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package mvc2
import (
type BaseController interface {
// C is the basic BaseController type that can be used as an embedded anonymous field
// to custom end-dev controllers.
// func(c *ExampleController) Get() string |
// (string, string) |
// (string, int) |
// int |
// (int, string |
// (string, error) |
// bool |
// (any, bool) |
// error |
// (int, error) |
// (customStruct, error) |
// customStruct |
// (customStruct, int) |
// (customStruct, string) |
// Result or (Result, error)
// where Get is an HTTP Method func.
// Look `core/router#APIBuilder#Controller` method too.
// It completes the `activator.BaseController` interface.
// Example at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/mvc/overview/web/controllers.
// Example usage at: https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/mvc/method_result_test.go#L17.
type C struct {
// The current context.Context.
// we have to name it for two reasons:
// 1: can't ignore these via reflection, it doesn't give an option to
// see if the functions is derived from another type.
// 2: end-developer may want to use some method functions
// or any fields that could be conflict with the context's.
Ctx context.Context
var _ BaseController = &C{}
// BeginRequest starts the request by initializing the `Context` field.
func (c *C) BeginRequest(ctx context.Context) { c.Ctx = ctx }
// EndRequest does nothing, is here to complete the `BaseController` interface.
func (c *C) EndRequest(ctx context.Context) {}
type ControllerActivator struct {
Engine *Engine
// the router is used on the `Activate` and can be used by end-dev on the `OnActivate`
// to register any custom controller's functions as handlers but we will need it here
// in order to not create a new type like `ActivationPayload` for the `OnActivate`.
Router router.Party
initRef BaseController // the BaseController as it's passed from the end-dev.
// FullName it's the last package path segment + "." + the Name.
// i.e: if login-example/user/controller.go, the FullName is "user.Controller".
FullName string
// key = the method's name.
methods map[string]reflect.Method
// services []field
// bindServices func(elem reflect.Value)
s services
func newControllerActivator(engine *Engine, router router.Party, controller BaseController) *ControllerActivator {
c := &ControllerActivator{
Engine: engine,
Router: router,
initRef: controller,
return c
var reservedMethodNames = []string{
func isReservedMethod(name string) bool {
for _, s := range reservedMethodNames {
if s == name {
return true
return false
func (c *ControllerActivator) analyze() {
// set full name.
// first instance value, needed to validate
// the actual type of the controller field
// and to collect and save the instance's persistence fields'
// values later on.
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(c.initRef))
ctrlName := val.Type().Name()
pkgPath := val.Type().PkgPath()
fullName := pkgPath[strings.LastIndexByte(pkgPath, '/')+1:] + "." + ctrlName
c.FullName = fullName
// set all available, exported methods.
typ := reflect.TypeOf(c.initRef) // typ, with pointer
n := typ.NumMethod()
c.methods = make(map[string]reflect.Method, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
m := typ.Method(i)
key := m.Name
if !isReservedMethod(key) {
c.methods[key] = m
// set field index with matching service binders, if any.
// typ := indirectTyp(reflect.TypeOf(c.initRef)) // element's typ.
c.s = getServicesFor(reflect.ValueOf(c.initRef), c.Engine.Input)
// c.bindServices = getServicesBinderForStruct(c.Engine.binders, typ)
func (c *ControllerActivator) Handle(method, path, funcName string, middleware ...context.Handler) error {
if method == "" || path == "" || funcName == "" || isReservedMethod(funcName) {
// isReservedMethod -> if it's already registered
// by a previous Handle or analyze methods internally.
return errSkip
m, ok := c.methods[funcName]
if !ok {
err := fmt.Errorf("MVC: function '%s' doesn't exist inside the '%s' controller",
funcName, c.FullName)
return err
tmpl, err := macro.Parse(path, c.Router.Macros())
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("MVC: fail to parse the path for '%s.%s': %v", c.FullName, funcName, err)
return err
fmt.Printf("===============%s.%s==============\n", c.FullName, funcName)
funcIn := getInputArgsFromFunc(m.Type)[1:] // except the receiver, which is the controller pointer itself.
