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TODO: Write the new e-book JWT section and the HISTORY entry of the chnages and add a simple example on site docs
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369 lines
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// Package main shows how you can use the Iris unique JWT middleware.
// The file contains different kind of examples that all do the same job but,
// depending on your code style and your application's requirements, you may choose one over other.
package main
import (
// Claims a custom claims structure.
type Claims struct {
// Optionally define JWT's "iss" (Issuer),
// "sub" (Subject) and "aud" (Audience) for issuer and subject.
// The JWT's "exp" (expiration) and "iat" (issued at) are automatically
// set by the middleware.
Issuer string `json:"iss"`
Subject string `json:"sub"`
Audience []string `json:"aud"`
Note that the above fields can be also extracted via:
But in that example, we just showcase how these info can be embedded
inside your own Go structure.
// Optionally define a "exp" (Expiry),
// unlike the rest, this is unset on creation
// (unless you want to override the middleware's max age option),
// it's filled automatically by the JWT middleware
// when the request token is verified.
// See the POST /user route.
Expiry *jwt.NumericDate `json:"exp"`
Username string `json:"username"`
func main() {
// Get keys from system's environment variables
// JWT_SECRET (for signing and verification) and JWT_SECRET_ENC(for encryption and decryption),
// or defaults to "secret" and "itsa16bytesecret" respectfully.
// Use the `jwt.New` instead for more flexibility, if necessary.
j := jwt.HMAC(15*time.Minute, "secret", "itsa16bytesecret")
By default it extracts the token from url parameter "token={token}"
and the Authorization Bearer {token} header.
You can also take token from JSON body:
j.Extractors = append(j.Extractors, jwt.FromJSON)
/* Optionally, enable block list to force-invalidate
verified tokens even before their expiration time.
This is useful when the client doesn't clear
the token on a user logout by itself.
The duration argument clears any expired token on each every tick.
There is a GC() method that can be manually called to clear expired blocked tokens
from the memory.
j.Blocklist = jwt.NewBlocklist(30*time.Minute)
OR NewBlocklistContext(stdContext, 30*time.Minute)
To invalidate a verified token just call:
j.Invalidate(ctx) inside a route handler.
app := iris.New()
app.OnErrorCode(iris.StatusUnauthorized, func(ctx iris.Context) {
// Note that, any error stored by an authentication
// method in Iris is an iris.ErrPrivate.
// Available jwt errors:
// - ErrMissing
// - ErrMissingKey
// - ErrExpired
// - ErrNotValidYet
// - ErrIssuedInTheFuture
// - ErrBlocked
// An iris.ErrPrivate SHOULD never be displayed to the client as it is;
// because it may contain critical security information about the server.
// Also keep in mind that JWT middleware logs verification errors to the
// application's logger ("debug") so, normally you don't have to
// bother showing the verification error to the browser/client.
// However, you can retrieve that error and do what ever you feel right:
if err := ctx.GetErr(); err != nil {
// If we have an error stored,
// (JWT middleware stores any verification errors to the Context),
// set the error as response body,
// which is the default behavior if that
// wasn't an authentication error (as explained above)
} else {
// Else, the default behavior when no error was occured;
// write the status text of the status code:
app.Get("/authenticate", func(ctx iris.Context) {
claims := &Claims{
Issuer: "server",
Audience: []string{"user"},
Username: "kataras",
// WriteToken generates and sends the token to the client.
// To generate a token use: tok, err := j.Token(claims)
// then you can write it in any form you'd like.
// The expiration JWT fields are automatically
// set by the middleware, that means that your claims value
// only needs to fill fields that your application specifically requires.
j.WriteToken(ctx, claims)
// Middleware + type-safe method,
// useful in 99% of the cases, when your application
// requires token verification under a whole path prefix, e.g. /protected:
protectedAPI := app.Party("/protected")
protectedAPI.Use(j.Verify(func() interface{} {
// Must return a pointer to a type.
// The Iris JWT implementation is very sophisticated.
// We keep our claims in type-safe form.
// However, you are free to use raw Go maps
// (map[string]interface{} or iris.Map) too (example later on).
// Note that you can use the same "j" JWT instance
// to serve different types of claims on other group of routes,
// e.g. postRouter.Use(j.Verify(... return new(Post))).
return new(Claims)
protectedAPI.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {
claims := jwt.Get(ctx).(*Claims)
// All fields parsed from token are set to the claims,
// including the Expiry (if defined).
ctx.Writef("Username: %s\nExpires at: %s\nAudience: %s",
claims.Username, claims.Expiry.Time(), claims.Audience)
// Verify token inside a handler method,
// useful when you just need to verify a token on a single spot:
app.Get("/inline", func(ctx iris.Context) {
var claims Claims
_, err := j.VerifyToken(ctx, &claims)
if err != nil {
ctx.StopWithError(iris.StatusUnauthorized, err)
ctx.Writef("Username: %s\nExpires at: %s\n",
claims.Username, claims.Expiry.Time())
// Use a common map as claims method,
// not recommended, as we support typed claims but
// you can do it:
app.Get("/map/authenticate", func(ctx iris.Context) {
claims := map[string]interface{}{ // or iris.Map for shortcut.
