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synced 2025-03-19 16:36:28 +01:00
also reference the correct file:line on <autogenerated> (by searching for the file,line of method inside the embedded fields themselves, as go automatically generates the methods foreach struct for their embedded fields) fix UseGlobal may override the overlap feature
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483 lines
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package mvc
import (
// BaseController is the optional controller interface, if it's
// completed by the end controller then the BeginRequest and EndRequest
// are called between the controller's method responsible for the incoming request.
type BaseController interface {
type shared interface {
Name() string
Router() router.Party
GetRoute(methodName string) *router.Route
GetRoutes(methodName string) []*router.Route
Handle(httpMethod, path, funcName string, middleware ...context.Handler) *router.Route
HandleMany(httpMethod, path, funcName string, middleware ...context.Handler) []*router.Route
// BeforeActivation is being used as the only one input argument of a
// `func(c *Controller) BeforeActivation(b mvc.BeforeActivation) {}`.
// It's being called before the controller's dependencies binding to the fields or the input arguments
// but before server ran.
// It's being used to customize a controller if needed inside the controller itself,
// it's called once per application.
type BeforeActivation interface {
Dependencies() *hero.Container
// AfterActivation is being used as the only one input argument of a
// `func(c *Controller) AfterActivation(a mvc.AfterActivation) {}`.
// It's being called after the `BeforeActivation`,
// and after controller's dependencies bind-ed to the fields or the input arguments but before server ran.
// It's being used to customize a controller if needed inside the controller itself,
// it's called once per application.
type AfterActivation interface {
Singleton() bool
DependenciesReadOnly() []*hero.Dependency
var (
_ BeforeActivation = (*ControllerActivator)(nil)
_ AfterActivation = (*ControllerActivator)(nil)
// ControllerActivator returns a new controller type info description.
// Its functionality can be overridden by the end-dev.
type ControllerActivator struct {
app *Application
injector *hero.Struct
// initRef BaseController // the BaseController as it's passed from the end-dev.
Value reflect.Value // the BaseController's Value.
Type reflect.Type // raw type of the BaseController (initRef).
// FullName it's the last package path segment + "." + the Name.
// i.e: if login-example/user/controller.go, the FullName is "user.Controller".
fullName string
// the already-registered routes, key = the controller's function name.
// End-devs can change some properties of the *Route on the `BeforeActivator` by using the
// `GetRoute/GetRoutes(functionName)`.
routes map[string][]*router.Route
// BeginHandlers is a slice of middleware for this controller.
// These handlers will be prependend to each one of
// the route that this controller will register(Handle/HandleMany/struct methods)
// to the targeted Party.
// Look the `Use` method too.
BeginHandlers context.Handlers
// true if this controller listens and serves to websocket events.
servesWebsocket bool
// true to skip the internal "activate".
activated bool
// NameOf returns the package name + the struct type's name,
// it's used to take the full name of an Controller, the `ControllerActivator#Name`.
func NameOf(v interface{}) string {
elemTyp := indirectType(reflect.ValueOf(v).Type())
typName := elemTyp.Name()
pkgPath := elemTyp.PkgPath()
fullname := pkgPath[strings.LastIndexByte(pkgPath, '/')+1:] + "." + typName
return fullname
func newControllerActivator(app *Application, controller interface{}) *ControllerActivator {
if controller == nil {
return nil
if c, ok := controller.(*ControllerActivator); ok {
return c
typ := reflect.TypeOf(controller)
c := &ControllerActivator{
// give access to the Router to the end-devs if they need it for some reason,
// i.e register done handlers.
app: app,
Value: reflect.ValueOf(controller),
Type: typ,
// the full name of the controller: its type including the package path.
fullName: NameOf(controller),
// set some methods that end-dev cann't use accidentally
// to register a route via the `Handle`,
// all available exported and compatible methods
// are being appended to the slice at the `parseMethods`,
// if a new method is registered via `Handle` its function name
// is also appended to that slice.
routes: whatReservedMethods(typ),
return c
// It's a dynamic method, can be exist or not, it can accept input arguments
// and can write through output values like any other dev-designed method.
// See 'parseHTTPErrorMethod'.
// Example at: _examples/mvc/error-handler-http
const handleHTTPErrorMethodName = "HandleHTTPError"
func whatReservedMethods(typ reflect.Type) map[string][]*router.Route {
methods := []string{"BeforeActivation", "AfterActivation", handleHTTPErrorMethodName}
// BeforeActivatior/AfterActivation are not routes but they are
// reserved names*
if isBaseController(typ) {
methods = append(methods, "BeginRequest", "EndRequest")
routes := make(map[string][]*router.Route, len(methods))
for _, m := range methods {
routes[m] = []*router.Route{}
return routes
// Name returns the full name of the controller, its package name + the type name.
