2020-08-03 05:46:04 +03:00
ace.go add 'iris.Ace' template engine: _examples/view/template_ace_0 2020-08-03 05:46:04 +03:00
amber.go add 'iris.Ace' template engine: _examples/view/template_ace_0 2020-08-03 05:46:04 +03:00
django.go add 'iris.Ace' template engine: _examples/view/template_ace_0 2020-08-03 05:46:04 +03:00
engine.go version 12.1.5 2020-02-02 16:29:06 +02:00
funcs.go version 12.1.5 2020-02-02 16:29:06 +02:00
handlebars.go add 'iris.Ace' template engine: _examples/view/template_ace_0 2020-08-03 05:46:04 +03:00
html.go add 'iris.Ace' template engine: _examples/view/template_ace_0 2020-08-03 05:46:04 +03:00
jet.go (#1554) Add support for all common compressions (write and read) 2020-07-10 23:21:09 +03:00
pug.go add 'iris.Ace' template engine: _examples/view/template_ace_0 2020-08-03 05:46:04 +03:00 add 'iris.Ace' template engine: _examples/view/template_ace_0 2020-08-03 05:46:04 +03:00
view.go Upgrade to new go errors and some minor fixes and improvements including easier debugging of invalid routes and e.t.c. 2019-10-24 18:57:05 +03:00


Iris supports 7 template engines out-of-the-box, developers can still use any external golang template engine, as Context.ResponseWriter() is an io.Writer.

All of these six template engines have common features with common API, like Layout, Template Funcs, Party-specific layout, partial rendering and more.


You can serve quicktemplate files too, simply by using the context#ResponseWriter, take a look at the iris/_examples/view/quicktemplate example.


// file: main.go
package main

import ""

func main() {
    app := iris.New()
    // Load all templates from the "./views" folder
    // where extension is ".html" and parse them
    // using the standard `html/template` package.
    app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./views", ".html"))

    // Method:    GET
    // Resource:  http://localhost:8080
    app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {
        // Bind: {{.message}} with "Hello world!"
        ctx.ViewData("message", "Hello world!")
        // Render template file: ./views/hello.html

    // Method:    GET
    // Resource:  http://localhost:8080/user/42
    app.Get("/user/{id:int64}", func(ctx iris.Context) {
        userID, _ := ctx.Params().GetInt64("id")
        ctx.Writef("User ID: %d", userID)

    // Start the server using a network address.
<!-- file: ./views/hello.html -->
    <title>Hello Page</title>

Template functions

package main

import ""

func main() {
    app := iris.New()
    tmpl := iris.HTML("./templates", ".html")

    // builtin template funcs are:
    // - {{ urlpath "mynamedroute" "pathParameter_ifneeded" }}
    // - {{ render "header.html" }}
    // - {{ render_r "header.html" }} // partial relative path to current page
    // - {{ yield }}
    // - {{ current }}

    // register a custom template func.
    tmpl.AddFunc("greet", func(s string) string {
        return "Greetings " + s + "!"

    // register the view engine to the views, this will load the templates.

    app.Get("/", hi)

    // http://localhost:8080

func hi(ctx iris.Context) {
    // render the template file "./templates/hi.html"
<!-- file: ./templates/hi.html -->
<b>{{greet "kataras"}}</b> <!-- will be rendered as: <b>Greetings kataras!</b> -->


View engine supports bundled( template files too. go-bindata gives you two functions, Assset and AssetNames, these can be set to each of the template engines using the .Binary function.

Example code:

package main

import ""

func main() {
    app := iris.New()
    // $ go get -u
    // $ go-bindata ./templates/...
    // $ go build
    // $ ./embedding-templates-into-app
    // html files are not used, you can delete the folder and run the example
    app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./templates", ".html").Binary(Asset, AssetNames))
    app.Get("/", hi)

    // http://localhost:8080

type page struct {
    Title, Name string

func hi(ctx iris.Context) {
    //                      {{.Page.Title}} and {{Page.Name}}
    ctx.ViewData("Page", page{Title: "Hi Page", Name: "iris"})

A real example can be found here:


Enable auto-reloading of templates on each request. Useful while developers are in dev mode as they no neeed to restart their app on every template edit.

Example code:

pugEngine := iris.Pug("./templates", ".jade")
pugEngine.Reload(true) // <--- set to true to re-build the templates on each request.