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# FAQ ### Looking for free support? http://support.iris-go.com https://kataras.rocket.chat/channel/iris ### Looking for previous versions? https://github.com/kataras/iris#version ### Should I upgrade my Iris? Developers are not forced to upgrade if they don't really need it. Upgrade whenever you feel ready. > Iris uses the [vendor directory](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo) feature, so you get truly reproducible builds, as this method guards against upstream renames and deletes. **How to upgrade**: Open your command-line and execute this command: `go get -u github.com/kataras/iris`. For further installation support, please click [here](http://support.iris-go.com/d/16-how-to-install-iris-web-framework). ### About our new home page http://iris-go.com Thanks to [Santosh Anand](https://github.com/santoshanand) the http://iris-go.com has been upgraded and it's really awesome! [Santosh](https://github.com/santoshanand) is a freelancer, he has a great knowledge of nodejs and express js, Android, iOS, React Native, Vue.js etc, if you need a developer to find or create a solution for your problem or task, please contact with him. The amount of the next two or three donations you'll send they will be immediately transferred to his own account balance, so be generous please! Read more at https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/HISTORY.md Former-commit-id: eec2d71bbe011d6b48d2526eb25919e36e5ad94e
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// Copyright 2017 Gerasimos Maropoulos, ΓΜ. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package context
import (
// ResponseWriter interface is used by the context to serve an HTTP handler to
// construct an HTTP response.
// Note: Only this ResponseWriter is an interface in order to be able
// for developers to change the response writer of the Context via `context.ResetResponseWriter`.
// The rest of the response writers implementations (ResponseRecorder & GzipResponseWriter) are coupled to the internal
// ResponseWriter implementation(*responseWriter).
// A ResponseWriter may not be used after the Handler
// has returned.
type ResponseWriter interface {
// BeginResponse receives an http.ResponseWriter
// and initialize or reset the response writer's field's values.
// EndResponse is the last function which is called right before the server sent the final response.
// Here is the place which we can make the last checks or do a cleanup.
// Writef formats according to a format specifier and writes to the response.
// Returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
Writef(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
// WriteString writes a simple string to the response.
// Returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)
// StatusCode returns the status code header value.
StatusCode() int
// Written should returns the total length of bytes that were being written to the client.
// In addition Iris provides some variables to help low-level actions:
// NoWritten, means that nothing were written yet and the response writer is still live.
// StatusCodeWritten, means that status code were written but no other bytes are written to the client, response writer may closed.
// > 0 means that the reply was written and it's the total number of bytes were written.
Written() int
// SetBeforeFlush registers the unique callback which called exactly before the response is flushed to the client.
SetBeforeFlush(cb func())
// GetBeforeFlush returns (not execute) the before flush callback, or nil if not setted by SetBeforeFlush.
GetBeforeFlush() func()
// FlushResponse should be called only once before EndResponse.
// it tries to send the status code if not sent already
// and calls the before flush callback, if any.
// FlushResponse can be called before EndResponse, but it should
// be the last call of this response writer.
// clone returns a clone of this response writer
// it copies the header, status code, headers and the beforeFlush finally returns a new ResponseRecorder.
Clone() ResponseWriter
// WiteTo writes a response writer (temp: status code, headers and body) to another response writer
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Response Writer Implementation |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
var rpool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return &responseWriter{} }}
// AcquireResponseWriter returns a new *ResponseWriter from the pool.
// Releasing is done automatically when request and response is done.
func AcquireResponseWriter() ResponseWriter {
return rpool.Get().(*responseWriter)
func releaseResponseWriter(w ResponseWriter) {
// ResponseWriter is the basic response writer,
// it writes directly to the underline http.ResponseWriter
type responseWriter struct {
statusCode int // the saved status code which will be used from the cache service
// statusCodeSent bool // reply header has been (logically) written | no needed any more as we have a variable to catch total len of written bytes
written int // the total size of bytes were written
// yes only one callback, we need simplicity here because on FireStatusCode the beforeFlush events should NOT be cleared
// but the response is cleared.
