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Iris has **first-class support for the MVC pattern**, you'll not find
these stuff anywhere else in the Go world.
Iris supports Request data, Models, Persistence Data and Binding
with the fastest possible execution.
## Characteristics
All HTTP Methods are supported, for example if want to serve `GET`
then the controller should have a function named `Get()`,
you can define more than one method function to serve in the same Controller struct.
Persistence data inside your Controller struct (share data between requests)
via `iris:"persistence"` tag right to the field or Bind using `app.Controller("/" , new(myController), theBindValue)`.
Models inside your Controller struct (set-ed at the Method function and rendered by the View)
via `iris:"model"` tag right to the field, i.e ```User UserModel `iris:"model" name:"user"` ``` view will recognise it as `{{.user}}`.
If `name` tag is missing then it takes the field's name, in this case the `"User"`.
Access to the request path and its parameters via the `Path and Params` fields.
Access to the template file that should be rendered via the `Tmpl` field.
Access to the template data that should be rendered inside
the template file via `Data` field.
Access to the template layout via the `Layout` field.
Access to the low-level `iris.Context` via the `Ctx` field.
Get the relative request path by using the controller's name via `RelPath()`.
Get the relative template path directory by using the controller's name via `RelTmpl()`.
Flow as you used to, `Controllers` can be registered to any `Party`,
including Subdomains, the Party's begin and done handlers work as expected.
Optional `BeginRequest(ctx)` function to perform any initialization before the method execution,
useful to call middlewares or when many methods use the same collection of data.
Optional `EndRequest(ctx)` function to perform any finalization after any method executed.
Inheritance, recursively, see for example our `mvc.SessionController`, it has the `iris.Controller` as an embedded field
and it adds its logic to its `BeginRequest`, [here](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/mvc/session_controller.go).
Read access to the current route via the `Route` field.
Register one or more relative paths and able to get path parameters, i.e
If `app.Controller("/user", new(user.Controller))`
- `func(*Controller) Get()` - `GET:/user` , as usual.
- `func(*Controller) Post()` - `POST:/user`, as usual.
- `func(*Controller) GetLogin()` - `GET:/user/login`
- `func(*Controller) PostLogin()` - `POST:/user/login`
- `func(*Controller) GetProfileFollowers()` - `GET:/user/profile/followers`
- `func(*Controller) PostProfileFollowers()` - `POST:/user/profile/followers`
- `func(*Controller) GetBy(id int64)` - `GET:/user/{param:long}`
- `func(*Controller) PostBy(id int64)` - `POST:/user/{param:long}`
If `app.Controller("/profile", new(profile.Controller))`
- `func(*Controller) GetBy(username string)` - `GET:/profile/{param:string}`
If `app.Controller("/assets", new(file.Controller))`
- `func(*Controller) GetByWildard(path string)` - `GET:/assets/{param:path}`
Supported types for method functions receivers: int, int64, bool and string.
Response via output arguments, optionally, i.e
func(c *ExampleController) Get() string |
(string, string) |
(string, int) |
int |
(int, string) |
(string, error) |
error |
(int, error) |
(any, bool) |
(customStruct, error) |
customStruct |
(customStruct, int) |
(customStruct, string) |
mvc.Result or (mvc.Result, error)
where [mvc.Result](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/mvc/method_result.go) is an interface which contains only that function: `Dispatch(ctx iris.Context)`.
## Using Iris MVC for code reuse
By creating components that are independent of one another, developers are able to reuse components quickly and easily in other applications. The same (or similar) view for one application can be refactored for another application with different data because the view is simply handling how the data is being displayed to the user.
If you're new to back-end web development read about the MVC architectural pattern first, a good start is that [wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller).
## Quick MVC Tutorial Part 1 (without output result)
package main
import (
func main() {
app := iris.New()
app.Controller("/helloworld", new(HelloWorldController))
type HelloWorldController struct {
// [ Your fields here ]
// Request lifecycle data
// Models
// Database
// Global properties
// GET: /helloworld
func (c *HelloWorldController) Get() string {
return "This is my default action..."
