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# Iris Web Framework <a href="README_ZH.md"> <img width="20px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/flag-china.svg?v=10" /></a> <a href="README_RU.md"><img width="20px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/flag-russia.svg?v=10" /></a> <a href="README_ID.md"> <img width="20px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/flag-indonesia.svg?v=10" /></a> <a href="README_GR.md"><img width="20px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/flag-greece.svg?v=10" /></a> <a href="README_PT_BR.md"><img width="20px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/flag-pt-br.svg?v=10" /></a> <a href="README_JPN.md"><img width="20px" src="https://iris-go.com/images/flag-japan.svg?v=10" /></a>
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Iris is a fast, simple yet fully featured and very efficient web framework for Go.
Iris provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website or API.
Finally, a real expressjs equivalent for the Go Programming Language.
Learn what [others say about Iris](#support) and [star](https://github.com/kataras/iris/stargazers) this github repository to stay [up to date](https://facebook.com/iris.framework).
## Backers
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer](https://iris-go.com/donate)
<a href="https://iris-go.com/donate" target="_blank"><img src="https://iris-go.com/backers.svg?v=2"/></a>
$ cat example.go
package main
import "github.com/kataras/iris"
func main() {
app := iris.New()
// Load all templates from the "./views" folder
// where extension is ".html" and parse them
// using the standard `html/template` package.
app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./views", ".html"))
// Method: GET
// Resource: http://localhost:8080
app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {
// Bind: {{.message}} with "Hello world!"
ctx.ViewData("message", "Hello world!")
// Render template file: ./views/hello.html
// Method: GET
// Resource: http://localhost:8080/user/42
// Need to use a custom regexp instead?
// Easy,
// just mark the parameter's type to 'string'
// which accepts anything and make use of
// its `regexp` macro function, i.e:
// app.Get("/user/{id:string regexp(^[0-9]+$)}")
app.Get("/user/{id:long}", func(ctx iris.Context) {
userID, _ := ctx.Params().GetInt64("id")
ctx.Writef("User ID: %d", userID)
// Start the server using a network address.
> Learn more about path parameter's types by clicking [here](_examples/routing/dynamic-path/main.go#L31)
<!-- file: ./views/hello.html -->
<title>Hello Page</title>
$ go run example.go
Now listening on: http://localhost:8080
Application Started. Press CTRL+C to shut down.
## Installation
The only requirement is the [Go Programming Language](https://golang.org/dl/)
$ go get -u github.com/kataras/iris
Iris takes advantage of the [vendor directory](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo) feature. You get truly reproducible builds, as this method guards against upstream renames and deletes.
_Updated at: [Tuesday, 21 November 2017](_benchmarks/README_UNIX.md)_
<summary>Benchmarks from third-party source over the rest web frameworks</summary>

## Support
- [HISTORY](HISTORY.md#tu-05-june-2018--v1066) file is your best friend, it contains information about the latest features and changes
- Did you happen to find a bug? Post it at [github issues](https://github.com/kataras/iris/issues)
- Do you have any questions or need to speak with someone experienced to solve a problem at real-time? Join us to the [community chat](https://chat.iris-go.com)
- Complete our form-based user experience report by clicking [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCxZXPANg_xHWil4kVAdhmh7EBBHQZ_4_xSZVDL-oCC_z5pA/viewform?usp=sf_link)
- Do you like the framework? Tweet something about it! The People have spoken:
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For more information about contributing to the Iris project please check the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
[List of all Contributors](https://github.com/kataras/iris/graphs/contributors)
## Learn
First of all, the most correct way to begin with a web framework is to learn the basics of the programming language and the standard `http` capabilities, if your web application is a very simple personal project without performance and maintainability requirements you may want to proceed just with the standard packages. After that follow the guidelines:
- Navigate through **100+1** **[examples](_examples)** and some [iris starter kits](#iris-starter-kits) we crafted for you
- Read the [godocs](https://godoc.org/github.com/kataras/iris) for any details
- Prepare a cup of coffee or tea, whatever pleases you the most, and read some [articles](#articles) we found for you
### Iris starter kits
<!-- table form
| Description | Link |
| -----------|-------------|
| Hasura hub starter project with a ready to deploy golang helloworld webapp with IRIS! | https://hasura.io/hub/project/hasura/hello-golang-iris |
| A basic web app built in Iris for Go |https://github.com/gauravtiwari/go_iris_app |
| A mini social-network created with the awesome Iris💖💖 | https://github.com/iris-contrib/Iris-Mini-Social-Network |
| Iris isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules starter kit | https://github.com/iris-contrib/iris-starter-kit |
| Demo project with react using typescript and Iris | https://github.com/ionutvilie/react-ts |
| Self-hosted Localization Management Platform built with Iris and Angular | https://github.com/iris-contrib/parrot |
| Iris + Docker and Kubernetes | https://github.com/iris-contrib/cloud-native-go |
| Quickstart for Iris with Nanobox | https://guides.nanobox.io/golang/iris/from-scratch |
1. [A basic web app built in Iris for Go](https://github.com/gauravtiwari/go_iris_app)
2. [A mini social-network created with the awesome Iris💖💖](https://github.com/iris-contrib/Iris-Mini-Social-Network)
3. [Iris isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules starter kit](https://github.com/iris-contrib/iris-starter-kit)
4. [Demo project with react using typescript and Iris](https://github.com/ionutvilie/react-ts)
5. [Self-hosted Localization Management Platform built with Iris and Angular](https://github.com/iris-contrib/parrot)
6. [Iris + Docker and Kubernetes](https://github.com/iris-contrib/cloud-native-go)
7. [Quickstart for Iris with Nanobox](https://guides.nanobox.io/golang/iris/from-scratch)
8. [A Hasura starter project with a ready to deploy Golang hello-world web app with IRIS](https://hasura.io/hub/project/hasura/hello-golang-iris)
> Did you build something similar? Let us [know](https://github.com/kataras/iris/pulls)!
