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package context
import (
jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
type (
// BodyDecoder is an interface which any struct can implement in order to customize the decode action
// from ReadJSON and ReadXML
// Trivial example of this could be:
// type User struct { Username string }
// func (u *User) Decode(data []byte) error {
// return json.Unmarshal(data, u)
// }
// the 'context.ReadJSON/ReadXML(&User{})' will call the User's
// Decode option to decode the request body
// Note: This is totally optionally, the default decoders
// for ReadJSON is the encoding/json and for ReadXML is the encoding/xml.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-custom-per-type/main.go
BodyDecoder interface {
Decode(data []byte) error
// Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by types that can unmarshal any raw data.
// TIP INFO: Any pointer to a value which implements the BodyDecoder can be override the unmarshaler.
Unmarshaler interface {
Unmarshal(data []byte, outPtr interface{}) error
// UnmarshalerFunc a shortcut for the Unmarshaler interface
// See 'Unmarshaler' and 'BodyDecoder' for more.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-custom-via-unmarshaler/main.go
UnmarshalerFunc func(data []byte, outPtr interface{}) error
// Unmarshal parses the X-encoded data and stores the result in the value pointed to by v.
// Unmarshal uses the inverse of the encodings that Marshal uses, allocating maps,
// slices, and pointers as necessary.
func (u UnmarshalerFunc) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
return u(data, v)
// Context is the midle-man server's "object" for the clients.
// A New context is being acquired from a sync.Pool on each connection.
// The Context is the most important thing on the iris's http flow.
// Developers send responses to the client's request through a Context.
// Developers get request information from the client's request a Context.
// This context is an implementation of the context.Context sub-package.
// context.Context is very extensible and developers can override
// its methods if that is actually needed.
type Context interface {
// BeginRequest is executing once for each request
// it should prepare the (new or acquired from pool) context's fields for the new request.
// To follow the iris' flow, developer should:
// 1. reset handlers to nil
// 2. reset values to empty
// 3. reset sessions to nil
// 4. reset response writer to the http.ResponseWriter
// 5. reset request to the *http.Request
// and any other optional steps, depends on dev's application type.
BeginRequest(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
// EndRequest is executing once after a response to the request was sent and this context is useless or released.
// To follow the iris' flow, developer should:
// 1. flush the response writer's result
// 2. release the response writer
// and any other optional steps, depends on dev's application type.
// ResponseWriter returns an http.ResponseWriter compatible response writer, as expected.
ResponseWriter() ResponseWriter
// ResetResponseWriter should change or upgrade the Context's ResponseWriter.
// Request returns the original *http.Request, as expected.
Request() *http.Request
// ResetRequest sets the Context's Request,
// It is useful to store the new request created by a std *http.Request#WithContext() into Iris' Context.
// Use `ResetRequest` when for some reason you want to make a full
// override of the *http.Request.
// Note that: when you just want to change one of each fields you can use the Request() which returns a pointer to Request,
// so the changes will have affect without a full override.
// Usage: you use a native http handler which uses the standard "context" package
// to get values instead of the Iris' Context#Values():
// r := ctx.Request()
// stdCtx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), key, val)
// ctx.ResetRequest(r.WithContext(stdCtx)).
ResetRequest(r *http.Request)
// SetCurrentRouteName sets the route's name internally,
// in order to be able to find the correct current "read-only" Route when
// end-developer calls the `GetCurrentRoute()` function.
// It's being initialized by the Router, if you change that name
// manually nothing really happens except that you'll get other
// route via `GetCurrentRoute()`.
// Instead, to execute a different path
// from this context you should use the `Exec` function
// or change the handlers via `SetHandlers/AddHandler` functions.
SetCurrentRouteName(currentRouteName string)
// GetCurrentRoute returns the current registered "read-only" route that
// was being registered to this request's path.
GetCurrentRoute() RouteReadOnly
// Do calls the SetHandlers(handlers)
// and executes the first handler,
// handlers should not be empty.
// It's used by the router, developers may use that
// to replace and execute handlers immediately.
// AddHandler can add handler(s)
// to the current request in serve-time,
// these handlers are not persistenced to the router.
// Router is calling this function to add the route's handler.
// If AddHandler called then the handlers will be inserted
// to the end of the already-defined route's handler.
// SetHandlers replaces all handlers with the new.
// Handlers keeps tracking of the current handlers.
Handlers() Handlers
// HandlerIndex sets the current index of the
// current context's handlers chain.
// If -1 passed then it just returns the
// current handler index without change the current index.
// Look Handlers(), Next() and StopExecution() too.
HandlerIndex(n int) (currentIndex int)
// Proceed is an alternative way to check if a particular handler
// has been executed and called the `ctx.Next` function inside it.
// This is useful only when you run a handler inside
// another handler. It justs checks for before index and the after index.
// A usecase example is when you want to execute a middleware
// inside controller's `BeginRequest` that calls the `ctx.Next` inside it.
// The Controller looks the whole flow (BeginRequest, method handler, EndRequest)
// as one handler, so `ctx.Next` will not be reflected to the method handler
// if called from the `BeginRequest`.
// Although `BeginRequest` should NOT be used to call other handlers,
// the `BeginRequest` has been introduced to be able to set
// common data to all method handlers before their execution.
// Controllers can accept middleware(s) from the MVC's Application's Router as normally.
// That said let's see an example of `ctx.Proceed`:
// var authMiddleware = basicauth.New(basicauth.Config{
// Users: map[string]string{
// "admin": "password",
// },
// })
// func (c *UsersController) BeginRequest(ctx iris.Context) {
// if !ctx.Proceed(authMiddleware) {
// ctx.StopExecution()
// }
// }
// This Get() will be executed in the same handler as `BeginRequest`,
// internally controller checks for `ctx.StopExecution`.
// So it will not be fired if BeginRequest called the `StopExecution`.
// func(c *UsersController) Get() []models.User {
// return c.Service.GetAll()
// Alternative way is `!ctx.IsStopped()` if middleware make use of the `ctx.StopExecution()` on failure.
Proceed(Handler) bool
// HandlerName returns the current handler's name, helpful for debugging.
HandlerName() string
// HandlerFileLine returns the current running handler's function source file and line information.
// Useful mostly when debugging.
HandlerFileLine() (file string, line int)
// RouteName returns the route name that this handler is running on.
// Note that it will return empty on not found handlers.
RouteName() string
// Next calls all the next handler from the handlers chain,
// it should be used inside a middleware.
// Note: Custom context should override this method in order to be able to pass its own context.Context implementation.
// NextOr checks if chain has a next handler, if so then it executes it
// otherwise it sets a new chain assigned to this Context based on the given handler(s)
// and executes its first handler.
// Returns true if next handler exists and executed, otherwise false.
// Note that if no next handler found and handlers are missing then
// it sends a Status Not Found (404) to the client and it stops the execution.
NextOr(handlers ...Handler) bool
// NextOrNotFound checks if chain has a next handler, if so then it executes it
// otherwise it sends a Status Not Found (404) to the client and stops the execution.
// Returns true if next handler exists and executed, otherwise false.
NextOrNotFound() bool
// NextHandler returns (it doesn't execute) the next handler from the handlers chain.
// Use .Skip() to skip this handler if needed to execute the next of this returning handler.
NextHandler() Handler
// Skip skips/ignores the next handler from the handlers chain,
// it should be used inside a middleware.
// StopExecution if called then the following .Next calls are ignored,
// as a result the next handlers in the chain will not be fire.
// IsStopped checks and returns true if the current position of the Context is 255,
// means that the StopExecution() was called.
IsStopped() bool
// OnConnectionClose registers the "cb" function which will fire (on its own goroutine, no need to be registered goroutine by the end-dev)
// when the underlying connection has gone away.
// This mechanism can be used to cancel long operations on the server
// if the client has disconnected before the response is ready.
// It depends on the `http#CloseNotify`.
// CloseNotify may wait to notify until Request.Body has been
// fully read.
// After the main Handler has returned, there is no guarantee
// that the channel receives a value.
// Finally, it reports whether the protocol supports pipelines (HTTP/1.1 with pipelines disabled is not supported).
// The "cb" will not fire for sure if the output value is false.
// Note that you can register only one callback for the entire request handler chain/per route.
// Look the `ResponseWriter#CloseNotifier` for more.
OnConnectionClose(fnGoroutine func()) bool
// OnClose registers the callback function "cb" to the underline connection closing event using the `Context#OnConnectionClose`
// and also in the end of the request handler using the `ResponseWriter#SetBeforeFlush`.
// Note that you can register only one callback for the entire request handler chain/per route.
// Look the `Context#OnConnectionClose` and `ResponseWriter#SetBeforeFlush` for more.
OnClose(cb func())
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Current "user/request" storage |
// | and share information between the handlers - Values(). |
// | Save and get named path parameters - Params() |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Params returns the current url's named parameters key-value storage.
// Named path parameters are being saved here.
// This storage, as the whole Context, is per-request lifetime.
Params() *RequestParams
// Values returns the current "user" storage.
// Named path parameters and any optional data can be saved here.
// This storage, as the whole Context, is per-request lifetime.
// You can use this function to Set and Get local values
// that can be used to share information between handlers and middleware.
Values() *memstore.Store
// Translate is the i18n (localization) middleware's function,
// it calls the Values().Get(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTranslateFunctionContextKey())
// to execute the translate function and returns the current localized text value.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/miscellaneous/i18n
Translate(format string, args ...interface{}) string
// TranslateLang is the i18n (localization) middleware's function,
// it calls the Values().Get(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTranslateLangFunctionContextKey())
// to execute the translate function and returns the localized text value based on the "lang".
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/miscellaneous/i18n
TranslateLang(lang, format string, args ...interface{}) string
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Path, Host, Subdomain, IP, Headers etc... |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Method returns the request.Method, the client's http method to the server.
Method() string
// Path returns the full request path,
// escaped if EnablePathEscape config field is true.
Path() string
// RequestPath returns the full request path,
// based on the 'escape'.
RequestPath(escape bool) string
// Host returns the host part of the current url.
Host() string
// Subdomain returns the subdomain of this request, if any.
// Note that this is a fast method which does not cover all cases.
Subdomain() (subdomain string)
// IsWWW returns true if the current subdomain (if any) is www.
IsWWW() bool
// FullRqeuestURI returns the full URI,
// including the scheme, the host and the relative requested path/resource.
FullRequestURI() string
// RemoteAddr tries to parse and return the real client's request IP.
// Based on allowed headers names that can be modified from Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders.
// If parse based on these headers fail then it will return the Request's `RemoteAddr` field
// which is filled by the server before the HTTP handler.
// Look `Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders`,
// `Configuration.WithRemoteAddrHeader(...)`,
// `Configuration.WithoutRemoteAddrHeader(...)` for more.
RemoteAddr() string
// GetHeader returns the request header's value based on its name.
GetHeader(name string) string
// IsAjax returns true if this request is an 'ajax request'( XMLHttpRequest)
// There is no a 100% way of knowing that a request was made via Ajax.
// You should never trust data coming from the client, they can be easily overcome by spoofing.
// Note that "X-Requested-With" Header can be modified by any client(because of "X-"),
// so don't rely on IsAjax for really serious stuff,
// try to find another way of detecting the type(i.e, content type),
// there are many blogs that describe these problems and provide different kind of solutions,
// it's always depending on the application you're building,
// this is the reason why this `IsAjax`` is simple enough for general purpose use.
// Read more at: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/AJAX
// and https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/
IsAjax() bool
// IsMobile checks if client is using a mobile device(phone or tablet) to communicate with this server.
// If the return value is true that means that the http client using a mobile
// device to communicate with the server, otherwise false.
// Keep note that this checks the "User-Agent" request header.
IsMobile() bool
// GetReferrer extracts and returns the information from the "Referer" header as specified
// in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy
// or by the URL query parameter "referer".
GetReferrer() Referrer
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Headers helpers |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Header adds a header to the response writer.
Header(name string, value string)
// ContentType sets the response writer's header key "Content-Type" to the 'cType'.
ContentType(cType string)
// GetContentType returns the response writer's header value of "Content-Type"
// which may, set before with the 'ContentType'.
GetContentType() string
// GetContentType returns the request's header value of "Content-Type".
GetContentTypeRequested() string
// GetContentLength returns the request's header value of "Content-Length".
// Returns 0 if header was unable to be found or its value was not a valid number.
GetContentLength() int64
// StatusCode sets the status code header to the response.
// Look .`GetStatusCode` too.
StatusCode(statusCode int)
// GetStatusCode returns the current status code of the response.
// Look `StatusCode` too.
GetStatusCode() int
// AbsoluteURI parses the "s" and returns its absolute URI form.
AbsoluteURI(s string) string
// Redirect sends a redirect response to the client
// to a specific url or relative path.
// accepts 2 parameters string and an optional int
// first parameter is the url to redirect
// second parameter is the http status should send,
// default is 302 (StatusFound),
// you can set it to 301 (Permant redirect)
// or 303 (StatusSeeOther) if POST method,
// or StatusTemporaryRedirect(307) if that's nessecery.
Redirect(urlToRedirect string, statusHeader ...int)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Various Request and Post Data |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// URLParam returns true if the url parameter exists, otherwise false.
URLParamExists(name string) bool
// URLParamDefault returns the get parameter from a request,
// if not found then "def" is returned.
URLParamDefault(name string, def string) string
// URLParam returns the get parameter from a request, if any.
URLParam(name string) string
// URLParamTrim returns the url query parameter with trailing white spaces removed from a request.
URLParamTrim(name string) string
// URLParamEscape returns the escaped url query parameter from a request.
URLParamEscape(name string) string
// URLParamInt returns the url query parameter as int value from a request,
// returns -1 and an error if parse failed.
URLParamInt(name string) (int, error)
// URLParamIntDefault returns the url query parameter as int value from a request,
// if not found or parse failed then "def" is returned.
URLParamIntDefault(name string, def int) int
// URLParamInt32Default returns the url query parameter as int32 value from a request,
// if not found or parse failed then "def" is returned.
URLParamInt32Default(name string, def int32) int32
// URLParamInt64 returns the url query parameter as int64 value from a request,
// returns -1 and an error if parse failed.
URLParamInt64(name string) (int64, error)
// URLParamInt64Default returns the url query parameter as int64 value from a request,
// if not found or parse failed then "def" is returned.
URLParamInt64Default(name string, def int64) int64
// URLParamFloat64 returns the url query parameter as float64 value from a request,
// returns -1 and an error if parse failed.
URLParamFloat64(name string) (float64, error)
// URLParamFloat64Default returns the url query parameter as float64 value from a request,
// if not found or parse failed then "def" is returned.
URLParamFloat64Default(name string, def float64) float64
// URLParamBool returns the url query parameter as boolean value from a request,
// returns an error if parse failed or not found.
URLParamBool(name string) (bool, error)
// URLParams returns a map of GET query parameters separated by comma if more than one
// it returns an empty map if nothing found.
URLParams() map[string]string
// FormValueDefault returns a single parsed form value by its "name",
// including both the URL field's query parameters and the POST or PUT form data.
// Returns the "def" if not found.
FormValueDefault(name string, def string) string
// FormValue returns a single parsed form value by its "name",
// including both the URL field's query parameters and the POST or PUT form data.
FormValue(name string) string
// FormValues returns the parsed form data, including both the URL
// field's query parameters and the POST or PUT form data.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// NOTE: A check for nil is necessary.
FormValues() map[string][]string
// PostValueDefault returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name".
// If not found then "def" is returned instead.
PostValueDefault(name string, def string) string
// PostValue returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name"
PostValue(name string) string
// PostValueTrim returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", without trailing spaces.
PostValueTrim(name string) string
// PostValueInt returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as int.
// If not found returns -1 and a non-nil error.
PostValueInt(name string) (int, error)
// PostValueIntDefault returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as int.
// If not found returns or parse errors the "def".
PostValueIntDefault(name string, def int) int
// PostValueInt64 returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as float64.
// If not found returns -1 and a no-nil error.
PostValueInt64(name string) (int64, error)
// PostValueInt64Default returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as int64.
// If not found or parse errors returns the "def".
PostValueInt64Default(name string, def int64) int64
// PostValueInt64Default returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as float64.
// If not found returns -1 and a non-nil error.
PostValueFloat64(name string) (float64, error)
// PostValueInt64Default returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as float64.
// If not found or parse errors returns the "def".
PostValueFloat64Default(name string, def float64) float64
// PostValueInt64Default returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as bool.
// If not found or value is false, then it returns false, otherwise true.
