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package mvc
import (
// Controller is the base controller for the high level controllers instances.
// This base controller is used as an alternative way of building
// APIs, the controller can register all type of http methods.
// Keep note that controllers are bit slow
// because of the reflection use however it's as fast as possible because
// it does preparation before the serve-time handler but still
// remains slower than the low-level handlers
// such as `Handle, Get, Post, Put, Delete, Connect, Head, Trace, Patch`.
// All fields that are tagged with iris:"persistence"` or binded
// are being persistence and kept the same between the different requests.
// An Example Controller can be:
// type IndexController struct {
// Controller
// }
// func (c *IndexController) Get() {
// c.Tmpl = "index.html"
// c.Data["title"] = "Index page"
// c.Data["message"] = "Hello world!"
// }
// Usage: app.Controller("/", new(IndexController))
// Another example with bind:
// type UserController struct {
// mvc.Controller
// DB *DB
// CreatedAt time.Time
// }
// // Get serves using the User controller when HTTP Method is "GET".
// func (c *UserController) Get() {
// c.Tmpl = "user/index.html"
// c.Data["title"] = "User Page"
// c.Data["username"] = "kataras " + c.Params.Get("userid")
// c.Data["connstring"] = c.DB.Connstring
// c.Data["uptime"] = time.Now().Sub(c.CreatedAt).Seconds()
// }
// Usage: app.Controller("/user/{id:int}", new(UserController), db, time.Now())
// Look `core/router/APIBuilder#Controller` method too.
type Controller struct {
// Name contains the current controller's full name.
Name string
// contains the `Name` as different words, all lowercase,
// without the "Controller" suffix if exists.
// we need this as field because the activator
// we will not try to parse these if not needed
// it's up to the end-developer to call `RelPath()` or `RelTmpl()`
// which will result to fill them.
nameAsWords []string
// relPath the "as assume" relative request path.
// If UserController and request path is "/user/messages" then it's "/messages"
// if UserPostController and request path is "/user/post" then it's "/"
// if UserProfile and request path is "/user/profile/likes" then it's "/likes"
relPath string
// request path and its parameters, read-write.
// Path is the current request path.
Path string
// Params are the request path's parameters, i.e
// for route like "/user/{id}" and request to "/user/42"
// it contains the "id" = 42.
Params *context.RequestParams
// some info read and write,
// can be already set-ed by previous handlers as well.
Status int
Values *memstore.Store
// relTmpl the "as assume" relative path to the view root folder.
// If UserController then it's "user/"
// if UserPostController then it's "user/post/"
// if UserProfile then it's "user/profile/".
relTmpl string
// view read and write,
// can be already set-ed by previous handlers as well.
Layout string
Tmpl string
Data map[string]interface{}
// give access to the request context itself.
Ctx context.Context
// SetName sets the controller's full name.
// It's called internally.
func (c *Controller) SetName(name string) {
c.Name = name
func (c *Controller) getNameWords() []string {
if len(c.nameAsWords) == 0 {
c.nameAsWords = findCtrlWords(c.Name)
return c.nameAsWords
const slashStr = "/"
// RelPath tries to return the controller's name
// without the "Controller" prefix, all lowercase
// prefixed with slash and splited by slash appended
// with the rest of the request path.
// For example:
// If UserController and request path is "/user/messages" then it's "/messages"
// if UserPostController and request path is "/user/post" then it's "/"
// if UserProfile and request path is "/user/profile/likes" then it's "/likes"
// It's useful for things like path checking and redirect.
func (c *Controller) RelPath() string {
if c.relPath == "" {
w := c.getNameWords()
rel := strings.Join(w, slashStr)
reqPath := c.Ctx.Path()
if len(reqPath) == 0 {
// it never come here
// but to protect ourselves jsut return an empty slash.
return slashStr
// [1:]to ellimuate the prefixes like "//"
// request path has always "/"
rel = strings.Replace(c.Ctx.Path()[1:], rel, "", 1)
if rel == "" {
rel = slashStr
c.relPath = rel
return c.relPath
// RelTmpl tries to return the controller's name
// without the "Controller" prefix, all lowercase
// splited by slash and suffixed by slash.
// For example:
// If UserController then it's "user/"
// if UserPostController then it's "user/post/"
// if UserProfile then it's "user/profile/".
// It's useful to locate templates if the controller and views path have aligned names.
func (c *Controller) RelTmpl() string {
if c.relTmpl == "" {
c.relTmpl = strings.Join(c.getNameWords(), slashStr) + slashStr
return c.relTmpl
// BeginRequest starts the main controller
// it initialize the Ctx and other fields.
// It's called internally.
// End-Developer can ovverride it but it still MUST be called.
func (c *Controller) BeginRequest(ctx context.Context) {
// path and path params
c.Path = ctx.Path()
c.Params = ctx.Params()
// response status code
c.Status = ctx.GetStatusCode()
// share values
c.Values = ctx.Values()
// view
c.Data = make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
// context itself
c.Ctx = ctx
// EndRequest is the final method which will be executed
// before response sent.
// It checks for the fields and calls the necessary context's
// methods to modify the response to the client.
// It's called internally.
// End-Developer can ovveride it but still should be called at the end.
func (c *Controller) EndRequest(ctx context.Context) {
if path := c.Path; path != "" && path != ctx.Path() {
// then redirect
if status := c.Status; status > 0 && status != ctx.GetStatusCode() {
if view := c.Tmpl; view != "" {
if layout := c.Layout; layout != "" {
if data := c.Data; data != nil {
for k, v := range data {
ctx.ViewData(k, v)
var ctrlSuffix = reflect.TypeOf(Controller{}).Name()
var _ activator.BaseController = &Controller{}