// Can used at both `BeforeActivation` and `AfterActivation`.
func (c *ControllerActivator) Name() string {
return c.fullName
// RelName returns the path relatively to the main package.
func (c *ControllerActivator) RelName() string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(c.fullName, "main.")
// Router is the standard Iris router's public API.
// With this you can register middleware, view layouts, subdomains, serve static files
// and even add custom standard iris handlers as normally.
// This Router is the router instance that came from the parent MVC Application,
// it's the `app.Party(...)` argument.
// Can used at both `BeforeActivation` and `AfterActivation`.
func (c *ControllerActivator) Router() router.Party {
return c.app.Router
// GetRoute returns the first registered route based on the controller's method name.
// It can be used to change the route's name, which is useful for reverse routing
// inside views. Custom routes can be registered with `Handle`, which returns the *Route.
// This method exists mostly for the automatic method parsing based on the known patterns
// inside a controller.
// A check for `nil` is necessary for unregistered methods.
// See `GetRoutes` and `Handle` too.
func (c *ControllerActivator) GetRoute(methodName string) *router.Route {
routes := c.GetRoutes(methodName)
if len(routes) > 0 {
return routes[0]
return nil
// GetRoutes returns one or more registered route based on the controller's method name.
// It can be used to change the route's name, which is useful for reverse routing
// inside views. Custom routes can be registered with `Handle`, which returns the *Route.
// This method exists mostly for the automatic method parsing based on the known patterns
// inside a controller.
// A check for `nil` is necessary for unregistered methods.
// See `Handle` too.
func (c *ControllerActivator) GetRoutes(methodName string) []*router.Route {
for name, routes := range c.routes {
if name == methodName {
return routes
return nil
// Use registers a middleware for this Controller.
// It appends one or more handlers to the `BeginHandlers`.
// It's like the `Party.Use` but specifically
// for the routes that this controller will register to the targeted `Party`.
func (c *ControllerActivator) Use(handlers ...context.Handler) *ControllerActivator {
c.BeginHandlers = append(c.BeginHandlers, handlers...)
return c
// Singleton returns new if all incoming clients' requests
// have the same controller instance.
// This is done automatically by iris to reduce the creation
// of a new controller on each request, if the controller doesn't contain
// any unexported fields and all fields are services-like, static.
func (c *ControllerActivator) Singleton() bool {
if c.injector == nil {
panic("MVC: Singleton called from wrong state the API gives access to it only `AfterActivation`, report this as bug")
return c.injector.Singleton
// DependenciesReadOnly returns a list of dependencies, including the controller's one.
func (c *ControllerActivator) DependenciesReadOnly() []*hero.Dependency {
if c.injector == nil {
panic("MVC: DependenciesReadOnly called from wrong state the API gives access to it only `AfterActivation`, report this as bug")
return c.injector.Container.Dependencies
// Dependencies returns a value which can manage the controller's dependencies.
func (c *ControllerActivator) Dependencies() *hero.Container {
return c.app.container // although the controller's one are: c.injector.Container
// checks if a method is already registered.
func (c *ControllerActivator) isReservedMethod(name string) bool {
for methodName := range c.routes {
if methodName == name {
return true
return false
func (c *ControllerActivator) isReservedMethodHandler(method, path string) bool {
for _, routes := range c.routes {
for _, r := range routes {
if r.Method == method && r.Path == path {
return true
return false
func (c *ControllerActivator) markAsWebsocket() {
c.servesWebsocket = true
func (c *ControllerActivator) attachInjector() {
if c.injector == nil {
partyCountParams := macro.CountParams(c.app.Router.GetRelPath(), *c.app.Router.Macros())
c.injector = c.app.container.Struct(c.Value, partyCountParams)
// Activated can be called to skip the internal method parsing.
func (c *ControllerActivator) Activated() bool {
b := c.activated
c.activated = true
return b
func (c *ControllerActivator) activate() {
if c.Activated() {
func (c *ControllerActivator) parseHTTPErrorHandler() {
if m, ok := c.Type.MethodByName(handleHTTPErrorMethodName); ok {
// register all available, exported methods to handlers if possible.
func (c *ControllerActivator) parseMethods() {
n := c.Type.NumMethod()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
m := c.Type.Method(i)
func (c *ControllerActivator) parseMethod(m reflect.Method) {
httpMethod, httpPath, err := parseMethod(c.app.Router.Macros(), m, c.isReservedMethod)
if err != nil {
if err != errSkip {
c.logErrorf("MVC: fail to parse the route path and HTTP method for '%s.%s': %v", c.fullName, m.Name, err)
c.Handle(httpMethod, httpPath, m.Name)
func (c *ControllerActivator) logErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.Router().Logger().Errorf(format, args...)