PostValueBool(name string) (bool, error)
// PostValues returns all the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name" as a string slice.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
PostValues(name string) []string
// FormFile returns the first uploaded file that received from the client.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/http_request/upload-file
FormFile(key string) (multipart.File, *multipart.FileHeader, error)
// UploadFormFiles uploads any received file(s) from the client
// to the system physical location "destDirectory".
// The second optional argument "before" gives caller the chance to
// modify the *miltipart.FileHeader before saving to the disk,
// it can be used to change a file's name based on the current request,
// all FileHeader's options can be changed. You can ignore it if
// you don't need to use this capability before saving a file to the disk.
// Note that it doesn't check if request body streamed.
// Returns the copied length as int64 and
// a not nil error if at least one new file
// can't be created due to the operating system's permissions or
// http.ErrMissingFile if no file received.
// If you want to receive & accept files and manage them manually you can use the `context#FormFile`
// instead and create a copy function that suits your needs, the below is for generic usage.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// See `FormFile` to a more controlled to receive a file.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/http_request/upload-files
UploadFormFiles(destDirectory string, before ...func(Context, *multipart.FileHeader)) (n int64, err error)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Custom HTTP Errors |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// NotFound emits an error 404 to the client, using the specific custom error error handler.
// Note that you may need to call ctx.StopExecution() if you don't want the next handlers
// to be executed. Next handlers are being executed on iris because you can alt the
// error code and change it to a more specific one, i.e
// users := app.Party("/users")
// users.Done(func(ctx context.Context){ if ctx.StatusCode() == 400 { /* custom error code for /users */ }})
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Body Readers |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// SetMaxRequestBodySize sets a limit to the request body size
// should be called before reading the request body from the client.
SetMaxRequestBodySize(limitOverBytes int64)
// GetBody reads and returns the request body.
// The default behavior for the http request reader is to consume the data readen
// but you can change that behavior by passing the `WithoutBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal` iris option.
// However, whenever you can use the `ctx.Request().Body` instead.
GetBody() ([]byte, error)
// UnmarshalBody reads the request's body and binds it to a value or pointer of any type.
// Examples of usage: context.ReadJSON, context.ReadXML.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-custom-via-unmarshaler/main.go
// UnmarshalBody does not check about gzipped data.
// Do not rely on compressed data incoming to your server. The main reason is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_bomb
// However you are still free to read the `ctx.Request().Body io.Reader` manually.
UnmarshalBody(outPtr interface{}, unmarshaler Unmarshaler) error
// ReadJSON reads JSON from request's body and binds it to a pointer of a value of any json-valid type.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-json/main.go
ReadJSON(jsonObjectPtr interface{}) error
// ReadXML reads XML from request's body and binds it to a pointer of a value of any xml-valid type.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-xml/main.go
ReadXML(xmlObjectPtr interface{}) error
// ReadYAML reads YAML from request's body and binds it to the "outPtr" value.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-yaml/main.go
ReadYAML(outPtr interface{}) error
// ReadForm binds the formObject with the form data
// it supports any kind of type, including custom structs.
// It will return nothing if request data are empty.
// The struct field tag is "form".
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-form/main.go
ReadForm(formObject interface{}) error
// ReadQuery binds the "ptr" with the url query string. The struct field tag is "url".
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-query/main.go
ReadQuery(ptr interface{}) error
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Body (raw) Writers |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply.
// If WriteHeader has not yet been called, Write calls
// WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) before writing the data. If the Header
// does not contain a Content-Type line, Write adds a Content-Type set
// to the result of passing the initial 512 bytes of written data to
// DetectContentType.
// Depending on the HTTP protocol version and the client, calling
// Write or WriteHeader may prevent future reads on the
// Request.Body. For HTTP/1.x requests, handlers should read any
// needed request body data before writing the response. Once the
// headers have been flushed (due to either an explicit Flusher.Flush
// call or writing enough data to trigger a flush), the request body
// may be unavailable. For HTTP/2 requests, the Go HTTP server permits
// handlers to continue to read the request body while concurrently
// writing the response. However, such behavior may not be supported
// by all HTTP/2 clients. Handlers should read before writing if
// possible to maximize compatibility.
Write(body []byte) (int, error)
// Writef formats according to a format specifier and writes to the response.
// Returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
Writef(format string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)
// WriteString writes a simple string to the response.
// Returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
WriteString(body string) (int, error)
// SetLastModified sets the "Last-Modified" based on the "modtime" input.
// If "modtime" is zero then it does nothing.
// It's mostly internally on core/router and context packages.
// Note that modtime.UTC() is being used instead of just modtime, so
// you don't have to know the internals in order to make that works.
SetLastModified(modtime time.Time)
// CheckIfModifiedSince checks if the response is modified since the "modtime".
// Note that it has nothing to do with server-side caching.
// It does those checks by checking if the "If-Modified-Since" request header
// sent by client or a previous server response header
// (e.g with WriteWithExpiration or HandleDir or Favicon etc.)
// is a valid one and it's before the "modtime".
// A check for !modtime && err == nil is necessary to make sure that
// it's not modified since, because it may return false but without even
// had the chance to check the client-side (request) header due to some errors,
// like the HTTP Method is not "GET" or "HEAD" or if the "modtime" is zero
// or if parsing time from the header failed.
// It's mostly used internally, e.g. `context#WriteWithExpiration`. See `ErrPreconditionFailed` too.
// Note that modtime.UTC() is being used instead of just modtime, so
// you don't have to know the internals in order to make that works.
CheckIfModifiedSince(modtime time.Time) (bool, error)
// WriteNotModified sends a 304 "Not Modified" status code to the client,
// it makes sure that the content type, the content length headers
// and any "ETag" are removed before the response sent.
// It's mostly used internally on core/router/fs.go and context methods.
// WriteWithExpiration works like `Write` but it will check if a resource is modified,
// based on the "modtime" input argument,
// otherwise sends a 304 status code in order to let the client-side render the cached content.
WriteWithExpiration(body []byte, modtime time.Time) (int, error)
// StreamWriter registers the given stream writer for populating
// response body.
// Access to context's and/or its' members is forbidden from writer.
// This function may be used in the following cases:
// * if response body is too big (more than iris.LimitRequestBodySize(if set)).
// * if response body is streamed from slow external sources.
// * if response body must be streamed to the client in chunks.
// (aka `http server push`).
// receives a function which receives the response writer
// and returns false when it should stop writing, otherwise true in order to continue
StreamWriter(writer func(w io.Writer) bool)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Body Writers with compression |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// ClientSupportsGzip retruns true if the client supports gzip compression.
ClientSupportsGzip() bool
// WriteGzip accepts bytes, which are compressed to gzip format and sent to the client.
// returns the number of bytes written and an error ( if the client doesn' supports gzip compression)
// You may re-use this function in the same handler
// to write more data many times without any troubles.
WriteGzip(b []byte) (int, error)
// TryWriteGzip accepts bytes, which are compressed to gzip format and sent to the client.
// If client does not supprots gzip then the contents are written as they are, uncompressed.
TryWriteGzip(b []byte) (int, error)
// GzipResponseWriter converts the current response writer into a response writer
// which when its .Write called it compress the data to gzip and writes them to the client.
// Can be also disabled with its .Disable and .ResetBody to rollback to the usual response writer.
GzipResponseWriter() *GzipResponseWriter
// Gzip enables or disables (if enabled before) the gzip response writer,if the client
// supports gzip compression, so the following response data will
// be sent as compressed gzip data to the client.
Gzip(enable bool)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Rich Body Content Writers/Renderers |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// ViewLayout sets the "layout" option if and when .View
// is being called afterwards, in the same request.
// Useful when need to set or/and change a layout based on the previous handlers in the chain.
// Note that the 'layoutTmplFile' argument can be set to iris.NoLayout || view.NoLayout
// to disable the layout for a specific view render action,
// it disables the engine's configuration's layout property.
// Look .ViewData and .View too.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/view/context-view-data/
ViewLayout(layoutTmplFile string)
// ViewData saves one or more key-value pair in order to be passed if and when .View
// is being called afterwards, in the same request.
// Useful when need to set or/and change template data from previous hanadlers in the chain.
// If .View's "binding" argument is not nil and it's not a type of map
// then these data are being ignored, binding has the priority, so the main route's handler can still decide.
// If binding is a map or context.Map then these data are being added to the view data
// and passed to the template.
// After .View, the data are not destroyed, in order to be re-used if needed (again, in the same request as everything else),
// to clear the view data, developers can call:
// ctx.Set(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetViewDataContextKey(), nil)
// If 'key' is empty then the value is added as it's (struct or map) and developer is unable to add other value.
// Look .ViewLayout and .View too.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/view/context-view-data/
ViewData(key string, value interface{})
// GetViewData returns the values registered by `context#ViewData`.
// The return value is `map[string]interface{}`, this means that
// if a custom struct registered to ViewData then this function
// will try to parse it to map, if failed then the return value is nil
// A check for nil is always a good practise if different
// kind of values or no data are registered via `ViewData`.
// Similarly to `viewData := ctx.Values().Get("iris.viewData")` or
// `viewData := ctx.Values().Get(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetViewDataContextKey())`.
GetViewData() map[string]interface{}
// View renders a template based on the registered view engine(s).
// First argument accepts the filename, relative to the view engine's Directory and Extension,
// i.e: if directory is "./templates" and want to render the "./templates/users/index.html"
// then you pass the "users/index.html" as the filename argument.
// The second optional argument can receive a single "view model"
// that will be binded to the view template if it's not nil,
// otherwise it will check for previous view data stored by the `ViewData`
// even if stored at any previous handler(middleware) for the same request.
// Look .ViewData` and .ViewLayout too.
// Examples: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/view
View(filename string, optionalViewModel ...interface{}) error
// Binary writes out the raw bytes as binary data.
Binary(data []byte) (int, error)
// Text writes out a string as plain text.
Text(format string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)
// HTML writes out a string as text/html.
HTML(format string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)
// JSON marshals the given interface object and writes the JSON response.
JSON(v interface{}, options ...JSON) (int, error)
// JSONP marshals the given interface object and writes the JSON response.
JSONP(v interface{}, options ...JSONP) (int, error)
// XML marshals the given interface object and writes the XML response.
// To render maps as XML see the `XMLMap` package-level function.
XML(v interface{}, options ...XML) (int, error)
// Problem writes a JSON or XML problem response.
// Order of Problem fields are not always rendered the same.
// Behaves exactly like `Context.JSON`
// but with default ProblemOptions.JSON indent of " " and
// a response content type of "application/problem+json" instead.
// Use the options.RenderXML and XML fields to change this behavior and
// send a response of content type "application/problem+xml" instead.
// Read more at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/wiki/Routing-error-handlers
Problem(v interface{}, opts ...ProblemOptions) (int, error)
// Markdown parses the markdown to html and renders its result to the client.
Markdown(markdownB []byte, options ...Markdown) (int, error)
// YAML parses the "v" using the yaml parser and renders its result to the client.
YAML(v interface{}) (int, error)
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Content Νegotiation |
// | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Content_negotiation | |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Negotiation creates once and returns the negotiation builder
// to build server-side available content for specific mime type(s)
// and charset(s).
// See `Negotiate` method too.
Negotiation() *NegotiationBuilder
// Negotiate used for serving different representations of a resource at the same URI.
// The "v" can be a single `N` struct value.
// The "v" can be any value completes the `ContentSelector` interface.
// The "v" can be any value completes the `ContentNegotiator` interface.
// The "v" can be any value of struct(JSON, JSONP, XML, YAML) or
// string(TEXT, HTML) or []byte(Markdown, Binary) or []byte with any matched mime type.
// If the "v" is nil, the `Context.Negotitation()` builder's
// content will be used instead, otherwise "v" overrides builder's content
// (server mime types are still retrieved by its registered, supported, mime list)
// Set mime type priorities by `Negotiation().JSON().XML().HTML()...`.
// Set charset priorities by `Negotiation().Charset(...)`.
// Set encoding algorithm priorities by `Negotiation().Encoding(...)`.
// Modify the accepted by
// `Negotiation().Accept./Override()/.XML().JSON().Charset(...).Encoding(...)...`.
// It returns `ErrContentNotSupported` when not matched mime type(s).
// Resources:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Content_negotiation
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Charset
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Encoding
// Supports the above without quality values.
// Read more at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/wiki/Content-negotiation
Negotiate(v interface{}) (int, error)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Serve files |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// ServeContent serves content, headers are autoset
// receives three parameters, it's low-level function, instead you can use .ServeFile(string,bool)/SendFile(string,string)
// You can define your own "Content-Type" with `context#ContentType`, before this function call.
// This function doesn't support resuming (by range),
// use ctx.SendFile or router's `HandleDir` instead.
ServeContent(content io.ReadSeeker, filename string, modtime time.Time, gzipCompression bool) error
// ServeFile serves a file (to send a file, a zip for example to the client you should use the `SendFile` instead)
// receives two parameters
// filename/path (string)
// gzipCompression (bool)
// You can define your own "Content-Type" with `context#ContentType`, before this function call.
// This function doesn't support resuming (by range),
// use ctx.SendFile or router's `HandleDir` instead.
// Use it when you want to serve dynamic files to the client.
ServeFile(filename string, gzipCompression bool) error
// SendFile sends file for force-download to the client
// Use this instead of ServeFile to 'force-download' bigger files to the client.
SendFile(filename string, destinationName string) error
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Cookies |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// SetCookie adds a cookie.
// Use of the "options" is not required, they can be used to amend the "cookie".
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/basic
SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie, options ...CookieOption)
// SetCookieKV adds a cookie, requires the name(string) and the value(string).
// By default it expires at 2 hours and it's added to the root path,
// use the `CookieExpires` and `CookiePath` to modify them.
// Alternatively: ctx.SetCookie(&http.Cookie{...})
// If you want to set custom the path:
// ctx.SetCookieKV(name, value, iris.CookiePath("/custom/path/cookie/will/be/stored"))
// If you want to be visible only to current request path:
// ctx.SetCookieKV(name, value, iris.CookieCleanPath/iris.CookiePath(""))
// More:
// iris.CookieExpires(time.Duration)
// iris.CookieHTTPOnly(false)
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/basic
SetCookieKV(name, value string, options ...CookieOption)
// GetCookie returns cookie's value by its name
// returns empty string if nothing was found.
// If you want more than the value then:
// cookie, err := ctx.Request().Cookie("name")
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/basic
GetCookie(name string, options ...CookieOption) string
// RemoveCookie deletes a cookie by its name and path = "/".
// Tip: change the cookie's path to the current one by: RemoveCookie("name", iris.CookieCleanPath)
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/basic
RemoveCookie(name string, options ...CookieOption)
// VisitAllCookies accepts a visitor function which is called
// on each (request's) cookies' name and value.
VisitAllCookies(visitor func(name string, value string))
// MaxAge returns the "cache-control" request header's value
// seconds as int64
// if header not found or parse failed then it returns -1.
MaxAge() int64
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Advanced: Response Recorder and Transactions |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Record transforms the context's basic and direct responseWriter to a ResponseRecorder
// which can be used to reset the body, reset headers, get the body,
// get & set the status code at any time and more.
// Recorder returns the context's ResponseRecorder
// if not recording then it starts recording and returns the new context's ResponseRecorder
Recorder() *ResponseRecorder
// IsRecording returns the response recorder and a true value
// when the response writer is recording the status code, body, headers and so on,
// else returns nil and false.
IsRecording() (*ResponseRecorder, bool)
// BeginTransaction starts a scoped transaction.
// You can search third-party articles or books on how Business Transaction works (it's quite simple, especially here).
// Note that this is unique and new
// (=I haver never seen any other examples or code in Golang on this subject, so far, as with the most of iris features...)
// it's not covers all paths,
// such as databases, this should be managed by the libraries you use to make your database connection,
// this transaction scope is only for context's response.
// Transactions have their own middleware ecosystem also, look iris.go:UseTransaction.
// See https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/ for more
BeginTransaction(pipe func(t *Transaction))
// SkipTransactions if called then skip the rest of the transactions
// or all of them if called before the first transaction
// TransactionsSkipped returns true if the transactions skipped or canceled at all.
TransactionsSkipped() bool
// Exec calls the `context/Application#ServeCtx`
// based on this context but with a changed method and path
// like it was requested by the user, but it is not.
// Offline means that the route is registered to the iris and have all features that a normal route has
// BUT it isn't available by browsing, its handlers executed only when other handler's context call them
// it can validate paths, has sessions, path parameters and all.
// You can find the Route by app.GetRoute("theRouteName")
// you can set a route name as: myRoute := app.Get("/mypath", handler)("theRouteName")
// that will set a name to the route and returns its RouteInfo instance for further usage.
// It doesn't changes the global state, if a route was "offline" it remains offline.
