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package router
import (
// Route contains the information about a registered Route.
// If any of the following fields are changed then the
// caller should Refresh the router.
type Route struct {
Title string `json:"title"` // custom name to replace the method on debug logging.
Name string `json:"name"` // "userRoute"
Description string `json:"description"` // "lists a user"
Method string `json:"method"` // "GET"
StatusCode int `json:"statusCode"` // 404 (only for HTTP error handlers).
methodBckp string // if Method changed to something else (which is possible at runtime as well, via RefreshRouter) then this field will be filled with the old one.
Subdomain string `json:"subdomain"` // "admin."
tmpl macro.Template // Tmpl().Src: "/api/user/{id:uint64}"
// temp storage, they're appended to the Handlers on build.
// Execution happens before Handlers, can be empty.
// They run right after any builtinBeginHandlers.
beginHandlers context.Handlers
// temp storage, these are always registered first as Handlers on Build.
// There are the handlers may be added by the framework and
// can NOT be modified by the end-developer (i.e overlapRoute & bindMultiParamTypesHandler),
// even if a function like UseGlobal is used.
builtinBeginHandlers context.Handlers
// Handlers are the main route's handlers, executed by order.
// Cannot be empty.
Handlers context.Handlers `json:"-"`
MainHandlerName string `json:"mainHandlerName"`
MainHandlerIndex int `json:"mainHandlerIndex"`
// temp storage, they're appended to the Handlers on build.
// Execution happens after Begin and main Handler(s), can be empty.
doneHandlers context.Handlers
Path string `json:"path"` // the underline router's representation, i.e "/api/user/:id"
// FormattedPath all dynamic named parameters (if any) replaced with %v,
// used by Application to validate param values of a Route based on its name.
FormattedPath string `json:"formattedPath"`
// the source code's filename:filenumber that this route was created from.
SourceFileName string `json:"sourceFileName"`
SourceLineNumber int `json:"sourceLineNumber"`
// where the route registered.
RegisterFileName string `json:"registerFileName"`
RegisterLineNumber int `json:"registerLineNumber"`
// see APIBuilder.handle, routerHandler.bindMultiParamTypesHandler and routerHandler.Build,
// it's the parent route of the last registered of the same path parameter. Specifically for path parameters.
topLink *Route
// overlappedLink specifically for overlapRoute feature.
// keeps the second route of the same path pattern registered.
// It's used ONLY for logging.
overlappedLink *Route
// Sitemap properties: https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html
NoSitemap bool // when this route should be hidden from sitemap.
LastMod time.Time `json:"lastMod,omitempty"`
ChangeFreq string `json:"changeFreq,omitempty"`
Priority float32 `json:"priority,omitempty"`
// ReadOnly is the read-only structure of the Route.
ReadOnly context.RouteReadOnly
// OnBuild runs right before BuildHandlers.
OnBuild func(r *Route)
NoLog bool // disables debug logging.
// NewRoute returns a new route based on its method,
// subdomain, the path (unparsed or original),
// handlers and the macro container which all routes should share.
// It parses the path based on the "macros",
// handlers are being changed to validate the macros at serve time, if needed.
func NewRoute(statusErrorCode int, method, subdomain, unparsedPath string,
handlers context.Handlers, macros macro.Macros) (*Route, error) {
tmpl, err := macro.Parse(unparsedPath, macros)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
path := convertMacroTmplToNodePath(tmpl)
// prepend the macro handler to the route, now,
// right before the register to the tree, so APIBuilder#UseGlobal will work as expected.
if handler.CanMakeHandler(tmpl) {
macroEvaluatorHandler := handler.MakeHandler(tmpl)
handlers = append(context.Handlers{macroEvaluatorHandler}, handlers...)
path = cleanPath(path) // maybe unnecessary here.
defaultName := method + subdomain + tmpl.Src
if statusErrorCode > 0 {
defaultName = fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", statusErrorCode, defaultName)
formattedPath := formatPath(path)
route := &Route{
StatusCode: statusErrorCode,
Name: defaultName,
Method: method,
methodBckp: method,
Subdomain: subdomain,
tmpl: tmpl,
Path: path,
Handlers: handlers,
FormattedPath: formattedPath,
route.ReadOnly = routeReadOnlyWrapper{route}
return route, nil
// Use adds explicit begin handlers to this route.
// Alternatively the end-dev can prepend to the `Handlers` field.
// Should be used before the `BuildHandlers` which is
// called by the framework itself on `Application#Run` (build state).
