mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 17:36:28 +01:00
rel to: https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/1562#issuecomment-660415246 Former-commit-id: da04ae0543e9b743cd4989ded5983ae15316a879
932 lines
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932 lines
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package router
import (
const indexName = "/index.html"
// DirListFunc is the function signature for customizing directory and file listing.
type DirListFunc func(ctx *context.Context, dirOptions DirOptions, dirName string, dir http.File) error
// Attachments options for files to be downloaded and saved locally by the client.
// See `DirOptions`.
type Attachments struct {
// Set to true to enable the files to be downloaded and
// saved locally by the client, instead of serving the file.
Enable bool
// Options to send files with a limit of bytes sent per second.
Limit float64
Burst int
// Use this function to change the sent filename.
NameFunc func(systemName string) (attachmentName string)
// DirOptions contains the optional settings that
// `FileServer` and `Party#HandleDir` can use to serve files and assets.
type DirOptions struct {
// Defaults to "/index.html", if request path is ending with **/*/$IndexName
// then it redirects to **/*(/) which another handler is handling it,
// that another handler, called index handler, is auto-registered by the framework
// if end developer does not managed to handle it by hand.
IndexName string
// PushTargets filenames (map's value) to
// be served without additional client's requests (HTTP/2 Push)
// when a specific request path (map's key WITHOUT prefix)
// is requested and it's not a directory (it's an `IndexFile`).
// Example:
// "/": {
// "favicon.ico",
// "js/main.js",
// "css/main.css",
// }
PushTargets map[string][]string
// PushTargetsRegexp like `PushTargets` but accepts regexp which
// is compared against all files under a directory (recursively).
// The `IndexName` should be set.
// Example:
// "/": regexp.MustCompile("((.*).js|(.*).css|(.*).ico)$")
// See `iris.MatchCommonAssets` too.
PushTargetsRegexp map[string]*regexp.Regexp
// When files should served under compression.
Compress bool
// List the files inside the current requested directory if `IndexName` not found.
ShowList bool
// If `ShowList` is true then this function will be used instead
// of the default one to show the list of files of a current requested directory(dir).
// See `DirListRich` package-level function too.
DirList DirListFunc
// Files downloaded and saved locally.
Attachments Attachments
// When embedded.
Asset func(name string) ([]byte, error) // we need this to make it compatible os.File.
AssetInfo func(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) // we need this for range support on embedded files.
AssetNames func() []string // called once.
// Optional validator that loops through each requested resource.
AssetValidator func(ctx *context.Context, name string) bool
func getDirOptions(opts ...DirOptions) (options DirOptions) {
if len(opts) > 0 {
options = opts[0]
if options.IndexName == "" {
options.IndexName = indexName
} else {
options.IndexName = prefix(options.IndexName, "/")
if !options.Attachments.Enable {
// make sure rate limiting is not used when attachments are not.
options.Attachments.Limit = 0
options.Attachments.Burst = 0
// Make sure PushTarget's paths are in the proper form.
for path, filenames := range options.PushTargets {
for idx, filename := range filenames {
filenames[idx] = filepath.ToSlash(filename)
options.PushTargets[path] = filenames
type embeddedFile struct {
var _ http.File = (*embeddedFile)(nil)
func (f *embeddedFile) Close() error {
return nil
// func (f *embeddedFile) Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
// // this should never happen, show dirs is already checked on the handler level before this call.
// if count != -1 {
// return nil, nil
// }
// list := make([]os.FileInfo, len(f.dir.assetNames))
// var err error
// for i, name := range f.dir.assetNames {
// list[i], err = f.dir.assetInfo(name)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// }
// return list, nil
// }
func (f *embeddedFile) Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
return nil, nil // should never happen, read directories is done by `embeddedDir`.
func (f *embeddedFile) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) {
return f.FileInfo, nil
// func (f *embeddedFile) Name() string {
// return strings.TrimPrefix(f.vdir, f.FileInfo.Name())
// }
type embeddedFileSystem struct {
vdir string
dirNames map[string]*embeddedDir // embedded tools doesn't give that info, so we initialize it in order to support `ShowList` on embedded files as well.
asset func(name string) ([]byte, error)
assetInfo func(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)
var _ http.FileSystem = (*embeddedFileSystem)(nil)
// Open implements FileSystem using os.Open, opening files for reading rooted
// and relative to the virtual directory.
