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package mvc
import (
// Application is the high-level component of the "mvc" package.
// It's the API that you will be using to register controllers among with their
// dependencies that your controllers may expecting.
// It contains the Router(iris.Party) in order to be able to register
// template layout, middleware, done handlers as you used with the
// standard Iris APIBuilder.
// The Engine is created by the `New` method and it's the dependencies holder
// and controllers factory.
// See `mvc#New` for more.
type Application struct {
container *hero.Container
// This Application's Name. Keep names unique to each other.
Name string
Router router.Party
Controllers []*ControllerActivator
websocketControllers []websocket.ConnHandler
// Disables verbose logging for controllers under this and its children mvc apps.
// Defaults to false.
controllersNoLog bool
// Set custom path
customPathWordFunc CustomPathWordFunc
func newApp(subRouter router.Party, container *hero.Container) *Application {
app := &Application{
Router: subRouter,
container: container,
// Register this Application so any field or method's input argument of
// *mvc.Application can point to the current MVC application that the controller runs on.
registerBuiltinDependencies(container, app)
return app
// See `hero.BuiltinDependencies` too, here we are registering dependencies per MVC Application.
func registerBuiltinDependencies(container *hero.Container, deps ...interface{}) {
for _, dep := range deps {
depTyp := reflect.TypeOf(dep)
for i, dependency := range container.Dependencies {
if dependency.Static {
if dependency.DestType == depTyp {
// Remove any existing before register this one (see app.Clone).
copy(container.Dependencies[i:], container.Dependencies[i+1:])
container.Dependencies = container.Dependencies[:len(container.Dependencies)-1]
// New returns a new mvc Application based on a "party".
// Application creates a new engine which is responsible for binding the dependencies
// and creating and activating the app's controller(s).
// Example: `New(app.Party("/todo"))` or `New(app)` as it's the same as `New(app.Party("/"))`.
func New(party router.Party) *Application {
return newApp(party, party.ConfigureContainer().Container.Clone())
// Configure creates a new controller and configures it,
// this function simply calls the `New(party)` and its `.Configure(configurators...)`.
// A call of `mvc.New(app.Party("/path").Configure(buildMyMVC)` is equal to
// `mvc.Configure(app.Party("/path"), buildMyMVC)`.
// Read more at `New() Application` and `Application#Configure` methods.
func Configure(party router.Party, configurators ...func(*Application)) *Application {
// Author's Notes->
// About the Configure's comment: +5 space to be shown in equal width to the previous or after line.
// About the Configure's design chosen:
// Yes, we could just have a `New(party, configurators...)`
// but I think the `New()` and `Configure(configurators...)` API seems more native to programmers,
// at least to me and the people I ask for their opinion between them.
// Because the `New()` can actually return something that can be fully configured without its `Configure`,
// its `Configure` is there just to design the apps better and help end-devs to split their code wisely.
return New(party).Configure(configurators...)
// Configure can be used to pass one or more functions that accept this
// Application, use this to add dependencies and controller(s).
// Example: `New(app.Party("/todo")).Configure(func(mvcApp *mvc.Application){...})`.
func (app *Application) Configure(configurators ...func(*Application)) *Application {
for _, c := range configurators {
return app
// SetName sets a unique name to this MVC Application.
// Used for logging, not used in runtime yet, but maybe useful for future features.
// It returns this Application.
func (app *Application) SetName(appName string) *Application {
app.Name = appName
return app
// SetCustomPathWordFunc sets a custom function
// which is responsible to override the existing controllers method parsing.
func (app *Application) SetCustomPathWordFunc(wordFunc CustomPathWordFunc) *Application {
app.customPathWordFunc = wordFunc
return app
// SetControllersNoLog disables verbose logging for next registered controllers
// under this App and its children of `Application.Party` or `Application.Clone`.
// To disable logging for routes under a Party,
// see `Party.SetRoutesNoLog` instead.
// Defaults to false when log level is "debug".
func (app *Application) SetControllersNoLog(disable bool) *Application {
app.controllersNoLog = disable
return app
// Register appends one or more values as dependencies.
// The value can be a single struct value-instance or a function
// which has one input and one output, the input should be
// an `iris.Context` and the output can be any type, that output type
// will be bind-ed to the controller's field, if matching or to the
// controller's methods, if matching.
// These dependencies "dependencies" can be changed per-controller as well,
// via controller's `BeforeActivation` and `AfterActivation` methods,
// look the `Handle` method for more.
// It returns this Application.
// Example: `.Register(loggerService{prefix: "dev"}, func(ctx iris.Context) User {...})`.
func (app *Application) Register(dependencies ...interface{}) *Application {
if len(dependencies) > 0 && len(app.container.Dependencies) == len(hero.BuiltinDependencies) && len(app.Controllers) > 0 {
allControllerNamesSoFar := make([]string, len(app.Controllers))
for i := range app.Controllers {
allControllerNamesSoFar[i] = app.Controllers[i].Name()
golog.Warnf(`mvc.Application#Register called after mvc.Application#Handle.
The controllers[%s] may miss required dependencies.
