2019-02-23 07:23:10 +02:00

396 lines
13 KiB

package websocket
import (
type (
// ConnectionFunc is the callback which fires when a client/connection is connected to the Server.
// Receives one parameter which is the Connection
ConnectionFunc func(Connection)
// Server is the websocket Server's implementation.
// It listens for websocket clients (either from the javascript client-side or from any websocket implementation).
// See `OnConnection` , to register a single event which will handle all incoming connections and
// the `Handler` which builds the upgrader handler that you can register to a route based on an Endpoint.
// To serve the builtin javascript client-side library look the `websocket.ClientHandler`.
Server struct {
config Config
// ClientSource contains the javascript side code
// for the iris websocket communication
// based on the configuration's `EvtMessagePrefix`.
// Use a route to serve this file on a specific path, i.e
// app.Any("/iris-ws.js", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Write(mywebsocketServer.ClientSource) })
ClientSource []byte
connections sync.Map // key = the Connection ID.
rooms map[string][]string // by default a connection is joined to a room which has the connection id as its name
mu sync.RWMutex // for rooms.
onConnectionListeners []ConnectionFunc
//connectionPool sync.Pool // sadly we can't make this because the websocket connection is live until is closed.
upgrader websocket.Upgrader
// New returns a new websocket Server based on a configuration.
// See `OnConnection` , to register a single event which will handle all incoming connections and
// the `Handler` which builds the upgrader handler that you can register to a route based on an Endpoint.
// To serve the builtin javascript client-side library look the `websocket.ClientHandler`.
func New(cfg Config) *Server {
cfg = cfg.Validate()
s := &Server{
config: cfg,
ClientSource: bytes.Replace(ClientSource, []byte(DefaultEvtMessageKey), cfg.EvtMessagePrefix, -1),
connections: sync.Map{}, // ready-to-use, this is not necessary.
rooms: make(map[string][]string),
onConnectionListeners: make([]ConnectionFunc, 0),
upgrader: websocket.Upgrader{
HandshakeTimeout: cfg.HandshakeTimeout,
ReadBufferSize: cfg.ReadBufferSize,
WriteBufferSize: cfg.WriteBufferSize,
Error: cfg.Error,
CheckOrigin: cfg.CheckOrigin,
Subprotocols: cfg.Subprotocols,
EnableCompression: cfg.EnableCompression,
return s
// Handler builds the handler based on the configuration and returns it.
// It should be called once per Server, its result should be passed
// as a middleware to an iris route which will be responsible
// to register the websocket's endpoint.
// Endpoint is the path which the websocket Server will listen for clients/connections.
// To serve the builtin javascript client-side library look the `websocket.ClientHandler`.
func (s *Server) Handler() context.Handler {
return func(ctx context.Context) {
c := s.Upgrade(ctx)
if c.Err() != nil {
// NOTE TO ME: fire these first BEFORE startReader and startPinger
// in order to set the events and any messages to send
// the startPinger will send the OK to the client and only
// then the client is able to send and receive from Server
// when all things are ready and only then. DO NOT change this order.
// fire the on connection event callbacks, if any
for i := range s.onConnectionListeners {
// start the ping and the messages reader
// Upgrade upgrades the HTTP Server connection to the WebSocket protocol.
// The responseHeader is included in the response to the client's upgrade
// request. Use the responseHeader to specify cookies (Set-Cookie) and the
// application negotiated subprotocol (Sec--Protocol).
// If the upgrade fails, then Upgrade replies to the client with an HTTP error
// response and the return `Connection.Err()` is filled with that error.
// For a more high-level function use the `Handler()` and `OnConnection` events.
// This one does not starts the connection's writer and reader, so after your `On/OnMessage` events registration
// the caller has to call the `Connection#Wait` function, otherwise the connection will be not handled.
func (s *Server) Upgrade(ctx context.Context) Connection {
conn, err := s.upgrader.Upgrade(ctx.ResponseWriter(), ctx.Request(), ctx.ResponseWriter().Header())
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Warnf("websocket error: %v\n", err)
// ctx.StatusCode(503) // Status Service Unavailable
return &connection{err: err}
return s.handleConnection(ctx, conn)
func (s *Server) addConnection(c *connection) {
s.connections.Store(, c)
func (s *Server) getConnection(connID string) (*connection, bool) {
if cValue, ok := s.connections.Load(connID); ok {
// this cast is not necessary,
// we know that we always save a connection, but for good or worse let it be here.
if conn, ok := cValue.(*connection); ok {
return conn, ok
return nil, false
// wrapConnection wraps an underline connection to an iris websocket connection.
// It does NOT starts its writer, reader and event mux, the caller is responsible for that.
func (s *Server) handleConnection(ctx context.Context, websocketConn *websocket.Conn) *connection {
// use the config's id generator (or the default) to create a websocket client/connection id
cid := s.config.IDGenerator(ctx)
// create the new connection
c := newServerConnection(ctx, s, websocketConn, cid)
// add the connection to the Server's list
// join to itself
return c
// OnConnection is the main event you, as developer, will work with each of the websocket connections.
func (s *Server) OnConnection(cb ConnectionFunc) {
s.onConnectionListeners = append(s.onConnectionListeners, cb)
// IsConnected returns true if the connection with that ID is connected to the Server
// useful when you have defined a custom connection id generator (based on a database)
// and you want to check if that connection is already connected (on multiple tabs)
func (s *Server) IsConnected(connID string) bool {
_, found := s.getConnection(connID)
return found
// Join joins a websocket client to a room,
// first parameter is the room name and the second the connection.ID()
// You can use connection.Join("room name") instead.
func (s *Server) Join(roomName string, connID string) {
s.join(roomName, connID)
// join used internally, no locks used.
func (s *Server) join(roomName string, connID string) {
if s.rooms[roomName] == nil {
s.rooms[roomName] = make([]string, 0)
s.rooms[roomName] = append(s.rooms[roomName], connID)
// IsJoined reports if a specific room has a specific connection into its values.