func (fs *embeddedFileSystem) Open(name string) (http.File, error) {
if name != "/" {
// http://localhost:8080/app2/app2app3/dirs/
// = http://localhost:8080/app2/app2app3/dirs
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "/")
name = path.Join(fs.vdir, path.Clean("/"+name))
if d, ok := fs.dirNames[name]; ok {
return d, nil
info, err := fs.assetInfo(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err := fs.asset(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &embeddedFile{
FileInfo: info,
ReadSeeker: bytes.NewReader(b),
}, nil
type embeddedBaseFileInfo struct {
baseName string
func (info *embeddedBaseFileInfo) Name() string {
return info.baseName
type embeddedDir struct {
name string
baseName string
modTimeUnix int64
list []os.FileInfo
*bytes.Reader // never used, will always be nil.
var _ http.File = (*embeddedDir)(nil)
func (f *embeddedDir) Close() error { return nil }
func (f *embeddedDir) Name() string { return f.baseName }
func (f *embeddedDir) Size() int64 { return 0 }
func (f *embeddedDir) Mode() os.FileMode { return os.ModeDir }
func (f *embeddedDir) ModTime() time.Time { return time.Unix(f.modTimeUnix, 0) }
func (f *embeddedDir) IsDir() bool { return true }
func (f *embeddedDir) Sys() interface{} { return f }
func (f *embeddedDir) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) { return f, nil }
func (f *embeddedDir) Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
// this should never happen, show dirs is already checked on the handler level before this call.
if count != -1 {
return nil, nil
return f.list, nil
// FileServer returns a Handler which serves files from a specific system, phyisical, directory
// or an embedded one.
// The first parameter is the directory, relative to the executable program.
// The second optional parameter is any optional settings that the caller can use.
// See `Party#HandleDir` too.
// Examples can be found at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/file-server
func FileServer(directory string, opts ...DirOptions) context.Handler {
if directory == "" {
panic("FileServer: directory is empty. The directory parameter should point to a physical system directory or to an embedded one")
options := getDirOptions(opts...)
// `embeddedFileSystem` (if AssetInfo, Asset and AssetNames are defined) or `http.Dir`.
var fs http.FileSystem = http.Dir(directory)
if options.Asset != nil && options.AssetInfo != nil && options.AssetNames != nil {
// Depends on the command the user gave to the go-bindata
// the assset path (names) may be or may not be prepended with a slash.
// What we do: we remove the ./ from the directory which should be
// the same with the asset path (names).
// we don't pathclean, because that will prepend a slash
// go-bindata should give a correct path format.
// On serve time we check the "paramName" (which is the path after the "requestPath")
// so it has the first directory part missing, we use the "directory" to complete it
// and match with the asset path (names).
if directory[0] == '.' {
directory = directory[1:]
// second check for /something, (or ./something if we had dot on 0 it will be removed)
if directory[0] == '/' || directory[0] == os.PathSeparator {
directory = directory[1:]
// check for trailing slashes because new users may be do that by mistake
// although all examples are showing the correct way but you never know
// i.e "./assets/" is not correct, if was inside "./assets".
// remove last "/".
if trailingSlashIdx := len(directory) - 1; directory[trailingSlashIdx] == '/' {
directory = directory[0:trailingSlashIdx]
// select only the paths that we care;
// that have prefix of the directory and
// skip any unnecessary the end-dev or the 3rd party tool may set.
var names []string
for _, name := range options.AssetNames() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, directory) {
names = append(names, filepath.ToSlash(name))
// Update the options.AssetNames with
// the pre-calculated files we only care about.
// See PushTargets(Regexp) bellow.
options.AssetNames = func() []string {
return names
if len(names) == 0 {
panic("FileServer: zero embedded files")
assetInfo := options.AssetInfo
// make .Name() infos like http.Dir (base names instead of full names).
options.AssetInfo = func(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
info, err := assetInfo(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &embeddedBaseFileInfo{
baseName: path.Base(info.Name()),
FileInfo: info,
}, nil
dirNames := make(map[string]*embeddedDir)
// sort filenames by smaller path.
sort.Slice(names, func(i, j int) bool {
return strings.Count(names[j], "/") > strings.Count(names[i], "/")
for _, name := range names {
dirName := path.Dir(name)
d, ok := dirNames[dirName]
if !ok {
d = &embeddedDir{
name: dirName,
baseName: path.Base(dirName),
modTimeUnix: time.Now().Unix(),
dirNames[dirName] = d
info, err := options.AssetInfo(name)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("FileServer: report as bug: file info: %s not found in: %s", name, dirName))
// Add the directory file info (=this dir) to the parent one,
// so `ShowList` can render sub-directories of this dir.
if parent, hasParent := dirNames[path.Dir(dirName)]; hasParent {
parent.list = append(parent.list, d)
f := &embeddedBaseFileInfo{path.Base(name), info}
d.list = append(d.list, f)
fs = &embeddedFileSystem{
vdir: directory,
dirNames: dirNames,
asset: options.Asset,
assetInfo: options.AssetInfo,
// Let it for now.
