Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos b60142a2da Add a changelog for the usage of app.Render
Former-commit-id: b7dffb214a6b6d2efa80a3303ad138785f8b0968
2017-03-05 20:07:00 +02:00

46 KiB
Raw Blame History


How to upgrade: Open your command-line and execute this command: go get -u

Looking for further support?

6.1.4 -> 6.2.0 (√Νεxτ)

Last update: 28 Feb 2017

Note: I want you to know that I spent more than 200 hours (16 days of ~10-15 hours per-day, do the math) for this release, two days to write these changes, please read the sections before think that you have an issue and post a new question, thanks!

Users already notified for some breaking-changes, this section will help you to adapt the new changes to your application, it contains an overview of the new features too.

  • Shutdown with app.Shutdown(context.Context) error, no need for any third-parties, with EventPolicy.Interrupted and Go's 1.8 Gracefully Shutdown feature you're ready to go!

  • HTTP/2 Go 1.8 context.Push(target string, opts *http.PushOptions) error is supported, example can be found here

  • Router (two lines to add, new features)

  • Template engines (two lines to add, same features as before, except their easier configuration)

  • Basic middleware, that have been written by me, are transfared to the main repository/middleware with a lot of improvements to the recover middleware (see the next)

  • func(http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) signature is fully compatible using iris.ToHandler helper wrapper func, without any need of custom boilerplate code. So all net/http middleware out there are supported, no need to re-invert the world here, search to the internet and you'll find a suitable to your case.

  • Developers can use a yaml files for the configuration using the iris.YAML function: app := iris.New(iris.YAML("myconfiguration.yaml"))

  • Add .Regex middleware which does path validation using the regexp package, i.e .Regex("param", "[0-9]+$"). Useful for routers that don't support regex route path validation out-of-the-box.

  • Websocket additions: c.Context() *iris.Context, ws.GetConnectionsByRoom("room name") []websocket.Connection, c.OnLeave(func(roomName string){}), c.Values().Set(key,value)/.Get(key).Reset() (where ws:websocket.Server insance, where c:websocket.Connection instance)


  • Websocket improvements and fix errors when using custom golang client
  • Sessions performance improvements
  • Fix cors by using rs/cors and add a new adaptor to be able to wrap the entire router
  • Fix and improve oauth/oauth2 plugin(now adaptor)
  • Improve and fix recover middleware
  • Fix typescript compiler and hot-reloader plugin(now adaptor)
  • Fix and improve the cloud-editor alm/alm-tools plugin(now adaptor)
  • Fix gorillamux serve static files (custom routers are supported with a workaround, not a complete solution as they are now)
  • Fix iris run main.go app reload while user saved the file from gogland
  • Fix StaticEmbedded doesn't works on root "/"


  • context.TemplateString replaced with app.Render(w io.Writer, name string, bind interface{}, options[string]interface{}) error) which gives you more functionality.

import "bytes" // .... app := iris.New() // ....

buff := &bytes.Buffer{} app.Render(buff, "my_template.html", nil) // buff.String() is the template parser's result, use that string to send a rich-text e-mail based on a template.

// you can take the app(*Framework instance) from a *Context too:

app.Get("/send_mail", func(ctx *iris.Context){
	buff := &bytes.Buffer{}
	ctx.Framework().Render()(buff, "my_template.html", nil)
	// ...

  • .Close() error replaced with gracefully .Shutdown(context.Context) error

  • Remove all the package-level functions and variables for a default *iris.Framework, iris.Default

  • Remove .API, use iris.Handle/.HandleFunc/.Get/.Post/.Put/.Delete/.Trace/.Options/.Use/.UseFunc/.UseGlobal/.Party/ instead

  • Remove .Logger, .Config.IsDevelopment, .Config.LoggerOut, .Config.LoggerPrefix you can adapt a logger which will log to each log message mode by app.Adapt(iris.DevLogger()) or adapt a new one, it's just a func(mode iris.LogMode, message string).

  • Remove .Config.DisableTemplateEngines, are disabled by-default, you have to .Adapt a view engine by yourself

  • Remove context.RenderTemplateSource you should make a new template file and use the iris.Render to specify an io.Writer like bytes.Buffer

  • Remove plugins, replaced with more pluggable echosystem that I designed from zero on this release, named Policy Adaptors (all plugins have been converted, fixed and improvement, except the iriscontrol).