// Sometimes is useful to keep the event,
// so we keep one func only and let the user decide when he/she wants to override it with an empty func before the FireStatusCode (context's behavior)
beforeFlush func()
var _ ResponseWriter = &responseWriter{}
const (
defaultStatusCode = http.StatusOK
// NoWritten !=-1 => when nothing written before
NoWritten = -1
// StatusCodeWritten != 0 => when only status code written
StatusCodeWritten = 0
// BeginResponse receives an http.ResponseWriter
// and initialize or reset the response writer's field's values.
func (w *responseWriter) BeginResponse(underline http.ResponseWriter) {
w.beforeFlush = nil
w.written = NoWritten
w.statusCode = defaultStatusCode
w.ResponseWriter = underline
// EndResponse is the last function which is called right before the server sent the final response.
// Here is the place which we can make the last checks or do a cleanup.
func (w *responseWriter) EndResponse() {
// Written should returns the total length of bytes that were being written to the client.
// In addition Iris provides some variables to help low-level actions:
// NoWritten, means that nothing were written yet and the response writer is still live.
// StatusCodeWritten, means that status code were written but no other bytes are written to the client, response writer may closed.
// > 0 means that the reply was written and it's the total number of bytes were written.
func (w *responseWriter) Written() int {
return w.written
// prin to write na benei to write header
// meta to write den ginete edw
// prepei omws kai mono me WriteHeader kai xwris Write na pigenei to status code
// ara...wtf prepei na exw function flushStatusCode kai na elenxei an exei dw9ei status code na to kanei write aliws 200
// WriteHeader sends an HTTP response header with status code.
// If WriteHeader is not called explicitly, the first call to Write
// will trigger an implicit WriteHeader(http.StatusOK).
// Thus explicit calls to WriteHeader are mainly used to
// send error codes.
func (w *responseWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {
w.statusCode = statusCode
func (w *responseWriter) tryWriteHeader() {
if w.written == NoWritten { // before write, once.
w.written = StatusCodeWritten
// Write writes to the client
// If WriteHeader has not yet been called, Write calls
// WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) before writing the data. If the Header
// does not contain a Content-Type line, Write adds a Content-Type set
// to the result of passing the initial 512 bytes of written data to
// DetectContentType.
// Depending on the HTTP protocol version and the client, calling
// Write or WriteHeader may prevent future reads on the
// Request.Body. For HTTP/1.x requests, handlers should read any
// needed request body data before writing the response. Once the
// headers have been flushed (due to either an explicit Flusher.Flush
// call or writing enough data to trigger a flush), the request body
// may be unavailable. For HTTP/2 requests, the Go HTTP server permits
// handlers to continue to read the request body while concurrently
// writing the response. However, such behavior may not be supported
// by all HTTP/2 clients. Handlers should read before writing if
// possible to maximize compatibility.
func (w *responseWriter) Write(contents []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := w.ResponseWriter.Write(contents)
w.written += n
return n, err
// Writef formats according to a format specifier and writes to the response.
// Returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func (w *responseWriter) Writef(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
return fmt.Fprintf(w, format, a...)
// WriteString writes a simple string to the response.
// Returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func (w *responseWriter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
n, err := io.WriteString(w.ResponseWriter, s)
w.written += n
return n, err
// StatusCode returns the status code header value
func (w *responseWriter) StatusCode() int {
return w.statusCode
func (w *responseWriter) GetBeforeFlush() func() {
return w.beforeFlush
// SetBeforeFlush registers the unique callback which called exactly before the response is flushed to the client
func (w *responseWriter) SetBeforeFlush(cb func()) {
w.beforeFlush = cb
func (w *responseWriter) FlushResponse() {
if w.beforeFlush != nil {
// Clone returns a clone of this response writer
// it copies the header, status code, headers and the beforeFlush finally returns a new ResponseRecorder.