// GET: /helloworld/{name:string}
func (c *HelloWorldController) GetBy(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name
// GET: /helloworld/welcome
func (c *HelloWorldController) GetWelcome() (string, int) {
return "This is the GetWelcome action func...", iris.StatusOK
// GET: /helloworld/welcome/{name:string}/{numTimes:int}
func (c *HelloWorldController) GetWelcomeBy(name string, numTimes int) {
// Access to the low-level Context,
// output arguments are optional of course so we don't have to use them here.
c.Ctx.Writef("Hello %s, NumTimes is: %d", name, numTimes)
func (c *HelloWorldController) Post() {} handles HTTP POST method requests
func (c *HelloWorldController) Put() {} handles HTTP PUT method requests
func (c *HelloWorldController) Delete() {} handles HTTP DELETE method requests
func (c *HelloWorldController) Connect() {} handles HTTP CONNECT method requests
func (c *HelloWorldController) Head() {} handles HTTP HEAD method requests
func (c *HelloWorldController) Patch() {} handles HTTP PATCH method requests
func (c *HelloWorldController) Options() {} handles HTTP OPTIONS method requests
func (c *HelloWorldController) Trace() {} handles HTTP TRACE method requests
func (c *HelloWorldController) All() {} handles All method requests
// OR
func (c *HelloWorldController) Any() {} handles All method requests
> The [_examples/mvc](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/mvc) and [mvc/controller_test.go](https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/mvc/controller_test.go) files explain each feature with simple paradigms, they show how you can take advandage of the Iris MVC Binder, Iris MVC Models and many more...
Every `exported` func prefixed with an HTTP Method(`Get`, `Post`, `Put`, `Delete`...) in a controller is callable as an HTTP endpoint. In the sample above, all funcs writes a string to the response. Note the comments preceding each method.
An HTTP endpoint is a targetable URL in the web application, such as `http://localhost:8080/helloworld`, and combines the protocol used: HTTP, the network location of the web server (including the TCP port): `localhost:8080` and the target URI `/helloworld`.
The first comment states this is an [HTTP GET](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp) method that is invoked by appending "/helloworld" to the base URL. The third comment specifies an [HTTP GET](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp) method that is invoked by appending "/helloworld/welcome" to the URL.
Controller knows how to handle the "name" on `GetBy` or the "name" and "numTimes" at `GetWelcomeBy`, because of the `By` keyword, and builds the dynamic route without boilerplate; the third comment specifies an [HTTP GET](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp) dynamic method that is invoked by any URL that starts with "/helloworld/welcome" and followed by two more path parts, the first one can accept any value and the second can accept only numbers, i,e: "http://localhost:8080/helloworld/welcome/golang/32719", otherwise a [404 Not Found HTTP Error](https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.5) will be sent to the client instead.
### Quick MVC Tutorial #2
Iris has a very powerful and **blazing [fast](_benchmarks)** MVC support, you can return any value of any type from a method function
and it will be sent to the client as expected.
* if `string` then it's the body.
* if `string` is the second output argument then it's the content type.
* if `int` then it's the status code.
* if `error` and not nil then (any type) response will be omitted and error's text with a 400 bad request will be rendered instead.
* if `(int, error)` and error is not nil then the response result will be the error's text with the status code as `int`.
* if `bool` is false then it throws 404 not found http error by skipping everything else.
* if `custom struct` or `interface{}` or `slice` or `map` then it will be rendered as json, unless a `string` content type is following.
* if `mvc.Result` then it executes its `Dispatch` function, so good design patters can be used to split the model's logic where needed.