// get any binders for this func, if any, and
// take param binders, we can bind them because we know the path here.
// binders := joinBindersMap(
// getBindersForInput(c.Engine.binders, funcIn...),
// getPathParamsBindersForInput(tmpl.Params, funcIn...))
s := getServicesFor(m.Func, getPathParamsForInput(tmpl.Params, funcIn...))
// s.AddSource(indirectVal(reflect.ValueOf(c.initRef)), c.Engine.Input...)
typ := reflect.TypeOf(c.initRef)
elem := indirectTyp(typ) // the value, not the pointer.
hasInputBinders := len(s) > 0
hasStructBinders := len(c.s) > 0
n := len(funcIn) + 1
// be, _ := typ.MethodByName("BeginRequest")
// en, _ := typ.MethodByName("EndRequest")
// beginIndex, endIndex := be.Index, en.Index
handler := func(ctx context.Context) {
// create a new controller instance of that type(>ptr).
ctrl := reflect.New(elem)
//ctrlAndCtxValues := []reflect.Value{ctrl, ctxValue[0]}
// ctrl.MethodByName("BeginRequest").Call(ctxValue)
b := ctrl.Interface().(BaseController) // the Interface(). is faster than MethodByName or pre-selected methods.
// init the request.
// if begin request stopped the execution.
if ctx.IsStopped() {
if hasStructBinders {
elem := ctrl.Elem()
if !hasInputBinders {
methodfunc.DispatchFuncResult(ctx, ctrl.Method(m.Index).Call(emptyIn))
} else {
in := make([]reflect.Value, n, n)
// in[0] = ctrl.Elem()
in[0] = ctrl
s.FillFuncInput([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(ctx)}, &in)
methodfunc.DispatchFuncResult(ctx, m.Func.Call(in))
// in := make([]reflect.Value, n, n)
// ctxValues := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(ctx)}
// for k, v := range binders {
// in[k] = v.BindFunc(ctxValues)
// if ctx.IsStopped() {
// return
// }
// }
// methodfunc.DispatchFuncResult(ctx, ctrl.Method(m.Index).Call(in))
// end the request, don't check for stopped because this does the actual writing
// if no response written already.
// ctrl.MethodByName("EndRequest").Call(ctxValue)
// end.Func.Call(ctrlAndCtxValues)
// register the handler now.
r := c.Router.Handle(method, path, append(middleware, handler)...)
// change the main handler's name in order to respect the controller's and give
// a proper debug message.
r.MainHandlerName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", c.FullName, funcName)
// add this as a reserved method name in order to
// be sure that the same func will not be registered again, even if a custom .Handle later on.
reservedMethodNames = append(reservedMethodNames, funcName)
return nil
func (c *ControllerActivator) analyzeAndRegisterMethods() {
for _, m := range c.methods {
funcName := m.Name
httpMethod, httpPath, err := parse(m)
if err != nil && err != errSkip {
err = fmt.Errorf("MVC: fail to parse the path and method for '%s.%s': %v", c.FullName, m.Name, err)
c.Handle(httpMethod, httpPath, funcName)
const (
tokenBy = "By"
tokenWildcard = "Wildcard" // i.e ByWildcard
// word lexer, not characters.
