Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos 8ebdce0553 We need your help with translations into your native language.
Former-commit-id: d108623820c420f1ec8bd5bfb378b1320a6ada4c
2017-10-26 03:09:27 +03:00

74 lines
4.4 KiB

# Contributing
First of all read our [Code of Conduct](
## PR
1. Open a new [issue](
* Write version of your local Iris.
* Write version of your local Go programming language.
* Describe your problem, what did you expect to see and what you see instead.
* If it's a feature request, describe your idea as better as you can
* optionally, navigate to the [chat]( to push other members to participate and share their thoughts about your brilliant idea.
2. Fork the [repository](
3. Make your changes.
4. Compare & Push the PR from [here](
## Donate
Help this project to continue deliver awesome and unique features with the higher code quality as possible by donating any amount via [PayPal]( or [BTC](!
| Name | Amount | Membership |
| -----------|--------|--------|
| [Juan Sebastián Suárez Valencia]( | 20 EUR | Bronze |
| [Bob Lee]( | 20 EUR | Bronze |
| [Celso Luiz]( | 50 EUR | **Silver** |
| [Ankur Srivastava]( | 20 EUR | Bronze |
| [Damon Zhao]( | 20 EUR | Bronze |
| [Exponity - Tech Company]( | 30 EUR | Bronze |
| [Thomas Fritz]( | 25 EUR | Bronze |
| [Thanos V.]( | 20 EUR | Bronze |
| [George Opritescu]( | 20 EUR | Bronze |
| [Lex Tang]( | 20 EUR | Bronze |
| [Bill Q.]( | 600 EUR | **Gold** |
| [Conrad Steenberg]( | 25 EUR | Bronze |
## Translate
We need your help with translations into your native language.
Iris needs your help, please think about contributing to the translation of the [README]( and, you will be rewarded.
## Share
### Writing
Write an article about Iris in , or if you're being a hackathon at, some examples:
* [How to build a file upload form using DropzoneJS and Go](
* [How to display existing files on server using DropzoneJS and Go](
* [Iris Go vs .NET Core Kestrel in terms of HTTP performance](
* [Go vs .NET Core in terms of HTTP performance](
* [Iris, a modular web framework](
* [How to Turn an Android Device into a Web Server](
* [A URL Shortener Service using Go, Iris and Bolt](
### Social networks
If you're part of any social network, do a post(or tweet if twitter) about Iris and what you love about it, many examples can be found, the most recent one is [that](
### Work
Convince your colleagues to try the Iris web framework at dev environment and if they choose to proceed on production, contact with [us]( for further instructions, if you need any help.
Many young people are choosing Iris for their postgraduate studies as well.
## Documentation
We're preparing the new version of the [Build A Better Web, Together]( Go book, which is a type of documentation of Iris web framework as well.
If you want to be part of this and you've time for collaboration, please open a new [issue]( and write some words about yourself and your overall experience at tech. At the end of the day you will be granded with `write access` in order to push your sections without our approval at all.
All new contributors of that book will receive prizes!