// Used internally at `APIBuilder#UseGlobal` -> `beginGlobalHandlers` -> `APIBuilder#Handle`.
func (r *Route) Use(handlers ...context.Handler) {
if len(handlers) == 0 {
r.beginHandlers = append(r.beginHandlers, handlers...)
// UseOnce like Use but it replaces any duplicate handlers with
// the new ones.
// Should be called before Application Build.
func (r *Route) UseOnce(handlers ...context.Handler) {
r.beginHandlers = context.UpsertHandlers(r.beginHandlers, handlers)
// RemoveHandler deletes a handler from begin, main and done handlers
// based on its name or the handler pc function.
// Returns the total amount of handlers removed.
// Should be called before Application Build.
func (r *Route) RemoveHandler(namesOrHandlers ...interface{}) (count int) {
for _, nameOrHandler := range namesOrHandlers {
handlerName := ""
switch h := nameOrHandler.(type) {
case string:
handlerName = h
case context.Handler:
handlerName = context.HandlerName(h)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("remove handler: unexpected type of %T", h))
r.beginHandlers = removeHandler(handlerName, r.beginHandlers, &count)
r.Handlers = removeHandler(handlerName, r.Handlers, &count)
r.doneHandlers = removeHandler(handlerName, r.doneHandlers, &count)
func removeHandler(handlerName string, handlers context.Handlers, counter *int) (newHandlers context.Handlers) {
for _, h := range handlers {
if h == nil {
if context.HandlerName(h) == handlerName {
if counter != nil {
newHandlers = append(newHandlers, h)
// Done adds explicit finish handlers to this route.
// Alternatively the end-dev can append to the `Handlers` field.
// Should be used before the `BuildHandlers` which is
// called by the framework itself on `Application#Run` (build state).
// Used internally at `APIBuilder#DoneGlobal` -> `doneGlobalHandlers` -> `APIBuilder#Handle`.
func (r *Route) Done(handlers ...context.Handler) {
if len(handlers) == 0 {
r.doneHandlers = append(r.doneHandlers, handlers...)
// ChangeMethod will try to change the HTTP Method of this route instance.
// A call of `RefreshRouter` is required after this type of change in order to change to be really applied.
func (r *Route) ChangeMethod(newMethod string) bool {
if newMethod != r.Method {
r.methodBckp = r.Method
r.Method = newMethod
return true
return false
// SetStatusOffline will try make this route unavailable.
// A call of `RefreshRouter` is required after this type of change in order to change to be really applied.
func (r *Route) SetStatusOffline() bool {
return r.ChangeMethod(MethodNone)
// Describe sets the route's description
// that will be logged alongside with the route information
// in DEBUG log level.
// Returns the `Route` itself.
func (r *Route) Describe(description string) *Route {
r.Description = description
return r
// SetSourceLine sets the route's source caller, useful for debugging.
// Returns the `Route` itself.
func (r *Route) SetSourceLine(fileName string, lineNumber int) *Route {
r.SourceFileName = fileName
r.SourceLineNumber = lineNumber
return r
// RestoreStatus will try to restore the status of this route instance, i.e if `SetStatusOffline` called on a "GET" route,
// then this function will make this route available with "GET" HTTP Method.
// Note if that you want to set status online for an offline registered route then you should call the `ChangeMethod` instead.
// It will return true if the status restored, otherwise false.
// A call of `RefreshRouter` is required after this type of change in order to change to be really applied.
func (r *Route) RestoreStatus() bool {
return r.ChangeMethod(r.methodBckp)
// BuildHandlers is executed automatically by the router handler
// at the `Application#Build` state. Do not call it manually, unless
// you were defined your own request mux handler.
func (r *Route) BuildHandlers() {
if r.OnBuild != nil {
// prepend begin handlers.
r.Handlers = append(r.builtinBeginHandlers, append(r.beginHandlers, r.Handlers...)...)
// append done handlers.
r.Handlers = append(r.Handlers, r.doneHandlers...)
// reset the temp storage, so a second call of
// BuildHandlers will not re-add them (i.e RefreshRouter).
r.builtinBeginHandlers = r.builtinBeginHandlers[0:0]
r.beginHandlers = r.beginHandlers[0:0]
r.doneHandlers = r.doneHandlers[0:0]
// String returns the form of METHOD, SUBDOMAIN, TMPL PATH.
func (r *Route) String() string {
start := r.GetTitle()
// if r.StatusCode > 0 {
// start = fmt.Sprintf("%d (%s)", r.StatusCode, http.StatusText(r.StatusCode))
// }
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s",
start, r.Subdomain, r.Tmpl().Src)
// Equal compares the method, subdomain and the
// underline representation of the route's path,
// instead of the `String` function which returns the front representation.
func (r *Route) Equal(other *Route) bool {
return r.StatusCode == other.StatusCode && r.Method == other.Method && r.Subdomain == other.Subdomain && r.Path == other.Path
// DeepEqual compares the method, subdomain, the
// underline representation of the route's path,
// and the template source.
func (r *Route) DeepEqual(other *Route) bool {
return r.Equal(other) && r.tmpl.Src == other.tmpl.Src
// ExcludeSitemap excludes this route page from sitemap generator.