  • context.Log(string,...interface{}) -> context.Log(iris.LogMode, string)

  • Remove .Config.DisableBanner, now it's controlled by app.Adapt(iris.LoggerPolicy(func(mode iris.LogMode, msg string)))

  • Remove .Config.Websocket , replaced with the kataras/iris/adaptors/websocket.Config adaptor.

  • ->

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

  • import "" -> import ""

Read more below for the lines you have to change. Package-level removal is critical, you will have build-time errors. Router(less) is MUST, otherwise your app will fatal with a detailed error message.

If I missed something please chat.


Iris server does not contain a default router anymore, yes your eyes are ok.

This decision came up because of your requests of using other routers than the iris' defaulted. At the past I gave you many workarounds, but they are just workarounds, not a complete solution.

Don't worry:

  • you have to add only two lines, one is the import path and another is the .Adapt, after the iris.New(), so it can be tolerated.
  • you are able to use all iris' features as you used before, the API for routing has not been changed.

Two routers available to use, today:

  • httprouter, the old defaulted. A router that can be adapted, it's a custom version of https://github.comjulienschmidt/httprouter which is edited to support iris' subdomains, reverse routing, custom http errors and a lot features, it should be a bit faster than the original too because of iris' Context. It uses /mypath/:firstParameter/path/:secondParameter and /mypath/*wildcardParamName .


package main

import (
  "" // <---- NEW

func main() {
  app := iris.New()
  app.Adapt(httprouter.New()) // <---- NEW

  app.OnError(iris.StatusNotFound, func(ctx *iris.Context){
    ctx.HTML(iris.StatusNotFound, "<h1> custom http error page </h1>")

  app.Get("/healthcheck", h)

  gamesMiddleware := func(ctx *iris.Context) {
    println(ctx.Method() + ": " + ctx.Path())

  games:= app.Party("/games", gamesMiddleware)
  { // braces are optional of course, it's just a style of code
	 games.Get("/:gameID/clans", h)
	 games.Get("/:gameID/clans/clan/:publicID", h)
	 games.Get("/:gameID/clans/search", h)

	 games.Put("/:gameID/players/:publicID", h)
	 games.Put("/:gameID/clans/clan/:publicID", h)

	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/players", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans/:publicID/leave", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans/:clanPublicID/memberships/application", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans/:clanPublicID/memberships/application/:action", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans/:clanPublicID/memberships/invitation", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans/:clanPublicID/memberships/invitation/:action", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans/:clanPublicID/memberships/delete", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans/:clanPublicID/memberships/promote", h)
	 games.Post("/:gameID/clans/:clanPublicID/memberships/demote", h)

  app.Get("/anything/*anythingparameter", func(ctx *iris.Context){
    s := ctx.Param("anythingparameter")
    ctx.Writef("The path after /anything is: %s",s)


		gameID  = 1
		publicID = 2
		clanPublicID = 22
		action = 3



		http://localhost/games/1/clans/22/memberships/application -> 494
		http://localhost/games/1/clans/22/memberships/application/3- > 404


func h(ctx *iris.Context) {
	ctx.HTML(iris.StatusOK, "<h1>Path<h1/>"+ctx.Path())

  • gorillamux, a router that can be adapted, it's the which supports subdomains, custom http errors, reverse routing, pattern matching via regex and the rest of the iris' features.


package main

import (
  "" // <---- NEW

func main() {
  app := iris.New()
  app.Adapt(gorillamux.New()) // <---- NEW

  app.OnError(iris.StatusNotFound, func(ctx *iris.Context){
    ctx.HTML(iris.StatusNotFound, "<h1> custom http error page </h1>")

  app.Get("/healthcheck", h)

  gamesMiddleware := func(ctx *iris.Context) {
    println(ctx.Method() + ": " + ctx.Path())

  games:= app.Party("/games", gamesMiddleware)
  { // braces are optional of course, it's just a style of code
	 games.Get("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans", h)
	 games.Get("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/clan/{publicID:[0-9]+}", h)
	 games.Get("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/search", h)

	 games.Put("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/players/{publicID:[0-9]+}", h)
	 games.Put("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/clan/{publicID:[0-9]+}", h)