The example below is not intended to be used in production but it's a good showcase of some of the return types we saw before;
package main
import (
// Movie is our sample data structure.
type Movie struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Year int `json:"year"`
Genre string `json:"genre"`
Poster string `json:"poster"`
// movies contains our imaginary data source.
var movies = []Movie{
Name: "Casablanca",
Year: 1942,
Genre: "Romance",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/1.jpg",
Name: "Gone with the Wind",
Year: 1939,
Genre: "Romance",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/2.jpg",
Name: "Citizen Kane",
Year: 1941,
Genre: "Mystery",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/3.jpg",
Name: "The Wizard of Oz",
Year: 1939,
Genre: "Fantasy",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/4.jpg",
var basicAuth = basicauth.New(basicauth.Config{
Users: map[string]string{
"admin": "password",
func main() {
app := iris.New()
app.Controller("/movies", new(MoviesController))
// MoviesController is our /movies controller.
type MoviesController struct {
// Get returns list of the movies
// Demo:
// curl -i http://localhost:8080/movies
func (c *MoviesController) Get() []Movie {
return movies
// GetBy returns a movie
// Demo:
// curl -i http://localhost:8080/movies/1
func (c *MoviesController) GetBy(id int) Movie {
return movies[id]
// PutBy updates a movie
// Demo:
// curl -i -X PUT -F "genre=Thriller" -F "poster=@/Users/kataras/Downloads/out.gif" http://localhost:8080/movies/1
func (c *MoviesController) PutBy(id int) Movie {
// get the movie
m := movies[id]
// get the request data for poster and genre
file, info, err := c.Ctx.FormFile("poster")
if err != nil {
return Movie{}
file.Close() // we don't need the file
poster := info.Filename // imagine that as the url of the uploaded file...
genre := c.Ctx.FormValue("genre")
// update the poster
m.Poster = poster
m.Genre = genre
movies[id] = m
return m
// DeleteBy deletes a movie
// Demo:
// curl -i -X DELETE -u admin:password http://localhost:8080/movies/1
func (c *MoviesController) DeleteBy(id int) iris.Map {
// delete the entry from the movies slice
deleted := movies[id].Name
movies = append(movies[:id], movies[id+1:]...)
// and return the deleted movie's name
return iris.Map{"deleted": deleted}
### Quick MVC Tutorial #3
Nothing stops you from using your favorite **folder structure**. Iris is a low level web framework, it has got MVC first-class support but it doesn't limit your folder structure, this is your choice.
Structuring depends on your own needs. We can't tell you how to design your own application for sure but you're free to take a closer look to one typical example below;
Shhh, let's spread the code itself.
#### Data Model Layer
// file: datamodels/movie.go
package datamodels
// Movie is our sample data structure.
// Keep note that the tags for public-use (for our web app)
// should be kept in other file like "web/viewmodels/movie.go"
// which could wrap by embedding the datamodels.Movie or
// declare new fields instead butwe will use this datamodel
// as the only one Movie model in our application,
// for the shake of simplicty.
type Movie struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Year int `json:"year"`
Genre string `json:"genre"`
Poster string `json:"poster"`
#### Data Source / Data Store Layer
// file: datasource/movies.go
package datasource
import "github.com/kataras/iris/_examples/mvc/overview/datamodels"
// Movies is our imaginary data source.
var Movies = map[int64]datamodels.Movie{
1: {
ID: 1,
Name: "Casablanca",
Year: 1942,
Genre: "Romance",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/1.jpg",
2: {
ID: 2,
Name: "Gone with the Wind",
Year: 1939,
Genre: "Romance",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/2.jpg",
3: {
ID: 3,
Name: "Citizen Kane",
Year: 1941,
Genre: "Mystery",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/3.jpg",
4: {
ID: 4,
Name: "The Wizard of Oz",
Year: 1939,
Genre: "Fantasy",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/4.jpg",
5: {
ID: 5,
Name: "North by Northwest",
Year: 1959,
Genre: "Thriller",
Poster: "https://iris-go.com/images/examples/mvc-movies/5.jpg",
#### Repositories
The layer which has direct access to the "datasource" and can manipulate data directly.
// file: repositories/movie_repository.go
package repositories
import (
// Query represents the visitor and action queries.
type Query func(datamodels.Movie) bool
// MovieRepository handles the basic operations of a movie entity/model.
