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// Copyright 2017 Gerasimos Maropoulos, ΓΜ. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package typescript provides a typescript compiler with hot-reloader
// and optionally a cloud-based editor, called 'alm-tools'.
// typescript (by microsoft) and alm-tools (by @basarat) have their own (open-source) licenses
// the tools are not used directly by this adaptor, but it's good to know where you can find
// the software.
package typescript
import (
type (
// Typescript contains the unique iris' typescript loader, holds all necessary fields & methods.
Typescript struct {
Config *Config
// taken from framework
log func(format string, a ...interface{})
// New creates & returns a new instnace typescript plugin
func New() *Typescript {
c := DefaultConfig()
if !strings.Contains(c.Ignore, nodeModules) {
c.Ignore += "," + nodeModules
return &Typescript{Config: &c}
// implementation
func (t *Typescript) start() {
if t.hasTypescriptFiles() {
//Can't check if permission denied returns always exists = true....
if !npm.NodeModuleExists(t.Config.Bin) {
t.log("installing typescript, please wait...")
res := npm.NodeModuleInstall("typescript")
if res.Error != nil {
projects := t.getTypescriptProjects()
if len(projects) > 0 {
watchedProjects := 0
//typescript project (.tsconfig) found
for _, project := range projects {
cmd := npm.CommandBuilder("node", t.Config.Bin, "-p", project[0:strings.LastIndex(project, npm.PathSeparator)]) //remove the /tsconfig.json)
projectConfig, perr := FromFile(project)
if perr != nil {
t.log("error while trying to read tsconfig: %s", perr.Error())
if projectConfig.CompilerOptions.Watch {
// if has watch : true then we have to wrap the command to a goroutine (I don't want to use the .Start here)
go func() {
_, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
} else {
_, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
// t.log("%d Typescript project(s) compiled ( %d monitored by a background file watcher", len(projects), watchedProjects)
} else {
//search for standalone typescript (.ts) files and compile them
files := t.getTypescriptFiles()
if len(files) > 0 {
/* watchedFiles := 0
if t.Config.Tsconfig.CompilerOptions.Watch {
watchedFiles = len(files)
//it must be always > 0 if we came here, because of if hasTypescriptFiles == true.
for _, file := range files {
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(file)
if err != nil {
//these will be used if no .tsconfig found.
// cmd := npm.CommandBuilder("node", t.Config.Bin)
// cmd.Arguments(t.Config.Bin, t.Config.Tsconfig.CompilerArgs()...)
// cmd.AppendArguments(absPath)
compilerArgs := t.Config.Tsconfig.CompilerArgs()
cmd := npm.CommandBuilder("node", t.Config.Bin)
for _, s := range compilerArgs {
go func() {
compilerMsgB, _ := cmd.Output()
compilerMsg := string(compilerMsgB)
cmd.Args = cmd.Args[0 : len(cmd.Args)-1] //remove the last, which is the file
if strings.Contains(compilerMsg, "error") {
// t.log("%d Typescript file(s) compiled ( %d monitored by a background file watcher )", len(files), watchedFiles)
func (t *Typescript) hasTypescriptFiles() bool {
root := t.Config.Dir
ignoreFolders := strings.Split(t.Config.Ignore, ",")
hasTs := false
if !npm.Exists(root) {
t.log("typescript error: directory '%s' couldn't be found,\nplease specify a valid path for your *.ts files", root)
return false
// ignore error
filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if fi.IsDir() {
return nil
for i := range ignoreFolders {
if strings.Contains(path, ignoreFolders[i]) {
return nil
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".ts") {
hasTs = true
return errors.New("Typescript found, hope that will stop here")
return nil
return hasTs
func (t *Typescript) getTypescriptProjects() []string {
var projects []string
ignoreFolders := strings.Split(t.Config.Ignore, ",")
root := t.Config.Dir
//t.logger.Printf("\nSearching for typescript projects in %s", root)
// ignore error
filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if fi.IsDir() {
return nil
for i := range ignoreFolders {
if strings.Contains(path, ignoreFolders[i]) {
//t.logger.Println(path + " ignored")
return filepath.SkipDir
if strings.HasSuffix(path, npm.PathSeparator+"tsconfig.json") {
//t.logger.Printf("\nTypescript project found in %s", path)
projects = append(projects, path)
return nil
return projects
// this is being called if getTypescriptProjects return 0 len, then we are searching for files using that:
func (t *Typescript) getTypescriptFiles() []string {
var files []string
ignoreFolders := strings.Split(t.Config.Ignore, ",")
root := t.Config.Dir
// ignore error
filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if fi.IsDir() {
return nil
for i := range ignoreFolders {
if strings.Contains(path, ignoreFolders[i]) {
//t.logger.Println(path + " ignored")
return nil
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".ts") {
//t.logger.Printf("\nTypescript file found in %s", path)
files = append(files, path)
return nil
return files
// Attach attaches the typescript to one or more Iris instance(s).
func (t *Typescript) Attach(app *iris.Application) {
t.log = app.Log