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full commit from development branch. Examples, book, middleware, plugins are updated to the latest iris version. Read HISTORY.md for more. The 'old' v5 branch which relied on fasthttp exists for those who want to use it navigate there: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/5.0.0
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package iris
import (
type (
// OptionSetter sets a configuration field to the main configuration
// used to help developers to write less and configure only what they really want and nothing else
// example:
// iris.New(iris.Configuration{Sessions:iris.SessionConfiguration{Cookie:"mysessionid"}, Websocket: iris.WebsocketConfiguration{Endpoint:"/my_endpoint"}})
// now can be done also by using iris.Option$FIELD:
// iris.New(irisOptionSessionsCookie("mycookieid"),iris.OptionWebsocketEndpoint("my_endpoint"))
// benefits:
// 1. user/dev have no worries what option to pass, he/she can just press iris.Option and all options should be shown to her/his editor's autocomplete-popup window
// 2. can be passed with any order
// 3. Can override previous configuration
OptionSetter interface {
// Set receives a pointer to the global Configuration type and does the job of filling it
Set(c *Configuration)
// OptionSet implements the OptionSetter
OptionSet func(c *Configuration)
// Set is the func which makes the OptionSet an OptionSetter, this is used mostly
func (o OptionSet) Set(c *Configuration) {
// Configuration the whole configuration for an iris instance ($instance.Config) or global iris instance (iris.Config)
// these can be passed via options also, look at the top of this file(configuration.go)
// Configuration is also implements the OptionSet so it's a valid option itself, this is brilliant enough
type Configuration struct {
// VHost is the addr or the domain that server listens to, which it's optional
// When to set VHost manually:
// 1. it's automatically setted when you're calling
// $instance.Listen/ListenUNIX/ListenTLS/ListenLETSENCRYPT functions or
// ln,_ := iris.TCP4/UNIX/TLS/LETSENCRYPT; $instance.Serve(ln)
// 2. If you using a balancer, or something like nginx
// then set it in order to have the correct url
// when calling the template helper '{{url }}'
// *keep note that you can use {{urlpath }}) instead*
// Note: this is the main's server Host, you can setup unlimited number of net/http servers
// listening to the $instance.Handler after the manually-called $instance.Build
// Default comes from iris.Listen/.Serve with iris' listeners (iris.TCP4/UNIX/TLS/LETSENCRYPT)
VHost string
// VScheme is the scheme (http:// or https://) putted at the template function '{{url }}'
// It's an optional field,
// When to set VScheme manually:
// 1. You didn't start the main server using $instance.Listen/ListenTLS/ListenLETSENCRYPT or $instance.Serve($instance.TCP4()/.TLS...)
// 2. if you're using something like nginx and have iris listening with addr only(http://) but the nginx mapper is listening to https://
// Default comes from iris.Listen/.Serve with iris' listeners (TCP4,UNIX,TLS,LETSENCRYPT)
VScheme string
ReadTimeout time.Duration // maximum duration before timing out read of the request
WriteTimeout time.Duration // maximum duration before timing out write of the response
// MaxHeaderBytes controls the maximum number of bytes the
// server will read parsing the request header's keys and
// values, including the request line. It does not limit the
// size of the request body.
// If zero, DefaultMaxHeaderBytes is used.
MaxHeaderBytes int
// TLSNextProto optionally specifies a function to take over
// ownership of the provided TLS connection when an NPN/ALPN
// protocol upgrade has occurred. The map key is the protocol
// name negotiated. The Handler argument should be used to
// handle HTTP requests and will initialize the Request's TLS
// and RemoteAddr if not already set. The connection is
// automatically closed when the function returns.
// If TLSNextProto is nil, HTTP/2 support is enabled automatically.
TLSNextProto map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn, http.Handler)
// ConnState specifies an optional callback function that is
// called when a client connection changes state. See the
// ConnState type and associated constants for details.
ConnState func(net.Conn, http.ConnState)
// CheckForUpdates will try to search for newer version of Iris based on the https://github.com/kataras/iris/releases
// If a newer version found then the app will ask the he dev/user if want to update the 'x' version
// if 'y' is pressed then the updater will try to install the latest version
// the updater, will notify the dev/user that the update is finished and should restart the App manually.