// app.None(...) and app.GetRoutes().Offline(route)/.Online(route, method)
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/routing/route-state
// User can get the response by simple using rec := ctx.Recorder(); rec.Body()/rec.StatusCode()/rec.Header().
// Context's Values and the Session are kept in order to be able to communicate via the result route.
// It's for extreme use cases, 99% of the times will never be useful for you.
Exec(method, path string)
// RouteExists reports whether a particular route exists
// It will search from the current subdomain of context's host, if not inside the root domain.
RouteExists(method, path string) bool
// Application returns the iris app instance which belongs to this context.
// Worth to notice that this function returns an interface
// of the Application, which contains methods that are safe
// to be executed at serve-time. The full app's fields
// and methods are not available here for the developer's safety.
Application() Application
// String returns the string representation of this request.
// Each context has a unique string representation.
// It can be used for simple debugging scenarios, i.e print context as string.
// What it returns? A number which declares the length of the
// total `String` calls per executable application, followed
// by the remote IP (the client) and finally the method:url.
String() string
var _ Context = (*context)(nil)
// Do calls the SetHandlers(handlers)
// and executes the first handler,
// handlers should not be empty.
// It's used by the router, developers may use that
// to replace and execute handlers immediately.
func Do(ctx Context, handlers Handlers) {
if len(handlers) > 0 {
// LimitRequestBodySize is a middleware which sets a request body size limit
// for all next handlers in the chain.
var LimitRequestBodySize = func(maxRequestBodySizeBytes int64) Handler {
return func(ctx Context) {
// Gzip is a middleware which enables writing
// using gzip compression, if client supports.
var Gzip = func(ctx Context) {
// Map is just a type alias of the map[string]interface{} type.
type Map = map[string]interface{}
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Context Implementation |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
type context struct {
// the unique id, it's zero until `String` function is called,
// it's here to cache the random, unique context's id, although `String`
// returns more than this.
id uint64
// the http.ResponseWriter wrapped by custom writer.
writer ResponseWriter
// the original http.Request
request *http.Request
// the current route's name registered to this request path.
currentRouteName string
// the local key-value storage
params RequestParams // url named parameters.
values memstore.Store // generic storage, middleware communication.
// the underline application app.
app Application
// the route's handlers
handlers Handlers
// the current position of the handler's chain
currentHandlerIndex int
// NewContext returns the default, internal, context implementation.
// You may use this function to embed the default context implementation
// to a custom one.
// This context is received by the context pool.
func NewContext(app Application) Context {
return &context{app: app}
// BeginRequest is executing once for each request
// it should prepare the (new or acquired from pool) context's fields for the new request.
// To follow the iris' flow, developer should:
// 1. reset handlers to nil
// 2. reset store to empty
// 3. reset sessions to nil
// 4. reset response writer to the http.ResponseWriter
// 5. reset request to the *http.Request
// and any other optional steps, depends on dev's application type.
func (ctx *context) BeginRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx.handlers = nil // will be filled by router.Serve/HTTP
ctx.values = ctx.values[0:0] // >> >> by context.Values().Set
ctx.params.Store = ctx.params.Store[0:0]
ctx.request = r
ctx.currentHandlerIndex = 0
ctx.writer = AcquireResponseWriter()
// StatusCodeNotSuccessful defines if a specific "statusCode" is not
// a valid status code for a successful response.
// It defaults to < 200 || >= 400
// Read more at `iris#DisableAutoFireStatusCode`, `iris/core/router#ErrorCodeHandler`
// and `iris/core/router#OnAnyErrorCode` for relative information.
// Do NOT change it.
// It's exported for extreme situations--special needs only, when the Iris server and the client
// is not following the RFC: https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
var StatusCodeNotSuccessful = func(statusCode int) bool {
return statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 400
// EndRequest is executing once after a response to the request was sent and this context is useless or released.
// To follow the iris' flow, developer should:
// 1. flush the response writer's result
// 2. release the response writer
// and any other optional steps, depends on dev's application type.
func (ctx *context) EndRequest() {
if StatusCodeNotSuccessful(ctx.GetStatusCode()) &&
!ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetDisableAutoFireStatusCode() {
// author's note:
// if recording, the error handler can handle
// the rollback and remove any response written before,
// we don't have to do anything here, written is <=0 (-1 for default empty, even no status code)
// when Recording
// because we didn't flush the response yet
// if !recording then check if the previous handler didn't send something
// to the client.
if ctx.writer.Written() <= 0 {
// Author's notes:
// previously: == -1,
// <=0 means even if empty write called which has meaning;
// rel: core/router/status.go#Fire-else
// mvc/activator/funcmethod/func_result_dispatcher.go#DispatchCommon-write
// mvc/response.go#defaultFailureResponse - no text given but
// status code should be fired, but it couldn't because of the .Write
// action, the .Written() was 0 even on empty response, this 0 means that
// a status code given, the previous check of the "== -1" didn't make check for that,
// we do now.
// ResponseWriter returns an http.ResponseWriter compatible response writer, as expected.
func (ctx *context) ResponseWriter() ResponseWriter {
return ctx.writer
// ResetResponseWriter should change or upgrade the context's ResponseWriter.
func (ctx *context) ResetResponseWriter(newResponseWriter ResponseWriter) {
ctx.writer = newResponseWriter
// Request returns the original *http.Request, as expected.
func (ctx *context) Request() *http.Request {
return ctx.request
// ResetRequest sets the Context's Request,
// It is useful to store the new request created by a std *http.Request#WithContext() into Iris' Context.
// Use `ResetRequest` when for some reason you want to make a full
// override of the *http.Request.
// Note that: when you just want to change one of each fields you can use the Request() which returns a pointer to Request,
// so the changes will have affect without a full override.
// Usage: you use a native http handler which uses the standard "context" package
// to get values instead of the Iris' Context#Values():
// r := ctx.Request()
// stdCtx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), key, val)
// ctx.ResetRequest(r.WithContext(stdCtx)).
func (ctx *context) ResetRequest(r *http.Request) {
ctx.request = r
// SetCurrentRouteName sets the route's name internally,
// in order to be able to find the correct current "read-only" Route when
// end-developer calls the `GetCurrentRoute()` function.
// It's being initialized by the Router, if you change that name
// manually nothing really happens except that you'll get other
// route via `GetCurrentRoute()`.
// Instead, to execute a different path
// from this context you should use the `Exec` function
// or change the handlers via `SetHandlers/AddHandler` functions.
func (ctx *context) SetCurrentRouteName(currentRouteName string) {
ctx.currentRouteName = currentRouteName
// GetCurrentRoute returns the current registered "read-only" route that
// was being registered to this request's path.
func (ctx *context) GetCurrentRoute() RouteReadOnly {
return ctx.app.GetRouteReadOnly(ctx.currentRouteName)
// Do calls the SetHandlers(handlers)
// and executes the first handler,
// handlers should not be empty.
// It's used by the router, developers may use that
// to replace and execute handlers immediately.
func (ctx *context) Do(handlers Handlers) {
Do(ctx, handlers)
// AddHandler can add handler(s)
// to the current request in serve-time,
// these handlers are not persistenced to the router.
// Router is calling this function to add the route's handler.
// If AddHandler called then the handlers will be inserted
// to the end of the already-defined route's handler.
func (ctx *context) AddHandler(handlers ...Handler) {
ctx.handlers = append(ctx.handlers, handlers...)
// SetHandlers replaces all handlers with the new.
func (ctx *context) SetHandlers(handlers Handlers) {
ctx.handlers = handlers
// Handlers keeps tracking of the current handlers.
func (ctx *context) Handlers() Handlers {
return ctx.handlers
// HandlerIndex sets the current index of the
// current context's handlers chain.
// If -1 passed then it just returns the
// current handler index without change the current index.rns that index, useless return value.
// Look Handlers(), Next() and StopExecution() too.
func (ctx *context) HandlerIndex(n int) (currentIndex int) {
if n < 0 || n > len(ctx.handlers)-1 {
return ctx.currentHandlerIndex
ctx.currentHandlerIndex = n
return n
// Proceed is an alternative way to check if a particular handler
// has been executed and called the `ctx.Next` function inside it.
// This is useful only when you run a handler inside
// another handler. It justs checks for before index and the after index.
// A usecase example is when you want to execute a middleware
// inside controller's `BeginRequest` that calls the `ctx.Next` inside it.
// The Controller looks the whole flow (BeginRequest, method handler, EndRequest)
// as one handler, so `ctx.Next` will not be reflected to the method handler
// if called from the `BeginRequest`.
// Although `BeginRequest` should NOT be used to call other handlers,
// the `BeginRequest` has been introduced to be able to set
// common data to all method handlers before their execution.
// Controllers can accept middleware(s) from the MVC's Application's Router as normally.
// That said let's see an example of `ctx.Proceed`:
// var authMiddleware = basicauth.New(basicauth.Config{
// Users: map[string]string{
// "admin": "password",
// },
// })
// func (c *UsersController) BeginRequest(ctx iris.Context) {
// if !ctx.Proceed(authMiddleware) {
// ctx.StopExecution()
// }
// }
// This Get() will be executed in the same handler as `BeginRequest`,
// internally controller checks for `ctx.StopExecution`.
// So it will not be fired if BeginRequest called the `StopExecution`.
// func(c *UsersController) Get() []models.User {
// return c.Service.GetAll()
// Alternative way is `!ctx.IsStopped()` if middleware make use of the `ctx.StopExecution()` on failure.
func (ctx *context) Proceed(h Handler) bool {
beforeIdx := ctx.currentHandlerIndex
if ctx.currentHandlerIndex > beforeIdx && !ctx.IsStopped() {
return true
return false
// HandlerName returns the current handler's name, helpful for debugging.
func (ctx *context) HandlerName() string {
return HandlerName(ctx.handlers[ctx.currentHandlerIndex])
// HandlerFileLine returns the current running handler's function source file and line information.
// Useful mostly when debugging.
func (ctx *context) HandlerFileLine() (file string, line int) {
return HandlerFileLine(ctx.handlers[ctx.currentHandlerIndex])
// RouteName returns the route name that this handler is running on.
// Note that it will return empty on not found handlers.
func (ctx *context) RouteName() string {
return ctx.currentRouteName
// Next is the function that executed when `ctx.Next()` is called.
// It can be changed to a customized one if needed (very advanced usage).
// See `DefaultNext` for more information about this and why it's exported like this.
var Next = DefaultNext
// DefaultNext is the default function that executed on each middleware if `ctx.Next()`
// is called.
// DefaultNext calls the next handler from the handlers chain by registration order,
// it should be used inside a middleware.
// It can be changed to a customized one if needed (very advanced usage).
// Developers are free to customize the whole or part of the Context's implementation
// by implementing a new `context.Context` (see https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/routing/custom-context)
// or by just override the `context.Next` package-level field, `context.DefaultNext` is exported
// in order to be able for developers to merge your customized version one with the default behavior as well.
func DefaultNext(ctx Context) {
if ctx.IsStopped() {
if n, handlers := ctx.HandlerIndex(-1)+1, ctx.Handlers(); n < len(handlers) {
// Next calls all the next handler from the handlers chain,
// it should be used inside a middleware.
// Note: Custom context should override this method in order to be able to pass its own context.Context implementation.
func (ctx *context) Next() { // or context.Next(ctx)
// NextOr checks if chain has a next handler, if so then it executes it
// otherwise it sets a new chain assigned to this Context based on the given handler(s)
// and executes its first handler.
// Returns true if next handler exists and executed, otherwise false.
// Note that if no next handler found and handlers are missing then
// it sends a Status Not Found (404) to the client and it stops the execution.
func (ctx *context) NextOr(handlers ...Handler) bool {
if next := ctx.NextHandler(); next != nil {
ctx.Skip() // skip this handler from the chain.
return true
if len(handlers) == 0 {
return false
return false
// NextOrNotFound checks if chain has a next handler, if so then it executes it
// otherwise it sends a Status Not Found (404) to the client and stops the execution.
// Returns true if next handler exists and executed, otherwise false.
func (ctx *context) NextOrNotFound() bool { return ctx.NextOr() }
// NextHandler returns (it doesn't execute) the next handler from the handlers chain.
// Use .Skip() to skip this handler if needed to execute the next of this returning handler.
func (ctx *context) NextHandler() Handler {
if ctx.IsStopped() {
return nil
nextIndex := ctx.currentHandlerIndex + 1
// check if it has a next middleware
if nextIndex < len(ctx.handlers) {
return ctx.handlers[nextIndex]
return nil
// Skip skips/ignores the next handler from the handlers chain,
// it should be used inside a middleware.
func (ctx *context) Skip() {
ctx.HandlerIndex(ctx.currentHandlerIndex + 1)
const stopExecutionIndex = -1 // I don't set to a max value because we want to be able to reuse the handlers even if stopped with .Skip
// StopExecution if called then the following .Next calls are ignored,
// as a result the next handlers in the chain will not be fire.
func (ctx *context) StopExecution() {
ctx.currentHandlerIndex = stopExecutionIndex
// IsStopped checks and returns true if the current position of the context is -1,
// means that the StopExecution() was called.
func (ctx *context) IsStopped() bool {
return ctx.currentHandlerIndex == stopExecutionIndex
// OnConnectionClose registers the "cb" function which will fire (on its own goroutine, no need to be registered goroutine by the end-dev)
// when the underlying connection has gone away.
// This mechanism can be used to cancel long operations on the server
// if the client has disconnected before the response is ready.
// It depends on the `http#CloseNotify`.
// CloseNotify may wait to notify until Request.Body has been
// fully read.
// After the main Handler has returned, there is no guarantee
// that the channel receives a value.
// Finally, it reports whether the protocol supports pipelines (HTTP/1.1 with pipelines disabled is not supported).
// The "cb" will not fire for sure if the output value is false.
// Note that you can register only one callback for the entire request handler chain/per route.
// Look the `ResponseWriter#CloseNotifier` for more.
func (ctx *context) OnConnectionClose(cb func()) bool {
// Note that `ctx.ResponseWriter().CloseNotify()` can already do the same
// but it returns a channel which will never fire if it the protocol version is not compatible,
// here we don't want to allocate an empty channel, just skip it.
notifier, ok := ctx.writer.CloseNotifier()
if !ok {
return false
notify := notifier.CloseNotify()
go func() {
if cb != nil {
return true
// OnClose registers the callback function "cb" to the underline connection closing event using the `Context#OnConnectionClose`
// and also in the end of the request handler using the `ResponseWriter#SetBeforeFlush`.
// Note that you can register only one callback for the entire request handler chain/per route.
// Look the `Context#OnConnectionClose` and `ResponseWriter#SetBeforeFlush` for more.
func (ctx *context) OnClose(cb func()) {
if cb == nil {
// Register the on underline connection close handler first.
// Author's notes:
// This is fired on `ctx.ResponseWriter().FlushResponse()` which is fired by the framework automatically, internally, on the end of request handler(s),
// it is not fired on the underline streaming function of the writer: `ctx.ResponseWriter().Flush()` (which can be fired more than one if streaming is supported by the client).
// The `FlushResponse` is called only once, so add the "cb" here, no need to add done request handlers each time `OnClose` is called by the end-dev.
// Don't allow more than one because we don't allow that on `OnConnectionClose` too:
// old := ctx.writer.GetBeforeFlush()
// if old != nil {
// ctx.writer.SetBeforeFlush(func() {
// old()
// cb()
// })
// return
// }
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Current "user/request" storage |
// | and share information between the handlers - Values(). |
// | Save and get named path parameters - Params() |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Params returns the current url's named parameters key-value storage.
// Named path parameters are being saved here.
// This storage, as the whole context, is per-request lifetime.
func (ctx *context) Params() *RequestParams {
return &ctx.params
// Values returns the current "user" storage.
// Named path parameters and any optional data can be saved here.
// This storage, as the whole context, is per-request lifetime.
// You can use this function to Set and Get local values
// that can be used to share information between handlers and middleware.
func (ctx *context) Values() *memstore.Store {
return &ctx.values
// Translate is the i18n (localization) middleware's function,
// it calls the Values().Get(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTranslateFunctionContextKey())
// to execute the translate function and return the current localized text value.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/miscellaneous/i18n
func (ctx *context) Translate(format string, args ...interface{}) string {
if cb, ok := ctx.values.Get(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTranslateFunctionContextKey()).(func(string, ...interface{}) string); ok {
return cb(format, args...)
return ""
// TranslateLang is the i18n (localization) middleware's function,
// it calls the Values().Get(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTranslateLangFunctionContextKey())
// to execute the translate function and returns the localized text value based on the "lang".
