mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 09:44:14 +01:00
also reference the correct file:line on <autogenerated> (by searching for the file,line of method inside the embedded fields themselves, as go automatically generates the methods foreach struct for their embedded fields) fix UseGlobal may override the overlap feature
646 lines
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646 lines
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package router
import (
macroHandler "github.com/kataras/iris/v12/macro/handler"
type (
// RequestHandler the middle man between acquiring a context and releasing it.
// By-default is the router algorithm.
RequestHandler interface {
// Note: A different interface in order to hide the rest of the implementation.
// We only need the `FireErrorCode` to be accessible through the Iris application (see `iris.go#Build`)
// HandleRequest should handle the request based on the Context.
HandleRequest(ctx *context.Context)
// Build should builds the handler, it's being called on router's BuildRouter.
Build(provider RoutesProvider) error
// RouteExists reports whether a particular route exists.
RouteExists(ctx *context.Context, method, path string) bool
// HTTPErrorHandler should contain a method `FireErrorCode` which
// handles http unsuccessful status codes.
HTTPErrorHandler interface {
// FireErrorCode should send an error response to the client based
// on the given context's response status code.
FireErrorCode(ctx *context.Context)
type routerHandler struct {
config context.ConfigurationReadOnly
logger *golog.Logger
trees []*trie
errorTrees []*trie
hosts bool // true if at least one route contains a Subdomain.
errorHosts bool // true if error handlers are registered to at least one Subdomain.
errorDefaultHandlers context.Handlers // the main handler(s) for default error code handlers, when not registered directly by the end-developer.
var _ RequestHandler = (*routerHandler)(nil)
var _ HTTPErrorHandler = (*routerHandler)(nil)
// NewDefaultHandler returns the handler which is responsible
// to map the request with a route (aka mux implementation).
func NewDefaultHandler(config context.ConfigurationReadOnly, logger *golog.Logger) RequestHandler {
return &routerHandler{
config: config,
logger: logger,
func (h *routerHandler) getTree(statusCode int, method, subdomain string) *trie {
if statusCode > 0 {
for i := range h.errorTrees {
t := h.errorTrees[i]
if t.statusCode == statusCode && t.subdomain == subdomain {
return t
return nil
for i := range h.trees {
t := h.trees[i]
if t.method == method && t.subdomain == subdomain {
return t
return nil
// AddRoute registers a route. See `Router.AddRouteUnsafe`.
func (h *routerHandler) AddRoute(r *Route) error {
var (
method = r.Method
statusCode = r.StatusCode
subdomain = r.Subdomain
path = r.Path
handlers = r.Handlers
t := h.getTree(statusCode, method, subdomain)
if t == nil {
n := newTrieNode()
// first time we register a route to this method with this subdomain
t = &trie{statusCode: statusCode, method: method, subdomain: subdomain, root: n}
if statusCode > 0 {
h.errorTrees = append(h.errorTrees, t)
} else {
h.trees = append(h.trees, t)
t.insert(path, r.ReadOnly, handlers)
return nil
// RoutesProvider should be implemented by
// iteral which contains the registered routes.
type RoutesProvider interface { // api builder
GetRoutes() []*Route
GetRoute(routeName string) *Route
// GetRouterFilters returns the app's router filters.
// Read `UseRouter` for more.
// The map can be altered before router built.
GetRouterFilters() map[Party]*Filter
// GetDefaultErrorMiddleware should return
// the default error handler middleares.
GetDefaultErrorMiddleware() context.Handlers
func defaultErrorHandler(ctx *context.Context) {
if err := ctx.GetErr(); err != nil {
} else {
func (h *routerHandler) Build(provider RoutesProvider) error {
h.trees = h.trees[0:0] // reset, inneed when rebuilding.
h.errorTrees = h.errorTrees[0:0]
// set the default error code handler, will be fired on error codes
// that are not handled by a specific handler (On(Any)ErrorCode).
h.errorDefaultHandlers = append(provider.GetDefaultErrorMiddleware(), defaultErrorHandler)
rp := errgroup.New("Routes Builder")
registeredRoutes := provider.GetRoutes()
// before sort.
for _, r := range registeredRoutes {
if r.topLink != nil {
// sort, subdomains go first.