// Notes:
// 1. Experimental feature
// 2. If setted to true, the app will start the server normally and runs the updater in its own goroutine,
// for a sync operation see CheckForUpdatesSync.
// 3. If you as developer edited the $GOPATH/src/github/kataras or any other Iris' Go dependencies at the past
// then the update process will fail.
// Usage: iris.Set(iris.OptionCheckForUpdates(true)) or
// iris.Config.CheckForUpdates = true or
// app := iris.New(iris.OptionCheckForUpdates(true))
// Default is false
CheckForUpdates bool
// CheckForUpdatesSync checks for updates before server starts, it will have a little delay depends on the machine's download's speed
// See CheckForUpdates for more
// Notes:
// 1. you could use the CheckForUpdatesSync while CheckForUpdates is false, set this or CheckForUpdates to true not both
// 2. if both CheckForUpdates and CheckForUpdatesSync are setted to true then the updater will run in sync mode, before server server starts.
// Default is false
CheckForUpdatesSync bool
// DisablePathCorrection corrects and redirects the requested path to the registed path
// for example, if /home/ path is requested but no handler for this Route found,
// then the Router checks if /home handler exists, if yes,
// (permant)redirects the client to the correct path /home
// Default is false
DisablePathCorrection bool
// DisablePathEscape when is false then its escapes the path, the named parameters (if any).
// Change to true it if you want something like this https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/135 to work
// When do you need to Disable(true) it:
// accepts parameters with slash '/'
// Request: http://localhost:8080/details/Project%2FDelta
// ctx.Param("project") returns the raw named parameter: Project%2FDelta
// which you can escape it manually with net/url:
// projectName, _ := url.QueryUnescape(c.Param("project").
// Look here: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/135 for more
// Default is false
DisablePathEscape bool
// FireMethodNotAllowed if it's true router checks for StatusMethodNotAllowed(405) and fires the 405 error instead of 404
// Default is false
FireMethodNotAllowed bool
// DisableBanner outputs the iris banner at startup
// Default is false
DisableBanner bool
// LoggerOut is the destination for output
// Default is os.Stdout
LoggerOut io.Writer
// LoggerPreffix is the logger's prefix to write at beginning of each line
// Default is [IRIS]
LoggerPreffix string
// DisableTemplateEngines set to true to disable loading the default template engine (html/template) and disallow the use of iris.UseEngine
// Defaults to false
DisableTemplateEngines bool
// IsDevelopment iris will act like a developer, for example
// If true then re-builds the templates on each request
// Defaults to false
IsDevelopment bool
// TimeFormat time format for any kind of datetime parsing
TimeFormat string
// Charset character encoding for various rendering
// used for templates and the rest of the responses
// Defaults to "UTF-8"
Charset string
// Gzip enables gzip compression on your Render actions, this includes any type of render, templates and pure/raw content
// If you don't want to enable it globaly, you could just use the third parameter on context.Render("myfileOrResponse", structBinding{}, iris.RenderOptions{"gzip": true})
// Defaults to false
Gzip bool
// Sessions contains the configs for sessions
Sessions SessionsConfiguration
// Websocket contains the configs for Websocket's server integration
Websocket WebsocketConfiguration
// Other are the custom, dynamic options, can be empty
// this fill used only by you to set any app's options you want
// for each of an Iris instance
Other options.Options
// Set implements the OptionSetter
func (c Configuration) Set(main *Configuration) {
mergo.MergeWithOverwrite(main, c)
// All options starts with "Option" preffix in order to be easier to find what dev searching for
var (
// OptionVHost is the addr or the domain that server listens to, which it's optional
// When to set VHost manually:
// 1. it's automatically setted when you're calling
// $instance.Listen/ListenUNIX/ListenTLS/ListenLETSENCRYPT functions or
// ln,_ := iris.TCP4/UNIX/TLS/LETSENCRYPT; $instance.Serve(ln)
// 2. If you using a balancer, or something like nginx
// then set it in order to have the correct url
// when calling the template helper '{{url }}'
// *keep note that you can use {{urlpath }}) instead*
// Note: this is the main's server Host, you can setup unlimited number of net/http servers
// listening to the $instance.Handler after the manually-called $instance.Build
// Default comes from iris.Listen/.Serve with iris' listeners (iris.TCP4/UNIX/TLS/LETSENCRYPT)
OptionVHost = func(val string) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.VHost = val
// OptionVScheme is the scheme (http:// or https://) putted at the template function '{{url }}'
// It's an optional field,
// When to set Scheme manually:
// 1. You didn't start the main server using $instance.Listen/ListenTLS/ListenLETSENCRYPT or $instance.Serve($instance.TCP4()/.TLS...)
