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package errors
import (
// LogErrorFunc is an alias of a function type which accepts the Iris request context and an error
// and it's fired whenever an error should be logged.
// See "OnErrorLog" variable to change the way an error is logged,
// by default the error is logged using the Application's Logger's Error method.
type LogErrorFunc = func(ctx *context.Context, err error)
// LogError can be modified to customize the way an error is logged to the server (most common: internal server errors, database errors et.c.).
// Can be used to customize the error logging, e.g. using Sentry (cloud-based error console).
var LogError LogErrorFunc = func(ctx *context.Context, err error) {
// SkipCanceled is a package-level setting which by default
// skips the logging of a canceled response or operation.
// See the "Context.IsCanceled()" method and "iris.IsCanceled()" function
// that decide if the error is caused by a canceled operation.
// Change of this setting MUST be done on initialization of the program.
var SkipCanceled = true
type (
// ErrorCodeName is a custom string type represents canonical error names.
// It contains functionality for safe and easy error populating.
// See its "Message", "Details", "Data" and "Log" methods.
ErrorCodeName string
// ErrorCode represents the JSON form ErrorCode of the Error.
ErrorCode struct {
CanonicalName ErrorCodeName `json:"canonical_name" yaml:"CanonicalName"`
Status int `json:"status" yaml:"Status"`
// A read-only map of valid http error codes.
var errorCodeMap = make(map[ErrorCodeName]ErrorCode)
// Deprecated: Use Register instead.
var E = Register
// Register registers a custom HTTP Error and returns its canonical name for future use.
// The method "New" is reserved and was kept as it is for compatibility
// with the standard errors package, therefore the "Register" name was chosen instead.
// The key stroke "e" is near and accessible while typing the "errors" word
// so developers may find it easy to use.
// See "RegisterErrorCode" and "RegisterErrorCodeMap" for alternatives.
// Example:
// var (
// NotFound = errors.Register("NOT_FOUND", http.StatusNotFound)
// )
// ...
// NotFound.Details(ctx, "resource not found", "user with id: %q was not found", userID)
// This method MUST be called on initialization, before HTTP server starts as
// the internal map is not protected by mutex.
func Register(httpErrorCanonicalName string, httpStatusCode int) ErrorCodeName {
canonicalName := ErrorCodeName(httpErrorCanonicalName)
RegisterErrorCode(canonicalName, httpStatusCode)
return canonicalName
// RegisterErrorCode registers a custom HTTP Error.
// This method MUST be called on initialization, before HTTP server starts as
// the internal map is not protected by mutex.
func RegisterErrorCode(canonicalName ErrorCodeName, httpStatusCode int) {
errorCodeMap[canonicalName] = ErrorCode{
CanonicalName: canonicalName,
Status: httpStatusCode,
// RegisterErrorCodeMap registers one or more custom HTTP Errors.
// This method MUST be called on initialization, before HTTP server starts as
// the internal map is not protected by mutex.
func RegisterErrorCodeMap(errorMap map[ErrorCodeName]int) {
if len(errorMap) == 0 {
for canonicalName, httpStatusCode := range errorMap {
RegisterErrorCode(canonicalName, httpStatusCode)
// List of default error codes a server should follow and send back to the client.
var (
Cancelled ErrorCodeName = Register("CANCELLED", context.StatusTokenRequired)
Unknown ErrorCodeName = Register("UNKNOWN", http.StatusInternalServerError)
InvalidArgument ErrorCodeName = Register("INVALID_ARGUMENT", http.StatusBadRequest)
DeadlineExceeded ErrorCodeName = Register("DEADLINE_EXCEEDED", http.StatusGatewayTimeout)
NotFound ErrorCodeName = Register("NOT_FOUND", http.StatusNotFound)
AlreadyExists ErrorCodeName = Register("ALREADY_EXISTS", http.StatusConflict)
PermissionDenied ErrorCodeName = Register("PERMISSION_DENIED", http.StatusForbidden)
Unauthenticated ErrorCodeName = Register("UNAUTHENTICATED", http.StatusUnauthorized)
ResourceExhausted ErrorCodeName = Register("RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED", http.StatusTooManyRequests)
FailedPrecondition ErrorCodeName = Register("FAILED_PRECONDITION", http.StatusBadRequest)
Aborted ErrorCodeName = Register("ABORTED", http.StatusConflict)
OutOfRange ErrorCodeName = Register("OUT_OF_RANGE", http.StatusBadRequest)
Unimplemented ErrorCodeName = Register("UNIMPLEMENTED", http.StatusNotImplemented)
Internal ErrorCodeName = Register("INTERNAL", http.StatusInternalServerError)
Unavailable ErrorCodeName = Register("UNAVAILABLE", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
DataLoss ErrorCodeName = Register("DATA_LOSS", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// errorFuncCodeMap is a read-only map of error code names and their error functions.
