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# FAQ ### Looking for free support? http://support.iris-go.com https://kataras.rocket.chat/channel/iris ### Looking for previous versions? https://github.com/kataras/iris#version ### Should I upgrade my Iris? Developers are not forced to upgrade if they don't really need it. Upgrade whenever you feel ready. > Iris uses the [vendor directory](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo) feature, so you get truly reproducible builds, as this method guards against upstream renames and deletes. **How to upgrade**: Open your command-line and execute this command: `go get -u github.com/kataras/iris`. For further installation support, please click [here](http://support.iris-go.com/d/16-how-to-install-iris-web-framework). ### About our new home page http://iris-go.com Thanks to [Santosh Anand](https://github.com/santoshanand) the http://iris-go.com has been upgraded and it's really awesome! [Santosh](https://github.com/santoshanand) is a freelancer, he has a great knowledge of nodejs and express js, Android, iOS, React Native, Vue.js etc, if you need a developer to find or create a solution for your problem or task, please contact with him. The amount of the next two or three donations you'll send they will be immediately transferred to his own account balance, so be generous please! Read more at https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md Former-commit-id: eec2d71bbe011d6b48d2526eb25919e36e5ad94e
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// Copyright 2017 Gerasimos Maropoulos, ΓΜ. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package iris
import (
// std packages
// context for the handlers
// core packages, needed to build the application
// sessions and view
// middleware used in Default method
requestLogger "github.com/kataras/iris/middleware/logger"
const (
banner = ` _____ _
|_ _| (_)
| | ____ _ ___
| | | __|| |/ __|
_| |_| | | |\__ \
|_____|_| |_||___/ `
// Version is the current version number of the Iris Web framework.
Version = "V7.0.0"
// MethodNone is a Virtual method
// to store the "offline" routes.
// Conversion for router.MethodNone.
const MethodNone = router.MethodNone
// Application is responsible to manage the state of the application.
// It contains and handles all the necessary parts to create a fast web server.
type Application struct {
Scheduler host.Scheduler
// routing embedded | exposing APIBuilder's and Router's public API.
ContextPool *context.Pool
// config contains the configuration fields
// all fields defaults to something that is working, developers don't have to set it.
config *Configuration
// logger logs to the defined logger.
// Use AttachLogger to change the default which prints messages to the os.Stdout.
// It's just an io.Writer, period.
logger io.Writer
// view engine
view view.View
// sessions and flash messages
sessions sessions.Sessions
// used for build
once sync.Once
// New creates and returns a fresh empty Iris *Application instance.
func New() *Application {
config := DefaultConfiguration()
app := &Application{
config: &config,
logger: logger.NewDevLogger(),
APIBuilder: router.NewAPIBuilder(),
Router: router.NewRouter(),
app.ContextPool = context.New(func() context.Context {
return context.NewContext(app)
return app
// Default returns a new Application instance.
// Unlike `New` this method prepares some things for you.
// std html templates from the "./templates" directory,
// session manager is attached with a default expiration of 7 days,
// recovery and (request) logger handlers(middleware) are being registered.
func Default() *Application {
app := New()
app.AttachView(view.HTML("./templates", ".html"))
Cookie: "irissessionid",
Expires: 7 * (24 * time.Hour), // 1 week
return app
// Configure can called when modifications to the framework instance needed.
// It accepts the framework instance
// and returns an error which if it's not nil it's printed to the logger.
// See configuration.go for more.
// Returns itself in order to be used like app:= New().Configure(...)
func (app *Application) Configure(configurators ...Configurator) *Application {
for _, cfg := range configurators {
return app
// Build sets up, once, the framework.
// It builds the default router with its default macros
// and the template functions that are very-closed to Iris.
func (app *Application) Build() (err error) {
app.once.Do(func() {
// view engine
// here is where we declare the closed-relative framework functions.
