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synced 2025-03-22 09:46:27 +01:00
Start organising the kataras/go-*package which are relative to the Iris project. The kataras/go-*package will be exists and their features will be adapted to Iris every 2 months, as we say at readme, iris-relative packages should be tested for a long time before adapted to Iris. With this way we have stability, code readability(the developer can easly navigate to iris' code without need to move across different kataras/ projects). Former-commit-id: db291faaf59d4f53f14ce5800fde805f56c8b802
759 lines
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759 lines
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package httprouter
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Usage |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// package main
// import (
// "gopkg.in/kataras/iris.v6/adaptors/httprouter"
// "gopkg.in/kataras/iris.v6"
// )
// func main() {
// app := iris.New()
// app.Adapt(httprouter.New()) // Add this line and you're ready.
// app.Get("/api/users/:userid", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// ctx.Writef("User with id: %s", ctx.Param("userid"))
// })
// app.Listen(":8080")
// }
import (
const (
// parameterStartByte is very used on the node, it's just contains the byte for the ':' rune/char
parameterStartByte = byte(':')
// slashByte is just a byte of '/' rune/char
slashByte = byte('/')
// slash is just a string of "/"
slash = "/"
// matchEverythingByte is just a byte of '*" rune/char
matchEverythingByte = byte('*')
isRoot entryCase = iota
type (
// entryCase is the type which the type of muxEntryusing in order to determinate what type (parameterized, anything, static...) is the perticular node
entryCase uint8
// muxEntry is the node of a tree of the routes,
// in order to learn how this is working, google 'trie' or watch this lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhAUk63tLRM
// this method is used by the BSD's kernel also
muxEntry struct {
part string
entryCase entryCase
hasWildNode bool
tokens string
nodes []*muxEntry
middleware iris.Middleware
precedence uint64
paramsLen uint8
var (
errMuxEntryConflictsWildcard = errors.New(`
httprouter: '%s' in new path '%s'
conflicts with existing wildcarded route with path: '%s'
in existing prefix of'%s' `)
errMuxEntryMiddlewareAlreadyExists = errors.New(`
httprouter: Middleware were already registered for the path: '%s'`)
errMuxEntryInvalidWildcard = errors.New(`
httprouter: More than one wildcard found in the path part: '%s' in route's path: '%s'`)
errMuxEntryConflictsExistingWildcard = errors.New(`
httprouter: Wildcard for route path: '%s' conflicts with existing children in route path: '%s'`)
errMuxEntryWildcardUnnamed = errors.New(`
httprouter: Unnamed wildcard found in path: '%s'`)
errMuxEntryWildcardInvalidPlace = errors.New(`
httprouter: Wildcard is only allowed at the end of the path, in the route path: '%s'`)
errMuxEntryWildcardConflictsMiddleware = errors.New(`
httprouter: Wildcard conflicts with existing middleware for the route path: '%s'`)
errMuxEntryWildcardMissingSlash = errors.New(`
httprouter: No slash(/) were found before wildcard in the route path: '%s'`)
// getParamsLen returns the parameters length from a given path
func getParamsLen(path string) uint8 {
var n uint
for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
if path[i] != ':' && path[i] != '*' { // ParameterStartByte & MatchEverythingByte
if n >= 255 {
return 255
return uint8(n)
// findLower returns the smaller number between a and b
func findLower(a, b int) int {
if a <= b {
return a
return b
// add adds a muxEntry to the existing muxEntry or to the tree if no muxEntry has the prefix of
func (e *muxEntry) add(path string, middleware iris.Middleware) error {
fullPath := path
numParams := getParamsLen(path)
if len(e.part) > 0 || len(e.nodes) > 0 {
for {
if numParams > e.paramsLen {
e.paramsLen = numParams
i := 0
max := findLower(len(path), len(e.part))
for i < max && path[i] == e.part[i] {
if i < len(e.part) {
node := muxEntry{
part: e.part[i:],
hasWildNode: e.hasWildNode,
tokens: e.tokens,
nodes: e.nodes,
middleware: e.middleware,
precedence: e.precedence - 1,
for i := range node.nodes {
if node.nodes[i].paramsLen > node.paramsLen {
node.paramsLen = node.nodes[i].paramsLen
e.nodes = []*muxEntry{&node}
e.tokens = string([]byte{e.part[i]})
e.part = path[:i]
e.middleware = nil
e.hasWildNode = false
if i < len(path) {
path = path[i:]
if e.hasWildNode {
e = e.nodes[0]
if numParams > e.paramsLen {
e.paramsLen = numParams
if len(path) >= len(e.part) && e.part == path[:len(e.part)] &&
// Check for longer wildcard, e.g. :name and :names