	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/players", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/{publicID:[0-9]+}/leave", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/{clanPublicID:[0-9]+}/memberships/application", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/{clanPublicID:[0-9]+}/memberships/application/:action", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/{clanPublicID:[0-9]+}/memberships/invitation", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/{clanPublicID:[0-9]+}/memberships/invitation/:action", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/{clanPublicID:[0-9]+}/memberships/delete", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/{clanPublicID:[0-9]+}/memberships/promote", h)
	 games.Post("/{gameID:[0-9]+}/clans/{clanPublicID:[0-9]+}/memberships/demote", h)

  app.Get("/anything/{anythingparameter:.*}", func(ctx *iris.Context){
    s := ctx.Param("anythingparameter")
    ctx.Writef("The path after /anything is: %s",s)


		gameID  = 1
		publicID = 2
		clanPublicID = 22
		action = 3



		http://localhost/games/1/clans/22/memberships/application -> 494
		http://localhost/games/1/clans/22/memberships/application/3- > 404


func h(ctx *iris.Context) {
	ctx.HTML(iris.StatusOK, "<h1>Path<h1/>"+ctx.Path())

No changes whatever router you use, only the path is changed(otherwise it doesn't make sense to support more than one router). At the gorillamux's path example we get pattern matching using regexp, at the other hand httprouter doesn't provides path validations but it provides parameter and wildcard parameters too, it's also a lot faster than gorillamux.

Original Gorilla Mux made my life easier when I had to adapt the reverse routing and subdomains features, it has got these features by its own too, so it was easy.

Original Httprouter doesn't supports subdomains, multiple paths on different methods, reverse routing, custom http errors, I had to implement all of them by myself and after adapt them using the policies, it was a bit painful but this is my job. Result: It runs blazy-fast!

As we said, all iris' features works as before even if you are able to adapt any custom router. Template funcs that were relative-closed to reverse router, like {{ url }} and {{ urlpath }}, works as before too, no change for your app's side need.

I would love to see more routers (as more as they can provide different path declaration features) from the community, create an adaptor for an iris' router and I will share your repository to the rest of the users!

Adaptors are located there.

View engine (5 template engine adaptors)

At the past, If no template engine was used then iris selected the html standard.

Now, iris doesn't defaults any template engine (also the .Config.DisableTemplateEngines has been removed, it has no use anymore).

So, again you have to do two changes, the import path and the .Adapt.

Template files are no need to change, the template engines does the same exactly things as before

All of these five template engines have common features with common API, like Layout, Template Funcs, Party-specific layout, partial rendering and more.

Each of the template engines has different options, view adaptors are located here.


package main

import (
	"" // <--- NEW (previous section)
	"" // <--- NEW it contains all the template engines

func main() {
	app := iris.New()
	app.Adapt(gorillamux.New()) // <--- NEW (previous section)

  // - standard html  | view.HTML(...)
  // - django         | view.Django(...)
  // - pug(jade)      | view.Pug(...)
  // - handlebars     | view.Handlebars(...)
  // - amber          | view.Amber(...)
	app.Adapt(view.HTML("./templates", ".html").Reload(true)) // <---- NEW (set .Reload to true when you're in dev mode.)

  // default template funcs:
  // - {{ url "mynamedroute" "pathParameter_ifneeded"} }
  // - {{ urlpath "mynamedroute" "pathParameter_ifneeded" }}
  // - {{ render "header.html" }}
  // - {{ render_r "header.html" }} // partial relative path to current page
  // - {{ yield }}
  // - {{ current }}
  // to adapt custom funcs, use:
  app.Adapt(iris.TemplateFuncsPolicy{"myfunc": func(s string) string {
        return "hi "+s
  }}) // usage inside template: {{ hi "kataras"}}

	app.Get("/hi", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
			"hi.html",                // the file name of the template relative to the './templates'
			iris.Map{"Name": "Iris"}, // the .Name inside the ./templates/hi.html
			iris.Map{"gzip": false},  // enable gzip for big files



.UseTemplate have been removed and replaced with the .Adapt which is using iris.RenderPolicy and iris.TemplateFuncsPolicy to adapt the behavior of the custom template engines.


import ""
// ...
app := iris.New()
app.UseTemplate(django.New()).Directory("./templates", ".html")/*.Binary(...)*/)


import """
// ...
app := iris.New()

The rest remains the same. Don't forget the real changes were only import path and .Adapt(imported), at general when you see an 'adaptor' these two declarations should happen to your code.

Package-level functions and variables for iris.Default have been removed.

The form of variable use for an Iris *Framework remains as it was:

app := iris.New()

When I refer to iris.$FUNCTION/$VARIABLE it means iris.Handle/.HandleFunc/.Get/.Post/.Put/.Delete/.Trace/.Options/.Use/.UseFunc/.UseGlobal/.Party/.Set/.Config and the rest of the package-level functions referred to the iris.Default variable.


iris.Config.FireMethodNotAllowed = true
iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context){




app := iris.New()
app.Config.FireMethodNotAllowed = true
// or iris.Default.Config.FireMethodNotAllowed = true and so on
// same as
// app := iris.New(iris.Configuration{FireMethodNotAllowed:true, DisableBodyConsumptionOnUnmarshal:true})
app := iris.New()
app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context){



For those who had splitted the application in different packages they could do just that iris.$FUNCTION/$VARIABLE without the need of import a singleton package which would initialize a new App := iris.New().