sort.Slice(registeredRoutes, func(i, j int) bool {
first, second := registeredRoutes[i], registeredRoutes[j]
lsub1 := len(first.Subdomain)
lsub2 := len(second.Subdomain)
firstSlashLen := strings.Count(first.Path, "/")
secondSlashLen := strings.Count(second.Path, "/")
if lsub1 == lsub2 && first.Method == second.Method {
if secondSlashLen < firstSlashLen {
// fixes order when wildcard root is registered before other wildcard paths
return true
if secondSlashLen == firstSlashLen {
// fixes order when static path with the same prefix with a wildcard path
// is registered after the wildcard path, although this is managed
// by the low-level node but it couldn't work if we registered a root level wildcard, this fixes it.
if len(first.tmpl.Params) == 0 {
return false
if len(second.tmpl.Params) == 0 {
return true
// No don't fix the order by framework's suggestion,
// let it as it is today; {string} and {path} should be registered before {id} {uint} and e.t.c.
// see `bindMultiParamTypesHandler` for the reason. Order of registration matters.
// the rest are handled inside the node
return lsub1 > lsub2
noLogCount := 0
for _, r := range registeredRoutes {
if r.NoLog {
if h.config != nil && h.config.GetForceLowercaseRouting() {
// only in that state, keep everything else as end-developer registered.
r.Path = strings.ToLower(r.Path)
if r.Subdomain != "" {
if r.StatusCode > 0 {
h.errorHosts = true
} else {
h.hosts = true
if r.topLink == nil {
// build the r.Handlers based on begin and done handlers, if any.
// the only "bad" with this is if the user made an error
// on route, it will be stacked shown in this build state
// and no in the lines of the user's action, they should read
// the docs better. Or TODO: add a link here in order to help new users.
if err := h.AddRoute(r); err != nil {
// node errors:
rp.Addf("%s: %w", r.String(), err)
// TODO: move this and make it easier to read when all cases are, visually, tested.
if logger := h.logger; logger != nil && logger.Level == golog.DebugLevel && noLogCount < len(registeredRoutes) {
// group routes by method and print them without the [DBUG] and time info,
// the route logs are colorful.
// Note: don't use map, we need to keep registered order, use
// different slices for each method.
collect := func(method string) (methodRoutes []*Route) {
for _, r := range registeredRoutes {
if r.NoLog {
if r.Method == method {
methodRoutes = append(methodRoutes, r)
type MethodRoutes struct {
method string
routes []*Route
allMethods := append(AllMethods, []string{MethodNone, ""}...)
methodRoutes := make([]MethodRoutes, 0, len(allMethods))
for _, method := range allMethods {
routes := collect(method)
if len(routes) > 0 {
methodRoutes = append(methodRoutes, MethodRoutes{method, routes})
if n := len(methodRoutes); n > 0 {
tr := "routes"
if len(registeredRoutes) == 1 {
tr = tr[0 : len(tr)-1]
bckpNewLine := logger.NewLine
logger.NewLine = false
debugLevel := golog.Levels[golog.DebugLevel]
// Replace that in order to not transfer it to the log handler (e.g. json)
// logger.Debugf("API: %d registered %s (", len(registeredRoutes), tr)
// with:
pio.WriteRich(logger.Printer, debugLevel.Title, debugLevel.ColorCode, debugLevel.Style...)
fmt.Fprintf(logger.Printer, " %s %sAPI: %d registered %s (", time.Now().Format(logger.TimeFormat), logger.Prefix, len(registeredRoutes)-noLogCount, tr)
logger.NewLine = bckpNewLine
for i, m := range methodRoutes {
// @method: @count
if i > 0 {
if i == n-1 {
fmt.Fprint(logger.Printer, " and ")
} else {
fmt.Fprint(logger.Printer, ", ")
if m.method == "" {
m.method = "ERROR"
fmt.Fprintf(logger.Printer, "%d ", len(m.routes))
pio.WriteRich(logger.Printer, m.method, TraceTitleColorCode(m.method))
fmt.Fprint(logger.Printer, ")\n")
for i, m := range methodRoutes {
for _, r := range m.routes {
r.Trace(logger.Printer, -1)
if i != len(allMethods)-1 {
return errgroup.Check(rp)
func bindMultiParamTypesHandler(r *Route) { // like overlap feature but specifically for path parameters.
h := r.Handlers[1:] // remove the macro evaluator handler as we manually check below.
f := macroHandler.MakeFilter(r.tmpl)
if f == nil {
return // should never happen, previous checks made to set the top link.
