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package router
import (
macroHandler "github.com/kataras/iris/v12/macro/handler"
type (
// RequestHandler the middle man between acquiring a context and releasing it.
// By-default is the router algorithm.
RequestHandler interface {
// Note: A different interface in order to hide the rest of the implementation.
// We only need the `FireErrorCode` to be accessible through the Iris application (see `iris.go#Build`)
// HandleRequest should handle the request based on the Context.
HandleRequest(ctx *context.Context)
// Build should builds the handler, it's being called on router's BuildRouter.
Build(provider RoutesProvider) error
// RouteExists reports whether a particular route exists.
RouteExists(ctx *context.Context, method, path string) bool
// HTTPErrorHandler should contain a method `FireErrorCode` which
// handles http unsuccessful status codes.
HTTPErrorHandler interface {
// FireErrorCode should send an error response to the client based
// on the given context's response status code.
FireErrorCode(ctx *context.Context)
type routerHandler struct {
config context.ConfigurationReadOnly
logger *golog.Logger
trees []*trie
errorTrees []*trie
hosts bool // true if at least one route contains a Subdomain.
errorHosts bool // true if error handlers are registered to at least one Subdomain.
var _ RequestHandler = (*routerHandler)(nil)
var _ HTTPErrorHandler = (*routerHandler)(nil)
// NewDefaultHandler returns the handler which is responsible
// to map the request with a route (aka mux implementation).
func NewDefaultHandler(config context.ConfigurationReadOnly, logger *golog.Logger) RequestHandler {
return &routerHandler{
config: config,
logger: logger,
func (h *routerHandler) getTree(statusCode int, method, subdomain string) *trie {
if statusCode > 0 {
for i := range h.errorTrees {
t := h.errorTrees[i]
if t.statusCode == statusCode && t.subdomain == subdomain {
return t
return nil
for i := range h.trees {
t := h.trees[i]
if t.method == method && t.subdomain == subdomain {
return t
return nil
// AddRoute registers a route. See `Router.AddRouteUnsafe`.
func (h *routerHandler) AddRoute(r *Route) error {
var (
method = r.Method
statusCode = r.StatusCode
subdomain = r.Subdomain
path = r.Path
handlers = r.Handlers
t := h.getTree(statusCode, method, subdomain)
if t == nil {
n := newTrieNode()
// first time we register a route to this method with this subdomain
t = &trie{statusCode: statusCode, method: method, subdomain: subdomain, root: n}
if statusCode > 0 {
h.errorTrees = append(h.errorTrees, t)
} else {
h.trees = append(h.trees, t)
t.insert(path, r.ReadOnly, handlers)
return nil
// RoutesProvider should be implemented by
// iteral which contains the registered routes.
type RoutesProvider interface { // api builder
GetRoutes() []*Route
GetRoute(routeName string) *Route
func (h *routerHandler) Build(provider RoutesProvider) error {
h.trees = h.trees[0:0] // reset, inneed when rebuilding.
rp := errgroup.New("Routes Builder")
registeredRoutes := provider.GetRoutes()
// before sort.
for _, r := range registeredRoutes {
if r.topLink != nil {
// sort, subdomains go first.
sort.Slice(registeredRoutes, func(i, j int) bool {
first, second := registeredRoutes[i], registeredRoutes[j]
lsub1 := len(first.Subdomain)
lsub2 := len(second.Subdomain)
firstSlashLen := strings.Count(first.Path, "/")
secondSlashLen := strings.Count(second.Path, "/")
if lsub1 == lsub2 && first.Method == second.Method {
if secondSlashLen < firstSlashLen {
// fixes order when wildcard root is registered before other wildcard paths
return true
if secondSlashLen == firstSlashLen {
// fixes order when static path with the same prefix with a wildcard path
// is registered after the wildcard path, although this is managed
// by the low-level node but it couldn't work if we registered a root level wildcard, this fixes it.
if len(first.tmpl.Params) == 0 {
return false
if len(second.tmpl.Params) == 0 {
return true
// No don't fix the order by framework's suggestion,
// let it as it is today; {string} and {path} should be registered before {id} {uint} and e.t.c.