// Each engine has their defaults, i.e yield,render,render_r,partial, params...
rv := router.NewRoutePathReverser(app.APIBuilder)
app.view.AddFunc("urlpath", rv.Path)
// app.view.AddFunc("url", rv.URL)
err = app.view.Load()
if err != nil {
return // if view engine loading failed then don't continue
var routerHandler router.RequestHandler
// router
// create the request handler, the default routing handler
routerHandler = router.NewDefaultHandler()
err = app.Router.BuildRouter(app.ContextPool, routerHandler, app.APIBuilder)
// re-build of the router from outside can be done with;
// app.RefreshRouter()
// NewHost accepts a standar *http.Server object,
// completes the necessary missing parts of that "srv"
// and returns a new, ready-to-use, host (supervisor).
func (app *Application) NewHost(srv *http.Server) *host.Supervisor {
// set the server's handler to the framework's router
if srv.Handler == nil {
srv.Handler = app.Router
// check if different ErrorLog provided, if not bind it with the framework's logger
if srv.ErrorLog == nil {
srv.ErrorLog = log.New(app.logger, "[HTTP Server] ", 0)
if srv.Addr == "" {
srv.Addr = ":8080"
// create the new host supervisor
// bind the constructed server and return it
su := host.New(srv)
if app.config.vhost == "" { // vhost now is useful for router subdomain on wildcard subdomains,
// in order to correct decide what to do on:
// mydomain.com -> invalid
// localhost -> invalid
// sub.mydomain.com -> valid
// sub.localhost -> valid
// we need the host (without port if 80 or 443) in order to validate these, so:
app.config.vhost = nettools.ResolveVHost(srv.Addr)
// the below schedules some tasks that will run among the server
// I was thinking to have them on Default or here and if user not wanted these, could use a custom core/host
// but that's too much for someone to just disable the banner for example,
// so I will bind them to a configuration field, although is not direct to the *Application,
// host is de-coupled from *Application as the other features too, it took me 2 months for this design.
// copy the registered schedule tasks from the scheduler, if any will be copied to this host supervisor's scheduler.
if !app.config.DisableBanner {
// show the banner and the available keys to exit from app.
su.Schedule(host.WriteBannerTask(app.logger, banner+Version))
// give 5 seconds to the server to wait for the (idle) connections.
shutdownTimeout := 5 * time.Second
if app.config.EnableTray {
// start the tray icon to the taskbar (cross-platform) when server started.
su.Schedule(host.ShowTrayTask(Version, shutdownTimeout))
if !app.config.DisableInterruptHandler {
// when control/cmd+C pressed.
return su
// Runner is just an interface which accepts the framework instance
// and returns an error.
// It can be used to register a custom runner with `Run` in order
// to set the framework's server listen action.
// Currently Runner is being used to declare the built'n server listeners.
// See `Run` for more.
type Runner func(*Application) error
// Listener can be used as an argument for the `Run` method.
// It can start a server with a custom net.Listener via server's `Serve`.
// See `Run` for more.
func Listener(l net.Listener) Runner {
return func(app *Application) error {
app.config.vhost = nettools.ResolveVHost(l.Addr().String())
return app.NewHost(new(http.Server)).
// Server can be used as an argument for the `Run` method.
// It can start a server with a *http.Server.
// See `Run` for more.
func Server(srv *http.Server) Runner {
return func(app *Application) error {
return app.NewHost(srv).
// Addr can be used as an argument for the `Run` method.
// It accepts a host address which is used to build a server
// and a listener which listens on that host and port.
// Addr should have the form of [host]:port, i.e localhost:8080 or :8080.
// See `Run` for more.
func Addr(addr string) Runner {
return func(app *Application) error {
return app.NewHost(&http.Server{Addr: addr}).
// TLS can be used as an argument for the `Run` method.
// It will start the Application's secure server.
// Use it like you used to use the http.ListenAndServeTLS function.
// Addr should have the form of [host]:port, i.e localhost:443 or :443.
// CertFile & KeyFile should be filenames with their extensions.
