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package node
import (
// Nodes a conversion type for []*node.
type Nodes []*node
type node struct {
s string
routeName string
wildcardParamName string // name of the wildcard parameter, only one per whole Node is allowed
paramNames []string // only-names
childrenNodes Nodes
handlers context.Handlers
root bool
rootWildcard bool // if it's a wildcard {path} type on root, it should allow everything but it is not conflicts with
// any other static or dynamic or wildcard paths if exists on other nodes.
// ErrDublicate returnned from `Add` when two or more routes have the same registered path.
var ErrDublicate = errors.New("two or more routes have the same registered path")
/// TODO: clean up needed until v8.5
// Add adds a node to the tree, returns an ErrDublicate error on failure.
func (nodes *Nodes) Add(routeName string, path string, handlers context.Handlers) error {
// println("[Add] adding path: " + path)
// resolve params and if that node should be added as root
var params []string
var paramStart, paramEnd int
for {
paramStart = strings.IndexByte(path[paramEnd:], ':')
if paramStart == -1 {
paramStart += paramEnd
paramEnd = strings.IndexByte(path[paramStart:], '/')
if paramEnd == -1 {
params = append(params, path[paramStart:])
path = path[:paramStart]
paramEnd += paramStart
params = append(params, path[paramStart:paramEnd])
path = path[:paramStart] + path[paramEnd:]
paramEnd -= paramEnd - paramStart
var p []int
for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
idx := strings.IndexByte(path[i:], ':')
if idx == -1 {
p = append(p, idx+i)
i = idx + i
for _, idx := range p {
// print("-2 nodes.Add: path: " + path + " params len: ")
// println(len(params))
if err := nodes.add(routeName, path[:idx], nil, nil, true); err != nil {
return err
// print("-1 nodes.Add: path: " + path + " params len: ")
// println(len(params))
if nidx := idx + 1; len(path) > nidx {
if err := nodes.add(routeName, path[:nidx], nil, nil, true); err != nil {
return err
// print("nodes.Add: path: " + path + " params len: ")
// println(len(params))
if err := nodes.add(routeName, path, params, handlers, true); err != nil {
return err
// prioritize by static path remember, they were already sorted by subdomains too.
return nil
func (nodes *Nodes) add(routeName, path string, paramNames []string, handlers context.Handlers, root bool) (err error) {
// println("[add] route name: " + routeName)
// println("[add] adding path: " + path)
// wraia etsi doulevei ara
// na to kanw na exei to node to diko tou wildcard parameter name
// kai sto telos na pernei auto, me vasi to *paramname
// alla edw mesa 9a ginete register vasi tou last /
// set the wildcard param name to the root and its children.
wildcardIdx := strings.IndexByte(path, '*')
wildcardParamName := ""
if wildcardIdx > 0 && len(paramNames) == 0 { // 27 Oct comment: && len(paramNames) == 0 {
wildcardParamName = path[wildcardIdx+1:]
path = path[0:wildcardIdx-1] + "/" // replace *paramName with single slash
// if path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
// if root wildcard, then add it as it's and return
rootWildcard := path == "/"
if rootWildcard {
path += "/" // if root wildcard, then do it like "//" instead of simple "/"
n := &node{
rootWildcard: rootWildcard,
s: path,
routeName: routeName,
wildcardParamName: wildcardParamName,
paramNames: paramNames,
handlers: handlers,
root: root,
*nodes = append(*nodes, n)
// println("1. nodes.Add path: " + path)
for _, n := range *nodes {
if n.rootWildcard {
if len(n.paramNames) == 0 && n.wildcardParamName != "" {
minlen := len(n.s)
if len(path) < minlen {
minlen = len(path)
for i := 0; i < minlen; i++ {
if n.s[i] == path[i] {
if i == 0 {
continue loop
*n = node{
s: n.s[:i],
childrenNodes: Nodes{
s: n.s[i:],
routeName: n.routeName,
wildcardParamName: n.wildcardParamName, // wildcardParamName
paramNames: n.paramNames,
childrenNodes: n.childrenNodes,
handlers: n.handlers,
s: path[i:],
routeName: routeName,
wildcardParamName: wildcardParamName,
paramNames: paramNames,
handlers: handlers,
root: n.root,
// println("2. change n and return " + n.s[:i] + " and " + path[i:])
if len(path) < len(n.s) {
// println("3. change n and return | n.s[:len(path)] = " + n.s[:len(path)-1] + " and child: " + n.s[len(path)-1:])
*n = node{
s: n.s[:len(path)],
routeName: routeName,
wildcardParamName: wildcardParamName,
paramNames: paramNames,
childrenNodes: Nodes{
s: n.s[len(path):],
routeName: n.routeName,
wildcardParamName: n.wildcardParamName, // wildcardParamName
paramNames: n.paramNames,
childrenNodes: n.childrenNodes,
handlers: n.handlers,
handlers: handlers,
root: n.root,
if len(path) > len(n.s) {
if n.wildcardParamName != "" {
n := &node{
s: path,
routeName: routeName,
wildcardParamName: wildcardParamName,
paramNames: paramNames,
handlers: handlers,
root: root,
// println("3.5. nodes.Add path: " + n.s)
*nodes = append(*nodes, n)
pathToAdd := path[len(n.s):]
// println("4. nodes.Add route name: " + routeName)
// println("4. nodes.Add path: " + pathToAdd)
err = n.childrenNodes.add(routeName, pathToAdd, paramNames, handlers, false)
return err
if len(handlers) == 0 { // missing handlers
return nil
if len(n.handlers) > 0 { // n.handlers already setted
return ErrDublicate
n.paramNames = paramNames
n.handlers = handlers
n.routeName = routeName
// Author's note:
// 27 Oct 2017; fixes s|i|l+static+p
// without breaking the current tests.
