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// Package bindings source code from https://github.com/monoculum/formame.
package bindings
import (
const tagName = "form"
// A pathMap holds the values of a map with its key and values correspondent
type pathMap struct {
m reflect.Value
key string
value reflect.Value
path string
// a pathMaps holds the values for each key
type pathMaps []*pathMap
// find find and get the value by the given key
func (ma pathMaps) find(id reflect.Value, key string) *pathMap {
for _, v := range ma {
if v.m == id && v.key == key {
return v
return nil
// A decoder holds the values from form, the 'reflect' value of main struct
// and the 'reflect' value of current path
type decoder struct {
main reflect.Value
curr reflect.Value
value string
values []string
path string
field string
index int
maps pathMaps
// Decode decodes the url.Values into a element that must be a pointer to a type provided by argument
func Decode(vs url.Values, dst interface{}) error {
main := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
if main.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the value passed for decode is not a pointer but a %v", main.Kind())
dec := &decoder{main: main.Elem()}
// iterate over the form's values and decode it
for k, v := range vs {
dec.path = k
dec.field = k
dec.values = v
dec.value = v[0]
if dec.value != "" {
if err := dec.begin(); err != nil {
return err
// set values of each maps
for _, v := range dec.maps {
key := v.m.Type().Key()
switch key.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
// the key is a string
v.m.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(v.key), v.value)
// must to implement the TextUnmarshaler interface for to can to decode the map's key
var val reflect.Value
if key.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
val = reflect.New(key.Elem())
} else {
val = reflect.New(key).Elem()
dec.value = v.key
if ok, err := dec.unmarshalText(val); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the key with %s type (%v) in the path %v should implements the TextUnmarshaler interface for to can decode it", key, v.m.Type(), v.path)
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": an error has occured in the UnmarshalText method for type %s: %s", key, err)
v.m.SetMapIndex(val, v.value)
dec.maps = make(pathMaps, 0)
return nil
// begin prepare the current path to walk through it
func (dec *decoder) begin() (err error) {
dec.curr = dec.main
fields := strings.Split(dec.field, ".")
for i, field := range fields {
b := strings.IndexAny(field, "[")
if b != -1 {
// is a array
e := strings.IndexAny(field, "]")
if e == -1 {
return errors.New(tagName + ": bad syntax array")
dec.field = field[:b]
if dec.index, err = strconv.Atoi(field[b+1 : e]); err != nil {
return errors.New(tagName + ": the index of array is not a number")
if len(fields) == i+1 {
return dec.end()
if err = dec.walk(); err != nil {
} else {
// not is a array
dec.field = field
dec.index = -1
if len(fields) == i+1 {
return dec.end()
if err = dec.walk(); err != nil {
// walk traverses the current path until to the last field
func (dec *decoder) walk() error {
// check if is a struct or map
switch dec.curr.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
if err := dec.findStructField(); err != nil {
return err
case reflect.Map:
// check if the struct or map is a interface
if dec.curr.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
dec.curr = dec.curr.Elem()
// check if the struct or map is a pointer
if dec.curr.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if dec.curr.IsNil() {
dec.curr = dec.curr.Elem()
// finally, check if there are access to slice/array or not...
if dec.index != -1 {
switch dec.curr.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
if dec.curr.Len() <= dec.index {
dec.expandSlice(dec.index + 1)
dec.curr = dec.curr.Index(dec.index)
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the field \"%v\" in path \"%v\" has a index for array but it is not", dec.field, dec.path)
return nil
// end finds the last field for decode its value correspondent
func (dec *decoder) end() error {
if dec.curr.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if err := dec.findStructField(); err != nil {
return err
if dec.value == "" {
return nil
return dec.decode()
// decode sets the value in the last field found by end function
func (dec *decoder) decode() error {
if ok, err := dec.unmarshalText(dec.curr); ok || err != nil {
return err
switch dec.curr.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
return dec.decode()
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
if dec.index == -1 {
// not has index, so to decode all values in the slice/array
tmp := dec.curr
for i, v := range dec.values {
dec.curr = tmp.Index(i)
dec.value = v
if err := dec.decode(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// has index, so to decode value by index indicated
if dec.curr.Len() <= dec.index {
dec.expandSlice(dec.index + 1)
dec.curr = dec.curr.Index(dec.index)
return dec.decode()
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if num, err := strconv.ParseInt(dec.value, 10, 64); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the value of field \"%v\" in path \"%v\" should be a valid signed integer number", dec.field, dec.path)