type lexer struct {
words []string
cur int
func newLexer(s string) *lexer {
l := new(lexer)
return l
func (l *lexer) reset(s string) {
l.cur = -1
var words []string
if s != "" {
end := len(s)
start := -1
for i, n := 0, end; i < n; i++ {
c := rune(s[i])
if unicode.IsUpper(c) {
// it doesn't count the last uppercase
if start != -1 {
end = i
words = append(words, s[start:end])
start = i
end = i + 1
if end > 0 && len(s) >= end {
words = append(words, s[start:end])
l.words = words
func (l *lexer) next() (w string) {
cur := l.cur + 1
if w = l.peek(cur); w != "" {
func (l *lexer) skip() {
if cur := l.cur + 1; cur < len(l.words) {
l.cur = cur
} else {
l.cur = len(l.words) - 1
func (l *lexer) peek(idx int) string {
if idx < len(l.words) {
return l.words[idx]
return ""
func (l *lexer) peekNext() (w string) {
return l.peek(l.cur + 1)
func (l *lexer) peekPrev() (w string) {
if l.cur > 0 {
cur := l.cur - 1
w = l.words[cur]
return w
var posWords = map[int]string{
0: "",
1: "first",
2: "second",
3: "third",
4: "forth",
5: "five",
6: "sixth",
7: "seventh",
8: "eighth",
9: "ninth",
func genParamKey(argIdx int) string {
return "param" + posWords[argIdx] // paramfirst, paramsecond...
type parser struct {
lexer *lexer
fn reflect.Method
func parse(fn reflect.Method) (method, path string, err error) {
p := &parser{
fn: fn,
lexer: newLexer(fn.Name),
return p.parse()
func methodTitle(httpMethod string) string {
httpMethodFuncName := strings.Title(strings.ToLower(httpMethod))
return httpMethodFuncName
var errSkip = errors.New("skip")
func (p *parser) parse() (method, path string, err error) {
funcArgPos := 0
path = "/"
// take the first word and check for the method.
w := p.lexer.next()
for _, httpMethod := range router.AllMethods {
possibleMethodFuncName := methodTitle(httpMethod)
if strings.Index(w, possibleMethodFuncName) == 0 {
method = httpMethod
if method == "" {
// this is not a valid method to parse, we just skip it,
// it may be used for end-dev's use cases.
return "", "", errSkip
for {
w := p.lexer.next()
if w == "" {
if w == tokenBy {
funcArgPos++ // starting with 1 because in typ.NumIn() the first is the struct receiver.
// No need for these:
// ByBy will act like /{param:type}/{param:type} as users expected
// if func input arguments are there, else act By like normal path /by.
// if p.lexer.peekPrev() == tokenBy || typ.NumIn() == 1 { // ByBy, then act this second By like a path
// a.relPath += "/" + strings.ToLower(w)
// continue
// }
if path, err = p.parsePathParam(path, w, funcArgPos); err != nil {
return "", "", err
// static path.
path += "/" + strings.ToLower(w)
func (p *parser) parsePathParam(path string, w string, funcArgPos int) (string, error) {
typ := p.fn.Type
if typ.NumIn() <= funcArgPos {
// By found but input arguments are not there, so act like /by path without restricts.
path += "/" + strings.ToLower(w)
return path, nil
var (
paramKey = genParamKey(funcArgPos) // paramfirst, paramsecond...
paramType = ast.ParamTypeString // default string
// string, int...
goType := typ.In(funcArgPos).Name()
nextWord := p.lexer.peekNext()
if nextWord == tokenWildcard {
p.lexer.skip() // skip the Wildcard word.
paramType = ast.ParamTypePath
} else if pType := ast.LookupParamTypeFromStd(goType); pType != ast.ParamTypeUnExpected {
// it's not wildcard, so check base on our available macro types.
paramType = pType
} else {
return "", errors.New("invalid syntax for " + p.fn.Name)
// /{paramfirst:path}, /{paramfirst:long}...
path += fmt.Sprintf("/{%s:%s}", paramKey, paramType.String())
if nextWord == "" && typ.NumIn() > funcArgPos+1 {
// By is the latest word but func is expected
// more path parameters values, i.e:
// GetBy(name string, age int)
// The caller (parse) doesn't need to know
// about the incremental funcArgPos because
// it will not need it.
return p.parsePathParam(path, nextWord, funcArgPos+1)
return path, nil