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synced 2025-03-22 12:46:28 +01:00
We have to do the same on iris-contrib/examples, iris-contrib/middleware and e.t.c. Former-commit-id: 0860688158f374bc137bc934b81b26dcd0e10964
517 lines
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517 lines
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package hero
import (
// Result is a response dispatcher.
// All types that complete this interface
// can be returned as values from the method functions.
// Example at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/hero/overview.
type Result interface {
// Dispatch should sends the response to the context's response writer.
Dispatch(ctx context.Context)
type (
// ErrorHandler is the optional interface to handle errors per hero func,
// see `mvc/Application#HandleError` for MVC application-level error handler registration too.
ErrorHandler interface {
HandleError(ctx context.Context, err error)
// ErrorHandlerFunc implements the `ErrorHandler`.
// It describes the type defnition for an error handler.
ErrorHandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, err error)
// HandleError fires when the `DispatchFuncResult` returns a non-nil error.
func (fn ErrorHandlerFunc) HandleError(ctx context.Context, err error) {
fn(ctx, err)
var defaultFailureResponse = Response{Code: DefaultErrStatusCode}
// Try will check if "fn" ran without any panics,
// using recovery,
// and return its result as the final response
// otherwise it returns the "failure" response if any,
// if not then a 400 bad request is being sent.
// Example usage at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/hero/func_result_test.go.
func Try(fn func() Result, failure ...Result) Result {
var failed bool
var actionResponse Result
func() {
defer func() {
if rec := recover(); rec != nil {
failed = true
actionResponse = fn()
if failed {
if len(failure) > 0 {
return failure[0]
return defaultFailureResponse
return actionResponse
const slashB byte = '/'
type compatibleErr interface {
Error() string
// DefaultErrStatusCode is the default error status code (400)
// when the response contains an error which is not nil.
var DefaultErrStatusCode = 400
// DispatchErr writes the error to the response.
func DispatchErr(ctx context.Context, status int, err error) {
if status < 400 {
status = DefaultErrStatusCode
if text := err.Error(); text != "" {
// DispatchCommon is being used internally to send
// commonly used data to the response writer with a smart way.
func DispatchCommon(ctx context.Context,
statusCode int, contentType string, content []byte, v interface{}, err error, found bool) {
// if we have a false boolean as a return value
// then skip everything and fire a not found,
// we even don't care about the given status code or the object or the content.
if !found {
status := statusCode
if status == 0 {
status = 200
if err != nil {
DispatchErr(ctx, status, err)
// write the status code, the rest will need that before any write ofc.
if contentType == "" {
// to respect any ctx.ContentType(...) call
// especially if v is not nil.
contentType = ctx.GetContentType()
if v != nil {
if d, ok := v.(Result); ok {
// write the content type now (internal check for empty value)
if strings.HasPrefix(contentType, context.ContentJavascriptHeaderValue) {
_, err = ctx.JSONP(v)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(contentType, context.ContentXMLHeaderValue) {
_, err = ctx.XML(v, context.XML{Indent: " "})
} else {
// defaults to json if content type is missing or its application/json.
_, err = ctx.JSON(v, context.JSON{Indent: " "})
if err != nil {
DispatchErr(ctx, status, err)
// .Write even len(content) == 0 , this should be called in order to call the internal tryWriteHeader,
// it will not cost anything.
// DispatchFuncResult is being used internally to resolve
// and send the method function's output values to the
// context's response writer using a smart way which
// respects status code, content type, content, custom struct
// and an error type.
// Supports for:
// func(c *ExampleController) Get() string |
// (string, string) |
// (string, int) |
// ...
// int |
// (int, string |
// (string, error) |
// ...
// error |
// (int, error) |
// (customStruct, error) |
// ...
// bool |
// (int, bool) |
// (string, bool) |
// (customStruct, bool) |
// ...
// customStruct |
// (customStruct, int) |
// (customStruct, string) |
// Result or (Result, error) and so on...