Iris.Default remains, so you can refer to that if you don't want to initialize a new App := iris.New() by your own.


package controllers
import ""
func init(){
   iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context){

package main

import (
   _ ""

func main(){


package controllers

import (

func init(){
   iris.Default.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context){

package main

import (
   _ ""

func main(){

You got the point, let's continue to the next conversion.

Remove the slow .API | iris.API(...) / app := iris.New(); app.API(...)

The deprecated .API has been removed entirely, it should be removed after v5(look on the v5 history tag).

At first I created that func in order to give newcovers a chance to be able to quick start a new controller-like with one function, but that function was using generics at runtime and it was very slow compared to the iris.Handle/.HandleFunc/.Get/.Post/.Put/.Delete/.Trace/.Options/.Use/.UseFunc/.UseGlobal/.Party.

Also some users they used only .API, they didn't bother to 'learn' about the standard rest api functions and their power(including per-route middleware, cors, recover and so on). So we had many unrelational questions about the .API func.


package main

import (

type UserAPI struct {

// GET /users
func (u UserAPI) Get() {
	u.Writef("Get from /users")
	// u.JSON(iris.StatusOK,myDb.AllUsers())

// GET /users/:param1 which its value passed to the id argument
func (u UserAPI) GetBy(id string) { // id equals to u.Param("param1")
	u.Writef("Get from /users/%s", id)
	// u.JSON(iris.StatusOK, myDb.GetUserById(id))


// POST /users
func (u UserAPI) Post() {
	name := u.FormValue("name")
	// myDb.InsertUser(...)
	println("Post from /users")

// PUT /users/:param1
func (u UserAPI) PutBy(id string) {
	name := u.FormValue("name") // you can still use the whole Context's features!
	// myDb.UpdateUser(...)
	println("Put from /users/" + id)

// DELETE /users/:param1
func (u UserAPI) DeleteBy(id string) {
	// myDb.DeleteUser(id)
	println("Delete from /" + id)

func main() {

	iris.API("/users", UserAPI{})


package main

import (

func  GetAllUsersHandler(ctx *iris.Context) {
	ctx.Writef("Get from /users")
	// ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK,myDb.AllUsers())

func GetUserByIdHandler(ctx *iris.Context) {
	ctx.Writef("Get from /users/%s",
	  ctx.Param("id")) 	// or id, err := ctx.ParamInt("id")
	// ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, myDb.GetUserById(id))

func InsertUserHandler(ctx *iris.Context){
	name := ctx.FormValue("name")
	// myDb.InsertUser(...)
	println("Post from /users")

func UpdateUserHandler(ctx *iris.Context) {
	name := ctx.FormValue("name")
	// myDb.UpdateUser(...)
	println("Put from /users/" + ctx.Param("id"))

func  DeleteUserById(id string) {
	// myDb.DeleteUser(id)
	println("Delete from /" + ctx.param("id"))

func main() {
	app := iris.New()

	// create a new router targeted for "/users" path prefix
	// you can learn more about Parties on the examples and book too
	// they can share middleware, template layout and more.
	userRoutes := app.Party("users")

	// GET  http://localhost:8080/users/ and /users
	userRoutes.Get("/", GetAllUsersHandler)

	// GET  http://localhost:8080/users/:id
	userRoutes.Get("/:id", GetUserByIdHandler)
	// POST  http://localhost:8080/users
	userRoutes.Post("/", InsertUserHandler)

	// PUT  http://localhost:8080/users/:id
	userRoutes.Put("/:id", UpdateUserHandler)

	// DELETE http://localhost:8080/users/:id
	userRoutes.Delete("/:id", DeleteUserById)


Old Plugins and the new .Adapt Policies

A lot of changes to old -so-called Plugins and many features have been adopted to this new ecosystem.

First of all plugins renamed to policies with adaptors which, adaptors, adapts the policies to the framework (it is not just a simple rename of the word, it's a new concept).

Policies are declared inside Framework, they are implemented outside of the Framework and they are adapted to Framework by a user call.

Policy adaptors are just like a plugins but they have to implement a specific action/behavior to a specific policy type(or more than one at the time).