### Middleware
Iris has a great collection of handlers[[1]](middleware/)[[2]](https://github.com/iris-contrib/middleware) that you can use side by side with your web apps. However you are not limited to them - you are free to use any third-party middleware that is compatible with the [net/http](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/) package, [_examples/convert-handlers](_examples/convert-handlers) will show you the way.
Iris, unlike others, is 100% compatible with the standards and that's why the majority of the big companies that adapt Go to their workflow, like a very famous US Television Network, trust Iris; it's up-to-date and it will be always aligned with the std `net/http` package which is modernized by the Go Authors on each new release of the Go Programming Language.
### Articles
* [A Todo MVC Application using Iris and Vue.js](https://hackernoon.com/a-todo-mvc-application-using-iris-and-vue-js-5019ff870064)
* [A Hasura starter project with a ready to deploy Golang hello-world web app with IRIS](https://bit.ly/2lmKaAZ)
* [Top 6 web frameworks for Go as of 2017](https://blog.usejournal.com/top-6-web-frameworks-for-go-as-of-2017-23270e059c4b)
* [Iris Go Framework + MongoDB](https://medium.com/go-language/iris-go-framework-mongodb-552e349eab9c)
* [How to build a file upload form using DropzoneJS and Go](https://hackernoon.com/how-to-build-a-file-upload-form-using-dropzonejs-and-go-8fb9f258a991)
* [How to display existing files on server using DropzoneJS and Go](https://hackernoon.com/how-to-display-existing-files-on-server-using-dropzonejs-and-go-53e24b57ba19)
* [Iris, a modular web framework](https://medium.com/@corebreaker/iris-web-cd684b4685c7)
* [Go vs .NET Core in terms of HTTP performance](https://medium.com/@kataras/go-vs-net-core-in-terms-of-http-performance-7535a61b67b8)
* [Iris Go vs .NET Core Kestrel in terms of HTTP performance](https://hackernoon.com/iris-go-vs-net-core-kestrel-in-terms-of-http-performance-806195dc93d5)
* [How to Turn an Android Device into a Web Server](https://twitter.com/ThePracticalDev/status/892022594031017988)
* [Deploying a Iris Golang app in hasura](https://medium.com/@HasuraHQ/deploy-an-iris-golang-app-with-backend-apis-in-minutes-25a559bf530b)
* [A URL Shortener Service using Go, Iris and Bolt](https://medium.com/@kataras/a-url-shortener-service-using-go-iris-and-bolt-4182f0b00ae7)
### Video Courses
* [Daily Coding - Web Framework Golang: Iris Framework]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmOLFQ29J3s) by WarnabiruTV, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
* [Tutorial Golang MVC dengan Iris Framework & Mongo DB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXiNYhJqh2I&list=PLMrwI6jIZn-1tzskocnh1pptKhVmWdcbS) (19 parts so far) by Musobar Media, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
* [Go/Golang 27 - Iris framework : Routage de base](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQxRoN6ub78) by stephgdesign, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
* [Go/Golang 28 - Iris framework : Templating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOKYV073S2Y) by stephgdesignn, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
* [Go/Golang 29 - Iris framework : Paramètres](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2FsprfXs1E) by stephgdesign, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
* [Go/Golang 30 - Iris framework : Les middelwares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLPy1So6bhE) by stephgdesign, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
* [Go/Golang 31 - Iris framework : Les sessions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnBwUrwgEZ8) by stephgdesign, source: youtube, cost: **FREE**
### Get hired
There are many companies and start-ups looking for Go web developers with Iris experience as requirement, we are searching for you every day and we post those information via our [facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/iris.framework), like the page to get notified, we have already posted some of them.
## License
Iris is licensed under the [3-Clause BSD License](LICENSE). Iris is 100% free and open-source software.
For any questions regarding the license please send [e-mail](mailto:kataras2006@hotmail.com?subject=Iris%20License).