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package iris
import (
type (
// IRoute is the interface which the Route should implements
// it useful to have it as an interface because this interface is passed to the plugins
IRoute interface {
GetMethod() string
GetDomain() string
GetPath() string
GetName() string
// Name sets the name of the route
Name(string) IRoute
GetMiddleware() Middleware
HasCors() bool
ParsePath(...interface{}) string
ParseURI(...interface{}) string
// RouteNameFunc is returned to from route handle
RouteNameFunc func(string) IRoute
// Route contains basic and temporary info about the route in order to be stored to the tree
Route struct {
method string
domain string
fullpath string
// the name of the route, the default name is just the registed path.
name string
middleware Middleware
// station
station *Iris
// this is used to convert /mypath/:aparam/:something to -> /mypath/%v/%v and /mypath/* -> mypath/%v
// we use %v to escape from the conversions between strings,booleans and integers.
// used inside custom html template func 'url'
formattedPath string
// formattedParts is just the formattedPath count, used to see if we have one path parameter then the url's function arguments will be passed as one string to the %v
formattedParts int
var _ IRoute = &Route{}
// NewRoute creates, from a path string, and a slice of HandlerFunc
func NewRoute(method string, registedPath string, middleware Middleware, station *Iris) *Route {
domain := ""
//dirdy but I'm not touching this again:P
if registedPath[0] != SlashByte && strings.Contains(registedPath, ".") && (strings.IndexByte(registedPath, SlashByte) == -1 || strings.IndexByte(registedPath, SlashByte) > strings.IndexByte(registedPath, '.')) {
//means that is a path with domain
//we have to extract the domain
//find the first '/'
firstSlashIndex := strings.IndexByte(registedPath, SlashByte)
//firt of all remove the first '/' if that exists and we have domain
if firstSlashIndex == 0 {
//e.g /admin.ideopod.com/hey
//then just remove the first slash and re-execute the NewRoute and return it
registedPath = registedPath[1:]
return NewRoute(method, registedPath, middleware, station)
//if it's just the domain, then set it(registedPath) as the domain
//and after set the registedPath to a slash '/' for the path part
if firstSlashIndex == -1 {
domain = registedPath
registedPath = Slash
} else {
//we have a domain + path
domain = registedPath[0:firstSlashIndex]
registedPath = registedPath[len(domain):]
r := &Route{method: method, domain: domain, fullpath: registedPath, middleware: middleware, name: registedPath, formattedPath: registedPath, station: station}
return r
func (r *Route) isWildcard() bool {
return r.domain != r.station.server.Hostname() && r.domain == PrefixDynamicSubdomain
func (r *Route) formatPath() {
// we don't care about performance here, no runtime func.
n1Len := strings.Count(r.fullpath, ":")
isMatchEverything := r.fullpath[len(r.fullpath)-1] == MatchEverythingByte
if n1Len == 0 && !isMatchEverything {
// its a static
if n1Len == 0 && isMatchEverything {
//if we have something like: /mypath/anything/* -> /mypatch/anything/%v
r.formattedPath = r.fullpath[0:len(r.fullpath)-2] + "%v"
tempPath := r.fullpath
splittedN1 := strings.Split(r.fullpath, "/")
for _, v := range splittedN1 {
if len(v) > 0 {
if v[0] == ':' || v[0] == MatchEverythingByte {
tempPath = strings.Replace(tempPath, v, "%v", -1) // n1Len, but let it we don't care about performance here.
r.formattedPath = tempPath
// GetMethod returns the http method
func (r Route) GetMethod() string {
return r.method
// GetDomain returns the registed domain which this route is ( if none, is "" which is means "localhost"/
func (r Route) GetDomain() string {
return r.domain
// GetPath returns the full registed path
func (r Route) GetPath() string {
return r.fullpath
// GetName returns the name of the route
func (r Route) GetName() string {
return r.name
// Name sets the route's name
func (r *Route) Name(newName string) IRoute {
r.name = newName
return r
// GetMiddleware returns the chain of the []HandlerFunc registed to this Route
func (r Route) GetMiddleware() Middleware {
return r.middleware
// HasCors check if middleware passsed to a route has cors
func (r *Route) HasCors() bool {
return RouteConflicts(r, "httpmethod")
// ParsePath used to check arguments with the route's named parameters and return the correct url
// if parse failed returns empty string
func (r *Route) ParsePath(args ...interface{}) string {
argsLen := len(args)
// we have named parameters but arguments not given
if argsLen == 0 && r.formattedParts > 0 {
return ""
// we have arguments but they are much more than the named parameters
// 1 check if we have /*, if yes then join all arguments to one as path and pass that as parameter
if argsLen > r.formattedParts {
if r.fullpath[len(r.fullpath)-1] == MatchEverythingByte {
// we have to convert each argument to a string in this case
argsString := make([]string, argsLen, argsLen)
for i, v := range args {
if s, ok := v.(string); ok {
argsString[i] = s
} else if num, ok := v.(int); ok {
argsString[i] = strconv.Itoa(num)
} else if b, ok := v.(bool); ok {
argsString[i] = strconv.FormatBool(b)
} else if arr, ok := v.([]string); ok {
if len(arr) > 0 {
argsString[i] = arr[0]
argsString = append(argsString, arr[1:]...)
parameter := strings.Join(argsString, Slash)
result := fmt.Sprintf(r.formattedPath, parameter)
return result
// 2 if !1 return false
return ""
arguments := args[0:]
// check for arrays
for i, v := range arguments {
if arr, ok := v.([]string); ok {
if len(arr) > 0 {
interfaceArr := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
for j, sv := range arr {
interfaceArr[j] = sv
arguments[i] = interfaceArr[0]
arguments = append(arguments, interfaceArr[1:]...)
return fmt.Sprintf(r.formattedPath, arguments...)
// ParseURI returns the subdomain+ host + ParsePath(...optional named parameters if route is dynamic)
// returns an empty string if parse is failed
func (r *Route) ParseURI(args ...interface{}) (uri string) {
scheme := "http://"
if r.station.server.IsSecure() {
scheme = "https://"
host := r.station.server.Host()
arguments := args[0:]
// join arrays as arguments
for i, v := range arguments {
if arr, ok := v.([]string); ok {
if len(arr) > 0 {
interfaceArr := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
for j, sv := range arr {
interfaceArr[j] = sv
arguments[i] = interfaceArr[0]
arguments = append(arguments, interfaceArr[1:]...)
// if it's dynamic subdomain then the first argument is the subdomain part
if r.isWildcard() {
if len(arguments) == 0 { // it's a wildcard subdomain but not arguments
if subdomain, ok := arguments[0].(string); ok {
host = subdomain + "." + host
} else {
// it is not array because we join them before. if not pass a string then this is not a subdomain part, return empty uri
arguments = arguments[1:]
if parsedPath := r.ParsePath(arguments...); parsedPath != "" {
uri = scheme + host + parsedPath
// RouteConflicts checks for route's middleware conflicts
func RouteConflicts(r *Route, with string) bool {
for _, h := range r.middleware {
if m, ok := h.(interface {
Conflicts() string
}); ok {
if c := m.Conflicts(); c == with {
return true
return false