// else if !DirectoryExists(directory) {
// panic("FileServer: system directory: " + directory + " does not exist")
// }
plainStatusCode := func(ctx *context.Context, statusCode int) {
if writer, ok := ctx.ResponseWriter().(*context.CompressResponseWriter); ok {
writer.Disabled = true
dirList := options.DirList
if dirList == nil {
dirList = func(ctx *context.Context, dirOptions DirOptions, dirName string, dir http.File) error {
dirs, err := dir.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return err
sort.Slice(dirs, func(i, j int) bool { return dirs[i].Name() < dirs[j].Name() })
_, err = ctx.WriteString("<pre>\n")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, d := range dirs {
name := d.Name()
upath := ""
if !strings.HasSuffix(ctx.Path(), "/") && dirName != "" {
upath = "./" + path.Base(dirName) + "/" + name
} else {
upath = "./" + name
url := url.URL{Path: upath}
downloadAttr := ""
if dirOptions.Attachments.Enable && !d.IsDir() {
downloadAttr = " download" // fixes chrome Resource interpreted, other browsers will just ignore this <a> attribute.
viewName := name
if d.IsDir() {
viewName += "/"
// name may contain '?' or '#', which must be escaped to remain
// part of the URL path, and not indicate the start of a query
// string or fragment.
_, err = ctx.Writef("<a href=\"%s\"%s>%s</a>\n", url.String(), downloadAttr, html.EscapeString(viewName))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = ctx.WriteString("</pre>\n")
return err
h := func(ctx *context.Context) {
r := ctx.Request()
name := prefix(r.URL.Path, "/")
r.URL.Path = name
f, err := fs.Open(name)
if err != nil {
plainStatusCode(ctx, http.StatusNotFound)
defer f.Close()
info, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
plainStatusCode(ctx, http.StatusNotFound)
var (
indexFound bool
indexDirectory http.File
// use contents of index.html for directory, if present
if info.IsDir() && options.IndexName != "" {
// Note that, in contrast of the default net/http mechanism;
// here different handlers may serve the indexes
// if manually then this will block will never fire,
// if index handler are automatically registered by the framework
// then this block will be fired on indexes because the static site routes are registered using the static route's handler.
// End-developers must have the chance to register different logic and middlewares
// to an index file, useful on Single Page Applications.
index := strings.TrimSuffix(name, "/") + options.IndexName
fIndex, err := fs.Open(index)
if err == nil {
defer fIndex.Close()
infoIndex, err := fIndex.Stat()
if err == nil {
indexFound = true
indexDirectory = f
f = fIndex
info = infoIndex
if indexFound && !options.Attachments.Enable {
if indexAssets, ok := options.PushTargets[name]; ok {
if pusher, ok := ctx.ResponseWriter().(http.Pusher); ok {
for _, indexAsset := range indexAssets {
// pushOpts := &http.PushOptions{
// Method: "GET",
// Header: http.Header{
// "Vary": []string{"Accept-Encoding"},
// "Content-Encoding": []string{"gzip"},
// },
// }
if indexAsset[0] != '/' {
// it's relative path.
indexAsset = path.Join(r.RequestURI, indexAsset)
if err = pusher.Push(indexAsset, nil); err != nil {
if regex, ok := options.PushTargetsRegexp[r.URL.Path]; ok {
if pusher, ok := ctx.ResponseWriter().(http.Pusher); ok {
prefixURL := strings.TrimSuffix(r.RequestURI, name)
for _, indexAsset := range getFilenamesRecursively(fs, indexDirectory, name) {
// it's an index file, do not pushed that.
if strings.HasSuffix(prefix(indexAsset, "/"), options.IndexName) {
// match using relative path (without the first '/' slash)
// to keep consistency between the `PushTargets` behavior
if regex.MatchString(indexAsset) {
// println("Regex Matched: " + indexAsset)
if err = pusher.Push(path.Join(prefixURL, indexAsset), nil); err != nil {
// Still a directory? (we didn't find an index.html file)
if info.IsDir() {
if !options.ShowList {
plainStatusCode(ctx, http.StatusNotFound)
if modified, err := ctx.CheckIfModifiedSince(info.ModTime()); !modified && err == nil {
err = dirList(ctx, options, info.Name(), f)
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Errorf("FileServer: dirList: %v", err)
plainStatusCode(ctx, http.StatusInternalServerError)
// index requested, send a moved permanently status
// and navigate back to the route without the index suffix.