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/miscellaneous/i18n
func (ctx *context) TranslateLang(lang, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
if cb, ok := ctx.values.Get(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTranslateLangFunctionContextKey()).(func(string, string, ...interface{}) string); ok {
return cb(lang, format, args...)
return ""
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Path, Host, Subdomain, IP, Headers etc... |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Method returns the request.Method, the client's http method to the server.
func (ctx *context) Method() string {
return ctx.request.Method
// Path returns the full request path,
// escaped if EnablePathEscape config field is true.
func (ctx *context) Path() string {
return ctx.RequestPath(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetEnablePathEscape())
// DecodeQuery returns the uri parameter as url (string)
// useful when you want to pass something to a database and be valid to retrieve it via context.Param
// use it only for special cases, when the default behavior doesn't suits you.
// http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm
// it uses just the url.QueryUnescape
func DecodeQuery(path string) string {
if path == "" {
return ""
encodedPath, err := url.QueryUnescape(path)
if err != nil {
return path
return encodedPath
// DecodeURL returns the decoded uri
// useful when you want to pass something to a database and be valid to retrieve it via context.Param
// use it only for special cases, when the default behavior doesn't suits you.
// http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm
// it uses just the url.Parse
func DecodeURL(uri string) string {
u, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return uri
return u.String()
// RequestPath returns the full request path,
// based on the 'escape'.
func (ctx *context) RequestPath(escape bool) string {
if escape {
return ctx.request.URL.EscapedPath() // DecodeQuery(ctx.request.URL.EscapedPath())
return ctx.request.URL.Path // RawPath returns empty, requesturi can be used instead also.
// PathPrefixMap accepts a map of string and a handler.
// The key of "m" is the key, which is the prefix, regular expressions are not valid.
// The value of "m" is the handler that will be executed if HasPrefix(context.Path).
// func (ctx *context) PathPrefixMap(m map[string]context.Handler) bool {
// path := ctx.Path()
// for k, v := range m {
// if strings.HasPrefix(path, k) {
// v(ctx)
// return true
// }
// }
// return false
// } no, it will not work because map is a random peek data structure.
// Host returns the host part of the current URI.
func (ctx *context) Host() string {
return GetHost(ctx.request)
// GetHost returns the host part of the current URI.
func GetHost(r *http.Request) string {
if host := r.Host; host != "" {
return host
return r.URL.Host
// Subdomain returns the subdomain of this request, if any.
// Note that this is a fast method which does not cover all cases.
func (ctx *context) Subdomain() (subdomain string) {
host := ctx.Host()
if index := strings.IndexByte(host, '.'); index > 0 {
subdomain = host[0:index]
// listening on mydomain.com:80
// subdomain = mydomain, but it's wrong, it should return ""
vhost := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetVHost()
if strings.Contains(vhost, subdomain) { // then it's not subdomain
return ""
// IsWWW returns true if the current subdomain (if any) is www.
func (ctx *context) IsWWW() bool {
host := ctx.Host()
if index := strings.IndexByte(host, '.'); index > 0 {
// if it has a subdomain and it's www then return true.
if subdomain := host[0:index]; !strings.Contains(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetVHost(), subdomain) {
return subdomain == "www"
return false
// FullRqeuestURI returns the full URI,
// including the scheme, the host and the relative requested path/resource.
func (ctx *context) FullRequestURI() string {
return ctx.AbsoluteURI(ctx.Path())
const xForwardedForHeaderKey = "X-Forwarded-For"
// RemoteAddr tries to parse and return the real client's request IP.
// Based on allowed headers names that can be modified from Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders.
// If parse based on these headers fail then it will return the Request's `RemoteAddr` field
// which is filled by the server before the HTTP handler.
// Look `Configuration.RemoteAddrHeaders`,
// `Configuration.WithRemoteAddrHeader(...)`,
// `Configuration.WithoutRemoteAddrHeader(...)` for more.
func (ctx *context) RemoteAddr() string {
remoteHeaders := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetRemoteAddrHeaders()
for headerName, enabled := range remoteHeaders {
if enabled {
headerValue := ctx.GetHeader(headerName)
// exception needed for 'X-Forwarded-For' only , if enabled.
if headerName == xForwardedForHeaderKey {
idx := strings.IndexByte(headerValue, ',')
if idx >= 0 {
headerValue = headerValue[0:idx]
realIP := strings.TrimSpace(headerValue)
if realIP != "" {
return realIP
addr := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.request.RemoteAddr)
if addr != "" {
// if addr has port use the net.SplitHostPort otherwise(error occurs) take as it is
if ip, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr); err == nil {
return ip
return addr
// GetHeader returns the request header's value based on its name.
func (ctx *context) GetHeader(name string) string {
return ctx.request.Header.Get(name)
// IsAjax returns true if this request is an 'ajax request'( XMLHttpRequest)
// There is no a 100% way of knowing that a request was made via Ajax.
// You should never trust data coming from the client, they can be easily overcome by spoofing.
// Note that "X-Requested-With" Header can be modified by any client(because of "X-"),
// so don't rely on IsAjax for really serious stuff,
// try to find another way of detecting the type(i.e, content type),
// there are many blogs that describe these problems and provide different kind of solutions,
// it's always depending on the application you're building,
// this is the reason why this `IsAjax`` is simple enough for general purpose use.
// Read more at: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/AJAX
// and https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/
func (ctx *context) IsAjax() bool {
return ctx.GetHeader("X-Requested-With") == "XMLHttpRequest"
var isMobileRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)(android|avantgo|blackberry|bolt|boost|cricket|docomo|fone|hiptop|mini|mobi|palm|phone|pie|tablet|up\.browser|up\.link|webos|wos)`)
// IsMobile checks if client is using a mobile device(phone or tablet) to communicate with this server.
// If the return value is true that means that the http client using a mobile
// device to communicate with the server, otherwise false.
// Keep note that this checks the "User-Agent" request header.
func (ctx *context) IsMobile() bool {
s := ctx.GetHeader("User-Agent")
return isMobileRegex.MatchString(s)
type (
// Referrer contains the extracted information from the `GetReferrer`
// The structure contains struct tags for JSON, form, XML, YAML and TOML.
// Look the `GetReferrer() Referrer` and `goreferrer` external package.
Referrer struct {
Type ReferrerType `json:"type" form:"referrer_type" xml:"Type" yaml:"Type" toml:"Type"`
Label string `json:"label" form:"referrer_form" xml:"Label" yaml:"Label" toml:"Label"`
URL string `json:"url" form:"referrer_url" xml:"URL" yaml:"URL" toml:"URL"`
Subdomain string `json:"subdomain" form:"referrer_subdomain" xml:"Subdomain" yaml:"Subdomain" toml:"Subdomain"`
Domain string `json:"domain" form:"referrer_domain" xml:"Domain" yaml:"Domain" toml:"Domain"`
Tld string `json:"tld" form:"referrer_tld" xml:"Tld" yaml:"Tld" toml:"Tld"`
Path string `json:"path" form:"referrer_path" xml:"Path" yaml:"Path" toml:"Path"`
Query string `json:"query" form:"referrer_query" xml:"Query" yaml:"Query" toml:"GoogleType"`
GoogleType ReferrerGoogleSearchType `json:"googleType" form:"referrer_google_type" xml:"GoogleType" yaml:"GoogleType" toml:"GoogleType"`
// ReferrerType is the goreferrer enum for a referrer type (indirect, direct, email, search, social).
ReferrerType = goreferrer.ReferrerType
// ReferrerGoogleSearchType is the goreferrer enum for a google search type (organic, adwords).
ReferrerGoogleSearchType = goreferrer.GoogleSearchType
// Contains the available values of the goreferrer enums.
const (
ReferrerInvalid ReferrerType = iota
ReferrerNotGoogleSearch ReferrerGoogleSearchType = iota
// unnecessary but good to know the default values upfront.
var emptyReferrer = Referrer{Type: ReferrerInvalid, GoogleType: ReferrerNotGoogleSearch}
// GetReferrer extracts and returns the information from the "Referer" header as specified
// in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy
// or by the URL query parameter "referer".
func (ctx *context) GetReferrer() Referrer {
// the underline net/http follows the https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.5.2,
// so there is nothing special left to do.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy
refURL := ctx.GetHeader("Referer")
if refURL == "" {
refURL = ctx.URLParam("referer")
if ref := goreferrer.DefaultRules.Parse(refURL); ref.Type > goreferrer.Invalid {
return Referrer{
Type: ReferrerType(ref.Type),
Label: ref.Label,
URL: ref.URL,
Subdomain: ref.Subdomain,
Domain: ref.Domain,
Tld: ref.Tld,
Path: ref.Path,
Query: ref.Query,
GoogleType: ReferrerGoogleSearchType(ref.GoogleType),
return emptyReferrer
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Response Headers helpers |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Header adds a header to the response, if value is empty
// it removes the header by its name.
func (ctx *context) Header(name string, value string) {
if value == "" {
ctx.writer.Header().Add(name, value)
const contentTypeContextKey = "_iris_content_type"
func (ctx *context) contentTypeOnce(cType string, charset string) {
if charset == "" {
charset = ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetCharset()
if cType != ContentBinaryHeaderValue {
cType += "; charset=" + charset
ctx.Values().Set(contentTypeContextKey, cType)
ctx.writer.Header().Set(ContentTypeHeaderKey, cType)
// ContentType sets the response writer's header key "Content-Type" to the 'cType'.
func (ctx *context) ContentType(cType string) {
if cType == "" {
if _, wroteOnce := ctx.Values().GetEntry(contentTypeContextKey); wroteOnce {
// 1. if it's path or a filename or an extension,
// then take the content type from that
if strings.Contains(cType, ".") {
ext := filepath.Ext(cType)
cType = mime.TypeByExtension(ext)
// if doesn't contain a charset already then append it
if !strings.Contains(cType, "charset") {
if cType != ContentBinaryHeaderValue {
cType += "; charset=" + ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetCharset()
ctx.writer.Header().Set(ContentTypeHeaderKey, cType)
// GetContentType returns the response writer's header value of "Content-Type"
// which may, set before with the 'ContentType'.
func (ctx *context) GetContentType() string {
return ctx.writer.Header().Get(ContentTypeHeaderKey)
// GetContentType returns the request's header value of "Content-Type".
func (ctx *context) GetContentTypeRequested() string {
return ctx.GetHeader(ContentTypeHeaderKey)
// GetContentLength returns the request's header value of "Content-Length".
// Returns 0 if header was unable to be found or its value was not a valid number.
func (ctx *context) GetContentLength() int64 {
if v := ctx.GetHeader(ContentLengthHeaderKey); v != "" {
n, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
return n
return 0
// StatusCode sets the status code header to the response.
// Look .GetStatusCode & .FireStatusCode too.
// Remember, the last one before .Write matters except recorder and transactions.
func (ctx *context) StatusCode(statusCode int) {
// NotFound emits an error 404 to the client, using the specific custom error error handler.
// Note that you may need to call ctx.StopExecution() if you don't want the next handlers
// to be executed. Next handlers are being executed on iris because you can alt the
// error code and change it to a more specific one, i.e
// users := app.Party("/users")
// users.Done(func(ctx context.Context){ if ctx.StatusCode() == 400 { /* custom error code for /users */ }})
func (ctx *context) NotFound() {
// GetStatusCode returns the current status code of the response.
// Look StatusCode too.
func (ctx *context) GetStatusCode() int {
return ctx.writer.StatusCode()
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Various Request and Post Data |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// URLParam returns true if the url parameter exists, otherwise false.
func (ctx *context) URLParamExists(name string) bool {
if q := ctx.request.URL.Query(); q != nil {
_, exists := q[name]
return exists
return false
// URLParamDefault returns the get parameter from a request, if not found then "def" is returned.
func (ctx *context) URLParamDefault(name string, def string) string {
if v := ctx.request.URL.Query().Get(name); v != "" {
return v
return def
// URLParam returns the get parameter from a request, if any.
func (ctx *context) URLParam(name string) string {
return ctx.URLParamDefault(name, "")
// URLParamTrim returns the url query parameter with trailing white spaces removed from a request.
func (ctx *context) URLParamTrim(name string) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(ctx.URLParam(name))
// URLParamEscape returns the escaped url query parameter from a request.
func (ctx *context) URLParamEscape(name string) string {
return DecodeQuery(ctx.URLParam(name))
// ErrNotFound is the type error which API users can make use of
// to check if a `Context` action of a `Handler` is type of Not Found,
// e.g. URL Query Parameters.
// Example:
// n, err := context.URLParamInt("url_query_param_name")
// if errors.Is(err, context.ErrNotFound) {
// // [handle error...]
// }
// Another usage would be `err == context.ErrNotFound`
// HOWEVER prefer use the new `errors.Is` as API details may change in the future.
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")
// URLParamInt returns the url query parameter as int value from a request,
// returns -1 and an error if parse failed or not found.
func (ctx *context) URLParamInt(name string) (int, error) {
if v := ctx.URLParam(name); v != "" {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(v)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return n, nil
return -1, ErrNotFound
// URLParamIntDefault returns the url query parameter as int value from a request,
// if not found or parse failed then "def" is returned.
func (ctx *context) URLParamIntDefault(name string, def int) int {
v, err := ctx.URLParamInt(name)
if err != nil {
return def
return v
// URLParamInt32Default returns the url query parameter as int32 value from a request,
// if not found or parse failed then "def" is returned.
func (ctx *context) URLParamInt32Default(name string, def int32) int32 {
if v := ctx.URLParam(name); v != "" {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return def
return int32(n)
return def
// URLParamInt64 returns the url query parameter as int64 value from a request,
// returns -1 and an error if parse failed or not found.
func (ctx *context) URLParamInt64(name string) (int64, error) {
if v := ctx.URLParam(name); v != "" {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return n, nil
return -1, ErrNotFound
// URLParamInt64Default returns the url query parameter as int64 value from a request,
// if not found or parse failed then "def" is returned.
func (ctx *context) URLParamInt64Default(name string, def int64) int64 {
v, err := ctx.URLParamInt64(name)
if err != nil {
return def
return v
// URLParamFloat64 returns the url query parameter as float64 value from a request,
// returns an error and -1 if parse failed.
func (ctx *context) URLParamFloat64(name string) (float64, error) {
if v := ctx.URLParam(name); v != "" {
n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return n, nil
return -1, ErrNotFound
// URLParamFloat64Default returns the url query parameter as float64 value from a request,
// if not found or parse failed then "def" is returned.
func (ctx *context) URLParamFloat64Default(name string, def float64) float64 {
v, err := ctx.URLParamFloat64(name)
if err != nil {
return def
return v
// URLParamBool returns the url query parameter as boolean value from a request,
// returns an error if parse failed.
func (ctx *context) URLParamBool(name string) (bool, error) {
return strconv.ParseBool(ctx.URLParam(name))
// URLParams returns a map of GET query parameters separated by comma if more than one
// it returns an empty map if nothing found.
func (ctx *context) URLParams() map[string]string {
values := map[string]string{}
q := ctx.request.URL.Query()
if q != nil {
for k, v := range q {
values[k] = strings.Join(v, ",")
return values
// No need anymore, net/http checks for the Form already.
// func (ctx *context) askParseForm() error {
// if ctx.request.Form == nil {
// if err := ctx.request.ParseForm(); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// }
// return nil
// }
// FormValueDefault returns a single parsed form value by its "name",
// including both the URL field's query parameters and the POST or PUT form data.
// Returns the "def" if not found.
func (ctx *context) FormValueDefault(name string, def string) string {
if form, has := ctx.form(); has {
if v := form[name]; len(v) > 0 {
return v[0]
return def
// FormValueDefault retruns a single parsed form value.
func FormValueDefault(r *http.Request, name string, def string, postMaxMemory int64, resetBody bool) string {
if form, has := GetForm(r, postMaxMemory, resetBody); has {
if v := form[name]; len(v) > 0 {
return v[0]
return def
// FormValue returns a single parsed form value by its "name",
// including both the URL field's query parameters and the POST or PUT form data.
func (ctx *context) FormValue(name string) string {
return ctx.FormValueDefault(name, "")
// FormValues returns the parsed form data, including both the URL
// field's query parameters and the POST or PUT form data.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// NOTE: A check for nil is necessary.
func (ctx *context) FormValues() map[string][]string {
form, _ := ctx.form()
return form
// Form contains the parsed form data, including both the URL
// field's query parameters and the POST or PUT form data.
func (ctx *context) form() (form map[string][]string, found bool) {
return GetForm(ctx.request, ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetPostMaxMemory(), ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetDisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal())
// GetForm returns the request form (url queries, post or multipart) values.
func GetForm(r *http.Request, postMaxMemory int64, resetBody bool) (form map[string][]string, found bool) {
for k, v := range f.Value {
r.Form[k] = append(r.Form[k], v...)