The old plugins are fired 'when something happens do that' (ex: PreBuild,PostBuild,PreListen and so on) this behavior is the new EventPolicy which has 4 main flow events with their callbacks been wrapped, so you can use more than EventPolicy (most of the policies works this way).

type (
	// EventListener is the signature for type of func(*Framework),
	// which is used to register events inside an EventPolicy.
	// Keep note that, inside the policy this is a wrapper
	// in order to register more than one listener without the need of slice.
	EventListener func(*Framework)

	// EventPolicy contains the available Framework's flow event callbacks.
	// Available events:
	// - Boot
	// - Build
	// - Interrupted
	// - Recovery
	EventPolicy struct {
		// Boot with a listener type of EventListener.
		//   Fires when '.Boot' is called (by .Serve functions or manually),
		//   before the Build of the components and the Listen,
		//   after VHost and VSCheme configuration has been setted.
		Boot EventListener
		// Before Listen, after Boot
		Build EventListener
		// Interrupted with a listener type of EventListener.
		//   Fires after the terminal is interrupted manually by Ctrl/Cmd + C
		//   which should be used to release external resources.
		// Iris will close and os.Exit at the end of custom interrupted events.
		// If you want to prevent the default behavior just block on the custom Interrupted event.
		Interrupted EventListener
		// Recovery with a listener type of func(*Framework,error).
		//   Fires when an unexpected error(panic) is happening at runtime,
		//   while the server's net.Listener accepting requests
		//   or when a '.Must' call contains a filled error.
		//   Used to release external resources and '.Close' the server.
		//   Only one type of this callback is allowed.
		//   If not empty then the Framework will skip its internal
		//   server's '.Close' and panic to its '.Logger' and execute that callback instaed.
		//   Differences from Interrupted:
		//    1. Fires on unexpected errors
		//    2. Only one listener is allowed.
		Recovery func(*Framework, error)

A quick overview on how they can be adapted to an iris *Framework (iris.New()'s result). Let's adapt EventPolicy:

app := iris.New()

evts := iris.EventPolicy{
  // we ommit the *Framework's variable name because we have already the 'app'
  // if we were on different file with no access to the 'app' then the varialbe name will be useful.
  Boot: func(*Framework){
      app.Log("Here you can change any field and configuration for iris before being used
        also you can adapt more policies that should be used to the next step which is the Build and Listen,
        only the app.Config.VHost and  app.Config.VScheme have been setted here, but you can change them too\n")
  Build: func(*Framework){
    app.Log("Here all configuration and all app' fields and features  have been builded, here you are ready to call
      anything (you shouldn't change fields and configuration here)\n")
// Adapt the EventPolicy 'evts' to the Framework

// let's register one more
  Boot: func(*Framework){
      app.Log("the second log message from .Boot!\n")

// you can also adapt multiple and different(or same) types of policies in the same call
// using: app.Adapt(iris.EventPolicy{...}, iris.LoggerPolicy(...), iris.RouterWrapperPolicy(...))

// starts the server, executes the Boot -> Build...
app.Adapt(httprouter.New()) // read below for this line

This pattern allows us to be very pluggable and add features that the *Framework itself doesn't knows, it knows only the main policies which implement but their features are our(as users) business.

We have 8 policies, so far, and some of them have 'subpolicies' (the RouterReversionPolicy for example).

  • LoggerPolicy
  • EventPolicy
    • Boot
    • Build
    • Interrupted
    • Recover
  • RouterReversionPolicy
    • StaticPath
    • WildcardPath
    • Param
    • URLPath
  • RouterBuilderPolicy
  • RouterWrapperPolicy
  • RenderPolicy
  • TemplateFuncsPolicy
  • SessionsPolicy

Details of these can be found at policy.go.

The Community's adaptors are here.

Iris' Built'n Adaptors for these policies can be found at /adaptors folder.

The folder contains:

  • cors, a cors (router) wrapper based on rs/cors. It's a RouterWrapperPolicy

  • gorillamux, a router that can be adapted, it's the gorilla/mux which supports subdomains, custom http errors, reverse routing, pattern matching. It's a compination ofEventPolicy, RouterReversionPolicy with StaticPath, WildcardPath, URLPath, RouteContextLinker and the RouterBuilderPolicy.

  • httprouter, a router that can be adapted, it's a custom version of julienschmidt/httprouter which is edited to support iris' subdomains, reverse routing, custom http errors and a lot features, it should be a bit faster than the original too. It's a compination ofEventPolicy, RouterReversionPolicy with StaticPath, WildcardPath, URLPath, RouteContextLinker and the RouterBuilderPolicy.