// see `bindMultiParamTypesHandler` for the reason. Order of registration matters.
// the rest are handled inside the node
return lsub1 > lsub2
for _, r := range registeredRoutes {
if h.config != nil && h.config.GetForceLowercaseRouting() {
// only in that state, keep everything else as end-developer registered.
r.Path = strings.ToLower(r.Path)
if r.Subdomain != "" {
if r.StatusCode > 0 {
h.errorHosts = true
} else {
h.hosts = true
if r.topLink == nil {
// build the r.Handlers based on begin and done handlers, if any.
// the only "bad" with this is if the user made an error
// on route, it will be stacked shown in this build state
// and no in the lines of the user's action, they should read
// the docs better. Or TODO: add a link here in order to help new users.
if err := h.AddRoute(r); err != nil {
// node errors:
rp.Addf("%s: %w", r.String(), err)
// TODO: move this and make it easier to read when all cases are, visually, tested.
if logger := h.logger; logger != nil && logger.Level == golog.DebugLevel {
// group routes by method and print them without the [DBUG] and time info,
// the route logs are colorful.
// Note: don't use map, we need to keep registered order, use
// different slices for each method.
collect := func(method string) (methodRoutes []*Route) {
for _, r := range registeredRoutes {
if r.Method == method {
methodRoutes = append(methodRoutes, r)
type MethodRoutes struct {
method string
routes []*Route
allMethods := append(AllMethods, []string{MethodNone, ""}...)
methodRoutes := make([]MethodRoutes, 0, len(allMethods))
for _, method := range allMethods {
routes := collect(method)
if len(routes) > 0 {
methodRoutes = append(methodRoutes, MethodRoutes{method, routes})
if n := len(methodRoutes); n > 0 {
tr := "routes"
if len(registeredRoutes) == 1 {
tr = tr[0 : len(tr)-1]
bckpNewLine := logger.NewLine
logger.NewLine = false
debugLevel := golog.Levels[golog.DebugLevel]
// Replace that in order to not transfer it to the log handler (e.g. json)
// logger.Debugf("API: %d registered %s (", len(registeredRoutes), tr)
// with:
pio.WriteRich(logger.Printer, debugLevel.Title, debugLevel.ColorCode, debugLevel.Style...)
fmt.Fprintf(logger.Printer, " %s API: %d registered %s (", time.Now().Format(logger.TimeFormat), len(registeredRoutes), tr)
logger.NewLine = bckpNewLine
for i, m := range methodRoutes {
// @method: @count
if i > 0 {
if i == n-1 {
fmt.Fprint(logger.Printer, " and ")
} else {
fmt.Fprint(logger.Printer, ", ")
if m.method == "" {
m.method = "ERROR"
fmt.Fprintf(logger.Printer, "%d ", len(m.routes))
pio.WriteRich(logger.Printer, m.method, traceMethodColor(m.method))
fmt.Fprint(logger.Printer, ")\n")
for i, m := range methodRoutes {
for _, r := range m.routes {
if i != len(allMethods)-1 {
return errgroup.Check(rp)
func bindMultiParamTypesHandler(r *Route) {
// println("here for top: " + top.Name + " and current route: " + r.Name)
h := r.Handlers[1:] // remove the macro evaluator handler as we manually check below.
f := macroHandler.MakeFilter(r.tmpl)
if f == nil {
return // should never happen, previous checks made to set the top link.
currentStatusCode := r.StatusCode
if currentStatusCode == 0 {
currentStatusCode = http.StatusOK
decisionHandler := func(ctx *context.Context) {
// println("core/router/handler.go: decision handler; " + ctx.Path() + " route.Name: " + r.Name + " vs context's " + ctx.GetCurrentRoute().Name())
currentRoute := ctx.GetCurrentRoute()
// Different path parameters types in the same path, fallback should registered first e.g. {path} {string},
// because the handler on this case is executing from last to top.
if f(ctx) {
// println("core/router/handler.go: filter for : " + r.Name + " passed")
// Note: error handlers will be the same, routes came from the same party,
// no need to update them.
