Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos cad90a2753 fix
Former-commit-id: 7c77e2f08fdcb7a48a6aa92364ba3b8e431d8d69
2019-11-20 14:39:45 +02:00

122 lines
3.3 KiB

// white-box testing
package memstore
import (
type myTestObject struct {
name string
func TestMuttable(t *testing.T) {
var p Store
// slice
p.Set("slice", []myTestObject{{"value 1"}, {"value 2"}})
v := p.Get("slice").([]myTestObject)
v[0].name = "modified"
vv := p.Get("slice").([]myTestObject)
if vv[0].name != "modified" {
t.Fatalf("expected slice to be muttable but caller was not able to change its value")
// map
p.Set("map", map[string]myTestObject{"key 1": {"value 1"}, "key 2": {"value 2"}})
vMap := p.Get("map").(map[string]myTestObject)
vMap["key 1"] = myTestObject{"modified"}
vvMap := p.Get("map").(map[string]myTestObject)
if vvMap["key 1"].name != "modified" {
t.Fatalf("expected map to be muttable but caller was not able to change its value")
// object pointer of a value, it can change like maps or slices and arrays.
p.Set("objp", &myTestObject{"value"})
// we expect pointer here, as we set it.
vObjP := p.Get("objp").(*myTestObject) = "modified"
vvObjP := p.Get("objp").(*myTestObject)
if != "modified" {
t.Fatalf("expected objp to be muttable but caller was able to change its value")
func TestImmutable(t *testing.T) {
var p Store
// slice
p.SetImmutable("slice", []myTestObject{{"value 1"}, {"value 2"}})
v := p.Get("slice").([]myTestObject)
v[0].name = "modified"
vv := p.Get("slice").([]myTestObject)
if vv[0].name == "modified" {
t.Fatalf("expected slice to be immutable but caller was able to change its value")
// map
p.SetImmutable("map", map[string]myTestObject{"key 1": {"value 1"}, "key 2": {"value 2"}})
vMap := p.Get("map").(map[string]myTestObject)
vMap["key 1"] = myTestObject{"modified"}
vvMap := p.Get("map").(map[string]myTestObject)
if vvMap["key 1"].name == "modified" {
t.Fatalf("expected map to be immutable but caller was able to change its value")
// object value, it's immutable at all cases.
p.SetImmutable("obj", myTestObject{"value"})
vObj := p.Get("obj").(myTestObject) = "modified"
vvObj := p.Get("obj").(myTestObject)
if == "modified" {
t.Fatalf("expected obj to be immutable but caller was able to change its value")
// object pointer of a value, it's immutable at all cases.
p.SetImmutable("objp", &myTestObject{"value"})
// we expect no pointer here if SetImmutable.
// so it can't be changed by-design
vObjP := p.Get("objp").(myTestObject) = "modified"
vvObjP := p.Get("objp").(myTestObject)
if == "modified" {
t.Fatalf("expected objp to be immutable but caller was able to change its value")
func TestImmutableSetOnlyWithSetImmutable(t *testing.T) {
var p Store
p.SetImmutable("objp", &myTestObject{"value"})
p.Set("objp", &myTestObject{"modified"})
vObjP := p.Get("objp").(myTestObject)
if == "modified" {
t.Fatalf("caller should not be able to change the immutable entry with a simple `Set`")
p.SetImmutable("objp", &myTestObject{"value with SetImmutable"})
vvObjP := p.Get("objp").(myTestObject)
if != "value with SetImmutable" {
t.Fatalf("caller should be able to change the immutable entry with a `SetImmutable`")
func TestGetInt64Default(t *testing.T) {
var p Store
p.Set("a uint16", uint16(2))
if v := p.GetInt64Default("a uint16", 0); v != 2 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected value of %d", v)