currentStatusCode := r.StatusCode
if currentStatusCode == 0 {
currentStatusCode = http.StatusOK
decisionHandler := func(ctx *context.Context) {
// println("core/router/handler.go: decision handler; " + ctx.Path() + " route.Name: " + r.Name + " vs context's " + ctx.GetCurrentRoute().Name())
currentRoute := ctx.GetCurrentRoute()
// Different path parameters types in the same path, fallback should registered first e.g. {path} {string},
// because the handler on this case is executing from last to top.
if f(ctx) {
// println("core/router/handler.go: filter for : " + r.Name + " passed")
// Note: error handlers will be the same, routes came from the same party,
// no need to update them.
r.topLink.builtinBeginHandlers = append(context.Handlers{decisionHandler}, r.topLink.builtinBeginHandlers...)
func canHandleSubdomain(ctx *context.Context, subdomain string) bool {
if subdomain == "" {
return true
requestHost := ctx.Host()
if netutil.IsLoopbackSubdomain(requestHost) {
// this fixes a bug when listening on
// for example
// and have a wildcard subdomain and a route registered to root domain.
return false // it's not a subdomain, it's something like probably
// it's a dynamic wildcard subdomain, we have just to check if ctx.subdomain is not empty
if subdomain == SubdomainWildcardIndicator {
// mydomain.com -> invalid
// localhost -> invalid
// sub.mydomain.com -> valid
// sub.localhost -> valid
serverHost := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetVHost()
if serverHost == requestHost {
return false // it's not a subdomain, it's a full domain (with .com...)
dotIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestHost, '.')
slashIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestHost, '/')
if dotIdx > 0 && (slashIdx == -1 || slashIdx > dotIdx) {
// if "." was found anywhere but not at the first path segment (host).
} else {
return false
// continue to that, any subdomain is valid.
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(requestHost, subdomain) { // subdomain contains the dot, e.g. "admin."
return false
return true
func (h *routerHandler) HandleRequest(ctx *context.Context) {
method := ctx.Method()
path := ctx.Path()
config := h.config // ctx.Application().GetConfigurationReadOnly()
if !config.GetDisablePathCorrection() {
if len(path) > 1 && strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
// Remove trailing slash and client-permanent rule for redirection,
// if confgiuration allows that and path has an extra slash.
// update the new path and redirect.
u := ctx.Request().URL
// use Trim to ensure there is no open redirect due to two leading slashes
path = "/" + strings.Trim(path, "/")
u.Path = path
if !config.GetDisablePathCorrectionRedirection() {
// do redirect, else continue with the modified path without the last "/".
url := u.String()
// Fixes https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/921
// This is caused for security reasons, imagine a payment shop,
// you can't just permantly redirect a POST request, so just 307 (RFC 7231, 6.4.7).
if method == http.MethodPost || method == http.MethodPut {
ctx.Redirect(url, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
ctx.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently)
for i := range h.trees {
t := h.trees[i]
if method != t.method {
if h.hosts && !canHandleSubdomain(ctx, t.subdomain) {
n := t.search(path, ctx.Params())
if n != nil {
// found
// not found or method not allowed.
if config.GetFireMethodNotAllowed() {
for i := range h.trees {
t := h.trees[i]
// if `Configuration#FireMethodNotAllowed` is kept as defaulted(false) then this function will not
// run, therefore performance kept as before.
if h.subdomainAndPathAndMethodExists(ctx, t, "", path) {
// RCF rfc2616 https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
// The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource.
ctx.Header("Allow", t.method)
if config.GetEnablePathIntelligence() && method == http.MethodGet {
closestPaths := ctx.FindClosest(1)
if len(closestPaths) > 0 {
u := ctx.Request().URL
u.Path = closestPaths[0]
ctx.Redirect(u.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently)
func statusCodeSuccessful(statusCode int) bool {
return !context.StatusCodeNotSuccessful(statusCode)
// FireErrorCode handles the response's error response.
// If `Configuration.ResetOnFireErrorCode()` is true
// and the response writer was a recorder one
// then it will try to reset the headers and the body before calling the
// registered (or default) error handler for that error code set by
// `ctx.StatusCode` method.
func (h *routerHandler) FireErrorCode(ctx *context.Context) {
// On common response writer, always check
// if we can't reset the body and the body has been filled
// which means that the status code already sent,
// then do not fire this custom error code,
// rel: context/context.go#EndRequest.