// See `Run` for more.
func TLS(addr string, certFile, keyFile string) Runner {
return func(app *Application) error {
return app.NewHost(&http.Server{Addr: addr}).
ListenAndServeTLS(certFile, keyFile)
// AutoTLS can be used as an argument for the `Run` method.
// It will start the Application's secure server using
// certifications created on the fly by the "autocert" golang/x package,
// so localhost may not be working, use it at "production" machine.
// Addr should have the form of [host]:port, i.e mydomain.com:443.
// See `Run` for more.
func AutoTLS(addr string) Runner {
return func(app *Application) error {
return app.NewHost(&http.Server{Addr: addr}).
// Raw can be used as an argument for the `Run` method.
// It accepts any (listen) function that returns an error,
// this function should be block and return an error
// only when the server exited or a fatal error caused.
// With this option you're not limited to the servers
// that Iris can run by-default.
// See `Run` for more.
func Raw(f func() error) Runner {
return func(*Application) error {
return f()
// Run builds the framework and starts the desired `Runner` with or without configuration edits.
// Run should be called only once per Application instance, it blocks like http.Server.
// If more than one server needed to run on the same iris instance
// then create a new host and run it manually by `go NewHost(*http.Server).Serve/ListenAndServe` etc...
// or use an already created host:
// h := NewHost(*http.Server)
// Run(Raw(h.ListenAndServe), WithoutBanner, WithTray, WithCharset("UTF-8"))
// The Application can go online with any type of server or iris's host with the help of
// the following runners:
// `Listener`, `Server`, `Addr`, `TLS`, `AutoTLS` and `Raw`.
func (app *Application) Run(serve Runner, withOrWithout ...Configurator) error {
// first Build because it doesn't need anything from configuration,
// this give the user the chance to modify the router inside a configurator as well.
if err := app.Build(); err != nil {
return err
// this will block until an error(unless supervisor's DeferFlow called from a Task).
return serve(app)
// AttachLogger attachs a new logger to the framework.
func (app *Application) AttachLogger(logWriter io.Writer) {
if logWriter == nil {
// convert that to an empty writerFunc
logWriter = logger.NoOpLogger
app.logger = logWriter
// Log sends a message to the defined io.Writer logger, it's
// just a help function for internal use but it can be used to a cusotom middleware too.
// See AttachLogger too.
func (app *Application) Log(format string, a ...interface{}) {
logger.Log(app.logger, format, a...)
// AttachView should be used to register view engines mapping to a root directory
// and the template file(s) extension.
// Returns an error on failure, otherwise nil.
func (app *Application) AttachView(viewEngine view.Engine) error {
return app.view.Register(viewEngine)
// View executes and writes the result of a template file to the writer.
// First parameter is the writer to write the parsed template.
// Second parameter is the relative, to templates directory, template filename, including extension.
// Third parameter is the layout, can be empty string.
// Forth parameter is the bindable data to the template, can be nil.
// Use context.View to render templates to the client instead.
// Returns an error on failure, otherwise nil.
func (app *Application) View(writer io.Writer, filename string, layout string, bindingData interface{}) error {
if app.view.Len() == 0 {
return errors.New("view engine is missing")
return app.view.ExecuteWriter(writer, filename, layout, bindingData)
// AttachSessionManager registers a session manager to the framework which is used for flash messages too.
// See context.Session too.
func (app *Application) AttachSessionManager(manager sessions.Sessions) {
app.sessions = manager
// SessionManager returns the session manager which contain a Start and Destroy methods
// used inside the context.Session().
// It's ready to use after the RegisterSessions.
func (app *Application) SessionManager() (sessions.Sessions, error) {
if app.sessions == nil {
return nil, errors.New("session manager is missing")
return app.sessions, nil
// ConfigurationReadOnly returns a structure which doesn't allow writing.
func (app *Application) ConfigurationReadOnly() context.ConfigurationReadOnly {
return app.config