if strings.HasSuffix(name, options.IndexName) {
localRedirect(ctx, "./")
if options.AssetValidator != nil {
if !options.AssetValidator(ctx, info.Name()) {
errCode := ctx.GetStatusCode()
if ctx.ResponseWriter().Written() <= context.StatusCodeWritten {
// if nothing written as body from the AssetValidator but 200 status code(which is the default),
// then we assume that the end-developer just returned false expecting this to be not found.
if errCode == http.StatusOK {
errCode = http.StatusNotFound
plainStatusCode(ctx, errCode)
// try to find and send the correct content type based on the filename
// and the binary data inside "f".
detectOrWriteContentType(ctx, info.Name(), f)
// if not index file and attachments should be force-sent:
if !indexFound && options.Attachments.Enable {
destName := info.Name()
// diposition := "attachment"
if nameFunc := options.Attachments.NameFunc; nameFunc != nil {
destName = nameFunc(destName)
ctx.ResponseWriter().Header().Set(context.ContentDispositionHeaderKey, "attachment;filename="+destName)
// If limit is 0 then same as ServeContent.
ctx.ServeContentWithRate(f, info.Name(), info.ModTime(), options.Attachments.Limit, options.Attachments.Burst)
if serveCode := ctx.GetStatusCode(); context.StatusCodeNotSuccessful(serveCode) {
plainStatusCode(ctx, serveCode)
ctx.Next() // fire any middleware, if any.
return h
func getFilenamesRecursively(fs http.FileSystem, f http.File, parent string) []string {
defer f.Close()
info, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil
var filenames []string
if info.IsDir() {
fileinfos, err := f.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return nil
for _, fileinfo := range fileinfos {
fullname := path.Join(parent, fileinfo.Name())
ff, err := fs.Open(fullname)
if err != nil {
return nil
filenames = append(filenames, getFilenamesRecursively(fs, ff, fullname)...)
return filenames
filenames = append(filenames, path.Dir(path.Join(parent, info.Name())))
return filenames
// StripPrefix returns a handler that serves HTTP requests
// by removing the given prefix from the request URL's Path
// and invoking the handler h. StripPrefix handles a
// request for a path that doesn't begin with prefix by
// replying with an HTTP 404 not found error.
// Usage:
// fileserver := FileServer("./static_files", DirOptions {...})
// h := StripPrefix("/static", fileserver)
// app.Get("/static/{file:path}", h)
// app.Head("/static/{file:path}", h)
func StripPrefix(prefix string, h context.Handler) context.Handler {
if prefix == "" {
return h
// here we separate the path from the subdomain (if any), we care only for the path
// fixes a bug when serving static files via a subdomain
canonicalPrefix := prefix
if dotWSlashIdx := strings.Index(canonicalPrefix, SubdomainPrefix); dotWSlashIdx > 0 {
canonicalPrefix = canonicalPrefix[dotWSlashIdx+1:]
canonicalPrefix = toWebPath(canonicalPrefix)
return func(ctx *context.Context) {
if p := strings.TrimPrefix(ctx.Request().URL.Path, canonicalPrefix); len(p) < len(ctx.Request().URL.Path) {
ctx.Request().URL.Path = p
} else {
func toWebPath(systemPath string) string {
// winos slash to slash
webpath := strings.Replace(systemPath, "\\", "/", -1)
// double slashes to single
webpath = strings.Replace(webpath, "//", "/", -1)
return webpath
// Abs calls filepath.Abs but ignores the error and
// returns the original value if any error occurred.
func Abs(path string) string {
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return path
return absPath
// The algorithm uses at most sniffLen bytes to make its decision.
const sniffLen = 512
func detectOrWriteContentType(ctx *context.Context, name string, content io.ReadSeeker) (string, error) {
// If Content-Type isn't set, use the file's extension to find it, but
// if the Content-Type is unset explicitly, do not sniff the type.
ctypes, haveType := ctx.ResponseWriter().Header()["Content-Type"]
var ctype string
if !haveType {
ctype = TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(name))
if ctype == "" {
// read a chunk to decide between utf-8 text and binary
var buf [sniffLen]byte
n, _ := io.ReadFull(content, buf[:])
ctype = http.DetectContentType(buf[:n])
_, err := content.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) // rewind to output whole file
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else if len(ctypes) > 0 {
ctype = ctypes[0]
return ctype, nil
// localRedirect gives a Moved Permanently response.