// See HandleError package-level function.
var errorFuncCodeMap = make(map[ErrorCodeName][]func(error) error)
// HandleError handles an error by sending it to the client
// based on the registered error code names and their error functions.
// Returns true if the error was handled, otherwise false.
// If the given "err" is nil then it returns false.
// If the given "err" is a type of validation error then it sends it to the client
// using the "Validation" method.
// If the given "err" is a type of client.APIError then it sends it to the client
// using the "HandleAPIError" function.
// See ErrorCodeName.MapErrorFunc and MapErrors methods too.
func HandleError(ctx *context.Context, err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
if ctx.IsStopped() {
return false
for errorCodeName, errorFuncs := range errorFuncCodeMap {
for _, errorFunc := range errorFuncs {
if errToSend := errorFunc(err); errToSend != nil {
errorCodeName.Err(ctx, errToSend)
return true
// Unwrap and collect the errors slice so the error result doesn't contain the ErrorCodeName type
// and fire the error status code and title based on this error code name itself.
var asErrCode ErrorCodeName
if As(err, &asErrCode) {
if unwrapJoined, ok := err.(joinedErrors); ok {
errs := unwrapJoined.Unwrap()
errsToKeep := make([]error, 0, len(errs)-1)
for _, src := range errs {
if _, isErrorCodeName := src.(ErrorCodeName); !isErrorCodeName {
errsToKeep = append(errsToKeep, src)
if len(errsToKeep) > 0 {
err = errors.Join(errsToKeep...)
asErrCode.Err(ctx, err)
return true
if handleJSONError(ctx, err) {
return true
if vErr, ok := err.(ValidationError); ok {
if vErr == nil {
return false // consider as not error for any case, this should never happen.
InvalidArgument.Validation(ctx, vErr)
return true
if vErrs, ok := err.(ValidationErrors); ok {
if len(vErrs) == 0 {
return false // consider as not error for any case, this should never happen.
InvalidArgument.Validation(ctx, vErrs...)
return true
if apiErr, ok := client.GetError(err); ok {
handleAPIError(ctx, apiErr)
return true
Internal.LogErr(ctx, err)
return true
// Error returns an empty string, it is only declared as a method of ErrorCodeName type in order
// to be a compatible error to be joined within other errors:
// err = fmt.Errorf("%w%w", errors.InvalidArgument, err) OR
// err = errors.InvalidArgument.Wrap(err)
func (e ErrorCodeName) Error() string {
return ""
type joinedErrors interface{ Unwrap() []error }
// Wrap wraps the given error with this ErrorCodeName.
// It calls the standard errors.Join package-level function.
// See HandleError function for more.
func (e ErrorCodeName) Wrap(err error) error {
return errors.Join(e, err)
// MapErrorFunc registers a function which will validate the incoming error and
// return the same error or overriden in order to be sent to the client, wrapped by this ErrorCodeName "e".
// This method MUST be called on initialization, before HTTP server starts as
// the internal map is not protected by mutex.