// 2. if you're using something like nginx and have iris listening with addr only(http://) but the nginx mapper is listening to https://
// Default comes from iris.Listen/.Serve with iris' listeners (TCP4,UNIX,TLS,LETSENCRYPT)
OptionVScheme = func(val string) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.VScheme = val
// maximum duration before timing out read of the request
OptionReadTimeout = func(val time.Duration) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.ReadTimeout = val
// maximum duration before timing out write of the response
OptionWriteTimeout = func(val time.Duration) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.WriteTimeout = val
// MaxHeaderBytes controls the maximum number of bytes the
// server will read parsing the request header's keys and
// values, including the request line. It does not limit the
// size of the request body.
// If zero, DefaultMaxHeaderBytes(8MB) is used.
OptionMaxHeaderBytes = func(val int) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.MaxHeaderBytes = val
// TLSNextProto optionally specifies a function to take over
// ownership of the provided TLS connection when an NPN/ALPN
// protocol upgrade has occurred. The map key is the protocol
// name negotiated. The Handler argument should be used to
// handle HTTP requests and will initialize the Request's TLS
// and RemoteAddr if not already set. The connection is
// automatically closed when the function returns.
// If TLSNextProto is nil, HTTP/2 support is enabled automatically.
OptionTLSNextProto = func(val map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn, http.Handler)) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.TLSNextProto = val
// ConnState specifies an optional callback function that is
// called when a client connection changes state. See the
// ConnState type and associated constants for details.
OptionConnState = func(val func(net.Conn, http.ConnState)) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.ConnState = val
// OptionCheckForUpdates will try to search for newer version of Iris based on the https://github.com/kataras/iris/releases
// If a newer version found then the app will ask the he dev/user if want to update the 'x' version
// if 'y' is pressed then the updater will try to install the latest version
// the updater, will notify the dev/user that the update is finished and should restart the App manually.
// Notes:
// 1. Experimental feature
// 2. If setted to true, the app will have a little startup delay
// 3. If you as developer edited the $GOPATH/src/github/kataras or any other Iris' Go dependencies at the past
// then the update process will fail.
// Usage: iris.Set(iris.OptionCheckForUpdates(true)) or
// iris.Config.CheckForUpdates = true or
// app := iris.New(iris.OptionCheckForUpdates(true))
// Default is false
OptionCheckForUpdates = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.CheckForUpdates = val
// CheckForUpdatesSync checks for updates before server starts, it will have a little delay depends on the machine's download's speed
// See CheckForUpdates for more
// Notes:
// 1. you could use the CheckForUpdatesSync while CheckForUpdates is false, set this or CheckForUpdates to true not both
// 2. if both CheckForUpdates and CheckForUpdatesSync are setted to true then the updater will run in sync mode, before server server starts.
// Default is false
OptionCheckForUpdatesSync = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.CheckForUpdatesSync = val
// OptionDisablePathCorrection corrects and redirects the requested path to the registed path
// for example, if /home/ path is requested but no handler for this Route found,
// then the Router checks if /home handler exists, if yes,
// (permant)redirects the client to the correct path /home
// Default is false
OptionDisablePathCorrection = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.DisablePathCorrection = val
// OptionDisablePathEscape when is false then its escapes the path, the named parameters (if any).
