a pointer to a struct value and returns a structure which
// contains bindings for the struct's fields and a method to
// extract a Handler from this struct's method.
func (c *Container) Struct(ptrValue interface{}, partyParamsCount int) *Struct {
return makeStruct(ptrValue, c, partyParamsCount)
// ErrMissingDependency may returned only from the `Container.Inject` method
// when not a matching dependency found for "toPtr".
var ErrMissingDependency = errors.New("missing dependency")
// Inject SHOULD only be used outside of HTTP handlers (performance is not priority for this method)
// as it does not pre-calculate the available list of bindings for the "toPtr" and the registered dependencies.
// It sets a static-only matching dependency to the value of "toPtr".
// The parameter "toPtr" SHOULD be a pointer to a value corresponding to a dependency,
// like input parameter of a handler or field of a struct.
// If no matching dependency found, the `Inject` method returns an `ErrMissingDependency` and
// "toPtr" keeps its original state (e.g. nil).
// Example Code:
// c.Register(&LocalDatabase{...})
// [...]
// var db Database
// err := c.Inject(&db)
func (c *Container) Inject(toPtr interface{}) error {
val := reflect.Indirect(valueOf(toPtr))
typ := val.Type()
for _, d := range c.Dependencies {
if d.Static && c.DependencyMatcher(d, typ) {
v, err := d.Handle(nil, &Input{Type: typ})
if err != nil {
if err == ErrSeeOther {
return err
return nil
return ErrMissingDependency