(len(e.part) >= len(path) || path[len(e.part)] == '/') {
continue loop
} else {
// Wildcard conflict
part := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)[0]
prefix := fullPath[:strings.Index(fullPath, part)] + e.part
return errMuxEntryConflictsWildcard.Format(fullPath, e.part, prefix)
c := path[0]
if e.entryCase == hasParams && c == slashByte && len(e.nodes) == 1 {
e = e.nodes[0]
continue loop
for i := range e.tokens {
if c == e.tokens[i] {
i = e.precedenceTo(i)
e = e.nodes[i]
continue loop
if c != parameterStartByte && c != matchEverythingByte {
e.tokens += string([]byte{c})
node := &muxEntry{
paramsLen: numParams,
e.nodes = append(e.nodes, node)
e.precedenceTo(len(e.tokens) - 1)
e = node
return e.addNode(numParams, path, fullPath, middleware)
} else if i == len(path) {
if e.middleware != nil {
return errMuxEntryMiddlewareAlreadyExists.Format(fullPath)
e.middleware = middleware
return nil
} else {
if err := e.addNode(numParams, path, fullPath, middleware); err != nil {
return err
e.entryCase = isRoot
return nil
// addNode adds a muxEntry as children to other muxEntry
func (e *muxEntry) addNode(numParams uint8, path string, fullPath string, middleware iris.Middleware) error {
var offset int
for i, max := 0, len(path); numParams > 0; i++ {
c := path[i]
if c != parameterStartByte && c != matchEverythingByte {
end := i + 1
for end < max && path[end] != slashByte {
switch path[end] {
case parameterStartByte, matchEverythingByte:
return errMuxEntryInvalidWildcard.Format(path[i:], fullPath)
if len(e.nodes) > 0 {
return errMuxEntryConflictsExistingWildcard.Format(path[i:end], fullPath)
if end-i < 2 {
return errMuxEntryWildcardUnnamed.Format(fullPath)
if c == parameterStartByte {
if i > 0 {
e.part = path[offset:i]
offset = i
child := &muxEntry{
entryCase: hasParams,
paramsLen: numParams,
e.nodes = []*muxEntry{child}
e.hasWildNode = true
e = child
if end < max {
e.part = path[offset:end]
offset = end
child := &muxEntry{
paramsLen: numParams,
precedence: 1,
e.nodes = []*muxEntry{child}
e = child
} else {
if end != max || numParams > 1 {
return errMuxEntryWildcardInvalidPlace.Format(fullPath)
if len(e.part) > 0 && e.part[len(e.part)-1] == '/' {
return errMuxEntryWildcardConflictsMiddleware.Format(fullPath)
if path[i] != slashByte {
return errMuxEntryWildcardMissingSlash.Format(fullPath)
e.part = path[offset:i]
child := &muxEntry{
hasWildNode: true,
entryCase: matchEverything,
paramsLen: 1,
e.nodes = []*muxEntry{child}
e.tokens = string(path[i])
e = child
child = &muxEntry{
part: path[i:],
entryCase: matchEverything,
paramsLen: 1,
middleware: middleware,
precedence: 1,
e.nodes = []*muxEntry{child}
return nil
e.part = path[offset:]
e.middleware = middleware
return nil
// get is used by the Router, it finds and returns the correct muxEntry for a path
func (e *muxEntry) get(path string, ctx *iris.Context) (mustRedirect bool) {
for {
if len(path) > len(e.part) {
if path[:len(e.part)] == e.part {
path = path[len(e.part):]
if !e.hasWildNode {
c := path[0]
for i := range e.tokens {
if c == e.tokens[i] {
e = e.nodes[i]
continue loop
mustRedirect = (path == slash && e.middleware != nil)
e = e.nodes[0]
switch e.entryCase {
case hasParams:
end := 0
for end < len(path) && path[end] != '/' {
ctx.Set(e.part[1:], path[:end])
if end < len(path) {
if len(e.nodes) > 0 {
path = path[end:]
e = e.nodes[0]
continue loop
mustRedirect = (len(path) == end+1)
if ctx.Middleware = e.middleware; ctx.Middleware != nil {
} else if len(e.nodes) == 1 {
e = e.nodes[0]
mustRedirect = (e.part == slash && e.middleware != nil)
case matchEverything:
ctx.Set(e.part[2:], path)
ctx.Middleware = e.middleware
} else if path == e.part {
if ctx.Middleware = e.middleware; ctx.Middleware != nil {
if path == slash && e.hasWildNode && e.entryCase != isRoot {
mustRedirect = true
for i := range e.tokens {
if e.tokens[i] == slashByte {
e = e.nodes[i]
mustRedirect = (len(e.part) == 1 && e.middleware != nil) ||
(e.entryCase == matchEverything && e.nodes[0].middleware != nil)
mustRedirect = (path == slash) ||
(len(e.part) == len(path)+1 && e.part[len(path)] == slashByte &&
path == e.part[:len(e.part)-1] && e.middleware != nil)
// precedenceTo just adds the priority of this muxEntry by an index
func (e *muxEntry) precedenceTo(index int) int {
_precedence := e.nodes[index].precedence
newindex := index
for newindex > 0 && e.nodes[newindex-1].precedence < _precedence {
tmpN := e.nodes[newindex-1]
e.nodes[newindex-1] = e.nodes[newindex]
e.nodes[newindex] = tmpN
if newindex != index {
e.tokens = e.tokens[:newindex] +
e.tokens[index:index+1] +
e.tokens[newindex:index] + e.tokens[index+1:]
return newindex
type (
muxTree struct {
method string
// subdomain is empty for default-hostname routes,
// ex: mysubdomain.