if wildcardIdx > 0 {
wildcardParamName = path[wildcardIdx+1:]
path = path[0:wildcardIdx-1] + "/"
// END
n := &node{
s: path,
routeName: routeName,
wildcardParamName: wildcardParamName,
paramNames: paramNames,
handlers: handlers,
root: root,
*nodes = append(*nodes, n)
// println("5. node add on path: " + path + " n.s: " + n.s + " wildcard param: " + n.wildcardParamName)
// Find resolves the path, fills its params
// and returns the registered to the resolved node's handlers.
func (nodes Nodes) Find(path string, params *context.RequestParams) (string, context.Handlers) {
n, paramValues := nodes.findChild(path, nil)
if n != nil {
// map the params,
// n.params are the param names
if len(paramValues) > 0 {
// println("-----------")
// print("param values returned len: ")
// println(len(paramValues))
// println("first value is: " + paramValues[0])
// print("n.paramNames len: ")
// println(len(n.paramNames))
for i, name := range n.paramNames {
// println("setting param name: " + name + " = " + paramValues[i])
params.Set(name, paramValues[i])
// last is the wildcard,
// if paramValues are exceed from the registered param names.
// Note that n.wildcardParamName can be not empty but that doesn't meaning
// that it contains a wildcard path, so the check is required.
if len(paramValues) > len(n.paramNames) {
// println("len(paramValues) > len(n.paramNames)")
lastWildcardVal := paramValues[len(paramValues)-1]
// println("setting wildcard param name: " + n.wildcardParamName + " = " + lastWildcardVal)
params.Set(n.wildcardParamName, lastWildcardVal)
return n.routeName, n.handlers
return "", nil
// Exists returns true if a node with that "path" exists,
// otherise false.
// We don't care about parameters here.
func (nodes Nodes) Exists(path string) bool {
n, _ := nodes.findChild(path, nil)
return n != nil && len(n.handlers) > 0
func (nodes Nodes) findChild(path string, params []string) (*node, []string) {
for _, n := range nodes {
if n.s == ":" {
paramEnd := strings.IndexByte(path, '/')
if paramEnd == -1 {
if len(n.handlers) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return n, append(params, path)
return n.childrenNodes.findChild(path[paramEnd:], append(params, path[:paramEnd]))
// println("n.s: " + n.s)
// print("n.childrenNodes len: ")
// println(len(n.childrenNodes))
// print("n.root: ")
// println(n.root)
// by runtime check of:,
// if n.s == "//" && n.root && n.wildcardParamName != "" {
// but this will slow down, so we have a static field on the node itself:
if n.rootWildcard {
// println("return from n.rootWildcard")
// single root wildcard
if len(path) < 2 {
// do not remove that, it seems useless but it's not,
// we had an error while production, this fixes that.
path = "/" + path
return n, append(params, path[1:])
// second conditional may be unnecessary
// because of the n.rootWildcard before, but do it.
if n.wildcardParamName != "" && len(path) > 2 {
// println("n has wildcard n.s: " + n.s + " on path: " + path)
// n.s = static/, path = static
// println(n.s + " vs path: " + path)
// we could have /other/ as n.s so
// we must do this check, remember:
// now wildcards live on their own nodes
if len(path) == len(n.s)-1 {
// then it's like:
// path = /other2
// ns = /other2/
if path == n.s[0:len(n.s)-1] {
return n, params
// othwerwise path = /other2/dsadas
// ns= /other2/
if strings.HasPrefix(path, n.s) {
if len(path) > len(n.s)+1 {
return n, append(params, path[len(n.s):]) // without slash
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, n.s) {
// fmt.Printf("---here root: %v, n.s: "+n.s+" and path: "+path+" is dynamic: %v , wildcardParamName: %s, children len: %v \n", n.root, n.isDynamic(), n.wildcardParamName, len(n.childrenNodes))
// println(path + " n.s: " + n.s + " continue...")
if len(path) == len(n.s) {
if len(n.handlers) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return n, params
child, childParamNames := n.childrenNodes.findChild(path[len(n.s):], params)
// print("childParamNames len: ")
// println(len(childParamNames))
// if len(childParamNames) > 0 {
// println("childParamsNames[0] = " + childParamNames[0])
// }
if child == nil || len(child.handlers) == 0 {
if n.s[len(n.s)-1] == '/' && !(n.root && (n.s == "/" || len(n.childrenNodes) > 0)) {
if len(n.handlers) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// println("if child == nil.... | n.s = " + n.s)
// print("n.paramNames len: ")
// println(n.paramNames)
// print("n.wildcardParamName is: ")
// println(n.wildcardParamName)
// print("return n, append(params, path[len(n.s) | params: ")
// println(path[len(n.s):])
return n, append(params, path[len(n.s):])
return child, childParamNames
return nil, nil
// childLen returns all the children's and their children's length.
func (n *node) childLen() (i int) {
for _, n := range n.childrenNodes {
i += n.childLen()
func (n *node) isDynamic() bool {
return n.s == ":" || n.wildcardParamName != "" || n.rootWildcard
// prioritize sets the static paths first.
func (nodes Nodes) prioritize() {
sort.Slice(nodes, func(i, j int) bool {
if nodes[i].isDynamic() {
return false
if nodes[j].isDynamic() {
return true
return nodes[i].childLen() > nodes[j].childLen()
for _, n := range nodes {