"username": "kataras",
j.WriteToken(ctx, claims)
app.Get("/map/verify/middleware", j.Verify(func() interface{} {
return &iris.Map{} // or &map[string]interface{}{}
}), func(ctx iris.Context) {
claims := jwt.Get(ctx).(iris.Map)
// The Get method will unwrap the *iris.Map for you,
// so its values are directly accessible:
ctx.Writef("Username: %s\nExpires at: %s\n",
claims["username"], claims["exp"].(*jwt.NumericDate).Time())
app.Get("/map/verify", func(ctx iris.Context) {
claims := make(iris.Map) // or make(map[string]interface{})
tokenInfo, err := j.VerifyToken(ctx, &claims)
if err != nil {
ctx.StopWithError(iris.StatusUnauthorized, err)
ctx.Writef("Username: %s\nExpires at: %s\n",
claims["username"], tokenInfo.Claims.Expiry.Time()) /* the claims["exp"] is also set. */
// Use the new Context.User() to retrieve the verified client method:
// 1. Create a go stuct that implements the context.User interface:
app.Get("/users/authenticate", func(ctx iris.Context) {
user := &User{Username: "kataras"}
j.WriteToken(ctx, user)
usersAPI := app.Party("/users")
usersAPI.Use(j.Verify(func() interface{} {
return new(User)
usersAPI.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {
user := ctx.User()
userToken, _ := user.GetToken()
You can also cast it to the underline implementation
and work with its fields:
expires := user.(*User).Expiry.Time()
// OR use the GetTokenInfo to get the parsed token information:
expires := jwt.GetTokenInfo(ctx).Claims.Expiry.Time()
lifetime := expires.Sub(time.Now()) // remeaning time to be expired.
ctx.Writef("Username: %s\nAuthenticated at: %s\nLifetime: %s\nToken: %s\n",
user.GetUsername(), user.GetAuthorizedAt(), lifetime, userToken)
// http://localhost:8080/authenticate
// http://localhost:8080/protected?token={token}
// http://localhost:8080/inline?token={token}
// http://localhost:8080/map/authenticate
// http://localhost:8080/map/verify?token={token}
// http://localhost:8080/map/verify/middleware?token={token}
// http://localhost:8080/users/authenticate
// http://localhost:8080/users?token={token}
// User is a custom implementation of the Iris Context User interface.
// Optionally, for JWT, you can also implement
// the SetToken(tok string) and
// Validate(ctx iris.Context, claims jwt.Claims, e jwt.Expected) error
// methods to set a token and add custom validation
// to a User value parsed from a token.
type User struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
// Optionally, declare some JWT fields,
// they are automatically filled by the middleware itself.
IssuedAt *jwt.NumericDate `json:"iat"`
Expiry *jwt.NumericDate `json:"exp"`
Token string `json:"-"`
// GetUsername returns the Username.
// Look the iris/context.SimpleUser type
// for all the methods you can implement.
func (u *User) GetUsername() string {
return u.Username
// GetAuthorizedAt returns the IssuedAt time.
// This and the Get/SetToken methods showcase how you can map JWT standard fields
// to an Iris Context User.
func (u *User) GetAuthorizedAt() time.Time {
return u.IssuedAt.Time()
// GetToken is a User interface method.
func (u *User) GetToken() (string, error) {
return u.Token, nil
// SetToken is a special jwt.TokenSetter interface which is
// called automatically when a token is parsed to this User value.
func (u *User) SetToken(tok string) {
u.Token = tok
func default_RSA_Example() {
j := jwt.RSA(15*time.Minute)
Same as:
func load_File_Or_Generate_RSA_Example() {
signKey, err := jwt.LoadRSA("jwt_sign.key", 2048)
if err != nil {
j, err := jwt.New(15*time.Minute, jwt.RS256, signKey)
if err != nil {
encKey, err := jwt.LoadRSA("jwt_enc.key", 2048)
if err != nil {
err = j.WithEncryption(jwt.A128CBCHS256, jwt.RSA15, encKey)
if err != nil {
func hmac_Example() {
// hmac
key := []byte("secret")
j, err := jwt.New(15*time.Minute, jwt.HS256, key)
if err != nil {
// OPTIONAL encryption:
encryptionKey := []byte("itsa16bytesecret")
err = j.WithEncryption(jwt.A128GCM, jwt.DIRECT, encryptionKey)
if err != nil {
func load_From_File_With_Password_Example() {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./rsa_password_protected.key")
if err != nil {
signKey,err := jwt.ParseRSAPrivateKey(b, []byte("pass"))
if err != nil {
j, err := jwt.New(15*time.Minute, jwt.RS256, signKey)
if err != nil {
func generate_RSA_Example() {
signKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 4096)
if err != nil {
encryptionKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 4096)
if err != nil {
j, err := jwt.New(15*time.Minute, jwt.RS512, signKey)
if err != nil {
err = j.WithEncryption(jwt.A128CBCHS256, jwt.RSA15, encryptionKey)
if err != nil {