Gerasimos Maropoulos 6f22da7622 Nothing special here, remote cache is not ready yet
Remote Cache is not inside docs or history because it's not ready for
production yet, however it seems to works fine, but until I test it on
more than 2kk requests I will not add this on history or docs. The
upcoming 24 hours I will upload a relative package which will combine
all cache features to one
2016-10-28 21:55:00 +03:00

385 lines
13 KiB

package iris
import (
type (
// CacheServiceAPI describes the cache service which caches the whole response body
CacheServiceAPI interface {
// Cache accepts a route's handler which will cache its response and a time.Duration(int64) which is the expiration duration
Cache(HandlerFunc, time.Duration) HandlerFunc
// ServeRemoteCache creates & returns a new handler which saves cache by POST method and serves a cache entry by GET method to clients
// usually set it with iris.Any,
// but developer is able to set different paths for save or get cache entries: using the iris.Post/.Get(...,iris.ServeRemote())
// CacheRemote IS not ready for production yet and that's why it is not in docs or history yet.
// propably this method will go to another package which will be ready at the next 24 hours,
// because it can work both on iris and raw net/http, lets no limit it:)
ServeRemoteCache(time.Duration) HandlerFunc
// Invalidate accepts a cache key (which can be retrieved by 'GetCacheKey') and remove its cache response body
cacheService struct {
cache map[string]*cacheEntry
mu sync.RWMutex
// keep track of the minimum cache duration of all cache entries, this will be used when gcDuration inside .start() is <=time.Second
gcDuration time.Duration
cacheEntry struct {
statusCode int
contentType string
body []byte
// we could have a new Timer foreach cache entry in order to be persise on the expiration but this will cost us a lot of performance,
// (the ticker should be stopped if delete or key ovveride and so on...)
// but I chosen to just have a generic timer with its tick on the lowest 'expires' of all cache entries that cache keeps
expires time.Time
func (e *cacheEntry) serve(ctx *Context) {
var _ CacheServiceAPI = &cacheService{}
func newCacheService() *cacheService {
cs := &cacheService{
cache: make(map[string]*cacheEntry),
mu: sync.RWMutex{},
gcDuration: -1, // will set as the lowest of the cache entries, if not set then the cache doesn't starts its garbage collector
return cs
// start called last (after the lowest cache gc duration has been setted by the Cache funcs)
func (cs *cacheService) start() {
if cs.gcDuration > 0 {
// start the timer to check for expirated cache entries
tick := time.Tick(cs.gcDuration)
go func() {
for range tick {
now := time.Now()
for k, v := range cs.cache {
if now.After(v.expires) {
delete(cs.cache, k)
func (cs *cacheService) get(key string) *cacheEntry {
if v, ok := cs.cache[key]; ok && time.Now().Before(v.expires) { // we check for expiration, the gc clears the cache but gc maybe late
return v
return nil
var minimumAllowedCacheDuration = 2 * time.Second
func validateCacheDuration(expiration time.Duration) time.Duration {
if expiration <= minimumAllowedCacheDuration {
expiration = minimumAllowedCacheDuration * 2
return expiration
func validateStatusCode(statusCode int) int {
if statusCode <= 0 {
statusCode = StatusOK
return statusCode
func validateContentType(cType string) string {
if cType == "" {
cType = contentText
return cType
func (cs *cacheService) set(key string, statusCode int, cType string, body []byte, expiration time.Duration) {
entry := &cacheEntry{
statusCode: validateStatusCode(statusCode),
contentType: validateContentType(cType),
expires: time.Now().Add(validateCacheDuration(expiration)),
body: body,
cs.cache[key] = entry
func (cs *cacheService) remove(key string) {
delete(cs.cache, key)
// GetCacheKey returns the cache key(string) from a context
// it's just the RequestURI
func GetCacheKey(ctx *Context) string {
return string(ctx.Request.URI().RequestURI())
// InvalidateCache clears the cache body for a specific key(request uri, can be retrieved by GetCacheKey(ctx))
// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
// use the app.InvalidateCache instead of iris.InvalidateCache
// Example:
func InvalidateCache(key string) {
// InvalidateCache clears the cache body for a specific key(request uri, can be retrieved by GetCacheKey(ctx))
// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
// Example:
func (cs *cacheService) InvalidateCache(key string) {
// Cache is just a wrapper for a route's handler which you want to enable body caching
// Usage: iris.Get("/", iris.Cache(func(ctx *iris.Context){
// ctx.WriteString("Hello, world!") // or a template or anything else
// }, time.Duration(10*time.Second))) // duration of expiration
// if <=time.Second then it tries to find it though request header's "cache-control" maxage value
// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
// Example:
func Cache(bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
return Default.Cache(bodyHandler, expiration)
func getResponseContentType(ctx *Context) string {
return validateContentType(string(ctx.Response.Header.ContentType()))
func getResponseStatusCode(ctx *Context) int {
return validateStatusCode(ctx.Response.StatusCode())
// Cache is just a wrapper for a route's handler which you want to enable body caching
// Usage: iris.Get("/", iris.Cache(func(ctx *iris.Context){
// ctx.WriteString("Hello, world!") // or a template or anything else
// }, time.Duration(10*time.Second))) // duration of expiration
// if <=time.Second then it tries to find it though request header's "cache-control" maxage value
// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
// use the app.Cache instead of iris.Cache
// Example:
