Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos 71e9a84442 godoc the (new) rate.Limit middleware
Former-commit-id: fd5b4504ff873b55870b6966851157b8c641e587
2020-05-02 22:21:42 +03:00

215 lines
6.1 KiB

// Package rate implements rate limiter for Iris client requests.
// Example can be found at: _examples/miscellaneous/ratelimit/main.go.
package rate
import (
func init() {
context.SetHandlerName("iris/middleware/rate.(*Limiter).serveHTTP-fm", "iris.ratelimit")
// Option delcares a function which can be passed on `Limit` package-level
// to modify its internal fields. Available Options are:
// * ExceedHandler
// * ClientData
// * PurgeEvery
type Option func(*Limiter)
// ExceedHandler is an `Option` that can be passed at the `Limit` package-level function.
// It accepts a handler that will be executed every time a client tries to reach a page/resource
// which is not accessible for that moment.
func ExceedHandler(handler context.Handler) Option {
return func(l *Limiter) {
l.exceedHandler = handler
// ClientData is an `Option` that can be passed at the `Limit` package-level function.
// It accepts a function which provides the Iris Context and should return custom data
// that will be stored to the Client and be retrieved as `Get(ctx).Client.Data` later on.
func ClientData(clientDataFunc func(ctx context.Context) interface{}) Option {
return func(l *Limiter) {
l.clientDataFunc = clientDataFunc
// PurgeEvery is an `Option` that can be passed at the `Limit` package-level function.
// This function will check for old entries and remove them.
// E.g. Limit(..., PurgeEvery(time.Minute, 5*time.Minute)) to
// check every 1 minute if a client's last visit was 5 minutes ago ("old" entry)
// and remove it from the memory.
func PurgeEvery(every time.Duration, maxLifetime time.Duration) Option {
condition := func(c *Client) bool {
// for a custom purger the end-developer may use the c.Data filled from a `ClientData` option.
return time.Since(c.LastSeen()) > maxLifetime
return func(l *Limiter) {
go func() {
for {
type (
// Limiter is featured with the necessary functions to limit requests per second.
// It has a single exported method `Purge` which helps to manually remove
// old clients from the memory. Limiter is not exposed by a function,
// callers should use it inside an `Option` for the `Limit` package-level function.
Limiter struct {
clientDataFunc func(ctx context.Context) interface{} // fill the Client's Data field.
exceedHandler context.Handler // when too many requests.
limit rate.Limit
burstSize int
clients map[string]*Client
mu sync.RWMutex // mutex for clients.
// Client holds some request information and the rate limiter itself.
// It can be retrieved by the `Get` package-level function.
// It can be used to manually add RateLimit response headers.
Client struct {
Limiter *rate.Limiter
IP string
Data interface{}
lastSeen time.Time
mu sync.RWMutex // mutex for lastSeen.
// Inf is the infinite rate limit; it allows all events (even if burst is zero).
const Inf = math.MaxFloat64
// Limit returns a new rate limiter handler that allows requests up to rate "limit" and permits
// bursts of at most "burst" tokens.
// E.g. Limit(1, 5) to allow 1 request per second, with a maximum burst size of 5.
// See `ExceedHandler`, `ClientData` and `PurgeEvery` for the available "options".
func Limit(limit float64, burst int, options ...Option) context.Handler {
l := &Limiter{
clients: make(map[string]*Client),
limit: rate.Limit(limit),
burstSize: burst,
exceedHandler: func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx.StopWithStatus(429) // Too Many Requests.
for _, opt := range options {
return l.serveHTTP
// Purge removes client entries from the memory based on the given "condition".
func (l *Limiter) Purge(condition func(*Client) bool) {
for ip, client := range l.clients {
if condition(client) {
delete(l.clients, ip)
func (l *Limiter) serveHTTP(ctx context.Context) {
ip := ctx.RemoteAddr()
client, ok := l.clients[ip]
if !ok {
client = &Client{
Limiter: rate.NewLimiter(l.limit, l.burstSize),
IP: ip,
if l.clientDataFunc != nil {
client.Data = l.clientDataFunc(ctx)
// if, client) {
// ^ no, let's keep it simple.
l.clients[ip] = client
client.lastSeen = time.Now()
ctx.Values().Set(clientContextKey, client)
// reserve := client.Limiter.Reserve()
// if reserve.OK() {
if client.Limiter.Allow() {
if l.exceedHandler != nil {
const clientContextKey = "iris.ratelimit.client"
// Get returns the current rate limited `Client`.
// Use it when you want to log or add response headers based on the current request limitation.
// You can read more about X-RateLimit response headers at:
// A good example of that is the GitHub API itself:
func Get(ctx context.Context) *Client {
if v := ctx.Values().Get(clientContextKey); v != nil {
if c, ok := v.(*Client); ok {
return c
return nil
// LastSeen reports the last Client's visit.
func (c *Client) LastSeen() (t time.Time) {
t = c.lastSeen
return t
// TokensFromDuration is a unit conversion function from a time duration to the number of tokens
// which could be accumulated during that duration at a rate of limit tokens per second.
func (c *Client) TokensFromDuration(d time.Duration) float64 {
// rate.go#tokensFromDuration
limit := float64(c.Limiter.Limit())
sec := float64(d/time.Second) * limit
nsec := float64(d%time.Second) * limit
return sec + nsec/1e9
// DurationFromTokens is a unit conversion function from the number of tokens to the duration
// of time it takes to accumulate them at a rate of limit tokens per second.
func (c *Client) DurationFromTokens(tokens float64) time.Duration {
// rate.go#durationFromTokens
seconds := tokens / float64(c.Limiter.Limit())
return time.Nanosecond * time.Duration(1e9*seconds)