Set the Logger's Level to "debug" to view the active dependencies per controller.`, strings.Join(allControllerNamesSoFar, ","))
for _, dependency := range dependencies {
return app
type (
// Option is an interface which does contain a single `Apply` method that accepts
// a `ControllerActivator`. It can be passed on `Application.Handle` method to
// mdoify the behavior right after the `BeforeActivation` state.
// See `GRPC` package-level structure
// and `Version` package-level function too.
Option interface {
// OptionFunc is the functional type of `Option`.
// Read `Option` docs.
OptionFunc func(*ControllerActivator)
// Apply completes the `Option` interface.
func (opt OptionFunc) Apply(c *ControllerActivator) {
// IgnoreEmbedded is an Option which can be used to ignore all embedded struct's method handlers.
// Note that even if the controller overrides the embedded methods
// they will be still ignored because Go doesn't support this detection so far.
// For global affect, set the `IgnoreEmbeddedControllers` package-level variable to true.
var IgnoreEmbedded OptionFunc = func(c *ControllerActivator) {
// Handle serves a controller for the current mvc application's Router.
// It accept any custom struct which its functions will be transformed
// to routes.
// If "controller" has `BeforeActivation(b mvc.BeforeActivation)`
// or/and `AfterActivation(a mvc.AfterActivation)` then these will be called between the controller's `.activate`,
// use those when you want to modify the controller before or/and after
// the controller will be registered to the main Iris Application.
// It returns this mvc Application.
// Usage: `.Handle(new(TodoController))`.
// Controller accepts a sub router and registers any custom struct
// as controller, if struct doesn't have any compatible methods
// neither are registered via `ControllerActivator`'s `Handle` method
// then the controller is not registered at all.
// A Controller may have one or more methods
// that are wrapped to a handler and registered as routes before the server ran.
// The controller's method can accept any input argument that are previously binded
// via the dependencies or route's path accepts dynamic path parameters.
// The controller's fields are also bindable via the dependencies, either a
// static value (service) or a function (dynamically) which accepts a context
// and returns a single value (this type is being used to find the relative field or method's input argument).
// func(c *ExampleController) Get() string |
// (string, string) |
// (string, int) |
// int |
// (int, string |
// (string, error) |
// bool |
// (any, bool) |
// error |
// (int, error) |
// (customStruct, error) |
// customStruct |
// (customStruct, int) |
// (customStruct, string) |
// Result or (Result, error)
// where Get is an HTTP Method func.
// Default behavior can be changed through second, variadic, variable "options",
// e.g. Handle(controller, GRPC {Server: grpcServer, Strict: true})
// Examples at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/mvc
func (app *Application) Handle(controller interface{}, options ...Option) *Application {
c := app.handle(controller, options...)
// Note: log on register-time, so they can catch any failures before build.
if !app.controllersNoLog {
// log only http (and versioned) or grpc controllers,
// websocket is already logging itself.
logController(app.Router.Logger(), c)
return app
// HandleWebsocket handles a websocket specific controller.
// Its exported methods are the events.
// If a "Namespace" field or method exists then namespace is set, otherwise empty namespace.
// Note that a websocket controller is registered and ran under a specific connection connected to a namespace
// and it cannot send HTTP responses on that state.
// However all static and dynamic dependency injection features are working, as expected, like any regular MVC Controller.
func (app *Application) HandleWebsocket(controller interface{}) *websocket.Struct {
c := app.handle(controller)
websocketController := websocket.NewStruct(c.Value).SetInjector(makeInjector(c.injector))
app.websocketControllers = append(app.websocketControllers, websocketController)
return websocketController
func makeInjector(s *hero.Struct) websocket.StructInjector {
return func(_ reflect.Type, nsConn *websocket.NSConn) reflect.Value {
v, _ := s.Acquire(websocket.GetContext(nsConn.Conn))
return v
var _ websocket.ConnHandler = (*Application)(nil)
// GetNamespaces completes the websocket ConnHandler interface.
// It returns a collection of namespace and events that
// were registered through `HandleWebsocket` controllers.
func (app *Application) GetNamespaces() websocket.Namespaces {
if logger := app.Router.Logger(); logger.Level == golog.DebugLevel && !app.controllersNoLog {
return websocket.JoinConnHandlers(app.websocketControllers...).GetNamespaces()
func (app *Application) handle(controller interface{}, options ...Option) *ControllerActivator {
// initialize the controller's activator, nothing too magical so far.
c := newControllerActivator(app, controller)
// check the controller's "BeforeActivation" or/and "AfterActivation" method(s) between the `activate`
// call, which is simply parses the controller's methods, end-dev can register custom controller's methods
// by using the BeforeActivation's (a ControllerActivation) `.Handle` method.
if before, ok := controller.(interface {
}); ok {
for _, opt := range options {
if opt != nil {
if after, okAfter := controller.(interface {
}); okAfter {
app.Controllers = append(app.Controllers, c)
return c
// HandleError registers a `hero.ErrorHandlerFunc` which will be fired when
// application's controllers' functions returns an non-nil error.