OptionDisablePathEscape = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.DisablePathEscape = val
// FireMethodNotAllowed if it's true router checks for StatusMethodNotAllowed(405) and fires the 405 error instead of 404
// Default is false
OptionFireMethodNotAllowed = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.FireMethodNotAllowed = val
// OptionDisableBanner outputs the iris banner at startup
// Default is false
OptionDisableBanner = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.DisableBanner = val
// OptionLoggerOut is the destination for output
// Default is os.Stdout
OptionLoggerOut = func(val io.Writer) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.LoggerOut = val
// OptionLoggerPreffix is the logger's prefix to write at beginning of each line
// Default is [IRIS]
OptionLoggerPreffix = func(val string) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.LoggerPreffix = val
// OptionDisableTemplateEngines set to true to disable loading the default template engine (html/template) and disallow the use of iris.UseEngine
// Default is false
OptionDisableTemplateEngines = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.DisableTemplateEngines = val
// OptionIsDevelopment iris will act like a developer, for example
// If true then re-builds the templates on each request
// Default is false
OptionIsDevelopment = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.IsDevelopment = val
// OptionTimeFormat time format for any kind of datetime parsing
OptionTimeFormat = func(val string) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.TimeFormat = val
// OptionCharset character encoding for various rendering
// used for templates and the rest of the responses
// Default is "UTF-8"
OptionCharset = func(val string) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Charset = val
// OptionGzip enables gzip compression on your Render actions, this includes any type of render, templates and pure/raw content
// If you don't want to enable it globaly, you could just use the third parameter on context.Render("myfileOrResponse", structBinding{}, iris.RenderOptions{"gzip": true})
// Default is false
OptionGzip = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Gzip = val
// OptionOther are the custom, dynamic options, can be empty
// this fill used only by you to set any app's options you want
// for each of an Iris instance
OptionOther = func(val ...options.Options) OptionSet {
opts := options.Options{}
for _, opt := range val {
for k, v := range opt {
opts[k] = v
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Other = opts
var (
// DefaultTimeFormat default time format for any kind of datetime parsing
DefaultTimeFormat = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"
// StaticCacheDuration expiration duration for INACTIVE file handlers, it's a global configuration field to all iris instances
StaticCacheDuration = 20 * time.Second
// Default values for base Iris conf
const (
DefaultDisablePathCorrection = false
DefaultDisablePathEscape = false
DefaultCharset = "UTF-8"
DefaultLoggerPreffix = "[IRIS] "
// Per-connection buffer size for requests' reading.
// This also limits the maximum header size.
// Increase this buffer if your clients send multi-KB RequestURIs
// and/or multi-KB headers (for example, BIG cookies).
// Default buffer size is 8MB
DefaultMaxHeaderBytes = 8096
// DefaultReadTimeout no read client timeout
DefaultReadTimeout = 0
// DefaultWriteTimeout no serve client timeout
DefaultWriteTimeout = 0
var (
// DefaultLoggerOut is the default logger's output
DefaultLoggerOut = os.Stdout
// DefaultConfiguration returns the default configuration for an Iris station, fills the main Configuration
func DefaultConfiguration() Configuration {
return Configuration{
VHost: "",
VScheme: "",
ReadTimeout: DefaultReadTimeout,
WriteTimeout: DefaultWriteTimeout,
MaxHeaderBytes: DefaultMaxHeaderBytes,
CheckForUpdates: false,
CheckForUpdatesSync: false,
DisablePathCorrection: DefaultDisablePathCorrection,
DisablePathEscape: DefaultDisablePathEscape,
FireMethodNotAllowed: false,
DisableBanner: false,
LoggerOut: DefaultLoggerOut,
LoggerPreffix: DefaultLoggerPreffix,
DisableTemplateEngines: false,
IsDevelopment: false,
TimeFormat: DefaultTimeFormat,
Charset: DefaultCharset,
Gzip: false,
Sessions: DefaultSessionsConfiguration(),
Websocket: DefaultWebsocketConfiguration(),
Other: options.Options{},
// SessionsConfiguration the configuration for sessions
// has 6 fields
// first is the cookieName, the session's name (string) ["mysessionsecretcookieid"]
// second enable if you want to decode the cookie's key also
// third is the time which the client's cookie expires
// forth is the cookie length (sessionid) int, Defaults to 32, do not change if you don't have any reason to do
// fifth is the gcDuration (time.Duration) when this time passes it removes the unused sessions from the memory until the user come back
// sixth is the DisableSubdomainPersistence which you can set it to true in order dissallow your q subdomains to have access to the session cook
type SessionsConfiguration sessions.Config
// Set implements the OptionSetter of the sessions package
func (s SessionsConfiguration) Set(c *sessions.Config) {
*c = sessions.Config(s).Validate()
var (
// OptionSessionsCookie string, the session's client cookie name, for example: "qsessionid"
OptionSessionsCookie = func(val string) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Sessions.Cookie = val
// OptionSessionsDecodeCookie set it to true to decode the cookie key with base64 URLEncoding
// Defaults to false
OptionSessionsDecodeCookie = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Sessions.DecodeCookie = val
// OptionSessionsExpires the duration of which the cookie must expires (created_time.Add(Expires)).