func (cs *cacheService) Cache(bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
expiration = validateCacheDuration(expiration)
if cs.gcDuration == -1 || expiration < cs.gcDuration {
cs.gcDuration = expiration // the first time the gcDuration should be > minimumAllowedCacheDuration so:
h := func(ctx *Context) {
key := GetCacheKey(ctx)
if v := cs.get(key); v != nil {
// if not found then serve the handler and collect its results after
if expiration <= minimumAllowedCacheDuration {
// try to set the expiraion from header
expiration = time.Duration(ctx.MaxAge()) * time.Second
cType := getResponseContentType(ctx)
statusCode := getResponseStatusCode(ctx)
body := ctx.Response.Body()
// and set the cache value as its response body in a goroutine, because we want to exit from the route's handler as soon as possible
go cs.set(key, statusCode, cType, body, expiration)
return h
// GetRemoteCacheKey returns the context's cache key,
// differs from GetCacheKey is that this method parses the query arguments
// because this key must be sent to an external server
func GetRemoteCacheKey(ctx *Context) string {
return url.QueryEscape(ctx.Request.URI().String())
const (
queryCacheKey = "cache_key"
queryCacheDuration = "cache_duration"
queryCacheStatusCode = "cache_status_code"
queryCacheContentType = "cache_content_type"
requestCacheTimeout = 5 * time.Second
statusCacheSucceed = StatusOK
statusCacheFailed = StatusBadRequest
// RemoteCache accepts the remote server address and path of the external cache service, the body handler and optional an expiration
// the last 2 receivers works like .Cache(...) function
// Note: Remotecache is a global function, usage:
// app.Get("/", iris.RemoteCache("", bodyHandler, time.Duration(15)*time.Second))
// IT IS NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION YET, READ THE for the available working cache methods
func RemoteCache(cacheServerAddr string, bodyHandler HandlerFunc, expiration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
client := fasthttp.Client{}
// buf := utils.NewBufferPool(10)
cacheDurationStr := strconv.Itoa(int(expiration.Seconds()))
h := func(ctx *Context) {
req := fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
req.URI().QueryArgs().Add(queryCacheKey, GetRemoteCacheKey(ctx))
res := fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
err := client.DoTimeout(req, res, requestCacheTimeout)
if err != nil || res.StatusCode() == statusCacheFailed {
// if not found on cache, then execute the handler and save the cache to the remote server
// save to the remote cache
args := req.URI().QueryArgs()
args.Add(queryCacheDuration, cacheDurationStr)
statusCode := strconv.Itoa(ctx.Response.StatusCode())
args.Add(queryCacheStatusCode, statusCode)
cType := string(ctx.Response.Header.Peek(contentType))
args.Add(queryCacheContentType, cType)
go func() {
client.DoTimeout(req, res, requestCacheTimeout)
} else {
// get the status code , content type and the write the response body
statusCode := res.StatusCode()
cType := res.Header.ContentType()
return h
// ServeRemoteCache usage: iris.Any("/cacheservice", iris.ServeRemote())
// client does an http request to retrieve cached body from the external/remote server which keeps the cache service.
// if is GET method request then gets from cache
// if it's POST method request then its saves to the cache
// if it's DELETE method request then its invalidates/removes from cache manually
// the content type and the status are setted inside the caller's handler
// this is not like cs.Cache, it's useful only when you separate your servers to achieve horizontal scaling
// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
// use the app.ServeRemoteCache instead of iris.ServeRemoteCache
func ServeRemoteCache(gcDuration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
return Default.ServeRemoteCache(gcDuration)
// ServeRemoteCache usage: iris.Any("/cacheservice", iris.ServeRemoteCache())
// client does an http request to retrieve cached body from the external/remote server which keeps the cache service.
// if is GET method request then gets from cache
// if it's POST method request then its saves to the cache
// if it's DELETE method request then its invalidates/removes from cache manually
// the content type and the status are setted inside the caller's handler
// this is not like cs.Cache, it's useful only when you separate your servers to achieve horizontal scaling
// Note that it depends on a station instance's cache service.
// Do not try to call it from default' station if you use the form of app := iris.New(),
// use the app.ServeRemoteCache instead of iris.ServeRemoteCache
func (cs *cacheService) ServeRemoteCache(gcDuration time.Duration) HandlerFunc {
cs.gcDuration = validateCacheDuration(gcDuration)
// the service started at pre-listen state(on .Build) if gcDuration > 0
h := func(ctx *Context) {
key := ctx.URLParam(queryCacheKey)
if key == "" {
if ctx.IsGet() {
if v := cs.get(key); v != nil {
} else if ctx.IsPost() {
// get the cache expiration via url param
expirationSeconds, err := ctx.URLParamInt64(queryCacheDuration)
// get the body from the requested body
body := ctx.Request.Body()
if len(body) == 0 {
// get the expiration from the "cache-control's maxage" if no url param is setted
if expirationSeconds <= 0 || err != nil {
expirationSeconds = ctx.MaxAge()
// if not setted then try to get it via
if expirationSeconds <= 0 {
expirationSeconds = int64(minimumAllowedCacheDuration.Seconds())
cacheDuration := validateCacheDuration(time.Duration(expirationSeconds) * time.Second)
statusCode, _ := ctx.URLParamInt(queryCacheDuration)
statusCode = validateStatusCode(statusCode)
cType := validateContentType(ctx.URLParam(queryCacheContentType))
cs.set(key, statusCode, cType, body, cacheDuration)
} else if ctx.IsDelete() {
return h