// First parameter is the room name, second is the connection's id.
// It returns true when the "connID" is joined to the "roomName".
func (s *Server) IsJoined(roomName string, connID string) bool {
room := s.rooms[roomName]
if room == nil {
return false
for _, connid := range room {
if connID == connid {
return true
return false
// LeaveAll kicks out a connection from ALL of its joined rooms
func (s *Server) LeaveAll(connID string) {
for name := range s.rooms {
s.leave(name, connID)
// Leave leaves a websocket client from a room,
// first parameter is the room name and the second the connection.ID()
// You can use connection.Leave("room name") instead.
// Returns true if the connection has actually left from the particular room.
func (s *Server) Leave(roomName string, connID string) bool {
left := s.leave(roomName, connID)
return left
// leave used internally, no locks used.
func (s *Server) leave(roomName string, connID string) (left bool) {
///THINK: we could add locks to its room but we still use the lock for the whole rooms or we can just do what we do with connections
// I will think about it on the next revision, so far we use the locks only for rooms so we are ok...
if s.rooms[roomName] != nil {
for i := range s.rooms[roomName] {
if s.rooms[roomName][i] == connID {
s.rooms[roomName] = append(s.rooms[roomName][:i], s.rooms[roomName][i+1:]...)
left = true
if len(s.rooms[roomName]) == 0 { // if room is empty then delete it
delete(s.rooms, roomName)
if left {
// fire the on room leave connection's listeners,
// the existence check is not necessary here.
if c, ok := s.getConnection(connID); ok {
// GetTotalConnections returns the number of total connections.
func (s *Server) GetTotalConnections() (n int) {
s.connections.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
return true
return n
// GetConnections returns all connections.
func (s *Server) GetConnections() (conns []Connection) {
s.connections.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
conn, ok := v.(*connection)
if !ok {
// if for some reason (should never happen), the value is not stored as *connection
// then stop the iteration and don't continue insertion of the result connections
// in order to avoid any issues while end-dev will try to iterate a nil entry.
return false
conns = append(conns, conn)
return true
// GetConnection returns single connection
func (s *Server) GetConnection(connID string) Connection {
conn, ok := s.getConnection(connID)
if !ok {
return nil
return conn
// GetConnectionsByRoom returns a list of Connection
// which are joined to this room.
func (s *Server) GetConnectionsByRoom(roomName string) (conns []Connection) {
if connIDs, found := s.rooms[roomName]; found {
for _, connID := range connIDs {
// existence check is not necessary here.
if cValue, ok := s.connections.Load(connID); ok {
if conn, ok := cValue.(*connection); ok {
conns = append(conns, conn)
// emitMessage is the main 'router' of the messages coming from the connection
// this is the main function which writes the RAW websocket messages to the client.
// It sends them(messages) to the correct room (self, broadcast or to specific client)
// You don't have to use this generic method, exists only for extreme
// apps which you have an external goroutine with a list of custom connection list.
// You SHOULD use connection.EmitMessage/Emit/To().Emit/EmitMessage instead.
// let's keep it unexported for the best.
func (s *Server) emitMessage(from, to string, data []byte) {
if to != All && to != Broadcast {
room := s.rooms[to]
if room != nil {
// it suppose to send the message to a specific room/or a user inside its own room
for _, connectionIDInsideRoom := range room {
if c, ok := s.getConnection(connectionIDInsideRoom); ok {
c.writeDefault(data) //send the message to the client(s)
} else {
// the connection is not connected but it's inside the room, we remove it on disconnect but for ANY CASE:
cid := connectionIDInsideRoom
if c != nil {
cid =
s.Leave(cid, to)
} else {
// it suppose to send the message to all opened connections or to all except the sender.
s.connections.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
connID, ok := k.(string)
if !ok {
// should never happen.
return true
if to != All && to != connID { // if it's not suppose to send to all connections (including itself)
if to == Broadcast && from == connID { // if broadcast to other connections except this
// here we do the opossite of previous block,
// just skip this connection when it's suppose to send the message to all connections except the sender.
return true
// not necessary cast.
conn, ok := v.(*connection)
if ok {
// send to the client(s) when the top validators passed
return ok
// Disconnect force-disconnects a websocket connection based on its connection.ID()
// What it does?
// 1. remove the connection from the list
// 2. leave from all joined rooms
// 3. fire the disconnect callbacks, if any
// 4. close the underline connection and return its error, if any.
// You can use the connection.Disconnect() instead.
func (s *Server) Disconnect(connID string) (err error) {
// leave from all joined rooms before remove the actual connection from the list.
// note: we cannot use that to send data if the client is actually closed.
// remove the connection from the list.
if conn, ok := s.getConnection(connID); ok {
atomic.StoreUint32(&conn.disconnected, 1)
// fire the disconnect callbacks, if any.
// close the underline connection and return its error, if any.
err = conn.underline.Close()