// It sets the NoSitemap field to true.
// See `SetLastMod`, `SetChangeFreq`, `SetPriority` methods
// and `iris.WithSitemap`.
func (r *Route) ExcludeSitemap() *Route {
r.NoSitemap = true
return r
// SetLastMod sets the date of last modification of the file served by this static GET route.
func (r *Route) SetLastMod(t time.Time) *Route {
r.LastMod = t
return r
// SetChangeFreq sets how frequently this static GET route's page is likely to change,
// possible values:
// - "always"
// - "hourly"
// - "daily"
// - "weekly"
// - "monthly"
// - "yearly"
// - "never"
func (r *Route) SetChangeFreq(freq string) *Route {
r.ChangeFreq = freq
return r
// SetPriority sets the priority of this static GET route's URL relative to other URLs on your site.
func (r *Route) SetPriority(prio float32) *Route {
r.Priority = prio
return r
// Tmpl returns the path template,
// it contains the parsed template
// for the route's path.
// May contain zero named parameters.
// Developer can get his registered path
// via Tmpl().Src, Route.Path is the path
// converted to match the underline router's specs.
func (r *Route) Tmpl() macro.Template {
return r.tmpl
// RegisteredHandlersLen returns the end-developer's registered handlers, all except the macro evaluator handler
// if was required by the build process.
func (r *Route) RegisteredHandlersLen() int {
n := len(r.Handlers)
if handler.CanMakeHandler(r.tmpl) {
return n
// IsOnline returns true if the route is marked as "online" (state).
func (r *Route) IsOnline() bool {
return r.Method != MethodNone
// formats the parsed to the underline path syntax.
// path = "/api/users/:id"
// return "/api/users/%v"
// path = "/files/*file"
// return /files/%v
// path = "/:username/messages/:messageid"
// return "/%v/messages/%v"
// we don't care about performance here, it's prelisten.
func formatPath(path string) string {
if strings.Contains(path, ParamStart) || strings.Contains(path, WildcardParamStart) {
var (
startRune = ParamStart[0]
wildcardStartRune = WildcardParamStart[0]
var formattedParts []string
parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
for _, part := range parts {
if len(part) == 0 {
if part[0] == startRune || part[0] == wildcardStartRune {
// is param or wildcard param
part = "%v"
formattedParts = append(formattedParts, part)
return "/" + strings.Join(formattedParts, "/")
// the whole path is static just return it
return path
// IsStatic reports whether this route is a static route.
// Does not contain dynamic path parameters,
// is online and registered on GET HTTP Method.
func (r *Route) IsStatic() bool {
return r.IsOnline() && len(r.Tmpl().Params) == 0 && r.Method == "GET"
// StaticPath returns the static part of the original, registered route path.
// if /user/{id} it will return /user
// if /user/{id}/friend/{friendid:uint64} it will return /user too
// if /assets/{filepath:path} it will return /assets.
func (r *Route) StaticPath() string {
src := r.tmpl.Src
return staticPath(src)
// ResolvePath returns the formatted path's %v replaced with the args.
func (r *Route) ResolvePath(args ...string) string {
rpath, formattedPath := r.Path, r.FormattedPath
if rpath == formattedPath {
// static, no need to pass args
return rpath
// check if we have /*, if yes then join all arguments to one as path and pass that as parameter
if rpath[len(rpath)-1] == WildcardParamStart[0] {
parameter := strings.Join(args, "/")
return fmt.Sprintf(formattedPath, parameter)
// else return the formattedPath with its args,
// the order matters.
for _, s := range args {
formattedPath = strings.Replace(formattedPath, "%v", s, 1)
return formattedPath
func traceHandlerFile(title, name, line string, number int) string {
file := fmt.Sprintf("(%s:%d)", filepath.ToSlash(line), number)
if context.IgnoreHandlerName(name) {
return ""
space := strings.Repeat(" ", len(title)+1)
return fmt.Sprintf("\n%s • %s %s", space, name, file)
var methodColors = map[string]int{
http.MethodGet: pio.Green,
http.MethodPost: pio.Magenta,
http.MethodPut: pio.Blue,
http.MethodDelete: pio.Red,
http.MethodConnect: pio.Green,
http.MethodHead: 23,
http.MethodPatch: pio.Blue,
http.MethodOptions: pio.Gray,
http.MethodTrace: pio.Yellow,
MethodNone: 203, // orange-red.