// Example Code:
// errors.InvalidArgument.MapErrorFunc(func(err error) error {
// stripeErr, ok := err.(*stripe.Error)
// if !ok {
// return nil
// }
// return &errors.Error{
// Message: stripeErr.Msg,
// Details: stripeErr.DocURL,
// }
// })
func (e ErrorCodeName) MapErrorFunc(fn func(error) error) {
errorFuncCodeMap[e] = append(errorFuncCodeMap[e], fn)
// MapError registers one or more errors which will be sent to the client wrapped by this "e" ErrorCodeName
// when the incoming error matches to at least one of the given "targets" one.
// This method MUST be called on initialization, before HTTP server starts as
// the internal map is not protected by mutex.
func (e ErrorCodeName) MapErrors(targets ...error) {
e.MapErrorFunc(func(err error) error {
for _, target := range targets {
if Is(err, target) {
return err
return nil
// Message sends an error with a simple message to the client.
func (e ErrorCodeName) Message(ctx *context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
fail(ctx, e, sprintf(format, args...), "", nil, nil)
// Details sends an error with a message and details to the client.
func (e ErrorCodeName) Details(ctx *context.Context, msg, details string, detailsArgs ...interface{}) {
fail(ctx, e, msg, sprintf(details, detailsArgs...), nil, nil)
// Data sends an error with a message and json data to the client.
func (e ErrorCodeName) Data(ctx *context.Context, msg string, data interface{}) {
fail(ctx, e, msg, "", nil, data)
// DataWithDetails sends an error with a message, details and json data to the client.
func (e ErrorCodeName) DataWithDetails(ctx *context.Context, msg, details string, data interface{}) {
fail(ctx, e, msg, details, nil, data)
// Validation sends an error which renders the invalid fields to the client.
func (e ErrorCodeName) Validation(ctx *context.Context, validationErrors ...ValidationError) {
e.validation(ctx, validationErrors)
func (e ErrorCodeName) validation(ctx *context.Context, validationErrors interface{}) {
fail(ctx, e, "validation failure", "fields were invalid", validationErrors, nil)
// Err sends the error's text as a message to the client.
// In exception, if the given "err" is a type of validation error
// then the Validation method is called instead.
func (e ErrorCodeName) Err(ctx *context.Context, err error) {
if err == nil {
if vErr, ok := err.(ValidationError); ok {
if vErr == nil {
return // consider as not error for any case, this should never happen.
e.Validation(ctx, vErr)
if vErrs, ok := err.(ValidationErrors); ok {
if len(vErrs) == 0 {
return // consider as not error for any case, this should never happen.
e.Validation(ctx, vErrs...)
// If it's already an Error type then send it directly.
if httpErr, ok := err.(*Error); ok {
if errorCode, ok := errorCodeMap[e]; ok {
httpErr.ErrorCode = errorCode
ctx.StopWithJSON(errorCode.Status, httpErr) // here we override the fail function and send the error as it is.
e.Message(ctx, err.Error())
// Log sends an error of "format" and optional "args" to the client and prints that
// error using the "LogError" package-level function, which can be customized.
// See "LogErr" too.
func (e ErrorCodeName) Log(ctx *context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if SkipCanceled {
if ctx.IsCanceled() {
for _, arg := range args {
if err, ok := arg.(error); ok {
if context.IsErrCanceled(err) {
err := fmt.Errorf(format, args...)
e.LogErr(ctx, err)
// LogErr sends the given "err" as message to the client and prints that
// error to using the "LogError" package-level function, which can be customized.
func (e ErrorCodeName) LogErr(ctx *context.Context, err error) {
if SkipCanceled && (ctx.IsCanceled() || context.IsErrCanceled(err)) {
LogError(ctx, err)
e.Message(ctx, "server error")
// HandleAPIError handles remote server errors.
// Optionally, use it when you write your server's HTTP clients using the the /x/client package.
// When the HTTP Client sends data to a remote server but that remote server
// failed to accept the request as expected, then the error will be proxied
// to this server's end-client.