// Each controller can override it by implementing the `hero.ErrorHandler`.
func (app *Application) HandleError(handler func(ctx *context.Context, err error)) *Application {
errorHandler := hero.ErrorHandlerFunc(handler)
app.container.GetErrorHandler = func(*context.Context) hero.ErrorHandler {
return errorHandler
return app
// Clone returns a new mvc Application which has the dependencies
// of the current mvc Application's `Dependencies` and its `ErrorHandler`.
// Example: `.Clone(app.Party("/path")).Handle(new(TodoSubController))`.
func (app *Application) Clone(party router.Party) *Application {
cloned := newApp(party, app.container.Clone())
cloned.controllersNoLog = app.controllersNoLog
return cloned
// Party returns a new child mvc Application based on the current path + "relativePath".
// The new mvc Application has the same dependencies of the current mvc Application,
// until otherwise specified later manually.
// The router's root path of this child will be the current mvc Application's root path + "relativePath".
func (app *Application) Party(relativePath string, middleware ...context.Handler) *Application {
return app.Clone(app.Router.Party(relativePath, middleware...))
var childNameReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("*", "", "(", "", ")", "")
func getArrowSymbol(static bool, field bool) string {
if field {
if static {
return "╺"
return "⦿"
if static {
return "•"
return "⦿"
// TODO: instead of this I want to get in touch with tools like "graphviz"
// so we can put all that information (and the API) inside web graphs,
// it will be easier for developers to see the flow of the whole application,
// but probalby I will never find time for that as we have higher priorities...just a reminder though.
func logController(logger *golog.Logger, c *ControllerActivator) {
if logger.Level != golog.DebugLevel {
if c.injector == nil { // when no actual controller methods are registered.
[DBUG] controller.GreetController
╺ Service → ./service/greet_service.go:16
╺ Get
GET /greet
• iris.Context
• service.Other → ./service/other_service.go:11
bckpNewLine := logger.NewLine
bckpTimeFormat := logger.TimeFormat
logger.NewLine = false
logger.TimeFormat = ""
printer := logger.Printer
reports := c.injector.Container.Reports
ctrlName := c.RelName()
ctrlScopeType := ""
if !c.injector.Singleton {
ctrlScopeType = getArrowSymbol(false, false) + " "
logger.Debugf("%s%s\n", ctrlScopeType, ctrlName)
longestNameLen := 0
for _, report := range reports {
for _, entry := range report.Entries {
if n := len(entry.InputFieldName); n > longestNameLen {
if strings.HasSuffix(entry.InputFieldName, ctrlName) {
longestNameLen = n
longestMethodName := 0
for methodName := range c.routes {
if n := len(methodName); n > longestMethodName {
longestMethodName = n
lastColorCode := -1
for _, report := range reports {
childName := childNameReplacer.Replace(report.Name)
if idx := strings.Index(childName, c.Name()); idx >= 0 {
childName = childName[idx+len(c.Name()):] // it's always +1 otherwise should be reported as BUG.
if childName != "" && childName[0] == '.' {
// It's a struct's method.
childName = childName[1:]
for _, route := range c.routes[childName] {
if route.NoLog {
// Let them be logged again with the middlewares, e.g UseRouter or UseGlobal after this MVC app created.
// route.NoLog = true
colorCode := router.TraceTitleColorCode(route.Method)
// group same methods (or errors).
if lastColorCode == -1 {
lastColorCode = colorCode
} else if lastColorCode != colorCode {
lastColorCode = colorCode
fmt.Fprint(printer, " ╺ ")
pio.WriteRich(printer, childName, colorCode)
entries := report.Entries[1:] // the ctrl value is always the first input argument so 1:..
if len(entries) == 0 {
// pio.WriteRich(printer, " "+route.GetTitle(), colorCode)
fmt.Fprintf(printer, " %s\n", route.String())
for _, entry := range entries {
fileLine := ""
if !strings.Contains(entry.DependencyFile, "kataras/iris/") {
fileLine = fmt.Sprintf("→ %s:%d", entry.DependencyFile, entry.DependencyLine)
fieldName := entry.InputFieldName
spaceRequired := longestNameLen - len(fieldName)
if spaceRequired < 0 {
spaceRequired = 0
// → ⊳ ↔
fmt.Fprintf(printer, " • %s%s %s\n", fieldName, strings.Repeat(" ", spaceRequired), fileLine)
} else {
// It's a struct's field.
for _, entry := range report.Entries {
fileLine := ""
if !strings.Contains(entry.DependencyFile, "kataras/iris/") {
fileLine = fmt.Sprintf("→ %s:%d", entry.DependencyFile, entry.DependencyLine)
fieldName := entry.InputFieldName
spaceRequired := longestNameLen + 2 - len(fieldName) // plus the two spaces because it's not collapsed.
if spaceRequired < 0 {
spaceRequired = 0
arrowSymbol := getArrowSymbol(entry.Static, true)
fmt.Fprintf(printer, " %s %s%s %s\n", arrowSymbol, fieldName, strings.Repeat(" ", spaceRequired), fileLine)
// fmt.Fprintln(printer)
logger.NewLine = bckpNewLine
logger.TimeFormat = bckpTimeFormat