// r.PostForm should also be populated. See Issue 9305.
r.PostForm[k] = append(r.PostForm[k], v...)
if form := r.Form; len(form) > 0 {
return form, true
if form := r.PostForm; len(form) > 0 {
return form, true
if m := r.MultipartForm; m != nil {
if len(m.Value) > 0 {
return m.Value, true
var bodyCopy []byte
if resetBody {
// on POST, PUT and PATCH it will read the form values from request body otherwise from URL queries.
if m := r.Method; m == "POST" || m == "PUT" || m == "PATCH" {
bodyCopy, _ = GetBody(r, resetBody)
if len(bodyCopy) == 0 {
return nil, false
// r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(io.TeeReader(r.Body, buf))
} else {
resetBody = false
// ParseMultipartForm calls `request.ParseForm` automatically
// therefore we don't need to call it here, although it doesn't hurt.
// After one call to ParseMultipartForm or ParseForm,
// subsequent calls have no effect, are idempotent.
err := r.ParseMultipartForm(postMaxMemory)
if resetBody {
r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(bodyCopy))
if err != nil && err != http.ErrNotMultipart {
return nil, false
if form := r.Form; len(form) > 0 {
return form, true
if form := r.PostForm; len(form) > 0 {
return form, true
if m := r.MultipartForm; m != nil {
if len(m.Value) > 0 {
return m.Value, true
return nil, false
// PostValueDefault returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name".
// If not found then "def" is returned instead.
func (ctx *context) PostValueDefault(name string, def string) string {
if v := ctx.request.PostForm[name]; len(v) > 0 {
return v[0]
return def
// PostValue returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name"
func (ctx *context) PostValue(name string) string {
return ctx.PostValueDefault(name, "")
// PostValueTrim returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", without trailing spaces.
func (ctx *context) PostValueTrim(name string) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(ctx.PostValue(name))
// PostValueInt returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as int.
// If not found returns -1 and a non-nil error.
func (ctx *context) PostValueInt(name string) (int, error) {
v := ctx.PostValue(name)
if v == "" {
return -1, ErrNotFound
return strconv.Atoi(v)
// PostValueIntDefault returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as int.
// If not found or parse errors returns the "def".
func (ctx *context) PostValueIntDefault(name string, def int) int {
if v, err := ctx.PostValueInt(name); err == nil {
return v
return def
// PostValueInt64 returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as float64.
// If not found returns -1 and a non-nil error.
func (ctx *context) PostValueInt64(name string) (int64, error) {
v := ctx.PostValue(name)
if v == "" {
return -1, ErrNotFound
return strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
// PostValueInt64Default returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as int64.
// If not found or parse errors returns the "def".
func (ctx *context) PostValueInt64Default(name string, def int64) int64 {
if v, err := ctx.PostValueInt64(name); err == nil {
return v
return def
// PostValueInt64Default returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as float64.
// If not found returns -1 and a non-nil error.
func (ctx *context) PostValueFloat64(name string) (float64, error) {
v := ctx.PostValue(name)
if v == "" {
return -1, ErrNotFound
return strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
// PostValueInt64Default returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as float64.
// If not found or parse errors returns the "def".
func (ctx *context) PostValueFloat64Default(name string, def float64) float64 {
if v, err := ctx.PostValueFloat64(name); err == nil {
return v
return def
// PostValueInt64Default returns the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name", as bool.
// If not found or value is false, then it returns false, otherwise true.
func (ctx *context) PostValueBool(name string) (bool, error) {
v := ctx.PostValue(name)
if v == "" {
return false, ErrNotFound
return strconv.ParseBool(v)
// PostValues returns all the parsed form data from POST, PATCH,
// or PUT body parameters based on a "name" as a string slice.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
func (ctx *context) PostValues(name string) []string {
return ctx.request.PostForm[name]
// FormFile returns the first uploaded file that received from the client.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/http_request/upload-file
func (ctx *context) FormFile(key string) (multipart.File, *multipart.FileHeader, error) {
// we don't have access to see if the request is body stream
// and then the ParseMultipartForm can be useless
// here but do it in order to apply the post limit,
// the internal request.FormFile will not do it if that's filled
// and it's not a stream body.
if err := ctx.request.ParseMultipartForm(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetPostMaxMemory()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return ctx.request.FormFile(key)
// UploadFormFiles uploads any received file(s) from the client
// to the system physical location "destDirectory".
// The second optional argument "before" gives caller the chance to
// modify the *miltipart.FileHeader before saving to the disk,
// it can be used to change a file's name based on the current request,
// all FileHeader's options can be changed. You can ignore it if
// you don't need to use this capability before saving a file to the disk.
// Note that it doesn't check if request body streamed.
// Returns the copied length as int64 and
// a not nil error if at least one new file
// can't be created due to the operating system's permissions or
// http.ErrMissingFile if no file received.
// If you want to receive & accept files and manage them manually you can use the `context#FormFile`
// instead and create a copy function that suits your needs, the below is for generic usage.
// The default form's memory maximum size is 32MB, it can be changed by the
// `iris#WithPostMaxMemory` configurator at main configuration passed on `app.Run`'s second argument.
// See `FormFile` to a more controlled to receive a file.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/http_request/upload-files
func (ctx *context) UploadFormFiles(destDirectory string, before ...func(Context, *multipart.FileHeader)) (n int64, err error) {
err = ctx.request.ParseMultipartForm(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetPostMaxMemory())
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if ctx.request.MultipartForm != nil {
if fhs := ctx.request.MultipartForm.File; fhs != nil {
for _, files := range fhs {
for _, file := range files {
for _, b := range before {
b(ctx, file)
n0, err0 := uploadTo(file, destDirectory)
if err0 != nil {
return 0, err0
n += n0
return n, nil
return 0, http.ErrMissingFile
func uploadTo(fh *multipart.FileHeader, destDirectory string) (int64, error) {
src, err := fh.Open()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer src.Close()
out, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(destDirectory, fh.Filename),
os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, os.FileMode(0666))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer out.Close()
return io.Copy(out, src)
// AbsoluteURI parses the "s" and returns its absolute URI form.
func (ctx *context) AbsoluteURI(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
if s[0] == '/' {
scheme := ctx.request.URL.Scheme
if scheme == "" {
if ctx.request.TLS != nil {
scheme = "https:"
} else {
scheme = "http:"
host := ctx.Host()
return scheme + "//" + host + path.Clean(s)
if u, err := url.Parse(s); err == nil {
r := ctx.request
if u.Scheme == "" && u.Host == "" {
oldpath := r.URL.Path
if oldpath == "" {
oldpath = "/"
if s == "" || s[0] != '/' {
olddir, _ := path.Split(oldpath)
s = olddir + s
var query string
if i := strings.Index(s, "?"); i != -1 {
s, query = s[:i], s[i:]
// clean up but preserve trailing slash
trailing := strings.HasSuffix(s, "/")
s = path.Clean(s)
if trailing && !strings.HasSuffix(s, "/") {
s += "/"
s += query
return s
// Redirect sends a redirect response to the client
// to a specific url or relative path.
// accepts 2 parameters string and an optional int
// first parameter is the url to redirect
// second parameter is the http status should send,
// default is 302 (StatusFound),
// you can set it to 301 (Permant redirect)
// or 303 (StatusSeeOther) if POST method,
// or StatusTemporaryRedirect(307) if that's nessecery.
func (ctx *context) Redirect(urlToRedirect string, statusHeader ...int) {
// get the previous status code given by the end-developer.
status := ctx.GetStatusCode()
if status < 300 { // the previous is not a RCF-valid redirect status.
status = 0
if len(statusHeader) > 0 {
// check if status code is passed via receivers.
if s := statusHeader[0]; s > 0 {
status = s
if status == 0 {
// if status remains zero then default it.
// a 'temporary-redirect-like' which works better than for our purpose
status = http.StatusFound
http.Redirect(ctx.writer, ctx.request, urlToRedirect, status)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Body Readers |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// SetMaxRequestBodySize sets a limit to the request body size
// should be called before reading the request body from the client.
func (ctx *context) SetMaxRequestBodySize(limitOverBytes int64) {
ctx.request.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(ctx.writer, ctx.request.Body, limitOverBytes)
// GetBody reads and returns the request body.
// The default behavior for the http request reader is to consume the data readen
// but you can change that behavior by passing the `WithoutBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal` iris option.
// However, whenever you can use the `ctx.Request().Body` instead.
func (ctx *context) GetBody() ([]byte, error) {
return GetBody(ctx.request, ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetDisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal())
// GetBody reads and returns the request body.
func GetBody(r *http.Request, resetBody bool) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resetBody {
// * remember, Request.Body has no Bytes(), we have to consume them first
// and after re-set them to the body, this is the only solution.
r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
return data, nil
// UnmarshalBody reads the request's body and binds it to a value or pointer of any type
// Examples of usage: context.ReadJSON, context.ReadXML.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-custom-via-unmarshaler/main.go
// UnmarshalBody does not check about gzipped data.
// Do not rely on compressed data incoming to your server. The main reason is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_bomb
// However you are still free to read the `ctx.Request().Body io.Reader` manually.
func (ctx *context) UnmarshalBody(outPtr interface{}, unmarshaler Unmarshaler) error {
if ctx.request.Body == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshal: empty body: %w", ErrNotFound)
rawData, err := ctx.GetBody()
if err != nil {
return err
// check if the v contains its own decode
// in this case the v should be a pointer also,
// but this is up to the user's custom Decode implementation*
// See 'BodyDecoder' for more.
if decoder, isDecoder := outPtr.(BodyDecoder); isDecoder {
return decoder.Decode(rawData)
// // check if v is already a pointer, if yes then pass as it's
// if reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// return unmarshaler.Unmarshal(rawData, v)
// } <- no need for that, ReadJSON is documented enough to receive a pointer,
// we don't need to reduce the performance here by using the reflect.TypeOf method.
// f the v doesn't contains a self-body decoder use the custom unmarshaler to bind the body.
return unmarshaler.Unmarshal(rawData, outPtr)
func (ctx *context) shouldOptimize() bool {
return ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetEnableOptimizations()
// ReadJSON reads JSON from request's body and binds it to a value of any json-valid type.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-json/main.go
func (ctx *context) ReadJSON(outPtr interface{}) error {
unmarshaler := json.Unmarshal
if ctx.shouldOptimize() {
unmarshaler = jsoniter.Unmarshal
return ctx.UnmarshalBody(outPtr, UnmarshalerFunc(unmarshaler))
// ReadXML reads XML from request's body and binds it to a value of any xml-valid type.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-xml/main.go
func (ctx *context) ReadXML(outPtr interface{}) error {
return ctx.UnmarshalBody(outPtr, UnmarshalerFunc(xml.Unmarshal))
// ReadYAML reads YAML from request's body and binds it to the "outPtr" value.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-yaml/main.go
func (ctx *context) ReadYAML(outPtr interface{}) error {
return ctx.UnmarshalBody(outPtr, UnmarshalerFunc(yaml.Unmarshal))
// IsErrPath can be used at `context#ReadForm` and `context#ReadQuery`.
// It reports whether the incoming error
// can be ignored when server allows unknown post values to be sent by the client.
// A shortcut for the `schema#IsErrPath`.
var IsErrPath = schema.IsErrPath
// ReadForm binds the formObject with the form data
// it supports any kind of type, including custom structs.
// It will return nothing if request data are empty.
// The struct field tag is "form".
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-form/main.go
func (ctx *context) ReadForm(formObject interface{}) error {
values := ctx.FormValues()
if len(values) == 0 {
return nil
return schema.DecodeForm(values, formObject)
// ReadQuery binds the "ptr" with the url query string. The struct field tag is "url".
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/_examples/http_request/read-query/main.go
func (ctx *context) ReadQuery(ptr interface{}) error {
values := ctx.request.URL.Query()
if len(values) == 0 {
return nil
return schema.DecodeQuery(values, ptr)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Body (raw) Writers |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply.
// If WriteHeader has not yet been called, Write calls
// WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) before writing the data. If the Header
// does not contain a Content-Type line, Write adds a Content-Type set
// to the result of passing the initial 512 bytes of written data to
// DetectContentType.
// Depending on the HTTP protocol version and the client, calling
// Write or WriteHeader may prevent future reads on the
// Request.Body. For HTTP/1.x requests, handlers should read any
// needed request body data before writing the response. Once the
// headers have been flushed (due to either an explicit Flusher.Flush
// call or writing enough data to trigger a flush), the request body
// may be unavailable. For HTTP/2 requests, the Go HTTP server permits
// handlers to continue to read the request body while concurrently
// writing the response. However, such behavior may not be supported
// by all HTTP/2 clients. Handlers should read before writing if
// possible to maximize compatibility.
func (ctx *context) Write(rawBody []byte) (int, error) {
return ctx.writer.Write(rawBody)
// Writef formats according to a format specifier and writes to the response.
// Returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func (ctx *context) Writef(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
return ctx.writer.Writef(format, a...)
// WriteString writes a simple string to the response.
// Returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func (ctx *context) WriteString(body string) (n int, err error) {
return ctx.writer.WriteString(body)
const (
// ContentTypeHeaderKey is the header key of "Content-Type".
ContentTypeHeaderKey = "Content-Type"
// LastModifiedHeaderKey is the header key of "Last-Modified".
LastModifiedHeaderKey = "Last-Modified"
// IfModifiedSinceHeaderKey is the header key of "If-Modified-Since".
IfModifiedSinceHeaderKey = "If-Modified-Since"
// CacheControlHeaderKey is the header key of "Cache-Control".
CacheControlHeaderKey = "Cache-Control"
// ETagHeaderKey is the header key of "ETag".
ETagHeaderKey = "ETag"
// ContentDispositionHeaderKey is the header key of "Content-Disposition".
ContentDispositionHeaderKey = "Content-Disposition"
// ContentLengthHeaderKey is the header key of "Content-Length"
ContentLengthHeaderKey = "Content-Length"
// ContentEncodingHeaderKey is the header key of "Content-Encoding".
ContentEncodingHeaderKey = "Content-Encoding"
// GzipHeaderValue is the header value of "gzip".
GzipHeaderValue = "gzip"
// AcceptEncodingHeaderKey is the header key of "Accept-Encoding".
AcceptEncodingHeaderKey = "Accept-Encoding"
// VaryHeaderKey is the header key of "Vary".
VaryHeaderKey = "Vary"
var unixEpochTime = time.Unix(0, 0)
// IsZeroTime reports whether t is obviously unspecified (either zero or Unix()=0).
func IsZeroTime(t time.Time) bool {
return t.IsZero() || t.Equal(unixEpochTime)
// ParseTime parses a time header (such as the Date: header),
// trying each forth formats (or three if Application's configuration's TimeFormat is defaulted)
// that are allowed by HTTP/1.1:
// Application's configuration's TimeFormat or/and http.TimeFormat,
// time.RFC850, and time.ANSIC.
// Look `context#FormatTime` for the opossite operation (Time to string).
var ParseTime = func(ctx Context, text string) (t time.Time, err error) {
t, err = time.Parse(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTimeFormat(), text)
if err != nil {
return http.ParseTime(text)
// FormatTime returns a textual representation of the time value formatted
// according to the Application's configuration's TimeFormat field
// which defines the format.
// Look `context#ParseTime` for the opossite operation (string to Time).
var FormatTime = func(ctx Context, t time.Time) string {
return t.Format(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetTimeFormat())
// SetLastModified sets the "Last-Modified" based on the "modtime" input.
// If "modtime" is zero then it does nothing.
// It's mostly internally on core/router and context packages.
func (ctx *context) SetLastModified(modtime time.Time) {
if !IsZeroTime(modtime) {
ctx.Header(LastModifiedHeaderKey, FormatTime(ctx, modtime.UTC())) // or modtime.UTC()?
// ErrPreconditionFailed may be returned from `Context` methods
// that has to perform one or more client side preconditions before the actual check, e.g. `CheckIfModifiedSince`.
// Usage:
// ok, err := context.CheckIfModifiedSince(modTime)
// if err != nil {
// if errors.Is(err, context.ErrPreconditionFailed) {
// [handle missing client conditions,such as not valid request method...]
// }else {
// [the error is probably a time parse error...]
// }
// }
var ErrPreconditionFailed = errors.New("precondition failed")
// CheckIfModifiedSince checks if the response is modified since the "modtime".
// Note that it has nothing to do with server-side caching.
// It does those checks by checking if the "If-Modified-Since" request header
// sent by client or a previous server response header
// (e.g with WriteWithExpiration or HandleDir or Favicon etc.)
// is a valid one and it's before the "modtime".
// A check for !modtime && err == nil is necessary to make sure that
// it's not modified since, because it may return false but without even
// had the chance to check the client-side (request) header due to some errors,
// like the HTTP Method is not "GET" or "HEAD" or if the "modtime" is zero
// or if parsing time from the header failed. See `ErrPreconditionFailed` too.