// When the given "err" is not a type of client.APIError then
// the error will be sent using the "Internal.LogErr" method which sends
// HTTP internal server error to the end-client and
// prints the "err" using the "LogError" package-level function.
func HandleAPIError(ctx *context.Context, err error) {
// Error expected and came from the external server,
// save its body so we can forward it to the end-client.
if apiErr, ok := client.GetError(err); ok {
handleAPIError(ctx, apiErr)
Internal.LogErr(ctx, err)
func handleAPIError(ctx *context.Context, apiErr client.APIError) {
// Error expected and came from the external server,
// save its body so we can forward it to the end-client.
statusCode := apiErr.Response.StatusCode
if statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 500 {
InvalidArgument.DataWithDetails(ctx, "remote server error", "invalid client request", apiErr.Body)
} else {
Internal.Data(ctx, "remote server error", apiErr.Body)
// Unavailable.DataWithDetails(ctx, "remote server error", "unavailable", apiErr.Body)
func handleJSONError(ctx *context.Context, err error) bool {
var syntaxErr *json.SyntaxError
if errors.As(err, &syntaxErr) {
InvalidArgument.Details(ctx, "unable to parse body", "syntax error at byte offset %d", syntaxErr.Offset)
return true
var unmarshalErr *json.UnmarshalTypeError
if errors.As(err, &unmarshalErr) {
InvalidArgument.Details(ctx, "unable to parse body", "unmarshal error for field %q", unmarshalErr.Field)
return true
return false
// else {
// InvalidArgument.Details(ctx, "unable to parse body", err.Error())
// }
var (
// ErrUnexpected is the HTTP error which sent to the client
// when server fails to send an error, it's a fallback error.
// The server fails to send an error on two cases:
// 1. when the provided error code name is not registered (the error value is the ErrUnexpectedErrorCode)
// 2. when the error contains data but cannot be encoded to json (the value of the error is the result error of json.Marshal).
ErrUnexpected = Register("UNEXPECTED_ERROR", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// ErrUnexpectedErrorCode is the error which logged
// when the given error code name is not registered.
ErrUnexpectedErrorCode = New("unexpected error code name")
// Error represents the JSON form of "http wire errors".
// Examples can be found at:
// https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/main/_examples/routing/http-wire-errors.
type Error struct {
ErrorCode ErrorCode `json:"http_error_code" yaml:"HTTPErrorCode"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty" yaml:"Message"`
Details string `json:"details,omitempty" yaml:"Details"`
Validation interface{} `json:"validation,omitempty" yaml:"Validation,omitempty"`
Data json.RawMessage `json:"data,omitempty" yaml:"Data,omitempty"` // any other custom json data.
// Error method completes the error interface. It just returns the canonical name, status code, message and details.
func (err *Error) Error() string {
if err.Message == "" {
err.Message = "<empty>"
if err.Details == "" {
err.Details = "<empty>"
if err.ErrorCode.CanonicalName == "" {
err.ErrorCode.CanonicalName = ErrUnexpected
if err.ErrorCode.Status <= 0 {
err.ErrorCode.Status = http.StatusInternalServerError
return sprintf("iris http wire error: canonical name: %s, http status code: %d, message: %s, details: %s", err.ErrorCode.CanonicalName, err.ErrorCode.Status, err.Message, err.Details)
func fail(ctx *context.Context, codeName ErrorCodeName, msg, details string, validationErrors interface{}, dataValue interface{}) {
errorCode, ok := errorCodeMap[codeName]
if !ok {
// This SHOULD NEVER happen, all ErrorCodeNames MUST be registered.
LogError(ctx, ErrUnexpectedErrorCode)
fail(ctx, ErrUnexpected, msg, details, validationErrors, dataValue)
var data json.RawMessage
if dataValue != nil {
switch v := dataValue.(type) {
case json.RawMessage:
data = v
case []byte:
data = v
case error:
if msg == "" {
msg = v.Error()
} else if details == "" {
details = v.Error()
} else {
data = json.RawMessage(v.Error())
b, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
LogError(ctx, err)
fail(ctx, ErrUnexpected, err.Error(), "", nil, nil)
data = b
err := Error{
ErrorCode: errorCode,
Message: msg,
Details: details,
Data: data,
Validation: validationErrors,
// ctx.SetErr(&err)
ctx.StopWithJSON(errorCode.Status, err)