} else {
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
if num, err := strconv.ParseUint(dec.value, 10, 64); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the value of field \"%v\" in path \"%v\" should be a valid unsigned integer number", dec.field, dec.path)
} else {
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
if num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(dec.value, dec.curr.Type().Bits()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the value of field \"%v\" in path \"%v\" should be a valid float number", dec.field, dec.path)
} else {
case reflect.Bool:
switch dec.value {
case "true", "on", "1":
case "false", "off", "0":
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the value of field \"%v\" in path \"%v\" is not a valid boolean", dec.field, dec.path)
case reflect.Interface:
case reflect.Ptr:
dec.curr = dec.curr.Elem()
return dec.decode()
case reflect.Struct:
switch dec.curr.Interface().(type) {
case time.Time:
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", dec.value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the value of field \"%v\" in path \"%v\" is not a valid datetime", dec.field, dec.path)
case url.URL:
u, err := url.Parse(dec.value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": the value of field \"%v\" in path \"%v\" is not a valid url", dec.field, dec.path)
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": not supported type for field \"%v\" in path \"%v\"", dec.field, dec.path)
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": not supported type for field \"%v\" in path \"%v\"", dec.field, dec.path)
return nil
// findField finds a field by its name, if it is not found,
// then retry the search examining the tag "form" of every field of struct
func (dec *decoder) findStructField() error {
var anon reflect.Value
num := dec.curr.NumField()
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
field := dec.curr.Type().Field(i)
if field.Name == dec.field {
// check if the field's name is equal
dec.curr = dec.curr.Field(i)
return nil
} else if field.Anonymous {
// if the field is a anonymous struct, then iterate over its fields
tmp := dec.curr
dec.curr = dec.curr.FieldByIndex(field.Index)
if err := dec.findStructField(); err != nil {
dec.curr = tmp
// field in anonymous struct is found,
// but first it should found the field in the rest of struct
// (a field with same name in the current struct should have preference over anonymous struct)
anon = dec.curr
dec.curr = tmp
} else if dec.field == field.Tag.Get(tagName) {
dec.curr = dec.curr.Field(i)
return nil
if anon.IsValid() {
dec.curr = anon
return nil
return fmt.Errorf(tagName+": not found the field \"%v\" in the path \"%v\"", dec.field, dec.path)
// expandSlice expands the length and capacity of the current slice
func (dec *decoder) expandSlice(length int) {
n := reflect.MakeSlice(dec.curr.Type(), length, length)
reflect.Copy(n, dec.curr)
// currentMap gets in d.curr the map concrete for decode the current value
func (dec *decoder) currentMap() {
n := dec.curr.Type()
if dec.curr.IsNil() {
m := reflect.New(n.Elem()).Elem()
dec.maps = append(dec.maps, &pathMap{dec.curr, dec.field, m, dec.path})
dec.curr = m
} else if a := dec.maps.find(dec.curr, dec.field); a == nil {
m := reflect.New(n.Elem()).Elem()
dec.maps = append(dec.maps, &pathMap{dec.curr, dec.field, m, dec.path})
dec.curr = m
} else {
dec.curr = a.value
var (
timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
timePType = reflect.TypeOf(&time.Time{})
// unmarshalText returns a boolean and error. The boolean is true if the
// value implements TextUnmarshaler, and false if not.
func (dec *decoder) unmarshalText(v reflect.Value) (bool, error) {
// skip if the type is time.Time
n := v.Type()
if n.ConvertibleTo(timeType) || n.ConvertibleTo(timePType) {
return false, nil
// check if implements the interface
m, ok := v.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler)
addr := v.CanAddr()
if !ok && !addr {
return false, nil
} else if addr {
return dec.unmarshalText(v.Addr())
// return result
err := m.UnmarshalText([]byte(dec.value))
return true, err
// BindForm binds the formObject with the form data
// it supports any kind of struct
func BindForm(ctx context.IContext, formObject interface{}) error {
reqCtx := ctx.GetRequestCtx()
// first check if we have multipart form
multipartForm, err := reqCtx.MultipartForm()
if err == nil {
//we have multipart form
return ErrReadBody.With(Decode(multipartForm.Value, formObject))
// if no multipart and post arguments ( means normal form)
if reqCtx.PostArgs().Len() == 0 && reqCtx.QueryArgs().Len() == 0 {
return ErrReadBody.With(ErrNoForm.Return())
form := make(map[string][]string, reqCtx.PostArgs().Len()+reqCtx.QueryArgs().Len())
reqCtx.PostArgs().VisitAll(func(k []byte, v []byte) {
key := string(k)
value := string(v)
// for slices
if form[key] != nil {
form[key] = append(form[key], value)
} else {
form[key] = []string{value}
reqCtx.QueryArgs().VisitAll(func(k []byte, v []byte) {
key := string(k)
value := string(v)
// for slices
if form[key] != nil {
form[key] = append(form[key], value)
} else {
form[key] = []string{value}
return ErrReadBody.With(Decode(form, formObject))