// TraceTitleColorCode returns the color code depending on the method or the status.
func TraceTitleColorCode(method string) int {
if color, ok := methodColors[method]; ok {
return color
return 131 // for error handlers, of "ERROR [%STATUSCODE]"
// GetTitle returns the custom Title or the method or the error code.
func (r *Route) GetTitle() string {
title := r.Title
if title == "" {
if r.StatusCode > 0 {
title = fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.StatusCode) // if error code then title is the status code, e.g. 400.
} else {
title = r.Method // else is its method, e.g. GET
return title
// Trace prints some debug info about the Route to the "w".
// Should be called after `Build` state.
// It prints the @method: @path (@description) (@route_rel_location)
// * @handler_name (@handler_rel_location)
// * @second_handler ...
// If route and handler line:number locations are equal then the second is ignored.
func (r *Route) Trace(w io.Writer, stoppedIndex int) {
title := r.GetTitle()
// Color the method.
color := TraceTitleColorCode(title)
// @method: @path
// space := strings.Repeat(" ", len(http.MethodConnect)-len(method))
// s := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", pio.Rich(title, color), path)
pio.WriteRich(w, title, color)
path := r.Tmpl().Src
if path == "" {
path = "/"
fmt.Fprintf(w, ": %s", path)
// (@description)
description := r.Description
if description == "" {
if title == MethodNone {
description = "offline"
if subdomain := r.Subdomain; subdomain != "" {
if subdomain == "*." { // wildcard.
subdomain = "subdomain"
if description == "offline" {
description += ", "
description += subdomain
if description != "" {
// s += fmt.Sprintf(" %s", pio.Rich(description, pio.Cyan, pio.Underline))
fmt.Fprint(w, " ")
pio.WriteRich(w, description, pio.Cyan, pio.Underline)
// (@route_rel_location)
// s += fmt.Sprintf(" (%s:%d)", r.RegisterFileName, r.RegisterLineNumber)
fmt.Fprintf(w, " (%s:%d)", r.RegisterFileName, r.RegisterLineNumber)
for i, h := range r.Handlers {
var (
name string
file string
line int
if i == r.MainHandlerIndex && r.MainHandlerName != "" {
// Main handler info can be programmatically
// changed to be more specific, respect these changes.
name = r.MainHandlerName
file = r.SourceFileName
line = r.SourceLineNumber
} else {
name = context.HandlerName(h)
file, line = context.HandlerFileLineRel(h)
// If a middleware, e.g (macro) which changes the main handler index,
// skip it.
if file == r.SourceFileName && line == r.SourceLineNumber {
// If a handler is an anonymous function then it was already
// printed in the first line, skip it.
if file == r.RegisterFileName && line == r.RegisterLineNumber {
// * @handler_name (@handler_rel_location)
fmt.Fprint(w, traceHandlerFile(title, name, file, line))
if stoppedIndex != -1 && stoppedIndex <= len(r.Handlers) {
if i <= stoppedIndex {
pio.WriteRich(w, " ✓", pio.Green)
} else {
// pio.WriteRich(w, " ✕", pio.Red, pio.Underline)
if r.overlappedLink != nil {
bckpDesc := r.overlappedLink.Description
r.overlappedLink.Description += " (overlapped)"
r.overlappedLink.Trace(w, -1)
r.overlappedLink.Description = bckpDesc
type routeReadOnlyWrapper struct {
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) StatusErrorCode() int {
return rd.Route.StatusCode
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) Method() string {
return rd.Route.Method
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) Name() string {
return rd.Route.Name
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) Subdomain() string {
return rd.Route.Subdomain
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) Path() string {
return rd.Route.tmpl.Src
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) Trace(w io.Writer, stoppedIndex int) {
rd.Route.Trace(w, stoppedIndex)
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) Tmpl() macro.Template {
return rd.Route.Tmpl()
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) MainHandlerName() string {
return rd.Route.MainHandlerName
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) MainHandlerIndex() int {
return rd.Route.MainHandlerIndex
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) GetLastMod() time.Time {
return rd.Route.LastMod
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) GetChangeFreq() string {
return rd.Route.ChangeFreq
func (rd routeReadOnlyWrapper) GetPriority() float32 {
return rd.Route.Priority