subdomain string
entry *muxEntry
serveMux struct {
garden []*muxTree
maxParameters uint8
methodEqual func(string, string) bool
hosts bool
// path = "/api/users/:id"
// return "/api/users/%v"
// path = "/files/*file"
// return /files/%v
// path = "/:username/messages/:messageid"
// return "/%v/messages/%v"
func formatPath(path string) string {
n1Len := strings.Count(path, ":")
isMatchEverything := len(path) > 0 && path[len(path)-1] == matchEverythingByte
if n1Len == 0 && !isMatchEverything {
// its a static
return path
if n1Len == 0 && isMatchEverything {
//if we have something like: /mypath/anything/* -> /mypatch/anything/%v
return path[0:len(path)-2] + "%v"
splittedN1 := strings.Split(path, "/")
for _, v := range splittedN1 {
if len(v) > 0 {
if v[0] == ':' || v[0] == matchEverythingByte {
path = strings.Replace(path, v, "%v", -1) // n1Len, but let it we don't care about performance here.
return path
// Name is the name of the router
// See $iris_instance.Config.Other for more.
const Name = "httprouter"
// New returns a new iris' policy to create and attach the router.
// It's based on the julienschmidt/httprouter with more features and some iris-relative performance tips:
// subdomains(wildcard/dynamic and static) and faster parameters set (use of the already-created context's values)
// and support for reverse routing.
func New() iris.Policies {
var logger func(iris.LogMode, string)
mux := &serveMux{
methodEqual: func(reqMethod string, treeMethod string) bool {
return reqMethod == treeMethod
matchEverythingString := string(matchEverythingByte)
return iris.Policies{
EventPolicy: iris.EventPolicy{
Boot: func(s *iris.Framework) {
logger = s.Log
s.Set(iris.OptionOther(iris.RouterNameConfigKey, Name))
RouterReversionPolicy: iris.RouterReversionPolicy{
// path normalization done on iris' side
StaticPath: func(path string) string {
i := strings.IndexByte(path, parameterStartByte)
v := strings.IndexByte(path, matchEverythingByte)
if i > -1 || v > -1 {
if i < v {
return path[0:i]
// we can't return path[0:0]
if v > 0 {
return path[0:v]
return path
WildcardPath: func(path string, paramName string) string {
// *param
wildcardPart := matchEverythingString + paramName
if path[len(path)-1] != slashByte {
// if not ending with slash then prepend the slash to the wildcard path part
wildcardPart = slash + wildcardPart
// finally return the path given + the wildcard path part
return path + wildcardPart
Param: func(paramName string) string {
return string(parameterStartByte) + paramName
// path = "/api/users/:id", args = ["42"]
// return "/api/users/42"
// path = "/files/*file", args = ["mydir","myfile.zip"]
// return /files/mydir/myfile.zip
// path = "/:username/messages/:messageid", args = ["kataras","42"]
// return "/kataras/messages/42"
// This policy is used for reverse routing,
// see iris.Path/URL and ~/adaptors/view/ {{ url }} {{ urlpath }}
URLPath: func(r iris.RouteInfo, args ...string) string {
rpath := r.Path()
formattedPath := formatPath(rpath)
if rpath == formattedPath {
// static, no need to pass args
return rpath
// check if we have /*, if yes then join all arguments to one as path and pass that as parameter
if formattedPath != rpath && rpath[len(rpath)-1] == matchEverythingByte {
parameter := strings.Join(args, slash)
return fmt.Sprintf(formattedPath, parameter)
// else return the formattedPath with its args
for _, s := range args {
formattedPath = strings.Replace(formattedPath, "%v", s, 1)
return formattedPath
RouterBuilderPolicy: func(repo iris.RouteRepository, context iris.ContextPool) http.Handler {
fatalErr := false
mux.garden = mux.garden[0:0] // re-set the nodes
mux.hosts = false
repo.Visit(func(r iris.RouteInfo) {
if fatalErr {
// add to the registry tree
method := r.Method()
subdomain := r.Subdomain()
path := r.Path()
middleware := r.Middleware()
tree := mux.getTree(method, subdomain)
if tree == nil {
//first time we register a route to this method with this domain
tree = &muxTree{method: method, subdomain: subdomain, entry: &muxEntry{}}
mux.garden = append(mux.garden, tree)
// I decide that it's better to explicit give subdomain and a path to it than registeredPath(mysubdomain./something) now its: subdomain: mysubdomain., path: /something