  • typescript and cloud editor, contains the typescript compiler with hot reload feature and a typescript cloud editor (alm-tools), it's an EventPolicy

  • view, contains 5 template engines based on the kataras/go-template. All of these have common features with common API, like Layout, Template Funcs, Party-specific layout, partial rendering and more. It's a RenderPolicy with a compinaton of EventPolicy and use of TemplateFuncsPolicy.

    • the standard html
    • pug(jade)
    • django(pongo2)
    • handlebars
    • amber.


Go v1.8 introduced a new plugin system with .so files, users should not be confused with old iris' plugins and new adaptors. It is not ready for all operating systems(yet) when it will be ready, Iris will take leverage of this Golang's feature.

http.Handler and third-party middleware

We were compatible before this version but if a third-party middleware had the form of: func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, http.HandlerFunc)you were responsible of make a wrapper which would return an iris.Handler/HandlerFunc.

Now you're able to pass an func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, http.HandlerFunc) third-party net/http middleware(Chain-of-responsibility pattern) using the iris.ToHandler wrapper func without any other custom boilerplate.


package main

import (

// myCors returns a new cors middleware
// with the provided options.
myCors := func(opts cors.Options) iris.HandlerFunc {
  handlerWithNext := cors.New(opts).ServeHTTP
	return iris.ToHandler(handlerWithNext)

func main(){
   app := iris.New()

   app.Post("/user", myCors(cors.Options{}), func(ctx *iris.Context){
     // ....


  • Irrelative info but this is the best place to put it: iris/app.AcquireCtx/.ReleaseCtx replaced to: app.Context.Acquire/.Release/.Run.

iris cmd

  • FIX: iris run main.go not reloading when file changes maden by some of the IDEs, because they do override the operating system's fs signals. The majority of editors worked before but I couldn't let some developers without support.


Sessions manager is also an Adaptor now, iris.SessionsPolicy. So far we used the kataras/go-sessions, you could always use other session manager ofcourse but you would lose the context.Session() and its returning value, the iris.Session now.

SessionsPolicy gives the developers the opportunity to adapt any, compatible with a particular simple interface(Start and Destroy methods), third-party sessions managers.

  • The API for sessions inside context is the same, no matter what session manager you wanna to adapt.

  • The API for sessions inside context didn't changed, it's the same as you knew it.

  • Iris, of course, has built'n SessionsPolicy adaptor(the kataras/go-sessions: edited to remove fasthttp dependencies).

    • Sessions manager works even faster now and a bug fixed for some browsers.
  • Functions like, adding a database or store(i.e: UseDatabase) depends on the session manager of your choice, Iris doesn't requires these things to adapt a package as a session manager. So iris.UseDatabase has been removed and depends on the mySessions.UseDatabase you 'll see below.

  • iris.DestroySessionByID and iris.DestroyAllSessions have been also removed, depends on the session manager of your choice, mySessions.DestroyByID and mySessions.DestroyAll should do the job now.

Don't worry about forgetting to adapt any feature that you use inside Iris, Iris will print you a how-to-fix message at iris.DevMode log level.

Example code:

package main

import (


func main() {
	app := iris.New()
	app.Adapt(iris.DevLogger()) // enable all (error) logs
	app.Adapt(httprouter.New()) // select the httprouter as the servemux

	mySessions := sessions.New(sessions.Config{
		// Cookie string, the session's client cookie name, for example: "mysessionid"
		// Defaults to "irissessionid"
		Cookie: "mysessionid",
		// base64 urlencoding,
		// if you have strange name cookie name enable this
		DecodeCookie: false,
		// it's time.Duration, from the time cookie is created, how long it can be alive?
		// 0 means no expire.
		// -1 means expire when browser closes
		// or set a value, like 2 hours:
		Expires: time.Hour * 2,
		// the length of the sessionid's cookie's value
		CookieLength: 32,
		// if you want to invalid cookies on different subdomains
		// of the same host, then enable it
		DisableSubdomainPersistence: false,

	// import ""
	// or import "$any_available_community_database"
	// mySessions.UseDatabase(redis.New(...))

	app.Adapt(mySessions) // Adapt the session manager we just created.

	app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
		ctx.Writef("You should navigate to the /set, /get, /delete, /clear,/destroy instead")
	app.Get("/set", func(ctx *iris.Context) {

		//set session values
		ctx.Session().Set("name", "iris")