r.topLink.beginHandlers = append(context.Handlers{decisionHandler}, r.topLink.beginHandlers...)
func (h *routerHandler) canHandleSubdomain(ctx *context.Context, subdomain string) bool {
if subdomain == "" {
return true
requestHost := ctx.Host()
if netutil.IsLoopbackSubdomain(requestHost) {
// this fixes a bug when listening on
// for example
// and have a wildcard subdomain and a route registered to root domain.
return false // it's not a subdomain, it's something like probably
// it's a dynamic wildcard subdomain, we have just to check if ctx.subdomain is not empty
if subdomain == SubdomainWildcardIndicator {
// mydomain.com -> invalid
// localhost -> invalid
// sub.mydomain.com -> valid
// sub.localhost -> valid
serverHost := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetVHost()
if serverHost == requestHost {
return false // it's not a subdomain, it's a full domain (with .com...)
dotIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestHost, '.')
slashIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestHost, '/')
if dotIdx > 0 && (slashIdx == -1 || slashIdx > dotIdx) {
// if "." was found anywhere but not at the first path segment (host).
} else {
return false
// continue to that, any subdomain is valid.
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(requestHost, subdomain) { // subdomain contains the dot.
return false
return true
func (h *routerHandler) HandleRequest(ctx *context.Context) {
method := ctx.Method()
path := ctx.Path()
config := h.config // ctx.Application().GetConfigurationReadOnly()
if !config.GetDisablePathCorrection() {
if len(path) > 1 && strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
// Remove trailing slash and client-permanent rule for redirection,
// if confgiuration allows that and path has an extra slash.
// update the new path and redirect.
u := ctx.Request().URL
// use Trim to ensure there is no open redirect due to two leading slashes
path = "/" + strings.Trim(path, "/")
u.Path = path
if !config.GetDisablePathCorrectionRedirection() {
// do redirect, else continue with the modified path without the last "/".
url := u.String()
// Fixes https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues/921
// This is caused for security reasons, imagine a payment shop,
// you can't just permantly redirect a POST request, so just 307 (RFC 7231, 6.4.7).
if method == http.MethodPost || method == http.MethodPut {
ctx.Redirect(url, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
ctx.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently)
for i := range h.trees {
t := h.trees[i]
if method != t.method {
if h.hosts && !h.canHandleSubdomain(ctx, t.subdomain) {
n := t.search(path, ctx.Params())
if n != nil {
// found
// not found or method not allowed.
if config.GetFireMethodNotAllowed() {
for i := range h.trees {
t := h.trees[i]
// if `Configuration#FireMethodNotAllowed` is kept as defaulted(false) then this function will not
// run, therefore performance kept as before.
if h.subdomainAndPathAndMethodExists(ctx, t, "", path) {
// RCF rfc2616 https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
// The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource.
ctx.Header("Allow", t.method)
if config.GetEnablePathIntelligence() && method == http.MethodGet {
closestPaths := ctx.FindClosest(1)
if len(closestPaths) > 0 {
u := ctx.Request().URL
u.Path = closestPaths[0]
ctx.Redirect(u.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently)
func statusCodeSuccessful(statusCode int) bool {
return !context.StatusCodeNotSuccessful(statusCode)
// FireErrorCode handles the response's error response.
// If `Configuration.ResetOnFireErrorCode()` is true
// and the response writer was a recorder one
// then it will try to reset the headers and the body before calling the
// registered (or default) error handler for that error code set by
// `ctx.StatusCode` method.
func (h *routerHandler) FireErrorCode(ctx *context.Context) {
// On common response writer, always check
// if we can't reset the body and the body has been filled
// which means that the status code already sent,
// then do not fire this custom error code,
// rel: context/context.go#EndRequest.
// Note that, this is set to 0 on recorder because it holds the response before sent,
// so we check their len(Body()) instead, look below.
if ctx.ResponseWriter().Written() > 0 {
statusCode := ctx.GetStatusCode() // the response's cached one.
if ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetResetOnFireErrorCode() /* could be an argument too but we must not break the method */ {
// if we can reset the body, probably manual call of `Application.FireErrorCode`.
if w, ok := ctx.IsRecording(); ok {
if statusCodeSuccessful(w.StatusCode()) { // if not an error status code
w.WriteHeader(statusCode) // then set it manually here, otherwise it should be set via ctx.StatusCode(...)