// If you want to delete the cookie when the browser closes, set it to -1 but in this case, the server side's session duration is up to GcDuration
// Default infinitive/unlimited life duration(0)
OptionSessionsExpires = func(val time.Duration) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Sessions.Expires = val
// OptionSessionsCookieLength the length of the sessionid's cookie's value, let it to 0 if you don't want to change it
// Defaults to 32
OptionSessionsCookieLength = func(val int) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Sessions.CookieLength = val
// OptionSessionsGcDuration every how much duration(GcDuration) the memory should be clear for unused cookies (GcDuration)
// for example: time.Duration(2)*time.Hour. it will check every 2 hours if cookie hasn't be used for 2 hours,
// deletes it from backend memory until the user comes back, then the session continue to work as it was
// Default 2 hours
OptionSessionsGcDuration = func(val time.Duration) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Sessions.GcDuration = val
// OptionSessionsDisableSubdomainPersistence set it to true in order dissallow your q subdomains to have access to the session cookie
// Defaults to false
OptionSessionsDisableSubdomainPersistence = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Sessions.DisableSubdomainPersistence = val
var (
// CookieExpireNever the default cookie's life for sessions, unlimited (23 years)
CookieExpireNever = time.Now().AddDate(23, 0, 0)
const (
// DefaultCookieName the secret cookie's name for sessions
DefaultCookieName = "irissessionid"
// DefaultSessionGcDuration is the default Session Manager's GCDuration , which is 2 hours
DefaultSessionGcDuration = time.Duration(2) * time.Hour
// DefaultCookieLength is the default Session Manager's CookieLength, which is 32
DefaultCookieLength = 32
// DefaultSessionsConfiguration the default configs for Sessions
func DefaultSessionsConfiguration() SessionsConfiguration {
return SessionsConfiguration{
Cookie: DefaultCookieName,
CookieLength: DefaultCookieLength,
DecodeCookie: false,
Expires: 0,
GcDuration: DefaultSessionGcDuration,
DisableSubdomainPersistence: false,
DisableAutoGC: true,
// WebsocketConfiguration the config contains options for the Websocket main config field
type WebsocketConfiguration struct {
// WriteTimeout time allowed to write a message to the connection.
// Default value is 15 * time.Second
WriteTimeout time.Duration
// PongTimeout allowed to read the next pong message from the connection
// Default value is 60 * time.Second
PongTimeout time.Duration
// PingPeriod send ping messages to the connection with this period. Must be less than PongTimeout
// Default value is (PongTimeout * 9) / 10
PingPeriod time.Duration
// MaxMessageSize max message size allowed from connection
// Default value is 1024
MaxMessageSize int64
// BinaryMessages set it to true in order to denotes binary data messages instead of utf-8 text
// see https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/387#issuecomment-243006022 for more
// Defaults to false
BinaryMessages bool
// Endpoint is the path which the websocket server will listen for clients/connections
// Default value is empty string, if you don't set it the Websocket server is disabled.
Endpoint string
// ReadBufferSize is the buffer size for the underline reader
ReadBufferSize int
// WriteBufferSize is the buffer size for the underline writer
WriteBufferSize int
// Headers if true then the client's headers are copy to the websocket connection
// Default is true
Headers bool
// Error specifies the function for generating HTTP error responses.
// The default behavior is to store the reason in the context (ctx.Set(reason)) and fire any custom error (ctx.EmitError(status))
Error func(ctx *Context, status int, reason error)
// CheckOrigin returns true if the request Origin header is acceptable. If
// CheckOrigin is nil, the host in the Origin header must not be set or
// must match the host of the request.
// The default behavior is to allow all origins
// you can change this behavior by setting the iris.Config.Websocket.CheckOrigin = iris.WebsocketCheckSameOrigin
CheckOrigin func(r *http.Request) bool
var (
// OptionWebsocketWriteTimeout time allowed to write a message to the connection.