// It's mostly used internally, e.g. `context#WriteWithExpiration`.
func (ctx *context) CheckIfModifiedSince(modtime time.Time) (bool, error) {
if method := ctx.Method(); method != http.MethodGet && method != http.MethodHead {
return false, fmt.Errorf("method: %w", ErrPreconditionFailed)
ims := ctx.GetHeader(IfModifiedSinceHeaderKey)
if ims == "" || IsZeroTime(modtime) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("zero time: %w", ErrPreconditionFailed)
t, err := ParseTime(ctx, ims)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// sub-second precision, so
// use mtime < t+1s instead of mtime <= t to check for unmodified.
if modtime.UTC().Before(t.Add(1 * time.Second)) {
return false, nil
return true, nil
// WriteNotModified sends a 304 "Not Modified" status code to the client,
// it makes sure that the content type, the content length headers
// and any "ETag" are removed before the response sent.
// It's mostly used internally on core/router/fs.go and context methods.
func (ctx *context) WriteNotModified() {
// RFC 7232 section 4.1:
// a sender SHOULD NOT generate representation metadata other than the
// above listed fields unless said metadata exists for the purpose of
// guiding cache updates (e.g.," Last-Modified" might be useful if the
// response does not have an ETag field).
h := ctx.ResponseWriter().Header()
delete(h, ContentTypeHeaderKey)
delete(h, ContentLengthHeaderKey)
if h.Get(ETagHeaderKey) != "" {
delete(h, LastModifiedHeaderKey)
// WriteWithExpiration works like `Write` but it will check if a resource is modified,
// based on the "modtime" input argument,
// otherwise sends a 304 status code in order to let the client-side render the cached content.
func (ctx *context) WriteWithExpiration(body []byte, modtime time.Time) (int, error) {
if modified, err := ctx.CheckIfModifiedSince(modtime); !modified && err == nil {
return 0, nil
return ctx.writer.Write(body)
// StreamWriter registers the given stream writer for populating
// response body.
// Access to context's and/or its' members is forbidden from writer.
// This function may be used in the following cases:
// * if response body is too big (more than iris.LimitRequestBodySize(if set)).
// * if response body is streamed from slow external sources.
// * if response body must be streamed to the client in chunks.
// (aka `http server push`).
// receives a function which receives the response writer
// and returns false when it should stop writing, otherwise true in order to continue
func (ctx *context) StreamWriter(writer func(w io.Writer) bool) {
w := ctx.writer
notifyClosed := w.CloseNotify()
for {
select {
// response writer forced to close, exit.
case <-notifyClosed:
shouldContinue := writer(w)
if !shouldContinue {
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Body Writers with compression |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// ClientSupportsGzip retruns true if the client supports gzip compression.
func (ctx *context) ClientSupportsGzip() bool {
if h := ctx.GetHeader(AcceptEncodingHeaderKey); h != "" {
for _, v := range strings.Split(h, ";") {
if strings.Contains(v, GzipHeaderValue) { // we do Contains because sometimes browsers has the q=, we don't use it atm. || strings.Contains(v,"deflate"){
return true
return false
// ErrGzipNotSupported may be returned from `WriteGzip` methods if
// the client does not support the "gzip" compression.
var ErrGzipNotSupported = errors.New("client does not support gzip compression")
// WriteGzip accepts bytes, which are compressed to gzip format and sent to the client.
// returns the number of bytes written and an error ( if the client doesn't support gzip compression)
// You may re-use this function in the same handler
// to write more data many times without any troubles.
func (ctx *context) WriteGzip(b []byte) (int, error) {
if !ctx.ClientSupportsGzip() {
return 0, ErrGzipNotSupported
return ctx.GzipResponseWriter().Write(b)
// TryWriteGzip accepts bytes, which are compressed to gzip format and sent to the client.
// If client does not supprots gzip then the contents are written as they are, uncompressed.
func (ctx *context) TryWriteGzip(b []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := ctx.WriteGzip(b)
if err != nil {
// check if the error came from gzip not allowed and not the writer itself
if errors.Is(err, ErrGzipNotSupported) {
// client didn't supported gzip, write them uncompressed:
return ctx.writer.Write(b)
return n, err
// GzipResponseWriter converts the current response writer into a response writer
// which when its .Write called it compress the data to gzip and writes them to the client.
// Can be also disabled with its .Disable and .ResetBody to rollback to the usual response writer.
func (ctx *context) GzipResponseWriter() *GzipResponseWriter {
// if it's already a gzip response writer then just return it
if gzipResWriter, ok := ctx.writer.(*GzipResponseWriter); ok {
return gzipResWriter
// if it's not acquire a new from a pool
// and register that as the ctx.ResponseWriter.
gzipResWriter := AcquireGzipResponseWriter()
return gzipResWriter
// Gzip enables or disables (if enabled before) the gzip response writer,if the client
// supports gzip compression, so the following response data will
// be sent as compressed gzip data to the client.
func (ctx *context) Gzip(enable bool) {
if enable {
if ctx.ClientSupportsGzip() {
_ = ctx.GzipResponseWriter()
} else {
if gzipResWriter, ok := ctx.writer.(*GzipResponseWriter); ok {
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Rich Body Content Writers/Renderers |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
const (
// NoLayout to disable layout for a particular template file
NoLayout = "iris.nolayout"
// ViewLayout sets the "layout" option if and when .View
// is being called afterwards, in the same request.
// Useful when need to set or/and change a layout based on the previous handlers in the chain.
// Note that the 'layoutTmplFile' argument can be set to iris.NoLayout || view.NoLayout || context.NoLayout
// to disable the layout for a specific view render action,
// it disables the engine's configuration's layout property.
// Look .ViewData and .View too.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/view/context-view-data/
func (ctx *context) ViewLayout(layoutTmplFile string) {
ctx.values.Set(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetViewLayoutContextKey(), layoutTmplFile)
// ViewData saves one or more key-value pair in order to be passed if and when .View
// is being called afterwards, in the same request.
// Useful when need to set or/and change template data from previous hanadlers in the chain.
// If .View's "binding" argument is not nil and it's not a type of map
// then these data are being ignored, binding has the priority, so the main route's handler can still decide.
// If binding is a map or context.Map then these data are being added to the view data
// and passed to the template.
// After .View, the data are not destroyed, in order to be re-used if needed (again, in the same request as everything else),
// to clear the view data, developers can call:
// ctx.Set(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetViewDataContextKey(), nil)
// If 'key' is empty then the value is added as it's (struct or map) and developer is unable to add other value.
// Look .ViewLayout and .View too.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/view/context-view-data/
func (ctx *context) ViewData(key string, value interface{}) {
viewDataContextKey := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetViewDataContextKey()
if key == "" {
ctx.values.Set(viewDataContextKey, value)
v := ctx.values.Get(viewDataContextKey)
if v == nil {
ctx.values.Set(viewDataContextKey, Map{key: value})
if data, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
data[key] = value
} else if data, ok := v.(Map); ok {
data[key] = value
// GetViewData returns the values registered by `context#ViewData`.
// The return value is `map[string]interface{}`, this means that
// if a custom struct registered to ViewData then this function
// will try to parse it to map, if failed then the return value is nil
// A check for nil is always a good practise if different
// kind of values or no data are registered via `ViewData`.
// Similarly to `viewData := ctx.Values().Get("iris.viewData")` or
// `viewData := ctx.Values().Get(ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetViewDataContextKey())`.
func (ctx *context) GetViewData() map[string]interface{} {
viewDataContextKey := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetViewDataContextKey()
v := ctx.Values().Get(viewDataContextKey)
// if no values found, then return nil
if v == nil {
return nil
// if struct, convert it to map[string]interface{}
if structs.IsStruct(v) {
return structs.Map(v)
// if pure map[string]interface{}
if viewData, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
return viewData
// if context#Map
if viewData, ok := v.(Map); ok {
return viewData
// if failure, then return nil
return nil
// View renders a template based on the registered view engine(s).
// First argument accepts the filename, relative to the view engine's Directory and Extension,
// i.e: if directory is "./templates" and want to render the "./templates/users/index.html"
// then you pass the "users/index.html" as the filename argument.
// The second optional argument can receive a single "view model"
// that will be binded to the view template if it's not nil,
// otherwise it will check for previous view data stored by the `ViewData`
// even if stored at any previous handler(middleware) for the same request.
// Look .ViewData and .ViewLayout too.
// Examples: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/view
func (ctx *context) View(filename string, optionalViewModel ...interface{}) error {
cfg := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly()
layout := ctx.values.GetString(cfg.GetViewLayoutContextKey())
var bindingData interface{}
if len(optionalViewModel) > 0 {
// a nil can override the existing data or model sent by `ViewData`.
bindingData = optionalViewModel[0]
} else {
bindingData = ctx.values.Get(cfg.GetViewDataContextKey())
err := ctx.Application().View(ctx, filename, layout, bindingData)
if err != nil {
return err
const (
// ContentBinaryHeaderValue header value for binary data.
ContentBinaryHeaderValue = "application/octet-stream"
// ContentHTMLHeaderValue is the string of text/html response header's content type value.
ContentHTMLHeaderValue = "text/html"
// ContentJSONHeaderValue header value for JSON data.
ContentJSONHeaderValue = "application/json"
// ContentJSONProblemHeaderValue header value for JSON API problem error.
// Read more at: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807
ContentJSONProblemHeaderValue = "application/problem+json"
// ContentXMLProblemHeaderValue header value for XML API problem error.
// Read more at: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807
ContentXMLProblemHeaderValue = "application/problem+xml"
// ContentJavascriptHeaderValue header value for JSONP & Javascript data.
ContentJavascriptHeaderValue = "application/javascript"
// ContentTextHeaderValue header value for Text data.
ContentTextHeaderValue = "text/plain"
// ContentXMLHeaderValue header value for XML data.
ContentXMLHeaderValue = "text/xml"
// ContentXMLUnreadableHeaderValue obselete header value for XML.
ContentXMLUnreadableHeaderValue = "application/xml"
// ContentMarkdownHeaderValue custom key/content type, the real is the text/html.
ContentMarkdownHeaderValue = "text/markdown"
// ContentYAMLHeaderValue header value for YAML data.
ContentYAMLHeaderValue = "application/x-yaml"
// ContentFormHeaderValue header value for post form data.
ContentFormHeaderValue = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// ContentFormMultipartHeaderValue header value for post multipart form data.
ContentFormMultipartHeaderValue = "multipart/form-data"
// Binary writes out the raw bytes as binary data.
func (ctx *context) Binary(data []byte) (int, error) {
return ctx.Write(data)
// Text writes out a string as plain text.
func (ctx *context) Text(format string, args ...interface{}) (int, error) {
return ctx.Writef(format, args...)
// HTML writes out a string as text/html.
func (ctx *context) HTML(format string, args ...interface{}) (int, error) {
return ctx.Writef(format, args...)
// JSON contains the options for the JSON (Context's) Renderer.
type JSON struct {
// http-specific
StreamingJSON bool
// content-specific
UnescapeHTML bool
Indent string
Prefix string
// JSONP contains the options for the JSONP (Context's) Renderer.
type JSONP struct {
// content-specific
Indent string
Callback string
// XML contains the options for the XML (Context's) Renderer.
type XML struct {
// content-specific
Indent string
Prefix string
// Markdown contains the options for the Markdown (Context's) Renderer.
type Markdown struct {
// content-specific
Sanitize bool
var (
newLineB = []byte("\n")
// the html codes for unescaping
ltHex = []byte("\\u003c")
lt = []byte("<")
gtHex = []byte("\\u003e")
gt = []byte(">")
andHex = []byte("\\u0026")
and = []byte("&")
// WriteJSON marshals the given interface object and writes the JSON response to the 'writer'.
// Ignores StatusCode, Gzip, StreamingJSON options.
func WriteJSON(writer io.Writer, v interface{}, options JSON, enableOptimization ...bool) (int, error) {
var (
result []byte
err error
optimize = len(enableOptimization) > 0 && enableOptimization[0]
if indent := options.Indent; indent != "" {
marshalIndent := json.MarshalIndent
if optimize {
marshalIndent = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.MarshalIndent
result, err = marshalIndent(v, "", indent)
result = append(result, newLineB...)
} else {
marshal := json.Marshal
if optimize {
marshal = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.Marshal
result, err = marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if options.UnescapeHTML {
result = bytes.Replace(result, ltHex, lt, -1)
result = bytes.Replace(result, gtHex, gt, -1)
result = bytes.Replace(result, andHex, and, -1)
if prefix := options.Prefix; prefix != "" {
result = append([]byte(prefix), result...)
return writer.Write(result)
// DefaultJSONOptions is the optional settings that are being used
// inside `ctx.JSON`.
var DefaultJSONOptions = JSON{}
// JSON marshals the given interface object and writes the JSON response to the client.
func (ctx *context) JSON(v interface{}, opts ...JSON) (n int, err error) {
options := DefaultJSONOptions
if len(opts) > 0 {
options = opts[0]
if options.StreamingJSON {
if ctx.shouldOptimize() {
jsoniterConfig := jsoniter.Config{
EscapeHTML: !options.UnescapeHTML,
IndentionStep: 4,
enc := jsoniterConfig.NewEncoder(ctx.writer)
err = enc.Encode(v)
} else {
enc := json.NewEncoder(ctx.writer)
enc.SetIndent(options.Prefix, options.Indent)
err = enc.Encode(v)
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Debugf("JSON: %v", err)
ctx.StatusCode(http.StatusInternalServerError) // it handles the fallback to normal mode here which also removes the gzip headers.
return 0, err
return ctx.writer.Written(), err
n, err = WriteJSON(ctx.writer, v, options, ctx.shouldOptimize())
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Debugf("JSON: %v", err)
return 0, err
return n, err
var finishCallbackB = []byte(");")
// WriteJSONP marshals the given interface object and writes the JSON response to the writer.
func WriteJSONP(writer io.Writer, v interface{}, options JSONP, enableOptimization ...bool) (int, error) {
if callback := options.Callback; callback != "" {
writer.Write([]byte(callback + "("))
defer writer.Write(finishCallbackB)
optimize := len(enableOptimization) > 0 && enableOptimization[0]
if indent := options.Indent; indent != "" {
marshalIndent := json.MarshalIndent
if optimize {
marshalIndent = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.MarshalIndent
result, err := marshalIndent(v, "", indent)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
result = append(result, newLineB...)
return writer.Write(result)
marshal := json.Marshal
if optimize {
marshal = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.Marshal
result, err := marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return writer.Write(result)
// DefaultJSONPOptions is the optional settings that are being used
// inside `ctx.JSONP`.
var DefaultJSONPOptions = JSONP{}
// JSONP marshals the given interface object and writes the JSON response to the client.
func (ctx *context) JSONP(v interface{}, opts ...JSONP) (int, error) {
options := DefaultJSONPOptions
if len(opts) > 0 {
options = opts[0]
n, err := WriteJSONP(ctx.writer, v, options, ctx.shouldOptimize())
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Debugf("JSONP: %v", err)
return 0, err
return n, err
type xmlMapEntry struct {
XMLName xml.Name
Value interface{} `xml:",chardata"`
// XMLMap wraps a map[string]interface{} to compatible xml marshaler,
// in order to be able to render maps as XML on the `Context.XML` method.
// Example: `Context.XML(XMLMap("Root", map[string]interface{}{...})`.
func XMLMap(elementName string, v Map) xml.Marshaler {
return xmlMap{
entries: v,
elementName: elementName,
type xmlMap struct {
entries Map
elementName string
// MarshalXML marshals a map to XML.
func (m xmlMap) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if len(m.entries) == 0 {
return nil
start.Name = xml.Name{Local: m.elementName}
err := e.EncodeToken(start)
if err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range m.entries {
e.Encode(xmlMapEntry{XMLName: xml.Name{Local: k}, Value: v})
return e.EncodeToken(start.End())
// WriteXML marshals the given interface object and writes the XML response to the writer.
func WriteXML(writer io.Writer, v interface{}, options XML) (int, error) {
if prefix := options.Prefix; prefix != "" {
if indent := options.Indent; indent != "" {
result, err := xml.MarshalIndent(v, "", indent)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
result = append(result, newLineB...)
return writer.Write(result)
result, err := xml.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return writer.Write(result)
// DefaultXMLOptions is the optional settings that are being used
// from `ctx.XML`.
var DefaultXMLOptions = XML{}
// XML marshals the given interface object and writes the XML response to the client.