// It's an interface in order to be testable, i.e a memory movie repository or
// a connected to an sql database.
type MovieRepository interface {
Exec(query Query, action Query, limit int, mode int) (ok bool)
Select(query Query) (movie datamodels.Movie, found bool)
SelectMany(query Query, limit int) (results []datamodels.Movie)
InsertOrUpdate(movie datamodels.Movie) (updatedMovie datamodels.Movie, err error)
Delete(query Query, limit int) (deleted bool)
// NewMovieRepository returns a new movie memory-based repository,
// the one and only repository type in our example.
func NewMovieRepository(source map[int64]datamodels.Movie) MovieRepository {
return &movieMemoryRepository{source: source}
// movieMemoryRepository is a "MovieRepository"
// which manages the movies using the memory data source (map).
type movieMemoryRepository struct {
source map[int64]datamodels.Movie
mu sync.RWMutex
const (
// ReadOnlyMode will RLock(read) the data .
ReadOnlyMode = iota
// ReadWriteMode will Lock(read/write) the data.
func (r *movieMemoryRepository) Exec(query Query, action Query, actionLimit int, mode int) (ok bool) {
loops := 0
if mode == ReadOnlyMode {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
} else {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
for _, movie := range r.source {
ok = query(movie)
if ok {
if action(movie) {
if actionLimit >= loops {
break // break
// Select receives a query function
// which is fired for every single movie model inside
// our imaginary data source.
// When that function returns true then it stops the iteration.
// It returns the query's return last known "found" value
// and the last known movie model
// to help callers to reduce the LOC.
// It's actually a simple but very clever prototype function
// I'm using everywhere since I firstly think of it,
// hope you'll find it very useful as well.
func (r *movieMemoryRepository) Select(query Query) (movie datamodels.Movie, found bool) {
found = r.Exec(query, func(m datamodels.Movie) bool {
movie = m
return true
}, 1, ReadOnlyMode)
// set an empty datamodels.Movie if not found at all.
if !found {
movie = datamodels.Movie{}
// SelectMany same as Select but returns one or more datamodels.Movie as a slice.
// If limit <=0 then it returns everything.
func (r *movieMemoryRepository) SelectMany(query Query, limit int) (results []datamodels.Movie) {
r.Exec(query, func(m datamodels.Movie) bool {
results = append(results, m)
return true
}, limit, ReadOnlyMode)
// InsertOrUpdate adds or updates a movie to the (memory) storage.
// Returns the new movie and an error if any.
func (r *movieMemoryRepository) InsertOrUpdate(movie datamodels.Movie) (datamodels.Movie, error) {
id := movie.ID
if id == 0 { // Create new action
var lastID int64
// find the biggest ID in order to not have duplications
// in productions apps you can use a third-party
// library to generate a UUID as string.
for _, item := range r.source {
if item.ID > lastID {
lastID = item.ID
id = lastID + 1
movie.ID = id
// map-specific thing
r.source[id] = movie
return movie, nil
// Update action based on the movie.ID,
// here we will allow updating the poster and genre if not empty.
// Alternatively we could do pure replace instead:
// r.source[id] = movie
// and comment the code below;
current, exists := r.Select(func(m datamodels.Movie) bool {
return m.ID == id
if !exists { // ID is not a real one, return an error.
return datamodels.Movie{}, errors.New("failed to update a nonexistent movie")
// or comment these and r.source[id] = m for pure replace
if movie.Poster != "" {
current.Poster = movie.Poster
if movie.Genre != "" {
current.Genre = movie.Genre
// map-specific thing
r.source[id] = current
return movie, nil
func (r *movieMemoryRepository) Delete(query Query, limit int) bool {
return r.Exec(query, func(m datamodels.Movie) bool {
delete(r.source, m.ID)
return true
}, limit, ReadWriteMode)
#### Services
The layer which has access to call functions from the "repositories" and "models" (or even "datamodels" if simple application). It should contain the most of the domain logic.
// file: services/movie_service.go
package services
import (
// MovieService handles some of the CRUID operations of the movie datamodel.
