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Latest Release GoDoc

Go client for PayPal REST API

Paypal REST API Docs

Get started with PayPal REST APIs

Missing endpoints

It is possible that some endpoints are missing in this client, but you can use built-in paypal functions to perform a request: NewClient -> NewRequest -> SendWithAuth


import ""

// Create a client instance
c, err := paypal.NewClient("clientID", "secretID", paypal.APIBaseSandBox)
c.SetLog(os.Stdout) // Set log to terminal stdout

Get authorization by ID

auth, err := c.GetAuthorization("2DC87612EK520411B")

Capture authorization

capture, err := c.CaptureAuthorization(authID, &paypal.Amount{Total: "7.00", Currency: "USD"}, true)

Void authorization

auth, err := c.VoidAuthorization(authID)

Reauthorize authorization

auth, err := c.ReauthorizeAuthorization(authID, &paypal.Amount{Total: "7.00", Currency: "USD"})

Get Refund by ID

refund, err := c.GetRefund("O-4J082351X3132253H")

Get Order by ID

order, err := c.GetOrder("O-4J082351X3132253H")

Create an Order

ctx := context.Background()
units := []paypal.PurchaseUnitRequest{}
source := &paypal.PaymentSource{}
appCtx := &paypal.ApplicationContext{}
order, err := c.CreateOrder(ctx, paypal.OrderIntentCapture, units, ource, appCtx)

Update Order by ID

order, err := c.UpdateOrder("O-4J082351X3132253H", []paypal.PurchaseUnitRequest{})

Authorize Order

auth, err := c.AuthorizeOrder(orderID, paypal.AuthorizeOrderRequest{})

Capture Order

capture, err := c.CaptureOrder(orderID, paypal.CaptureOrderRequest{})


token, err := c.GrantNewAccessTokenFromAuthCode("<Authorization-Code>", "")
// ... or by refresh token
token, err := c.GrantNewAccessTokenFromRefreshToken("<Refresh-Token>")

Retreive user information

userInfo, err := c.GetUserInfo("openid")

Create single payout to email

payout := paypal.Payout{
    SenderBatchHeader: &paypal.SenderBatchHeader{
        EmailSubject: "Subject will be displayed on PayPal",
    Items: []paypal.PayoutItem{
            RecipientType: "EMAIL",
            Receiver:      "",
            Amount: &paypal.AmountPayout{
                Value:    "15.11",
                Currency: "USD",
            Note:         "Optional note",
            SenderItemID: "Optional Item ID",

payoutResp, err := c.CreatePayout(payout)

Get payout by ID

payout, err := c.GetPayout("PayoutBatchID")

Get payout item by ID

payoutItem, err := c.GetPayoutItem("PayoutItemID")

Cancel unclaimed payout item by ID

payoutItem, err := c.CancelPayoutItem("PayoutItemID")

Create web experience profile

webprofile := WebProfile{
    Name: "YeowZa! T-Shirt Shop",
    Presentation: Presentation{
        BrandName:  "YeowZa! Paypal",
        LogoImage:  "",
        LocaleCode: "US",

    InputFields: InputFields{
        AllowNote:       true,
        NoShipping:      NoShippingDisplay,
        AddressOverride: AddrOverrideFromCall,

    FlowConfig: FlowConfig{
        LandingPageType:   LandingPageTypeBilling,
        BankTXNPendingURL: "",

result, err := c.CreateWebProfile(webprofile)

Get web experience profile

webprofile, err := c.GetWebProfile("XP-CP6S-W9DY-96H8-MVN2")

List web experience profile

webprofiles, err := c.GetWebProfiles()

Update web experience profile

webprofile := WebProfile{
    ID: "XP-CP6S-W9DY-96H8-MVN2",
    Name: "Shop YeowZa! YeowZa! ",
err := c.SetWebProfile(webprofile)

Delete web experience profile

err := c.DeleteWebProfile("XP-CP6S-W9DY-96H8-MVN2")


// Store CC
    Number:      "4417119669820331",
    Type:        "visa",
    ExpireMonth: "11",
    ExpireYear:  "2020",
    CVV2:        "874",
    FirstName:   "Foo",
    LastName:    "Bar",

// Delete it

// Edit it
c.PatchCreditCard("CARD-ID-123", []paypal.CreditCardField{
        Operation: "replace",
        Path:      "/billing_address/line1",
        Value:     "New value",

// Get it

// Get all stored credit cards


// Create a webhook
    URL: "webhook URL",
    EventTypes: []paypal.WebhookEventType{

// Update a registered webhook
c.UpdateWebhook("WebhookID", []paypal.WebhookField{
        Operation: "replace",
        Path:      "/event_types",
        Value: []interface{}{
                "name": "PAYMENT.SALE.REFUNDED",

// Get a registered webhook

// Delete a webhook

// List registered webhooks

Generate Next Invoice Number

// GenerateInvoiceNumber: generates the next invoice number that is available to the merchant.
c.GenerateInvoiceNumber(ctx) // might return something like "0001" or "0010".

Get Invoice Details by ID

// the second argument is an ID, it should be valid
invoice, err := c.GetInvoiceDetails(ctx, "INV2-XFXV-YW42-ZANU-4F33")
  • for now, we are yet to implement the ShowAllInvoices endpoint, so use the following cURL request for the same(this gives you the list of invoice-IDs for this customer)

    curl -v -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token>"
  • refer to the beginning of this Usage section for obtaining a Token.

How to Contribute

  • Fork a repository
  • Add/Fix something
  • Check that tests are passing
  • Create PR

Main contributors:


go test -v ./...