// where Get is an HTTP METHOD.
func DispatchFuncResult(ctx context.Context, errorHandler ErrorHandler, values []reflect.Value) {
if len(values) == 0 {
var (
// if statusCode > 0 then send this status code.
// Except when err != nil then check if status code is < 400 and
// if it's set it as DefaultErrStatusCode.
// Except when found == false, then the status code is 404.
statusCode int
// if not empty then use that as content type,
// if empty and custom != nil then set it to application/json.
contentType string
// if len > 0 then write that to the response writer as raw bytes,
// except when found == false or err != nil or custom != nil.
content []byte
// if not nil then check
// for content type (or json default) and send the custom data object
// except when found == false or err != nil.
custom interface{}
// if not nil then check for its status code,
// if not status code or < 400 then set it as DefaultErrStatusCode
// and fire the error's text.
err error
// if false then skip everything and fire 404.
found = true // defaults to true of course, otherwise will break :)
for _, v := range values {
// order of these checks matters
// for example, first we need to check for status code,
// secondly the string (for content type and content)...
// if !v.IsValid() || !v.CanInterface() {
// continue
// }
if !v.IsValid() {
f := v.Interface()
if b, ok := f.(bool); ok {
found = b
if !found {
// skip everything, we don't care about other return values,
// this boolean is the higher in order.
if i, ok := f.(int); ok {
statusCode = i
if s, ok := f.(string); ok {
// a string is content type when it contains a slash and
// content or custom struct is being calculated already;
// (string -> content, string-> content type)
// (customStruct, string -> content type)
if (len(content) > 0 || custom != nil) && strings.IndexByte(s, slashB) > 0 {
contentType = s
} else {
// otherwise is content
content = []byte(s)
if b, ok := f.([]byte); ok {
// it's raw content, get the latest
content = b
if e, ok := f.(compatibleErr); ok {
if e != nil { // it's always not nil but keep it here.
err = e
if statusCode < 400 {
statusCode = DefaultErrStatusCode
break // break on first error, error should be in the end but we
// need to know break the dispatcher if any error.
// at the end; we don't want to write anything to the response if error is not nil.
// else it's a custom struct or a dispatcher, we'll decide later
// because content type and status code matters
// do that check in order to be able to correctly dispatch:
// (customStruct, error) -> customStruct filled and error is nil
if custom == nil && f != nil {
custom = f
switch value := f.(type) {
case bool:
found = value
if !found {
// skip everything, skip other values, we don't care about other return values,
// this boolean is the higher in order.
case int:
statusCode = value
case string:
// a string is content type when it contains a slash and
// content or custom struct is being calculated already;
// (string -> content, string-> content type)
// (customStruct, string -> content type)
if (len(content) > 0 || custom != nil) && strings.IndexByte(value, slashB) > 0 {
contentType = value
} else {
// otherwise is content
content = []byte(value)
case []byte:
// it's raw content, get the latest
content = value
case compatibleErr:
if value == nil || di.IsNil(v) {
if errorHandler != nil {
errorHandler.HandleError(ctx, value)
err = value
if statusCode < 400 {
statusCode = DefaultErrStatusCode
break // break on first error, error should be in the end but we
// need to know break the dispatcher if any error.
// at the end; we don't want to write anything to the response if error is not nil.
// else it's a custom struct or a dispatcher, we'll decide later
// because content type and status code matters
// do that check in order to be able to correctly dispatch:
// (customStruct, error) -> customStruct filled and error is nil
if custom == nil {
// if it's a pointer to struct/map.
if di.IsNil(v) {
// if just a ptr to struct with no content type given
// then try to get the previous response writer's content type,
// and if that is empty too then force-it to application/json
// as the default content type we use for structs/maps.
if contentType == "" {
contentType = ctx.GetContentType()
if contentType == "" {
contentType = context.ContentJSONHeaderValue
if value != nil {
custom = value // content type will be take care later on.
DispatchCommon(ctx, statusCode, contentType, content, custom, err, found)
// Response completes the `methodfunc.Result` interface.