func (w *responseWriter) Clone() ResponseWriter {
wc := &responseWriter{}
wc.ResponseWriter = w.ResponseWriter
wc.statusCode = w.statusCode
wc.beforeFlush = w.beforeFlush
wc.written = w.written
return wc
// WriteTo writes a response writer (temp: status code, headers and body) to another response writer.
func (w *responseWriter) WriteTo(to ResponseWriter) {
// set the status code, failure status code are first class
if w.statusCode >= 400 {
// append the headers
if w.Header() != nil {
for k, values := range w.Header() {
for _, v := range values {
if to.Header().Get(v) == "" {
to.Header().Add(k, v)
// the body is not copied, this writer doesn't support recording
// Hijack lets the caller take over the connection.
// After a call to Hijack(), the HTTP server library
// will not do anything else with the connection.
// It becomes the caller's responsibility to manage
// and close the connection.
// The returned net.Conn may have read or write deadlines
// already set, depending on the configuration of the
// Server. It is the caller's responsibility to set
// or clear those deadlines as needed.
func (w *responseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
if h, isHijacker := w.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker); isHijacker {
w.written = StatusCodeWritten
return h.Hijack()
return nil, nil, errors.New("hijack is not supported by this ResponseWriter")
// Flush sends any buffered data to the client.
func (w *responseWriter) Flush() {
// The Flusher interface is implemented by ResponseWriters that allow
// an HTTP handler to flush buffered data to the client.
// The default HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 ResponseWriter implementations
// support Flusher, but ResponseWriter wrappers may not. Handlers
// should always test for this ability at runtime.
// Note that even for ResponseWriters that support Flush,
// if the client is connected through an HTTP proxy,
// the buffered data may not reach the client until the response
// completes.
if fl, isFlusher := w.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher); isFlusher {
// ErrPushNotSupported is returned by the Push method to
// indicate that HTTP/2 Push support is not available.
var ErrPushNotSupported = errors.New("push feature is not supported by this ResponseWriter")
// Push initiates an HTTP/2 server push. This constructs a synthetic
// request using the given target and options, serializes that request
// into a PUSH_PROMISE frame, then dispatches that request using the
// server's request handler. If opts is nil, default options are used.
// The target must either be an absolute path (like "/path") or an absolute
// URL that contains a valid host and the same scheme as the parent request.
// If the target is a path, it will inherit the scheme and host of the
// parent request.
// The HTTP/2 spec disallows recursive pushes and cross-authority pushes.
// Push may or may not detect these invalid pushes; however, invalid
// pushes will be detected and canceled by conforming clients.
// Handlers that wish to push URL X should call Push before sending any
// data that may trigger a request for URL X. This avoids a race where the
// client issues requests for X before receiving the PUSH_PROMISE for X.
// Push returns ErrPushNotSupported if the client has disabled push or if push
// is not supported on the underlying connection.
func (w *responseWriter) Push(target string, opts *http.PushOptions) error {
if pusher, isPusher := w.ResponseWriter.(http.Pusher); isPusher {
err := pusher.Push(target, opts)
if err != nil && err.Error() == http.ErrNotSupported.ErrorString {
return ErrPushNotSupported
return err
return ErrPushNotSupported
// CloseNotify returns a channel that receives at most a
// single value (true) when the client connection has gone
// away.
// CloseNotify may wait to notify until Request.Body has been
// fully read.
// After the Handler has returned, there is no guarantee
// that the channel receives a value.
// If the protocol is HTTP/1.1 and CloseNotify is called while
// processing an idempotent request (such a GET) while
// HTTP/1.1 pipelining is in use, the arrival of a subsequent
// pipelined request may cause a value to be sent on the
// returned channel. In practice HTTP/1.1 pipelining is not
// enabled in browsers and not seen often in the wild. If this
// is a problem, use HTTP/2 or only use CloseNotify on methods
// such as POST.
func (w *responseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
if notifier, supportsCloseNotify := w.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier); supportsCloseNotify {
return notifier.CloseNotify()
ch := make(chan bool, 1)
return ch