// It depends on a movie repository for its actions.
// It's here to decouple the data source from the higher level compoments.
// As a result a different repository type can be used with the same logic without any aditional changes.
// It's an interface and it's used as interface everywhere
// because we may need to change or try an experimental different domain logic at the future.
type MovieService interface {
GetAll() []datamodels.Movie
GetByID(id int64) (datamodels.Movie, bool)
DeleteByID(id int64) bool
UpdatePosterAndGenreByID(id int64, poster string, genre string) (datamodels.Movie, error)
// NewMovieService returns the default movie service.
func NewMovieService(repo repositories.MovieRepository) MovieService {
return &movieService{
repo: repo,
type movieService struct {
repo repositories.MovieRepository
// GetAll returns all movies.
func (s *movieService) GetAll() []datamodels.Movie {
return s.repo.SelectMany(func(_ datamodels.Movie) bool {
return true
}, -1)
// GetByID returns a movie based on its id.
func (s *movieService) GetByID(id int64) (datamodels.Movie, bool) {
return s.repo.Select(func(m datamodels.Movie) bool {
return m.ID == id
// UpdatePosterAndGenreByID updates a movie's poster and genre.
func (s *movieService) UpdatePosterAndGenreByID(id int64, poster string, genre string) (datamodels.Movie, error) {
// update the movie and return it.
return s.repo.InsertOrUpdate(datamodels.Movie{
ID: id,
Poster: poster,
Genre: genre,
// DeleteByID deletes a movie by its id.
// Returns true if deleted otherwise false.
func (s *movieService) DeleteByID(id int64) bool {
return s.repo.Delete(func(m datamodels.Movie) bool {
return m.ID == id
}, 1)
#### View Models
There should be the view models, the structure that the client will be able to see.
import (
type Movie struct {
func (m Movie) IsValid() bool {
/* do some checks and return true if it's valid... */
return m.ID > 0
Iris is able to convert any custom data Structure into an HTTP Response Dispatcher,
so theoretically, something like the following is permitted if it's really necessary;
// Dispatch completes the `kataras/iris/mvc#Result` interface.
// Sends a `Movie` as a controlled http response.
// If its ID is zero or less then it returns a 404 not found error
// else it returns its json representation,
// (just like the controller's functions do for custom types by default).
// Don't overdo it, the application's logic should not be here.
// It's just one more step of validation before the response,
// simple checks can be added here.
// It's just a showcase,
// imagine the potentials this feature gives when designing a bigger application.
// This is called where the return value from a controller's method functions
// is type of `Movie`.
// For example the `controllers/movie_controller.go#GetBy`.
func (m Movie) Dispatch(ctx context.Context) {
if !m.IsValid() {
ctx.JSON(m, context.JSON{Indent: " "})
However, we will use the "datamodels" as the only one models package because
Movie structure doesn't contain any sensitive data, clients are able to see all of its fields
and we don't need any extra functionality or validation inside it.
#### Controllers
Handles web requests, bridge between the services and the client.
// file: web/controllers/movie_controller.go
package controllers
import (
// MovieController is our /movies controller.
type MovieController struct {
// Our MovieService, it's an interface which
// is binded from the main application.
Service services.MovieService
// Get returns list of the movies.
// Demo:
// curl -i http://localhost:8080/movies
// The correct way if you have sensitive data:
// func (c *MovieController) Get() (results []viewmodels.Movie) {
// data := c.Service.GetAll()
// for _, movie := range data {
// results = append(results, viewmodels.Movie{movie})
// }
// return
// }
// otherwise just return the datamodels.
func (c *MovieController) Get() (results []datamodels.Movie) {
return c.Service.GetAll()
// GetBy returns a movie.
// Demo:
// curl -i http://localhost:8080/movies/1
func (c *MovieController) GetBy(id int64) (movie datamodels.Movie, found bool) {
return c.Service.GetByID(id) // it will throw 404 if not found.
// PutBy updates a movie.