// It's being used as an alternative return value which
// wraps the status code, the content type, a content as bytes or as string
// and an error, it's smart enough to complete the request and send the correct response to the client.
type Response struct {
Code int
ContentType string
Content []byte
// if not empty then content type is the text/plain
// and content is the text as []byte.
Text string
// If not nil then it will fire that as "application/json" or the
// "ContentType" if not empty.
Object interface{}
// If Path is not empty then it will redirect
// the client to this Path, if Code is >= 300 and < 400
// then it will use that Code to do the redirection, otherwise
// StatusFound(302) or StatusSeeOther(303) for post methods will be used.
// Except when err != nil.
Path string
// if not empty then fire a 400 bad request error
// unless the Status is > 200, then fire that error code
// with the Err.Error() string as its content.
// if Err.Error() is empty then it fires the custom error handler
// if any otherwise the framework sends the default http error text based on the status.
Err error
Try func() int
// if true then it skips everything else and it throws a 404 not found error.
// Can be named as Failure but NotFound is more precise name in order
// to be visible that it's different than the `Err`
// because it throws a 404 not found instead of a 400 bad request.
// NotFound bool
// let's don't add this yet, it has its dangerous of missuse.
var _ Result = Response{}
// Dispatch writes the response result to the context's response writer.
func (r Response) Dispatch(ctx context.Context) {
if r.Path != "" && r.Err == nil {
// it's not a redirect valid status
if r.Code < 300 || r.Code >= 400 {
if ctx.Method() == "POST" {
r.Code = 303 // StatusSeeOther
r.Code = 302 // StatusFound
ctx.Redirect(r.Path, r.Code)
if s := r.Text; s != "" {
r.Content = []byte(s)
DispatchCommon(ctx, r.Code, r.ContentType, r.Content, r.Object, r.Err, true)
// View completes the `hero.Result` interface.
// It's being used as an alternative return value which
// wraps the template file name, layout, (any) view data, status code and error.
// It's smart enough to complete the request and send the correct response to the client.
// Example at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/hero/overview/web/controllers/hello_controller.go.
type View struct {
Name string
Layout string
Data interface{} // map or a custom struct.
Code int
Err error
var _ Result = View{}
const dotB = byte('.')
// DefaultViewExt is the default extension if `view.Name `is missing,
// but note that it doesn't care about
// the app.RegisterView(iris.$VIEW_ENGINE("./$dir", "$ext"))'s $ext.
// so if you don't use the ".html" as extension for your files
// you have to append the extension manually into the `view.Name`
// or change this global variable.
var DefaultViewExt = ".html"
func ensureExt(s string) string {
if len(s) == 0 {
return "index" + DefaultViewExt
if strings.IndexByte(s, dotB) < 1 {
s += DefaultViewExt
return s
// Dispatch writes the template filename, template layout and (any) data to the client.
// Completes the `Result` interface.
func (r View) Dispatch(ctx context.Context) { // r as Response view.
if r.Err != nil {
if r.Code < 400 {
r.Code = DefaultErrStatusCode
if r.Code > 0 {
if r.Name != "" {
r.Name = ensureExt(r.Name)
if r.Layout != "" {
r.Layout = ensureExt(r.Layout)
if r.Data != nil {
// In order to respect any c.Ctx.ViewData that may called manually before;
dataKey := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetViewDataContextKey()
if ctx.Values().Get(dataKey) == nil {
// if no c.Ctx.ViewData set-ed before (the most common scenario) then do a
// simple set, it's faster.
ctx.Values().Set(dataKey, r.Data)
} else {
// else check if r.Data is map or struct, if struct convert it to map,
// do a range loop and modify the data one by one.
// context.Map is actually a map[string]interface{} but we have to make that check:
if m, ok := r.Data.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
setViewData(ctx, m)
} else if m, ok := r.Data.(context.Map); ok {
setViewData(ctx, m)
} else if di.IndirectValue(reflect.ValueOf(r.Data)).Kind() == reflect.Struct {
setViewData(ctx, structs.Map(r))
func setViewData(ctx context.Context, data map[string]interface{}) {
for k, v := range data {
ctx.ViewData(k, v)