// It does not convert relative paths to absolute paths like Redirect does.
func localRedirect(ctx *context.Context, newPath string) {
if q := ctx.Request().URL.RawQuery; q != "" {
newPath += "?" + q
ctx.Header("Location", newPath)
// DirectoryExists returns true if a directory(or file) exists, otherwise false
func DirectoryExists(dir string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(dir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
// DirListRichOptions the options for the `DirListRich` helper function.
type DirListRichOptions struct {
// If not nil then this template's "dirlist" is used to render the listing page.
Tmpl *template.Template
// If not empty then this view file is used to render the listing page.
// The view should be registered with `Application.RegisterView`.
// E.g. "dirlist.html"
TmplName string
// DirListRich is a `DirListFunc` which can be passed to `DirOptions.DirList` field
// to override the default file listing appearance.
// See `DirListRichTemplate` to modify the template, if necessary.
func DirListRich(opts ...DirListRichOptions) DirListFunc {
var options DirListRichOptions
if len(opts) > 0 {
options = opts[0]
if options.TmplName == "" && options.Tmpl == nil {
options.Tmpl = DirListRichTemplate
return func(ctx *context.Context, dirOptions DirOptions, dirName string, dir http.File) error {
dirs, err := dir.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return err
sortBy := ctx.URLParam("sort")
switch sortBy {
case "name":
sort.Slice(dirs, func(i, j int) bool { return dirs[i].Name() < dirs[j].Name() })
case "size":
sort.Slice(dirs, func(i, j int) bool { return dirs[i].Size() < dirs[j].Size() })
sort.Slice(dirs, func(i, j int) bool { return dirs[i].ModTime().After(dirs[j].ModTime()) })
pageData := listPageData{
Title: fmt.Sprintf("List of %d files", len(dirs)),
Files: make([]fileInfoData, 0, len(dirs)),
for _, d := range dirs {
name := d.Name()
upath := ""
if !strings.HasSuffix(ctx.Path(), "/") && dirName != "" {
upath = "./" + path.Base(dirName) + "/" + name
} else {
upath = "./" + name
url := url.URL{Path: upath}
viewName := name
if d.IsDir() {
viewName += "/"
shouldDownload := dirOptions.Attachments.Enable && !d.IsDir()
pageData.Files = append(pageData.Files, fileInfoData{
Info: d,
ModTime: d.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat),
Path: url.String(),
RelPath: path.Join(ctx.Path(), name),
Name: html.EscapeString(viewName),
Download: shouldDownload,
if options.TmplName != "" {
return ctx.View(options.TmplName, pageData)
return options.Tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(ctx, "dirlist", pageData)
type (
listPageData struct {
Title string // the document's title.
Files []fileInfoData
fileInfoData struct {
Info os.FileInfo
ModTime string // format-ed time.
Path string // the request path.
RelPath string // file path without the system directory itself (we are not exposing it to the user).
Name string // the html-escaped name.
Download bool // the file should be downloaded (attachment instead of inline view).
// DirListRichTemplate is the html template the `DirListRich` function is using to render
// the directories and files.
var DirListRichTemplate = template.Must(template.New("dirlist").
"formatBytes": func(b int64) string {
const unit = 1000
if b < unit {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d B", b)
div, exp := int64(unit), 0
for n := b / unit; n >= unit; n /= unit {
div *= unit
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f %cB",
float64(b)/float64(div), "kMGTPE"[exp])
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
a {
padding: 8px 8px;
color: #10a2ff;
table {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
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border: 1px solid #cbcbcb;
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color: #000;
font: italic 85%/1 arial, sans-serif;
padding: 1em 0;
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border-left: 1px solid #cbcbcb;
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.table-bordered tbody > tr:last-child > td {
border-bottom-width: 0;
<table class="table-bordered table-odd">
{{ range $idx, $file := .Files }}
<td>{{ $idx }}</td>
{{ if $file.Download }}
<td><a href="{{ $file.Path }}" title="{{ $file.ModTime }}" download>{{ $file.Name }}</a></td>
{{ else }}
<td><a href="{{ $file.Path }}" title="{{ $file.ModTime }}">{{ $file.Name }}</a></td>
{{ end }}
{{ if $file.Info.IsDir }}
{{ else }}
<td>{{ formatBytes $file.Info.Size }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}