		//test if setted here
		ctx.Writef("All ok session setted to: %s", ctx.Session().GetString("name"))

	app.Get("/get", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
		// get a specific key, as string, if no found returns just an empty string
		name := ctx.Session().GetString("name")

		ctx.Writef("The name on the /set was: %s", name)

	app.Get("/delete", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
		// delete a specific key

	app.Get("/clear", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
		// removes all entries

	app.Get("/destroy", func(ctx *iris.Context) {

		//destroy, removes the entire session and cookie
		msg := "You have to refresh the page to completely remove the session (browsers works this way, it's not iris-specific.)"

		ctx.Log(iris.DevMode, msg)
	}) // Note about destroy:
	// You can destroy a session outside of a handler too, using the:
	// mySessions.DestroyByID
	// mySessions.DestroyAll



There are many internal improvements to the websocket server, it operates slighty faster to.

Websocket is an Adaptor too and you can edit more configuration fields than before. No Write and Read timeout by default, you have to set the fields if you want to enable timeout.

Below you'll see the before and the after, keep note that the static and templates didn't changed, so I am not putting the whole html and javascript sources here, you can run the full examples from here.


package main

import (
	"fmt" // optional


type clientPage struct {
	Title string
	Host  string

func main() {
	iris.StaticWeb("/js", "./static/js")

	iris.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
		ctx.Render("client.html", clientPage{"Client Page", ctx.Host()})

	// the path which the websocket client should listen/registered to ->
	iris.Config.Websocket.Endpoint = "/my_endpoint"
	// by-default all origins are accepted, you can change this behavior by setting:
	// iris.Config.Websocket.CheckOrigin

	var myChatRoom = "room1"
	iris.Websocket.OnConnection(func(c iris.WebsocketConnection) {
		// Request returns the (upgraded) *http.Request of this connection
		// avoid using it, you normally don't need it,
		// websocket has everything you need to authenticate the user BUT if it's necessary
		// then  you use it to receive user information, for example: from headers.

		// httpRequest := c.Request()
		// fmt.Printf("Headers for the connection with ID: %s\n\n", c.ID())
		// for k, v := range httpRequest.Header {
		// fmt.Printf("%s = '%s'\n", k, strings.Join(v, ", "))
		// }

		// join to a room (optional)

		c.On("chat", func(message string) {
			if message == "leave" {
				c.To(myChatRoom).Emit("chat", "Client with ID: "+c.ID()+" left from the room and cannot send or receive message to/from this room.")
				c.Emit("chat", "You have left from the room: "+myChatRoom+" you cannot send or receive any messages from others inside that room.")
			// to all except this connection ->
			// c.To(iris.Broadcast).Emit("chat", "Message from: "+c.ID()+"-> "+message)
			// to all connected clients: c.To(iris.All)

			// to the client itself ->
			//c.Emit("chat", "Message from myself: "+message)

			//send the message to the whole room,
			//all connections are inside this room will receive this message
			c.To(myChatRoom).Emit("chat", "From: "+c.ID()+": "+message)

		// or create a new leave event
		// c.On("leave", func() {
		// 	c.Leave(myChatRoom)
		// })

		c.OnDisconnect(func() {
			fmt.Printf("Connection with ID: %s has been disconnected!\n", c.ID())




package main

import (
	"fmt" // optional


type clientPage struct {
	Title string
	Host  string

func main() {
	app := iris.New()
	app.Adapt(iris.DevLogger())                  // enable all (error) logs
	app.Adapt(httprouter.New())                  // select the httprouter as the servemux
	app.Adapt(view.HTML("./templates", ".html")) // select the html engine to serve templates

	ws := websocket.New(websocket.Config{
		// the path which the websocket client should listen/registered to,
		Endpoint: "/my_endpoint",
		// the client-side javascript static file path
		// which will be served by Iris.
		// default is /iris-ws.js
		// if you change that you have to change the bottom of templates/client.html
		// script tag:
		ClientSourcePath: "/iris-ws.js",
		// Set the timeouts, 0 means no timeout
		// websocket has more configuration, go to ../../config.go for more:
		// WriteTimeout: 0,
		// ReadTimeout:  0,
		// by-default all origins are accepted, you can change this behavior by setting:
		// CheckOrigin: (r *http.Request ) bool {},
		// IDGenerator used to create (and later on, set)
		// an ID for each incoming websocket connections (clients).
		// The request is an argument which you can use to generate the ID (from headers for example).
		// If empty then the ID is generated by DefaultIDGenerator: randomString(64):
		// IDGenerator func(ctx *iris.Context) string {},

	app.Adapt(ws) // adapt the websocket server, you can adapt more than one with different Endpoint

	app.StaticWeb("/js", "./static/js") // serve our custom javascript code

	app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
		ctx.Render("client.html", clientPage{"Client Page", ctx.Host()})

	var myChatRoom = "room1"

	ws.OnConnection(func(c websocket.Connection) {
		// Context returns the (upgraded) *iris.Context of this connection
		// avoid using it, you normally don't need it,
		// websocket has everything you need to authenticate the user BUT if it's necessary
		// then  you use it to receive user information, for example: from headers.