// Default value is 15 * time.Second
OptionWebsocketWriteTimeout = func(val time.Duration) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.WriteTimeout = val
// OptionWebsocketPongTimeout allowed to read the next pong message from the connection
// Default value is 60 * time.Second
OptionWebsocketPongTimeout = func(val time.Duration) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.PongTimeout = val
// OptionWebsocketPingPeriod send ping messages to the connection with this period. Must be less than PongTimeout
// Default value is (PongTimeout * 9) / 10
OptionWebsocketPingPeriod = func(val time.Duration) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.PingPeriod = val
// OptionWebsocketMaxMessageSize max message size allowed from connection
// Default value is 1024
OptionWebsocketMaxMessageSize = func(val int64) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.MaxMessageSize = val
// OptionWebsocketBinaryMessages set it to true in order to denotes binary data messages instead of utf-8 text
// see https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/387#issuecomment-243006022 for more
// Defaults to false
OptionWebsocketBinaryMessages = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.BinaryMessages = val
// OptionWebsocketEndpoint is the path which the websocket server will listen for clients/connections
// Default value is empty string, if you don't set it the Websocket server is disabled.
OptionWebsocketEndpoint = func(val string) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.Endpoint = val
// OptionWebsocketReadBufferSize is the buffer size for the underline reader
OptionWebsocketReadBufferSize = func(val int) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.ReadBufferSize = val
// OptionWebsocketWriteBufferSize is the buffer size for the underline writer
OptionWebsocketWriteBufferSize = func(val int) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.WriteBufferSize = val
// OptionWebsocketHeaders if true then the client's headers are copy to the websocket connection
OptionWebsocketHeaders = func(val bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.Headers = val
// OptionWebsocketError specifies the function for generating HTTP error responses.
OptionWebsocketError = func(val func(*Context, int, error)) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.Error = val
// OptionWebsocketCheckOrigin returns true if the request Origin header is acceptable. If
// CheckOrigin is nil, the host in the Origin header must not be set or
// must match the host of the request.
OptionWebsocketCheckOrigin = func(val func(*http.Request) bool) OptionSet {
return func(c *Configuration) {
c.Websocket.CheckOrigin = val
const (
// DefaultWebsocketWriteTimeout 15 * time.Second
DefaultWebsocketWriteTimeout = 15 * time.Second
// DefaultWebsocketPongTimeout 60 * time.Second
DefaultWebsocketPongTimeout = 60 * time.Second
// DefaultWebsocketPingPeriod (DefaultPongTimeout * 9) / 10
DefaultWebsocketPingPeriod = (DefaultWebsocketPongTimeout * 9) / 10
// DefaultWebsocketMaxMessageSize 1024
DefaultWebsocketMaxMessageSize = 1024
var (
// DefaultWebsocketError is the default method to manage the handshake websocket errors
DefaultWebsocketError = func(ctx *Context, status int, reason error) {
ctx.Set("WsError", reason)
// DefaultWebsocketCheckOrigin is the default method to allow websocket clients to connect to this server
// you can change this behavior by setting the iris.Config.Websocket.CheckOrigin = iris.WebsocketCheckSameOrigin
DefaultWebsocketCheckOrigin = func(r *http.Request) bool {
return true
// WebsocketCheckSameOrigin returns true if the origin is not set or is equal to the request host
WebsocketCheckSameOrigin = func(r *http.Request) bool {
origin := r.Header.Get("origin")
if len(origin) == 0 {
return true
u, err := url.Parse(origin)
if err != nil {
return false
return u.Host == r.Host
// DefaultWebsocketConfiguration returns the default config for iris-ws websocket package
func DefaultWebsocketConfiguration() WebsocketConfiguration {
return WebsocketConfiguration{
WriteTimeout: DefaultWebsocketWriteTimeout,
PongTimeout: DefaultWebsocketPongTimeout,
PingPeriod: DefaultWebsocketPingPeriod,
MaxMessageSize: DefaultWebsocketMaxMessageSize,
BinaryMessages: false,
ReadBufferSize: 4096,
WriteBufferSize: 4096,
Endpoint: "",
Headers: true,
// Default values for base Server conf
const (
// DefaultServerHostname returns the default hostname which is
DefaultServerHostname = ""
// DefaultServerPort returns the default port which is 8080, not used
DefaultServerPort = 8080
var (
// DefaultServerAddr the default server addr which is:
DefaultServerAddr = DefaultServerHostname + ":" + strconv.Itoa(DefaultServerPort)