// To render maps as XML see the `XMLMap` package-level function.
func (ctx *context) XML(v interface{}, opts ...XML) (int, error) {
options := DefaultXMLOptions
if len(opts) > 0 {
options = opts[0]
n, err := WriteXML(ctx.writer, v, options)
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Debugf("XML: %v", err)
return 0, err
return n, err
// Problem writes a JSON or XML problem response.
// Order of Problem fields are not always rendered the same.
// Behaves exactly like `Context.JSON`
// but with default ProblemOptions.JSON indent of " " and
// a response content type of "application/problem+json" instead.
// Use the options.RenderXML and XML fields to change this behavior and
// send a response of content type "application/problem+xml" instead.
// Read more at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/wiki/Routing-error-handlers
func (ctx *context) Problem(v interface{}, opts ...ProblemOptions) (int, error) {
options := DefaultProblemOptions
if len(opts) > 0 {
options = opts[0]
// Currently apply only if custom options passsed, otherwise,
// with the current settings, it's not required.
// This may change in the future though.
if p, ok := v.(Problem); ok {
// if !p.Validate() {
// ctx.StatusCode(http.StatusInternalServerError)
// return ErrNotValidProblem
// }
code, _ := p.getStatus()
if options.RenderXML {
ctx.contentTypeOnce(ContentXMLProblemHeaderValue, "")
// Problem is an xml Marshaler already, don't use `XMLMap`.
return ctx.XML(v, options.XML)
ctx.contentTypeOnce(ContentJSONProblemHeaderValue, "")
return ctx.JSON(v, options.JSON)
// WriteMarkdown parses the markdown to html and writes these contents to the writer.
func WriteMarkdown(writer io.Writer, markdownB []byte, options Markdown) (int, error) {
buf := blackfriday.Run(markdownB)
if options.Sanitize {
buf = bluemonday.UGCPolicy().SanitizeBytes(buf)
return writer.Write(buf)
// DefaultMarkdownOptions is the optional settings that are being used
// from `WriteMarkdown` and `ctx.Markdown`.
var DefaultMarkdownOptions = Markdown{}
// Markdown parses the markdown to html and renders its result to the client.
func (ctx *context) Markdown(markdownB []byte, opts ...Markdown) (int, error) {
options := DefaultMarkdownOptions
if len(opts) > 0 {
options = opts[0]
n, err := WriteMarkdown(ctx.writer, markdownB, options)
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Debugf("Markdown: %v", err)
return 0, err
return n, err
// YAML marshals the "v" using the yaml marshaler and renders its result to the client.
func (ctx *context) YAML(v interface{}) (int, error) {
out, err := yaml.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Debugf("YAML: %v", err)
return 0, err
return ctx.Write(out)
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Content Νegotiation |
// | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Content_negotiation | |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// ErrContentNotSupported returns from the `Negotiate` method
// when server responds with 406.
var ErrContentNotSupported = errors.New("unsupported content")
// ContentSelector is the interface which structs can implement
// to manually choose a content based on the negotiated mime (content type).
// It can be passed to the `Context.Negotiate` method.
// See the `N` struct too.
type ContentSelector interface {
SelectContent(mime string) interface{}
// ContentNegotiator is the interface which structs can implement
// to override the `Context.Negotiate` default implementation and
// manually respond to the client based on a manuall call of `Context.Negotiation().Build()`
// to get the final negotiated mime and charset.
// It can be passed to the `Context.Negotiate` method.
type ContentNegotiator interface {
// mime and charset can be retrieved by:
// mime, charset := Context.Negotiation().Build()
// Pass this method to `Context.Negotiate` method
// to write custom content.
// Overriding the existing behavior of Context.Negotiate for selecting values based on
// content types, although it can accept any custom mime type with []byte.
// Content type is already set.
// Use it with caution, 99.9% you don't need this but it's here for extreme cases.
Negotiate(ctx Context) (int, error)
// N is a struct which can be passed on the `Context.Negotiate` method.
// It contains fields which should be filled based on the `Context.Negotiation()`
// server side values. If no matched mime then its "Other" field will be sent,
// which should be a string or []byte.
// It completes the `ContentSelector` interface.
type N struct {
Text, HTML string
Markdown []byte
Binary []byte
JSON interface{}
Problem Problem
JSONP interface{}
XML interface{}
YAML interface{}
Other []byte // custom content types.
// SelectContent returns a content based on the matched negotiated "mime".
func (n N) SelectContent(mime string) interface{} {
switch mime {
case ContentTextHeaderValue:
return n.Text
case ContentHTMLHeaderValue:
return n.HTML
case ContentMarkdownHeaderValue:
return n.Markdown
case ContentBinaryHeaderValue:
return n.Binary
case ContentJSONHeaderValue:
return n.JSON
case ContentJSONProblemHeaderValue:
return n.Problem
case ContentJavascriptHeaderValue:
return n.JSONP
case ContentXMLHeaderValue, ContentXMLUnreadableHeaderValue:
return n.XML
case ContentYAMLHeaderValue:
return n.YAML
return n.Other
const negotiationContextKey = "_iris_negotiation_builder"
// Negotiation creates once and returns the negotiation builder
// to build server-side available prioritized content
// for specific content type(s), charset(s) and encoding algorithm(s).
// See `Negotiate` method too.
func (ctx *context) Negotiation() *NegotiationBuilder {
if n := ctx.Values().Get(negotiationContextKey); n != nil {
return n.(*NegotiationBuilder)
acceptBuilder := NegotiationAcceptBuilder{}
acceptBuilder.accept = parseHeader(ctx.GetHeader("Accept"))
acceptBuilder.charset = parseHeader(ctx.GetHeader("Accept-Charset"))
n := &NegotiationBuilder{Accept: acceptBuilder}
ctx.Values().Set(negotiationContextKey, n)
return n
func parseHeader(headerValue string) []string {
in := strings.Split(headerValue, ",")
out := make([]string, 0, len(in))
for _, value := range in {
// remove any spaces and quality values such as ;q=0.8.
v := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(value, ";")[0])
if v != "" {
out = append(out, v)
return out
// Negotiate used for serving different representations of a resource at the same URI.
// The "v" can be a single `N` struct value.
// The "v" can be any value completes the `ContentSelector` interface.
// The "v" can be any value completes the `ContentNegotiator` interface.
// The "v" can be any value of struct(JSON, JSONP, XML, YAML) or
// string(TEXT, HTML) or []byte(Markdown, Binary) or []byte with any matched mime type.
// If the "v" is nil, the `Context.Negotitation()` builder's
// content will be used instead, otherwise "v" overrides builder's content
// (server mime types are still retrieved by its registered, supported, mime list)
// Set mime type priorities by `Negotiation().JSON().XML().HTML()...`.
// Set charset priorities by `Negotiation().Charset(...)`.
// Set encoding algorithm priorities by `Negotiation().Encoding(...)`.
// Modify the accepted by
// `Negotiation().Accept./Override()/.XML().JSON().Charset(...).Encoding(...)...`.
// It returns `ErrContentNotSupported` when not matched mime type(s).
// Resources:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Content_negotiation
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Charset
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Encoding
// Supports the above without quality values.
// Read more at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/wiki/Content-negotiation
func (ctx *context) Negotiate(v interface{}) (int, error) {
contentType, charset, encoding, content := ctx.Negotiation().Build()
if v == nil {
v = content
if contentType == "" {
// If the server cannot serve any matching set,
// it can send back a 406 (Not Acceptable) error code.
return -1, ErrContentNotSupported
if charset == "" {
charset = ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetCharset()
if encoding == "gzip" {
ctx.contentTypeOnce(contentType, charset)
if n, ok := v.(ContentNegotiator); ok {
return n.Negotiate(ctx)
if s, ok := v.(ContentSelector); ok {
v = s.SelectContent(contentType)
// switch v := value.(type) {
// case []byte:
// if contentType == ContentMarkdownHeaderValue {
// return ctx.Markdown(v)
// }
// return ctx.Write(v)
// case string:
// return ctx.WriteString(v)
// default:
// make it switch by content-type only, but we lose custom mime types capability that way:
// ^ solved with []byte on default case and
// ^ N.Other and
// ^ ContentSelector and ContentNegotiator interfaces.
switch contentType {
case ContentTextHeaderValue, ContentHTMLHeaderValue:
return ctx.WriteString(v.(string))
case ContentMarkdownHeaderValue:
return ctx.Markdown(v.([]byte))
case ContentJSONHeaderValue:
return ctx.JSON(v)
case ContentJSONProblemHeaderValue, ContentXMLProblemHeaderValue:
return ctx.Problem(v)
case ContentJavascriptHeaderValue:
return ctx.JSONP(v)
case ContentXMLHeaderValue, ContentXMLUnreadableHeaderValue:
return ctx.XML(v)
case ContentYAMLHeaderValue:
return ctx.YAML(v)
// maybe "Other" or v is []byte or string but not a built-in framework mime,
// for custom content types,
// panic if not correct usage.
switch vv := v.(type) {
case []byte:
return ctx.Write(vv)
case string:
return ctx.WriteString(vv)
return -1, ErrContentNotSupported
// NegotiationBuilder returns from the `Context.Negotitation`
// and can be used inside chain of handlers to build server-side
// mime type(s), charset(s) and encoding algorithm(s)
// that should match with the client's
// Accept, Accept-Charset and Accept-Encoding headers (by-default).
// To modify the client's accept use its "Accept" field
// which it's the `NegotitationAcceptBuilder`.
// See the `Negotiate` method too.
type NegotiationBuilder struct {
Accept NegotiationAcceptBuilder
mime []string // we need order.
contents map[string]interface{} // map to the "mime" and content should be rendered if that mime requested.
charset []string
encoding []string
// MIME registers a mime type and optionally the value that should be rendered
// through `Context.Negotiate` when this mime type is accepted by client.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) MIME(mime string, content interface{}) *NegotiationBuilder {
mimes := parseHeader(mime) // if contains more than one sep by commas ",".
if content == nil {
n.mime = append(n.mime, mimes...)
return n
if n.contents == nil {
n.contents = make(map[string]interface{})
for _, m := range mimes {
n.mime = append(n.mime, m)
n.contents[m] = content
return n
// Text registers the "text/plain" content type and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts the "text/plain" content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Text(v ...string) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME(ContentTextHeaderValue, content)
// HTML registers the "text/html" content type and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts the "text/html" content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) HTML(v ...string) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME(ContentHTMLHeaderValue, content)
// Markdown registers the "text/markdown" content type and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts the "text/markdown" content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Markdown(v ...[]byte) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v
return n.MIME(ContentMarkdownHeaderValue, content)
// Binary registers the "application/octet-stream" content type and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts the "application/octet-stream" content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Binary(v ...[]byte) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME(ContentBinaryHeaderValue, content)
// JSON registers the "application/json" content type and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts the "application/json" content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) JSON(v ...interface{}) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME(ContentJSONHeaderValue, content)
// Problem registers the "application/problem+xml" or "application/problem+xml" content type and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts the "application/problem+json" or the "application/problem+xml" content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Problem(v ...interface{}) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME(ContentJSONProblemHeaderValue+","+ContentXMLProblemHeaderValue, content)
// JSONP registers the "application/javascript" content type and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts the "application/javascript" content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) JSONP(v ...interface{}) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME(ContentJavascriptHeaderValue, content)
// XML registers the "text/xml" and "application/xml" content types and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts one of the "text/xml" or "application/xml" content types.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) XML(v ...interface{}) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME(ContentXMLHeaderValue+","+ContentXMLUnreadableHeaderValue, content)
// YAML registers the "application/x-yaml" content type and, optionally,
// a value that `Context.Negotiate` will render
// when a client accepts the "application/x-yaml" content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) YAML(v ...interface{}) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME(ContentYAMLHeaderValue, content)
// Any registers a wildcard that can match any client's accept content type.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Any(v ...interface{}) *NegotiationBuilder {
var content interface{}
if len(v) > 0 {
content = v[0]
return n.MIME("*", content)
// Charset overrides the application's config's charset (which defaults to "utf-8")
// that a client should match for
// (through Accept-Charset header or custom through `NegotitationBuilder.Accept.Override().Charset(...)` call).
// Do not set it if you don't know what you're doing.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Charset(charset ...string) *NegotiationBuilder {
n.charset = append(n.charset, charset...)
return n
// Encoding registers one or more encoding algorithms by name, i.e gzip, deflate.
// that a client should match for (through Accept-Encoding header).
// Only the "gzip" can be handlded automatically as it's the only builtin encoding algorithm
// to serve resources.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Encoding(encoding ...string) *NegotiationBuilder {
n.encoding = append(n.encoding, encoding...)
return n
// EncodingGzip registers the "gzip" encoding algorithm
// that a client should match for (through Accept-Encoding header or call of Accept.Encoding(enc)).
// It will make resources to served by "gzip" if Accept-Encoding contains the "gzip" as well.
// Returns itself for recursive calls.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) EncodingGzip() *NegotiationBuilder {
return n.Encoding(GzipHeaderValue)
// Build calculates the client's and server's mime type(s), charset(s) and encoding
// and returns the final content type, charset and encoding that server should render
// to the client. It does not clear the fields, use the `Clear` method if neeeded.
// The returned "content" can be nil if the matched "contentType" does not provide any value,
// in that case the `Context.Negotiate(v)` must be called with a non-nil value.
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Build() (contentType, charset, encoding string, content interface{}) {
contentType = negotiationMatch(n.Accept.accept, n.mime)
charset = negotiationMatch(n.Accept.charset, n.charset)
encoding = negotiationMatch(n.Accept.encoding, n.encoding)
if n.contents != nil {
if data, ok := n.contents[contentType]; ok {
content = data
// Clear clears the prioritized mime type(s), charset(s) and any contents
// relative to those mime type(s).
// The "Accept" field is stay as it is, use its `Override` method
// to clear out the client's accepted mime type(s) and charset(s).
func (n *NegotiationBuilder) Clear() *NegotiationBuilder {
n.mime = n.mime[0:0]
n.contents = nil
n.charset = n.charset[0:0]
return n
func negotiationMatch(in []string, priorities []string) string {
// e.g.
// match json:
// in: text/html, application/json
// prioritities: application/json
// not match:
// in: text/html, application/json
// prioritities: text/xml
// match html:
// in: text/html, application/json
// prioritities: */*
// not match:
// in: application/json
// prioritities: text/xml
// match json:
// in: text/html, application/*
// prioritities: application/json
if len(priorities) == 0 {
return ""
if len(in) == 0 {
return priorities[0]
for _, accepted := range in {
for _, p := range priorities {
// wildcard is */* or text/* and etc.
// so loop through each char.
for i, n := 0, len(accepted); i < n; i++ {
if accepted[i] != p[i] {
if accepted[i] == '*' || p[i] == '*' {
return p
if i == n-1 {
return p
return ""
// NegotiationAcceptBuilder builds the accepted mime types and charset
// and "Accept-Charset" headers respectfully.
// The default values are set by the client side, server can append or override those.
// The end result will be challenged with runtime preffered set of content types and charsets.
// See the `Negotiate` method too.
type NegotiationAcceptBuilder struct {
// initialized with "Accept" request header values.
accept []string
// initialized with "Accept-Encoding" request header. and if was empty then the
// application's default (which defaults to utf-8).
charset []string
// initialized with "Accept-Encoding" request header values.
encoding []string
// To support override in request life cycle.
// We need slice when data is the same format
// for one or more mime types,
// i.e text/xml and obselete application/xml.
lastAccept []string
lastCharset []string
lastEncoding []string
// Override clears the default values for accept and accept charset.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) Override() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
// when called first.
n.accept = n.accept[0:0]
n.charset = n.charset[0:0]
n.encoding = n.encoding[0:0]
// when called after.
if len(n.lastAccept) > 0 {
n.accept = append(n.accept, n.lastAccept...)
n.lastAccept = n.lastAccept[0:0]
if len(n.lastCharset) > 0 {
n.charset = append(n.charset, n.lastCharset...)
n.lastCharset = n.lastCharset[0:0]
if len(n.lastEncoding) > 0 {
n.encoding = append(n.encoding, n.lastEncoding...)
n.lastEncoding = n.lastEncoding[0:0]
return n
// MIME adds accepted client's mime type(s).