		// ctx := c.Context()

		// join to a room (optional)

		c.On("chat", func(message string) {
			if message == "leave" {
				c.To(myChatRoom).Emit("chat", "Client with ID: "+c.ID()+" left from the room and cannot send or receive message to/from this room.")
				c.Emit("chat", "You have left from the room: "+myChatRoom+" you cannot send or receive any messages from others inside that room.")
			// to all except this connection ->
			// c.To(websocket.Broadcast).Emit("chat", "Message from: "+c.ID()+"-> "+message)
			// to all connected clients: c.To(websocket.All)

			// to the client itself ->
			//c.Emit("chat", "Message from myself: "+message)

			//send the message to the whole room,
			//all connections are inside this room will receive this message
			c.To(myChatRoom).Emit("chat", "From: "+c.ID()+": "+message)

		// or create a new leave event
		// c.On("leave", func() {
		// 	c.Leave(myChatRoom)
		// })

		c.OnDisconnect(func() {
			fmt.Printf("Connection with ID: %s has been disconnected!\n", c.ID())


If the iris' websocket feature does not cover your app's needs, you can simply use any other library for websockets that you used to use, like the Golang's compatible to, simple example:

package main

import (


func main() {
    app := iris.New()
    server, err := socketio.NewServer(nil)
    if err != nil {
    server.On("connection", func(so socketio.Socket) {
        log.Println("on connection")
        so.On("chat message", func(msg string) {
            log.Println("emit:", so.Emit("chat message", msg))
            so.BroadcastTo("chat", "chat message", msg)
        so.On("disconnection", func() {
            log.Println("on disconnect")
    server.On("error", func(so socketio.Socket, err error) {
        log.Println("error:", err)

    app.Any("/", iris.ToHandler(server))


Typescript compiler and cloud-based editor

The Typescript compiler adaptor(old 'plugin') has been fixed (it had an issue on new typescript versions). Example can be bound here.

The Cloud-based editor adaptor(old 'plugin') also fixed and improved to show debug messages to your iris' LoggerPolicy. Example can be bound here.

Their import paths also changed as the rest of the old plugins from: to and I had them on iris-contrib because I thought that community would help but it didn't, no problem, they are at the same codebase now which making things easier to debug for me.


Fix the oauth/oauth2 adaptor (old 'plugin') . Example can be found here.

CORS Middleware and the new Wrapper

Lets speak about history of cors middleware, almost all the issues users reported to the iris-contrib/middleware repository were relative to the CORS middleware, some users done it work some others don't... it was strange. Keep note that this was one of the two middleware that I didn't wrote by myself, it was a PR by a member who wrote that middleware and after didn't answer on users' issues.

Forget about it I removed it entirely and replaced with the rs/cors: we now use the in two forms:

First, you can use the original middlare that you can install by go get -u (You had already see its example on the net/http handlers and iris.ToHandler section)

Can be registered globally or per-route but the MethodsAllowed option doesn't works.


package main

import (

func main(){
   app := iris.New()
   app.Adapt(httprouter.New()) // see below for that
   corsMiddleware := iris.ToHandler(cors.Default().ServeHTTP)
   app.Post("/user", corsMiddleware, func(ctx *iris.Context){
     // ....


Secondly, probably the one which you will choose to use, is the cors Router Wrapper Adaptor. It's already installed when you install iris because it's located at kataras/iris/adaptors/cors.

This will wrap the entirely router so the whole of your app will be passing by the rules you setted up on its cors.Options.

Again, it's functionality comes from the well-tested rs/cors, all known Options are working as expected.


package main

import (

func main(){
   app := iris.New()
   app.Adapt(httprouter.New()) // see below for that
   app.Adapt(cors.New(cors.Options{})) // or cors.Default()

   app.Post("/user", func(ctx *iris.Context){
     // ....



You know that you can always share your opinion and ask anything iris-relative with the rest of us, here.