// reset if previous content and it's recorder, keep the status code.
} else if w, ok := ctx.ResponseWriter().(*context.CompressResponseWriter); ok {
// reset and disable the gzip in order to be an expected form of http error result
w.Disabled = true
} else {
// check if a body already set (the error response is handled by the handler itself,
// see `Context.EndRequest`)
if w, ok := ctx.IsRecording(); ok {
if len(w.Body()) > 0 {
for i := range h.errorTrees {
t := h.errorTrees[i]
if statusCode != t.statusCode {
if h.errorHosts && !h.canHandleSubdomain(ctx, t.subdomain) {
n := t.search(ctx.Path(), ctx.Params())
if n == nil {
// try to take the root's one.
n = t.root.getChild(pathSep)
if n != nil {
// Note: handlers can contain macro filters here,
// they are registered as error handlers, see macro/handler.go#42.
// fmt.Println("Error Handlers")
// for _, h := range n.Handlers {
// f, l := context.HandlerFileLine(h)
// fmt.Printf("%s: %s:%d\n", ctx.Path(), f, l)
// }
// fire this http status code's error handlers chain.
// ctx.StopExecution() // not uncomment this, is here to remember why to.
// note for me: I don't stopping the execution of the other handlers
// because may the user want to add a fallback error code
// i.e
// users := app.Party("/users")
// users.Done(func(ctx *context.Context){ if ctx.StatusCode() == 400 { /* custom error code for /users */ }})
// use .HandlerIndex
// that sets the current handler index to zero
// in order to:
// ignore previous runs that may changed the handler index,
// via ctx.Next or ctx.StopExecution, if any.
// use .Do
// that overrides the existing handlers and sets and runs these error handlers.
// in order to:
// ignore the route's after-handlers, if any.
// Should work with:
// Manual call of ctx.Application().FireErrorCode(ctx) (handlers length > 0)
// And on `ctx.SetStatusCode`: Context -> EndRequest -> FireErrorCode (handlers length > 0)
// And on router: HandleRequest -> SetStatusCode -> Context ->
// EndRequest -> FireErrorCode (handlers' length is always 0)
// not error handler found,
// see if failed with a stored error, and if so
// then render it, otherwise write a default message.
if err := ctx.GetErr(); err != nil {
} else {
func (h *routerHandler) subdomainAndPathAndMethodExists(ctx *context.Context, t *trie, method, path string) bool {
if method != "" && method != t.method {
return false
if h.hosts && t.subdomain != "" {
requestHost := ctx.Host()
if netutil.IsLoopbackSubdomain(requestHost) {
// this fixes a bug when listening on
// for example
// and have a wildcard subdomain and a route registered to root domain.
return false // it's not a subdomain, it's something like probably
// it's a dynamic wildcard subdomain, we have just to check if ctx.subdomain is not empty
if t.subdomain == SubdomainWildcardIndicator {
// mydomain.com -> invalid
// localhost -> invalid
// sub.mydomain.com -> valid
// sub.localhost -> valid
serverHost := ctx.Application().ConfigurationReadOnly().GetVHost()
if serverHost == requestHost {
return false // it's not a subdomain, it's a full domain (with .com...)
dotIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestHost, '.')
slashIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestHost, '/')
if dotIdx > 0 && (slashIdx == -1 || slashIdx > dotIdx) {
// if "." was found anywhere but not at the first path segment (host).
} else {
return false
// continue to that, any subdomain is valid.
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(requestHost, t.subdomain) { // t.subdomain contains the dot.
return false
n := t.search(path, ctx.Params())
return n != nil
// RouteExists reports whether a particular route exists
// It will search from the current subdomain of context's host, if not inside the root domain.
func (h *routerHandler) RouteExists(ctx *context.Context, method, path string) bool {
for i := range h.trees {
t := h.trees[i]
if h.subdomainAndPathAndMethodExists(ctx, t, method, path) {
return true
return false