// Note that, this is set to 0 on recorder because it holds the response before sent,
// so we check their len(Body()) instead, look below.
if ctx.ResponseWriter().Written() > 0 {
statusCode := ctx.GetStatusCode() // the response's cached one.
if ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetResetOnFireErrorCode() /* could be an argument too but we must not break the method */ {
// if we can reset the body, probably manual call of `Application.FireErrorCode`.
if w, ok := ctx.IsRecording(); ok {
if statusCodeSuccessful(w.StatusCode()) { // if not an error status code
w.WriteHeader(statusCode) // then set it manually here, otherwise it should be set via ctx.StatusCode(...)
// reset if previous content and it's recorder, keep the status code.
if cw, ok := w.ResponseWriter.(*context.CompressResponseWriter); ok {
// recorder wraps a compress writer.
cw.Disabled = true
} else if w, ok := ctx.ResponseWriter().(*context.CompressResponseWriter); ok {
// reset and disable the gzip in order to be an expected form of http error result
w.Disabled = true
} else {
// check if a body already set (the error response is handled by the handler itself,
// see `Context.EndRequest`)
if w, ok := ctx.IsRecording(); ok {
if len(w.Body()) > 0 {
for i := range h.errorTrees {
t := h.errorTrees[i]
if statusCode != t.statusCode {
if h.errorHosts && !canHandleSubdomain(ctx, t.subdomain) {
n := t.search(ctx.Path(), ctx.Params())
if n == nil {
// try to take the root's one.
n = t.root.getChild(pathSep)
if n != nil {
// Note: handlers can contain macro filters here,
// they are registered as error handlers, see macro/handler.go#42.
// fmt.Println("Error Handlers")
// for _, h := range n.Handlers {
// f, l := context.HandlerFileLine(h)
// fmt.Printf("%s: %s:%d\n", ctx.Path(), f, l)
// }
// fire this http status code's error handlers chain.
// ctx.StopExecution() // not uncomment this, is here to remember why to.
// note for me: I don't stopping the execution of the other handlers
// because may the user want to add a fallback error code
// i.e
// users := app.Party("/users")
// users.Done(func(ctx *context.Context){ if ctx.StatusCode() == 400 { /* custom error code for /users */ }})
// use .HandlerIndex
// that sets the current handler index to zero
// in order to:
// ignore previous runs that may changed the handler index,
// via ctx.Next or ctx.StopExecution, if any.
// use .Do
// that overrides the existing handlers and sets and runs these error handlers.
// in order to:
// ignore the route's after-handlers, if any.
// Should work with:
// Manual call of ctx.Application().FireErrorCode(ctx) (handlers length > 0)
// And on `ctx.SetStatusCode`: Context -> EndRequest -> FireErrorCode (handlers length > 0)
// And on router: HandleRequest -> SetStatusCode -> Context ->
// EndRequest -> FireErrorCode (handlers' length is always 0)
// not error handler found,
// see if failed with a stored error, and if so
// then render it, otherwise write a default message.
func (h *routerHandler) subdomainAndPathAndMethodExists(ctx *context.Context, t *trie, method, path string) bool {
if method != "" && method != t.method {
return false
if h.hosts && t.subdomain != "" {
requestHost := ctx.Host()
if netutil.IsLoopbackSubdomain(requestHost) {
// this fixes a bug when listening on
// for example
// and have a wildcard subdomain and a route registered to root domain.
return false // it's not a subdomain, it's something like probably
// it's a dynamic wildcard subdomain, we have just to check if ctx.subdomain is not empty
if t.subdomain == SubdomainWildcardIndicator {
// mydomain.com -> invalid
// localhost -> invalid
// sub.mydomain.com -> valid
// sub.localhost -> valid
serverHost := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetVHost()
if serverHost == requestHost {
return false // it's not a subdomain, it's a full domain (with .com...)
dotIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestHost, '.')
slashIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestHost, '/')
if dotIdx > 0 && (slashIdx == -1 || slashIdx > dotIdx) {
// if "." was found anywhere but not at the first path segment (host).
} else {
return false
// continue to that, any subdomain is valid.
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(requestHost, t.subdomain) { // t.subdomain contains the dot.
return false
n := t.search(path, ctx.Params())
return n != nil
// RouteExists reports whether a particular route exists
// It will search from the current subdomain of context's host, if not inside the root domain.
func (h *routerHandler) RouteExists(ctx *context.Context, method, path string) bool {
for i := range h.trees {
t := h.trees[i]
if h.subdomainAndPathAndMethodExists(ctx, t, method, path) {
return true
return false