// Handle registers a route based on a http method, the route's path
// and a function name that belongs to the controller, it accepts
// a forth, optionally, variadic parameter which is the before handlers.
// Just like `Party#Handle`, it returns the `*router.Route`, if failed
// then it logs the errors and it returns nil, you can check the errors
// programmatically by the `Party#GetReporter`.
// Handle will add a route to the "funcName".
func (c *ControllerActivator) Handle(method, path, funcName string, middleware ...context.Handler) *router.Route {
routes := c.handleMany(method, path, funcName, false, middleware...)
if len(routes) == 0 {
return nil
return routes[0]
// handleHTTPError is called when a controller's method
// with the "HandleHTTPError" is found. That method
// can accept dependencies like the rest but if it's not called manually
// then any dynamic dependencies depending on successful requests
// may fail - this is end-developer's job;
// to register the correct dependencies or not do it all on that method.
// Note that if more than one controller in the same Party
// tries to register an http error handler then the
// overlap route rule should be used and a dependency
// on the controller (or method) level that will select
// between the two should exist (see mvc/authenticated-controller example).
func (c *ControllerActivator) handleHTTPError(funcName string) *router.Route {
handler := c.handlerOf("/", funcName)
routes := c.app.Router.OnAnyErrorCode(handler)
if len(routes) == 0 {
c.logErrorf("MVC: unable to register an HTTP error code handler for '%s.%s'", c.fullName, funcName)
return nil
c.saveRoutes(funcName, routes, true)
return routes[0]
// HandleMany like `Handle` but can register more than one path and HTTP method routes
// separated by whitespace on the same controller's method.
// Keep note that if the controller's method input arguments are path parameters dependencies
// they should match with each of the given paths.
// Just like `Party#HandleMany`:, it returns the `[]*router.Routes`.
// Usage:
// func (*Controller) BeforeActivation(b mvc.BeforeActivation) {
// b.HandleMany("GET", "/path /path1" /path2", "HandlePath")
// }
// HandleMany will override any routes of this "funcName".
func (c *ControllerActivator) HandleMany(method, path, funcName string, middleware ...context.Handler) []*router.Route {
return c.handleMany(method, path, funcName, true, middleware...)
func (c *ControllerActivator) handleMany(method, path, funcName string, override bool, middleware ...context.Handler) []*router.Route {
if method == "" || path == "" || funcName == "" ||
(c.isReservedMethod(funcName) && c.isReservedMethodHandler(method, path)) {
// isReservedMethod -> if it's already registered
// by a previous Handle or analyze methods internally.
return nil
handler := c.handlerOf(path, funcName)
middleware = context.JoinHandlers(c.BeginHandlers, middleware)
// register the handler now.
routes := c.app.Router.HandleMany(method, path, append(middleware, handler)...)
if routes == nil {
c.logErrorf("MVC: unable to register a route for the path for '%s.%s'", c.fullName, funcName)
return nil
c.saveRoutes(funcName, routes, override)
return routes
func (c *ControllerActivator) saveRoutes(funcName string, routes []*router.Route, override bool) {
m, ok := c.Type.MethodByName(funcName)
if !ok {
sourceFileName, sourceLineNumber := getSourceFileLine(c.Type, m)
relName := c.RelName()
for _, r := range routes {
r.Description = relName
r.MainHandlerName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", relName, funcName)
r.SourceFileName, r.SourceLineNumber = sourceFileName, sourceLineNumber
// add this as a reserved method name in order to
// be sure that the same route
// (method is allowed to be registered more than one on different routes - v11.2).
existingRoutes, exist := c.routes[funcName]
if override || !exist {
c.routes[funcName] = routes
} else {
c.routes[funcName] = append(existingRoutes, routes...)
func (c *ControllerActivator) handlerOf(relPath, methodName string) context.Handler {
fullpath := c.app.Router.GetRelPath() + relPath
paramsCount := macro.CountParams(fullpath, *c.app.Router.Macros())
handler := c.injector.MethodHandler(methodName, paramsCount)
if isBaseController(c.Type) {
return func(ctx *context.Context) {
ctrl, err := c.injector.Acquire(ctx)
if err != nil {
// if err != hero.ErrStopExecution {
// c.injector.Container.GetErrorHandler(ctx).HandleError(ctx, err)
// }
c.injector.Container.GetErrorHandler(ctx).HandleError(ctx, err)
// allow skipping struct field bindings
// errors by a custom error handler.
if ctx.IsStopped() {
b := ctrl.Interface().(BaseController)
// init the request.
// if begin request stopped the execution.
if ctx.IsStopped() {
return handler