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) MIME(mimeType ...string) *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
n.lastAccept = mimeType
n.accept = append(n.accept, mimeType...)
return n
// Text adds the "text/plain" as accepted client content type.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) Text() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentTextHeaderValue)
// HTML adds the "text/html" as accepted client content type.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) HTML() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentHTMLHeaderValue)
// Markdown adds the "text/markdown" as accepted client content type.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) Markdown() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentMarkdownHeaderValue)
// Binary adds the "application/octet-stream" as accepted client content type.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) Binary() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentBinaryHeaderValue)
// JSON adds the "application/json" as accepted client content type.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) JSON() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentJSONHeaderValue)
// Problem adds the "application/problem+json" and "application/problem-xml"
// as accepted client content types.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) Problem() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentJSONProblemHeaderValue, ContentXMLProblemHeaderValue)
// JSONP adds the "application/javascript" as accepted client content type.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) JSONP() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentJavascriptHeaderValue)
// XML adds the "text/xml" and "application/xml" as accepted client content types.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) XML() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentXMLHeaderValue, ContentXMLUnreadableHeaderValue)
// YAML adds the "application/x-yaml" as accepted client content type.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) YAML() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.MIME(ContentYAMLHeaderValue)
// Charset adds one or more client accepted charsets.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) Charset(charset ...string) *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
n.lastCharset = charset
n.charset = append(n.charset, charset...)
return n
// Encoding adds one or more client accepted encoding algorithms.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) Encoding(encoding ...string) *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
n.lastEncoding = encoding
n.encoding = append(n.encoding, encoding...)
return n
// EncodingGzip adds the "gzip" as accepted encoding.
// Returns itself.
func (n *NegotiationAcceptBuilder) EncodingGzip() *NegotiationAcceptBuilder {
return n.Encoding(GzipHeaderValue)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Serve files |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// ServeContent serves content, headers are autoset
// receives three parameters, it's low-level function, instead you can use .ServeFile(string,bool)/SendFile(string,string)
// You can define your own "Content-Type" header also, after this function call
// Doesn't implements resuming (by range), use ctx.SendFile instead
func (ctx *context) ServeContent(content io.ReadSeeker, filename string, modtime time.Time, gzipCompression bool) error {
if modified, err := ctx.CheckIfModifiedSince(modtime); !modified && err == nil {
return nil
if ctx.GetContentType() == "" {
var out io.Writer
if gzipCompression && ctx.ClientSupportsGzip() {
gzipWriter := acquireGzipWriter(ctx.writer)
defer releaseGzipWriter(gzipWriter)
out = gzipWriter
} else {
out = ctx.writer
_, err := io.Copy(out, content)
return err ///TODO: add an int64 as return value for the content length written like other writers or let it as it's in order to keep the stable api?
// ServeFile serves a view file, to send a file ( zip for example) to the client you should use the SendFile(serverfilename,clientfilename)
// receives two parameters
// filename/path (string)
// gzipCompression (bool)
// You can define your own "Content-Type" header also, after this function call
// This function doesn't implement resuming (by range), use ctx.SendFile instead
// Use it when you want to serve css/js/... files to the client, for bigger files and 'force-download' use the SendFile.
func (ctx *context) ServeFile(filename string, gzipCompression bool) error {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%d", http.StatusNotFound)
defer f.Close()
fi, _ := f.Stat()
if fi.IsDir() {
return ctx.ServeFile(path.Join(filename, "index.html"), gzipCompression)
return ctx.ServeContent(f, fi.Name(), fi.ModTime(), gzipCompression)
// SendFile sends file for force-download to the client
// Use this instead of ServeFile to 'force-download' bigger files to the client.
func (ctx *context) SendFile(filename string, destinationName string) error {
ctx.writer.Header().Set(ContentDispositionHeaderKey, "attachment;filename="+destinationName)
return ctx.ServeFile(filename, false)
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Cookies |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// CookieOption is the type of function that is accepted on
// context's methods like `SetCookieKV`, `RemoveCookie` and `SetCookie`
// as their (last) variadic input argument to amend the end cookie's form.
// Any custom or builtin `CookieOption` is valid,
// see `CookiePath`, `CookieCleanPath`, `CookieExpires` and `CookieHTTPOnly` for more.
type CookieOption func(*http.Cookie)
// CookiePath is a `CookieOption`.
// Use it to change the cookie's Path field.
func CookiePath(path string) CookieOption {
return func(c *http.Cookie) {
c.Path = path
// CookieCleanPath is a `CookieOption`.
// Use it to clear the cookie's Path field, exactly the same as `CookiePath("")`.
func CookieCleanPath(c *http.Cookie) {
c.Path = ""
// CookieExpires is a `CookieOption`.
// Use it to change the cookie's Expires and MaxAge fields by passing the lifetime of the cookie.
func CookieExpires(durFromNow time.Duration) CookieOption {
return func(c *http.Cookie) {
c.Expires = time.Now().Add(durFromNow)
c.MaxAge = int(durFromNow.Seconds())
// CookieHTTPOnly is a `CookieOption`.
// Use it to set the cookie's HttpOnly field to false or true.
// HttpOnly field defaults to true for `RemoveCookie` and `SetCookieKV`.
func CookieHTTPOnly(httpOnly bool) CookieOption {
return func(c *http.Cookie) {
c.HttpOnly = httpOnly
type (
// CookieEncoder should encode the cookie value.
// Should accept the cookie's name as its first argument
// and as second argument the cookie value ptr.
// Should return an encoded value or an empty one if encode operation failed.
// Should return an error if encode operation failed.
// Note: Errors are not printed, so you have to know what you're doing,
// and remember: if you use AES it only supports key sizes of 16, 24 or 32 bytes.
// You either need to provide exactly that amount or you derive the key from what you type in.
// See `CookieDecoder` too.
CookieEncoder func(cookieName string, value interface{}) (string, error)
// CookieDecoder should decode the cookie value.
// Should accept the cookie's name as its first argument,
// as second argument the encoded cookie value and as third argument the decoded value ptr.
// Should return a decoded value or an empty one if decode operation failed.
// Should return an error if decode operation failed.
// Note: Errors are not printed, so you have to know what you're doing,
// and remember: if you use AES it only supports key sizes of 16, 24 or 32 bytes.
// You either need to provide exactly that amount or you derive the key from what you type in.
// See `CookieEncoder` too.
CookieDecoder func(cookieName string, cookieValue string, v interface{}) error
// CookieEncode is a `CookieOption`.
// Provides encoding functionality when adding a cookie.
// Accepts a `CookieEncoder` and sets the cookie's value to the encoded value.
// Users of that is the `SetCookie` and `SetCookieKV`.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/securecookie
func CookieEncode(encode CookieEncoder) CookieOption {
return func(c *http.Cookie) {
newVal, err := encode(c.Name, c.Value)
if err != nil {
c.Value = ""
} else {
c.Value = newVal
// CookieDecode is a `CookieOption`.
// Provides decoding functionality when retrieving a cookie.
// Accepts a `CookieDecoder` and sets the cookie's value to the decoded value before return by the `GetCookie`.
// User of that is the `GetCookie`.
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/securecookie
func CookieDecode(decode CookieDecoder) CookieOption {
return func(c *http.Cookie) {
if err := decode(c.Name, c.Value, &c.Value); err != nil {
c.Value = ""
// SetCookie adds a cookie.
// Use of the "options" is not required, they can be used to amend the "cookie".
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/basic
func (ctx *context) SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie, options ...CookieOption) {
for _, opt := range options {
http.SetCookie(ctx.writer, cookie)
// SetCookieKV adds a cookie, requires the name(string) and the value(string).
// By default it expires at 2 hours and it's added to the root path,
// use the `CookieExpires` and `CookiePath` to modify them.
// Alternatively: ctx.SetCookie(&http.Cookie{...})
// If you want to set custom the path:
// ctx.SetCookieKV(name, value, iris.CookiePath("/custom/path/cookie/will/be/stored"))
// If you want to be visible only to current request path:
// (note that client should be responsible for that if server sent an empty cookie's path, all browsers are compatible)
// ctx.SetCookieKV(name, value, iris.CookieCleanPath/iris.CookiePath(""))
// More:
// iris.CookieExpires(time.Duration)
// iris.CookieHTTPOnly(false)
// Examples: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/basic
func (ctx *context) SetCookieKV(name, value string, options ...CookieOption) {
c := &http.Cookie{}
c.Path = "/"
c.Name = name
c.Value = url.QueryEscape(value)
c.HttpOnly = true
c.Expires = time.Now().Add(SetCookieKVExpiration)
c.MaxAge = int(SetCookieKVExpiration.Seconds())
ctx.SetCookie(c, options...)
// GetCookie returns cookie's value by its name
// returns empty string if nothing was found.
// If you want more than the value then:
// cookie, err := ctx.Request().Cookie("name")
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/basic
func (ctx *context) GetCookie(name string, options ...CookieOption) string {
cookie, err := ctx.request.Cookie(name)
if err != nil {
return ""
for _, opt := range options {
value, _ := url.QueryUnescape(cookie.Value)
return value
// SetCookieKVExpiration is 365 days by-default
// you can change it or simple, use the SetCookie for more control.
// See `SetCookieKVExpiration` and `CookieExpires` for more.
var SetCookieKVExpiration = time.Duration(8760) * time.Hour
// RemoveCookie deletes a cookie by its name and path = "/".
// Tip: change the cookie's path to the current one by: RemoveCookie("name", iris.CookieCleanPath)
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/cookies/basic
func (ctx *context) RemoveCookie(name string, options ...CookieOption) {
c := &http.Cookie{}
c.Name = name
c.Value = ""
c.Path = "/" // if user wants to change it, use of the CookieOption `CookiePath` is required if not `ctx.SetCookie`.
c.HttpOnly = true
// RFC says 1 second, but let's do it 1 to make sure is working
exp := time.Now().Add(-time.Duration(1) * time.Minute)
c.Expires = exp
c.MaxAge = -1
ctx.SetCookie(c, options...)
// delete request's cookie also, which is temporary available.
ctx.request.Header.Set("Cookie", "")
// VisitAllCookies takes a visitor function which is called
// on each (request's) cookies' name and value.
func (ctx *context) VisitAllCookies(visitor func(name string, value string)) {
for _, cookie := range ctx.request.Cookies() {
visitor(cookie.Name, cookie.Value)
var maxAgeExp = regexp.MustCompile(`maxage=(\d+)`)
// MaxAge returns the "cache-control" request header's value
// seconds as int64
// if header not found or parse failed then it returns -1.
func (ctx *context) MaxAge() int64 {
header := ctx.GetHeader(CacheControlHeaderKey)
if header == "" {
return -1
m := maxAgeExp.FindStringSubmatch(header)
if len(m) == 2 {
if v, err := strconv.Atoi(m[1]); err == nil {
return int64(v)
return -1
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Advanced: Response Recorder and Transactions |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// Record transforms the context's basic and direct responseWriter to a *ResponseRecorder
// which can be used to reset the body, reset headers, get the body,
// get & set the status code at any time and more.
func (ctx *context) Record() {
if w, ok := ctx.writer.(*responseWriter); ok {
recorder := AcquireResponseRecorder()
// Recorder returns the context's ResponseRecorder
// if not recording then it starts recording and returns the new context's ResponseRecorder
func (ctx *context) Recorder() *ResponseRecorder {
return ctx.writer.(*ResponseRecorder)
// IsRecording returns the response recorder and a true value
// when the response writer is recording the status code, body, headers and so on,
// else returns nil and false.
func (ctx *context) IsRecording() (*ResponseRecorder, bool) {
// NOTE:
// two return values in order to minimize the if statement:
// if (Recording) then writer = Recorder()
// instead we do: recorder,ok = Recording()
rr, ok := ctx.writer.(*ResponseRecorder)
return rr, ok
// ErrPanicRecovery may be returned from `Context` actions of a `Handler`
// which recovers from a manual panic.
// var ErrPanicRecovery = errors.New("recovery from panic")
// ErrTransactionInterrupt can be used to manually force-complete a Context's transaction
// and log(warn) the wrapped error's message.
// Usage: `... return fmt.Errorf("my custom error message: %w", context.ErrTransactionInterrupt)`.
var ErrTransactionInterrupt = errors.New("transaction interrupted")
// BeginTransaction starts a scoped transaction.
// Can't say a lot here because it will take more than 200 lines to write about.
// You can search third-party articles or books on how Business Transaction works (it's quite simple, especially here).
// Note that this is unique and new
// (=I haver never seen any other examples or code in Golang on this subject, so far, as with the most of iris features...)
// it's not covers all paths,
// such as databases, this should be managed by the libraries you use to make your database connection,
// this transaction scope is only for context's response.
// Transactions have their own middleware ecosystem also.
// See https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/ for more
func (ctx *context) BeginTransaction(pipe func(t *Transaction)) {
// do NOT begin a transaction when the previous transaction has been failed
// and it was requested scoped or SkipTransactions called manually.
if ctx.TransactionsSkipped() {
// start recording in order to be able to control the full response writer
t := newTransaction(ctx) // it calls this *context, so the overriding with a new pool's New of context.Context wil not work here.
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
ctx.Application().Logger().Warn(fmt.Errorf("recovery from panic: %w", ErrTransactionInterrupt))
// complete (again or not , doesn't matters) the scope without loud
// we continue as normal, no need to return here*
// write the temp contents to the original writer
// give back to the transaction the original writer (SetBeforeFlush works this way and only this way)
// this is tricky but nessecery if we want ctx.FireStatusCode to work inside transactions
// run the worker with its context clone inside.
// skipTransactionsContextKey set this to any value to stop executing next transactions
// it's a context-key in order to be used from anywhere, set it by calling the SkipTransactions()
const skipTransactionsContextKey = "@transictions_skipped"
// SkipTransactions if called then skip the rest of the transactions
// or all of them if called before the first transaction
func (ctx *context) SkipTransactions() {
ctx.values.Set(skipTransactionsContextKey, 1)
// TransactionsSkipped returns true if the transactions skipped or canceled at all.
func (ctx *context) TransactionsSkipped() bool {
if n, err := ctx.values.GetInt(skipTransactionsContextKey); err == nil && n == 1 {
return true
return false
// Exec calls the framewrok's ServeHTTPC
// based on this context but with a changed method and path
// like it was requested by the user, but it is not.
// Offline means that the route is registered to the iris and have all features that a normal route has
// BUT it isn't available by browsing, its handlers executed only when other handler's context call them
// it can validate paths, has sessions, path parameters and all.
// You can find the Route by app.GetRoute("theRouteName")
// you can set a route name as: myRoute := app.Get("/mypath", handler)("theRouteName")
// that will set a name to the route and returns its RouteInfo instance for further usage.
// It doesn't changes the global state, if a route was "offline" it remains offline.
// app.None(...) and app.GetRoutes().Offline(route)/.Online(route, method)
// Example: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/routing/route-state
// User can get the response by simple using rec := ctx.Recorder(); rec.Body()/rec.StatusCode()/rec.Header().
// context's Values and the Session are kept in order to be able to communicate via the result route.
// It's for extreme use cases, 99% of the times will never be useful for you.
func (ctx *context) Exec(method string, path string) {
if path == "" {
if method == "" {
method = "GET"
// backup the handlers
backupHandlers := ctx.handlers[0:]
backupPos := ctx.currentHandlerIndex
req := ctx.request
// backup the request path information
backupPath := req.URL.Path
backupMethod := req.Method
// don't backupValues := ctx.Values().ReadOnly()
// set the request to be align with the 'againstRequestPath'
req.RequestURI = path
req.URL.Path = path
req.Method = method
// [values stays]
// reset handlers
ctx.handlers = ctx.handlers[0:0]
ctx.currentHandlerIndex = 0
// execute the route from the (internal) context router
// this way we keep the sessions and the values
// set the request back to its previous state
req.RequestURI = backupPath
req.URL.Path = backupPath
req.Method = backupMethod
// set back the old handlers and the last known index
ctx.handlers = backupHandlers
ctx.currentHandlerIndex = backupPos
// RouteExists reports whether a particular route exists
// It will search from the current subdomain of context's host, if not inside the root domain.
func (ctx *context) RouteExists(method, path string) bool {
return ctx.Application().RouteExists(ctx, method, path)
// Application returns the iris app instance which belongs to this context.
// Worth to notice that this function returns an interface
// of the Application, which contains methods that are safe
// to be executed at serve-time. The full app's fields
// and methods are not available here for the developer's safety.
func (ctx *context) Application() Application {
return ctx.app
var lastCapturedContextID uint64
// LastCapturedContextID returns the total number of `context#String` calls.
func LastCapturedContextID() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&lastCapturedContextID)
// String returns the string representation of this request.
// Each context has a unique string representation.
// It can be used for simple debugging scenarios, i.e print context as string.
// What it returns? A number which declares the length of the
// total `String` calls per executable application, followed
// by the remote IP (the client) and finally the method:url.
func (ctx *context) String() string {
if ctx.id == 0 {
// set the id here.
forward := atomic.AddUint64(&lastCapturedContextID, 1)
ctx.id = forward
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d] %s ▶ %s:%s",
ctx.id, ctx.RemoteAddr(), ctx.Method(), ctx.Request().RequestURI)