// we have different tree for each of subdomains, now you can use everything you can use with the normal paths ( before you couldn't set /any/*path)
if err := tree.entry.add(path, middleware); err != nil {
// while ProdMode means that the iris should not continue running
// by-default it panics on these errors, but to make sure let's introduce the fatalErr to stop visiting
fatalErr = true
logger(iris.ProdMode, err.Error())
if mp := tree.entry.paramsLen; mp > mux.maxParameters {
mux.maxParameters = mp
// check for method equality if at least one route has cors
if r.HasCors() {
mux.methodEqual = func(reqMethod string, treeMethod string) bool {
// preflights
return reqMethod == iris.MethodOptions || reqMethod == treeMethod
if subdomain != "" {
mux.hosts = true
if !fatalErr {
return mux.buildHandler(context)
return nil
func (mux *serveMux) getTree(method string, subdomain string) *muxTree {
for i := range mux.garden {
t := mux.garden[i]
if t.method == method && t.subdomain == subdomain {
return t
return nil
func (mux *serveMux) buildHandler(pool iris.ContextPool) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
pool.Run(w, r, func(context *iris.Context) {
routePath := context.Path()
for i := range mux.garden {
tree := mux.garden[i]
if !mux.methodEqual(context.Request.Method, tree.method) {
if mux.hosts && tree.subdomain != "" {
requestHost := context.Host()
hostname := context.Framework().Config.VHost
// println("mux are true and tree.subdomain= " + tree.subdomain + "and hostname = " + hostname + " host = " + requestHost)
if requestHost != hostname {
// we have a subdomain
if strings.Contains(tree.subdomain, iris.DynamicSubdomainIndicator) {
} else {
if tree.subdomain+hostname != requestHost {
// go to the next tree, we have a subdomain but it is not the correct
} else {
//("it's subdomain but the request is not the same as the vhost)
mustRedirect := tree.entry.get(routePath, context) // pass the parameters here for 0 allocation
if context.Middleware != nil {
// ok we found the correct route, serve it and exit entirely from here
} else if mustRedirect && !context.Framework().Config.DisablePathCorrection { // && context.Method() == MethodConnect {
reqPath := routePath
pathLen := len(reqPath)
if pathLen > 1 {
if reqPath[pathLen-1] == '/' {
reqPath = reqPath[:pathLen-1] //remove the last /
} else {
//it has path prefix, it doesn't ends with / and it hasn't be found, then just add the slash
reqPath = reqPath + "/"
urlToRedirect := reqPath
statusForRedirect := iris.StatusMovedPermanently // StatusMovedPermanently, this document is obselte, clients caches this.
if tree.method == iris.MethodPost ||
tree.method == iris.MethodPut ||
tree.method == iris.MethodDelete {
statusForRedirect = iris.StatusTemporaryRedirect // To maintain POST data
context.Redirect(urlToRedirect, statusForRedirect)
// RFC2616 recommends that a short note "SHOULD" be included in the
// response because older user agents may not understand 301/307.
// Shouldn't send the response for POST or HEAD; that leaves GET.
if tree.method == iris.MethodGet {
note := "<a href=\"" + HTMLEscape(urlToRedirect) + "\">Moved Permanently</a>.\n"
// ignore error
// not found
// https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/469
if context.Framework().Config.FireMethodNotAllowed {
var methodAllowed string
for i := range mux.garden {
tree := mux.garden[i]
methodAllowed = tree.method // keep track of the allowed method of the last checked tree
if !mux.methodEqual(context.Method(), tree.method) {
// RCF rfc2616 https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
// The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource.
context.SetHeader("Allow", methodAllowed)
//THESE ARE FROM Go Authors "html" package
var htmlReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
"&", "&",
"<", "<",
">", ">",
// """ is shorter than """.
`"`, """,
// "'" is shorter than "'" and apos was not in HTML until HTML5.
"'", "'",
// HTMLEscape returns a string which has no valid html code
func HTMLEscape(s string) string {
return htmlReplacer.Replace(s)