// Demo:
// curl -i -X PUT -F "genre=Thriller" -F "poster=@/Users/kataras/Downloads/out.gif" http://localhost:8080/movies/1
func (c *MovieController) PutBy(id int64) (datamodels.Movie, error) {
// get the request data for poster and genre
file, info, err := c.Ctx.FormFile("poster")
if err != nil {
return datamodels.Movie{}, errors.New("failed due form file 'poster' missing")
// we don't need the file so close it now.
// imagine that is the url of the uploaded file...
poster := info.Filename
genre := c.Ctx.FormValue("genre")
return c.Service.UpdatePosterAndGenreByID(id, poster, genre)
// DeleteBy deletes a movie.
// Demo:
// curl -i -X DELETE -u admin:password http://localhost:8080/movies/1
func (c *MovieController) DeleteBy(id int64) interface{} {
wasDel := c.Service.DeleteByID(id)
if wasDel {
// return the deleted movie's ID
return iris.Map{"deleted": id}
// right here we can see that a method function can return any of those two types(map or int),
// we don't have to specify the return type to a specific type.
return iris.StatusBadRequest
// file: web/controllers/hello_controller.go
package controllers
import (
// HelloController is our sample controller
// it handles GET: /hello and GET: /hello/{name}
type HelloController struct {
var helloView = mvc.View{
Name: "hello/index.html",
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"Title": "Hello Page",
"MyMessage": "Welcome to my awesome website",
// Get will return a predefined view with bind data.
// `mvc.Result` is just an interface with a `Dispatch` function.
// `mvc.Response` and `mvc.View` are the built'n result type dispatchers
// you can even create custom response dispatchers by
// implementing the `github.com/kataras/iris/mvc#Result` interface.
func (c *HelloController) Get() mvc.Result {
return helloView
// you can define a standard error in order to be re-usable anywhere in your app.
var errBadName = errors.New("bad name")
// you can just return it as error or even better
// wrap this error with an mvc.Response to make it an mvc.Result compatible type.
var badName = mvc.Response{Err: errBadName, Code: 400}
// GetBy returns a "Hello {name}" response.
// Demos:
// curl -i http://localhost:8080/hello/iris
// curl -i http://localhost:8080/hello/anything
func (c *HelloController) GetBy(name string) mvc.Result {
if name != "iris" {
return badName
// or
// GetBy(name string) (mvc.Result, error) {
// return nil, errBadName
// }
// return mvc.Response{Text: "Hello " + name} OR:
return mvc.View{
Name: "hello/name.html",
Data: name,
// file: web/middleware/basicauth.go
package middleware
import "github.com/kataras/iris/middleware/basicauth"
// BasicAuth middleware sample.
var BasicAuth = basicauth.New(basicauth.Config{
Users: map[string]string{
"admin": "password",
<!-- file: web/views/hello/index.html -->
<title>{{.Title}} - My App</title>
<!-- file: web/views/hello/name.html -->
<title>{{.}}' Portfolio - My App</title>
<h1>Hello {{.}}</h1>
> Navigate to the [_examples/view](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/#view) for more examples
like shared layouts, tmpl funcs, reverse routing and more!
#### Main
This file creates any necessary component and links them together.
// file: main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
app := iris.New()
// Load the template files.
app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./web/views", ".html"))
// Register our controllers.
app.Controller("/hello", new(controllers.HelloController))
// Create our movie repository with some (memory) data from the datasource.
repo := repositories.NewMovieRepository(datasource.Movies)
// Create our movie service, we will bind it to the movie controller.
movieService := services.NewMovieService(repo)
app.Controller("/movies", new(controllers.MovieController),
// Bind the "movieService" to the MovieController's Service (interface) field.
// Add the basic authentication(admin:password) middleware
// for the /movies based requests.
// Start the web server at localhost:8080
// http://localhost:8080/hello
// http://localhost:8080/hello/iris
// http://localhost:8080/movies
// http://localhost:8080/movies/1
iris.WithOptimizations, // enables faster json serialization and more
More folder structure guidelines can be found at the [_examples/#structuring](https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples/#structuring) section. |