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package gorillamux
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Usage |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// package main
// import (
// "gopkg.in/kataras/iris.v6"
// "gopkg.in/kataras/iris.v6/adaptors/gorillamux"
// )
// func main() {
// app := iris.New()
// app.Adapt(gorillamux.New()) // Add this line and you're ready.
// app.Get("/api/users/{userid:[0-9]+}", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
// ctx.Writef("User with id: %s", ctx.Param("userid"))
// })
// app.Listen(":8080")
// }
import (
const dynamicSymbol = '{'
// New returns a new gorilla mux router which can be plugged inside iris.
// This is magic.
func New() iris.Policies {
var router *mux.Router
var logger func(iris.LogMode, string)
return iris.Policies{
EventPolicy: iris.EventPolicy{Boot: func(s *iris.Framework) {
logger = s.Log
RouterReversionPolicy: iris.RouterReversionPolicy{
// path normalization done on iris' side
StaticPath: func(path string) string {
i := strings.IndexByte(path, dynamicSymbol)
if i > -1 {
return path[0:i]
return path
WildcardPath: func(requestPath string, paramName string) string {
return requestPath + "/{" + paramName + ":.*}"
// Note: on gorilla mux the {{ url }} and {{ path}} should give the key and the value, not only the values by order.
// {{ url "nameOfTheRoute" "parameterName" "parameterValue"}}.
// so: {{ url "providerLink" "facebook"}} should become
// {{ url "providerLink" "provider" "facebook"}}
// for a path: "/auth/{provider}" with name 'providerLink'
URLPath: func(r iris.RouteInfo, args ...string) string {
if router == nil {
logger(iris.ProdMode, "gorillamux' reverse routing 'URLPath' should be called after Boot/Listen/Serve")
return ""
if r == nil {
return ""
if gr := router.Get(r.Name()); gr != nil {
u, err := gr.URLPath(args...)
if err != nil {
logger(iris.DevMode, "error on gorilla mux adaptor's URLPath(reverse routing): "+err.Error())
return ""
return u.Path
return ""
RouterBuilderPolicy: func(repo iris.RouteRepository, context iris.ContextPool) http.Handler {
router = mux.NewRouter() // re-set the router here,
// the RouterBuilderPolicy re-runs on every method change (route "offline/online" states mostly)
repo.Visit(func(route iris.RouteInfo) {
registerRoute(route, router, context)
router.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := context.Acquire(w, r)
// to catch custom 404 not found http errors may registered by user
return router
// so easy:
func registerRoute(route iris.RouteInfo, gorillaRouter *mux.Router, context iris.ContextPool) {
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
context.Run(w, r, func(ctx *iris.Context) {
if params := mux.Vars(ctx.Request); len(params) > 0 {
// set them with ctx.Set in order to be accesible by ctx.Param in the user's handler
for k, v := range params {
ctx.Set(k, v)
// including the global middleware, done handlers too
ctx.Middleware = route.Middleware()
// remember, we get a new iris.Route foreach of the HTTP Methods, so this should be work
methods := []string{route.Method()}
// if route has cors then we register the route with the "OPTIONS" method too
if route.HasCors() {
methods = append(methods, http.MethodOptions)
gorillaRoute := gorillaRouter.HandleFunc(route.Path(), handler).
subdomain := route.Subdomain()
if subdomain != "" {
if subdomain == "*." {
// it's an iris wildcard subdomain
// so register it as wildcard on gorilla mux too
subdomain = "{subdomain}."
} else {
// it's a static subdomain (which contains the dot)
// host = subdomain + listening host
gorillaRoute.Host(subdomain + context.Framework().Config.VHost)
// Author's notes: even if the Method is iris.MethodNone
// the gorillamux saves the route, so we don't need to use the repo.OnMethodChanged
// and route.IsOnline() and we don't need the RouteContextLinker, we just serve like request on Offline routes*